blob: 1c14a794a5545c93d5b989311a8b4116750570d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library docgen.models.indexable;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as markdown;
import '../exports/mirrors_util.dart' as dart2js_util;
import '../exports/source_mirrors.dart';
import '../library_helpers.dart';
import 'library.dart';
import 'mirror_based.dart';
import 'model_helpers.dart';
/// An item that is categorized in our mirrorToDocgen map, as a distinct,
/// searchable element.
/// These are items that refer to concrete entities (a Class, for example,
/// but not a Type, which is a "pointer" to a class) that we wish to be
/// globally resolvable. This includes things such as class methods and
/// variables, but parameters for methods are not "Indexable" as we do not want
/// the user to be able to search for a method based on its parameter names!
/// The set of indexable items also includes Typedefs, since the user can refer
/// to them as concrete entities in a particular scope.
abstract class Indexable<TMirror extends DeclarationMirror>
extends MirrorBased<TMirror> {
Library get owningLibrary => owner.owningLibrary;
/// The reference to this element based on where it is printed as a
/// documentation file and also the unique URL to refer to this item.
/// The qualified name (for URL purposes) and the file name are the same,
/// of the form packageName/ClassName or packageName/ClassName.methodName.
/// This defines both the URL and the directory structure.
String get qualifiedName => packagePrefix + ownerPrefix + name;
/// The name of the file we write this object's data into. The same as the
/// qualified name but with leading colons (i.e. dart:)
/// replaced by hyphens because of Windows.
String get fileName => qualifiedName.replaceFirst(":", "-");
final TMirror mirror;
final bool isPrivate;
/// The comment text pre-resolution. We keep this around because inherited
/// methods need to resolve links differently from the superclass.
String unresolvedComment = '';
Indexable(TMirror mirror)
: this.mirror = mirror,
this.isPrivate = isHidden(mirror as DeclarationSourceMirror) {
var mirrorQualifiedName = dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(this.mirror);
var map = _mirrorToDocgen.putIfAbsent(mirrorQualifiedName,
() => new HashMap<String, Indexable>());
var added = false;
map.putIfAbsent(owner.docName, () {
added = true;
return this;
if (!added) {
throw new StateError('An indexable has already been stored for '
/// Returns this object's qualified name, but following the conventions
/// we're using in Dartdoc, which is that library names with dots in them
/// have them replaced with hyphens.
String get docName;
/// Converts all [foo] references in comments to <a></a>.
markdown.Node fixReference(String name) {
// Attempt the look up the whole name up in the scope.
String elementName = findElementInScope(name);
if (elementName != null) {
return new markdown.Element.text('a', elementName);
return fixComplexReference(name);
/// Look for the specified name starting with the current member, and
/// progressively working outward to the current library scope.
String findElementInScope(String name) =>
findElementInScopeWithPrefix(name, packagePrefix);
/// The full docName of the owner element, appended with a '.' for this
/// object's name to be appended.
String get ownerPrefix => owner.docName != '' ? owner.docName + '.' : '';
/// The prefix String to refer to the package that this item is in, for URLs
/// and comment resolution.
/// The prefix can be prepended to a qualified name to get a fully unique
/// name among all packages.
String get packagePrefix;
/// Documentation comment with converted markdown and all links resolved.
String commentField;
/// Accessor to documentation comment with markdown converted to html and all
/// links resolved.
String get comment {
if (commentField != null) return commentField;
commentField = commentToHtml();
if (commentField.isEmpty) {
commentField = getMdnComment();
return commentField;
void set comment(x) {
commentField = x;
/// The simple name to refer to this item.
String get name => dart2js_util.nameOf(mirror);
/// Accessor to the parent item that owns this item.
/// "Owning" is defined as the object one scope-level above which this item
/// is defined. Ex: The owner for a top level class, would be its enclosing
/// library. The owner of a local variable in a method would be the enclosing
/// method.
Indexable get owner;
/// Generates MDN comments from database.json.
String getMdnComment();
/// The type of this member to be used in index.txt.
String get typeName;
/// Creates a [Map] with this [Indexable]'s name and a preview comment.
Map get previewMap {
var finalMap = { 'name' : name, 'qualifiedName' : qualifiedName };
var pre = preview;
if (pre != null) finalMap['preview'] = pre;
return finalMap;
String get preview {
if (comment != '') {
var index = comment.indexOf('</p>');
return index > 0 ?
'${comment.substring(0, index)}</p>' :
'<p><i>Comment preview not available</i></p>';
return null;
/// Accessor to obtain the raw comment text for a given item, _without_ any
/// of the links resolved.
String get _commentText {
String commentText;
mirror.metadata.forEach((metadata) {
if (metadata is CommentInstanceMirror) {
CommentInstanceMirror comment = metadata;
if (comment.isDocComment) {
if (commentText == null) {
commentText = comment.trimmedText;
} else {
commentText = '$commentText\n${comment.trimmedText}';
return commentText;
/// Returns any documentation comments associated with a mirror with
/// simple markdown converted to html.
/// By default we resolve any comment references within our own scope.
/// However, if a method is inherited, we want the inherited comments, but
/// links to the subclasses's version of the methods.
String commentToHtml([Indexable resolvingScope]) {
if (resolvingScope == null) resolvingScope = this;
var commentText = _commentText;
unresolvedComment = commentText;
commentText = commentText == null ? '' :
linkResolver: resolvingScope.fixReference,
inlineSyntaxes: MARKDOWN_SYNTAXES);
return commentText;
/// Return a map representation of this type.
Map toMap();
/// Accessor to determine if this item and all of its owners are visible.
bool get isVisible => isFullChainVisible(this);
/// Returns true if [mirror] is the correct type of mirror that this Docgen
/// object wraps. (Workaround for the fact that Types are not first class.)
bool isValidMirror(DeclarationMirror mirror);
/// Index of all the dart2js mirrors examined to corresponding MirrorBased
/// docgen objects.
/// Used for lookup because of the dart2js mirrors exports
/// issue. The second level map is indexed by owner docName for faster lookup.
/// Why two levels of lookup? Speed, man. Speed.
final Map<String, Map<String, Indexable>> _mirrorToDocgen =
new HashMap<String, Map<String, Indexable>>();
Iterable<Indexable> get allIndexables =>
_mirrorToDocgen.values.expand((map) => map.values);
Map<String, Indexable> lookupIndexableMap(DeclarationMirror mirror) {
return _mirrorToDocgen[dart2js_util.qualifiedNameOf(mirror)];