blob: b45eda49be94dfd05d1c44fe859d2320725b5526 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub_tests;
import '../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../test_pub.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
void main() {
integration("allows a package dependency cycle that's unrelated to "
"transformers", () {
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["myapp/first", "myapp/second"]
d.dir('lib', [
d.file("first.dart", transformer()),
d.file("second.dart", transformer())
d.dir("foo", [
d.libPubspec("foo", "1.0.0", deps: {"bar": {"path": "../bar"}})
d.dir("bar", [
d.libPubspec("bar", "1.0.0", deps: {"baz": {"path": "../baz"}})
d.dir("baz", [
d.libPubspec("baz", "1.0.0", deps: {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}})
expectDependencies({'myapp/first': [], 'myapp/second': ['myapp/first']});
integration("disallows a package dependency cycle that may be related to "
"transformers", () {
// Two layers of myapp transformers are necessary here because otherwise pub
// will figure out that the transformer doesn't import "foo" and thus
// doesn't transitively import itself. Import loops are tested below.
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["myapp/first", "myapp/second"]
d.dir('lib', [
d.file("first.dart", transformer()),
d.file("second.dart", transformer())
d.dir("foo", [
d.libPubspec("foo", "1.0.0", deps: {"bar": {"path": "../bar"}})
d.dir("bar", [
d.libPubspec("bar", "1.0.0", deps: {"myapp": {"path": "../myapp"}})
"myapp is transformed by myapp/second",
"myapp depends on foo",
"foo depends on bar",
"bar depends on myapp",
"myapp is transformed by myapp/first"
integration("disallows a transformation dependency cycle", () {
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["foo"]
d.dir('lib', [d.file("myapp.dart", transformer())])
d.dir("foo", [
"name": "foo",
"dependencies": {"bar": {"path": "../bar"}},
"transformers": ["bar"]
d.dir('lib', [d.file("foo.dart", transformer())])
d.dir("bar", [
"name": "bar",
"dependencies": {"myapp": {"path": "../myapp"}},
"transformers": ["myapp"]
d.dir('lib', [d.file("bar.dart", transformer())])
"bar is transformed by myapp",
"myapp is transformed by foo",
"foo is transformed by bar"
integration("allows a cross-package import cycle that's unrelated to "
"transformers", () {
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["myapp"]
d.dir('lib', [
d.file("myapp.dart", transformer(['package:foo/foo.dart']))
d.dir("foo", [
d.libPubspec("foo", "1.0.0", deps: {"bar": {"path": "../bar"}}),
d.dir('lib', [d.file("foo.dart", "import 'package:bar/bar.dart';")])
d.dir("bar", [
d.libPubspec("bar", "1.0.0", deps: {"baz": {"path": "../baz"}}),
d.dir('lib', [d.file("bar.dart", "import 'package:baz/baz.dart';")])
d.dir("baz", [
d.libPubspec("baz", "1.0.0", deps: {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}}),
d.dir('lib', [d.file("baz.dart", "import 'package:foo/foo.dart';")])
expectDependencies({'myapp': []});
integration("disallows a cross-package import cycle that's related to "
"transformers", () {
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["myapp"]
d.dir('lib', [
d.file("myapp.dart", transformer(['package:foo/foo.dart']))
d.dir("foo", [
d.libPubspec("foo", "1.0.0", deps: {"bar": {"path": "../bar"}}),
d.dir('lib', [d.file("foo.dart", "import 'package:bar/bar.dart';")])
d.dir("bar", [
d.libPubspec("bar", "1.0.0", deps: {"myapp": {"path": "../myapp"}}),
d.dir('lib', [d.file("bar.dart", "import 'package:myapp/myapp.dart';")])
"myapp is transformed by myapp",
"myapp depends on foo",
"foo depends on bar",
"bar depends on myapp"
integration("allows a single-package import cycle that's unrelated to "
"transformers", () {
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["myapp"]
d.dir('lib', [
d.file("myapp.dart", transformer(['foo.dart'])),
d.file("foo.dart", "import 'bar.dart';"),
d.file("bar.dart", "import 'baz.dart';"),
d.file("baz.dart", "import 'foo.dart';")
expectDependencies({'myapp': []});
integration("allows a single-package import cycle that's related to "
"transformers", () {
d.dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {"foo": {"path": "../foo"}},
"transformers": ["myapp"]
d.dir('lib', [
d.file("myapp.dart", transformer(['foo.dart'])),
d.file("foo.dart", "import 'bar.dart';"),
d.file("bar.dart", "import 'myapp.dart';"),
expectDependencies({'myapp': []});