blob: 99f12ab1f335fb88b73b496bac843f1e508cc17b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.source;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'io.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
/// A source from which to install packages.
/// Each source has many packages that it looks up using [PackageId]s. The
/// source is responsible for installing these packages to the package cache.
abstract class Source {
/// The name of the source. Should be lower-case, suitable for use in a
/// filename, and unique accross all sources.
String get name;
/// Whether or not this source is the default source.
bool get isDefault => systemCache.sources.defaultSource == this;
/// Whether this source's packages should be cached in Pub's global cache
/// directory.
/// A source should be cached if it requires network access to retrieve
/// packages. It doesn't need to be cached if all packages are available
/// locally.
bool get shouldCache;
/// The system cache with which this source is registered.
SystemCache get systemCache {
assert(_systemCache != null);
return _systemCache;
/// The system cache variable. Set by [_bind].
SystemCache _systemCache;
/// The root directory of this source's cache within the system cache.
/// This shouldn't be overridden by subclasses.
String get systemCacheRoot => path.join(systemCache.rootDir, name);
/// Records the system cache to which this source belongs.
/// This should only be called once for each source, by
/// [SystemCache.register]. It should not be overridden by base classes.
void bind(SystemCache systemCache) {
assert(_systemCache == null);
this._systemCache = systemCache;
/// Get the list of all versions that exist for the package described by
/// [description]. [name] is the expected name of the package.
/// Note that this does *not* require the packages to be installed, which is
/// the point. This is used during version resolution to determine which
/// package versions are available to be installed (or already installed).
/// By default, this assumes that each description has a single version and
/// uses [describe] to get that version.
Future<List<Version>> getVersions(String name, description) {
var id = new PackageId(name,, Version.none, description);
return describeUncached(id).then((pubspec) => [pubspec.version]);
/// Loads the (possibly remote) pubspec for the package version identified by
/// [id]. This may be called for packages that have not yet been installed
/// during the version resolution process.
/// If the package has been installed to the system cache, the cached pubspec
/// will be used. Otherwise, it delegates to host-specific lookup behavior.
/// For cached sources, by default this uses [installToSystemCache] to get the
/// pubspec. There is no default implementation for non-cached sources; they
/// must implement it manually.
Future<Pubspec> describe(PackageId id) {
if (id.isRoot) throw new ArgumentError("Cannot describe the root package.");
if (id.source != name) {
throw new ArgumentError("Package $id does not use source $name.");
// Try to get it from the system cache first.
if (shouldCache) {
return systemCacheDirectory(id).then((packageDir) {
if (!fileExists(path.join(packageDir, "pubspec.yaml"))) {
return describeUncached(id);
return new Pubspec.load(, packageDir, _systemCache.sources);
// Not cached, so get it from the source.
return describeUncached(id);
/// Loads the pubspec for the package version identified by [id] which is not
/// already in the system cache.
/// For cached sources, by default this uses [installToSystemCache] to get
/// the pubspec. There is no default implementation for non-cached sources;
/// they must implement it manually.
/// This method is effectively protected. Derived classes may override it,
/// but external code should not call it. Call [describe()] instead.
Future<Pubspec> describeUncached(PackageId id) {
if (!shouldCache) {
throw new UnimplementedError(
"Source $name must implement describeUncached(id).");
return installToSystemCache(id).then((package) => package.pubspec);
/// Installs the package identified by [id] to [path]. Returns a [Future] that
/// completes when the installation was finished. The [Future] should resolve
/// to true if the package was found in the source and false if it wasn't. For
/// all other error conditions, it should complete with an exception.
/// [path] is guaranteed not to exist, and its parent directory is guaranteed
/// to exist.
/// Note that [path] may be deleted. If re-installing a package that has
/// already been installed would be costly or impossible,
/// [installToSystemCache] should be implemented instead of [install].
/// This doesn't need to be implemented if [installToSystemCache] is
/// implemented.
Future<bool> install(PackageId id, String path) {
throw new UnimplementedError("Either install or installToSystemCache must "
"be implemented for source $name.");
/// Installs the package identified by [id] to the system cache. This is only
/// called for sources with [shouldCache] set to true.
/// By default, this uses [systemCacheDirectory] and [install].
Future<Package> installToSystemCache(PackageId id) {
var packageDir;
return systemCacheDirectory(id).then((p) {
packageDir = p;
// See if it's already cached.
if (dirExists(packageDir)) {
if (!_isCachedPackageCorrupted(packageDir)) return true;
// Busted, so wipe out the package and reinstall.
return install(id, packageDir);
}).then((found) {
if (!found) fail('Package $id not found.');
return new Package.load(, packageDir, systemCache.sources);
/// Since pub generates symlinks that point into the system cache (in
/// particular, targeting the "lib" directories of cached packages), it's
/// possible to accidentally break cached packages if something traverses
/// that symlink.
/// This tries to determine if the cached package at [packageDir] has been
/// corrupted. The heuristics are it is corrupted if any of the following are
/// true:
/// * It has an empty "lib" directory.
/// * It has no pubspec.
bool _isCachedPackageCorrupted(String packageDir) {
if (!fileExists(path.join(packageDir, "pubspec.yaml"))) return true;
var libDir = path.join(packageDir, "lib");
if (dirExists(libDir)) return listDir(libDir).length == 0;
// If we got here, it's OK.
return false;
/// Returns the directory where this package has been installed. If this is
/// a cached source, it will be in the system cache. Otherwise, it will
/// depend on the source.
Future<String> getDirectory(PackageId id) {
if (shouldCache) return systemCacheDirectory(id);
throw new UnimplementedError("Source $name must implement this.");
/// Returns the directory in the system cache that the package identified by
/// [id] should be installed to. This should return a path to a subdirectory
/// of [systemCacheRoot].
/// This doesn't need to be implemented if [shouldCache] is false.
Future<String> systemCacheDirectory(PackageId id) {
return new Future.error(
"systemCacheDirectory() must be implemented if shouldCache is true.");
/// When a [Pubspec] or [LockFile] is parsed, it reads in the description for
/// each dependency. It is up to the dependency's [Source] to determine how
/// that should be interpreted. This will be called during parsing to validate
/// that the given [description] is well-formed according to this source, and
/// to give the source a chance to canonicalize the description.
/// [containingPath] is the path to the local file (pubspec or lockfile)
/// where this description appears. It may be `null` if the description is
/// coming from some in-memory source (such as pulling down a pubspec from
/// It should return if a (possibly modified) valid description, or throw a
/// [FormatException] if not valid.
/// [fromLockFile] is true when the description comes from a [LockFile], to
/// allow the source to use lockfile-specific descriptions via [resolveId].
dynamic parseDescription(String containingPath, description,
{bool fromLockFile: false}) {
return description;
/// Returns whether or not [description1] describes the same package as
/// [description2] for this source. This method should be light-weight. It
/// doesn't need to validate that either package exists.
/// By default, just uses regular equality.
bool descriptionsEqual(description1, description2) =>
description1 == description2;
/// For some sources, [PackageId]s can point to different chunks of code at
/// different times. This takes such an [id] and returns a future that
/// completes to a [PackageId] that will uniquely specify a single chunk of
/// code forever.
/// For example, [GitSource] might take an [id] with description
/// `` and return an id with a
/// description that includes the current commit of the Git repository.
/// This will be called after the package identified by [id] is installed, so
/// the source can use the installed package to determine information about
/// the resolved id.
/// The returned [PackageId] may have a description field that's invalid
/// according to [parseDescription], although it must still be serializable
/// to JSON and YAML. It must also be equal to [id] according to
/// [descriptionsEqual].
/// By default, this just returns [id].
Future<PackageId> resolveId(PackageId id) => new Future.value(id);
/// Returns the [Package]s that have been installed in the system cache.
List<Package> getCachedPackages() {
if (shouldCache) {
throw new UnimplementedError("Source $name must implement this.");
/// Returns the source's name.
String toString() => name;