blob: aec7cf98a5fb935dfa8b2ee957cc5b7b90e4affb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.entrypoint;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'git.dart' as git;
import 'io.dart';
import 'lock_file.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'package.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'solver/version_solver.dart';
/// Pub operates over a directed graph of dependencies that starts at a root
/// "entrypoint" package. This is typically the package where the current
/// working directory is located. An entrypoint knows the [root] package it is
/// associated with and is responsible for managing the "packages" directory
/// for it.
/// That directory contains symlinks to all packages used by an app. These links
/// point either to the [SystemCache] or to some other location on the local
/// filesystem.
/// While entrypoints are typically applications, a pure library package may end
/// up being used as an entrypoint. Also, a single package may be used as an
/// entrypoint in one context but not in another. For example, a package that
/// contains a reusable library may not be the entrypoint when used by an app,
/// but may be the entrypoint when you're running its tests.
class Entrypoint {
/// The root package this entrypoint is associated with.
final Package root;
/// The system-wide cache which caches packages that need to be fetched over
/// the network.
final SystemCache cache;
/// Packages which are either currently being asynchronously installed to the
/// directory, or have already been installed.
final _installs = new Map<PackageId, Future<PackageId>>();
/// Loads the entrypoint from a package at [rootDir].
Entrypoint(String rootDir, SystemCache cache)
: root = new Package.load(null, rootDir, cache.sources),
cache = cache;
// TODO(rnystrom): Make this path configurable.
/// The path to the entrypoint's "packages" directory.
String get packagesDir => path.join(root.dir, 'packages');
/// `true` if the entrypoint package currently has a lock file.
bool get lockFileExists => entryExists(lockFilePath);
/// The path to the entrypoint package's lockfile.
String get lockFilePath => path.join(root.dir, 'pubspec.lock');
/// Ensures that the package identified by [id] is installed to the directory.
/// Returns the resolved [PackageId].
/// If this completes successfully, the package is guaranteed to be importable
/// using the `package:` scheme.
/// This will automatically install the package to the system-wide cache as
/// well if it requires network access to retrieve (specifically, if the
/// package's source has [shouldCache] as `true`).
/// See also [installDependencies].
Future<PackageId> install(PackageId id) {
var pending = _installs[id];
if (pending != null) return pending;
var packageDir = path.join(packagesDir,;
var source;
var future = new Future.sync(() {
if (entryExists(packageDir)) {
// TODO(nweiz): figure out when to actually delete the directory, and
// when we can just re-use the existing symlink.
log.fine("Deleting package directory for ${} before install.");
source = cache.sources[id.source];
if (source.shouldCache) {
return cache.install(id).then(
(pkg) => createPackageSymlink(, pkg.dir, packageDir));
} else {
return source.install(id, packageDir).then((found) {
if (found) return null;
fail('Package ${} not found in source "${id.source}".');
}).then((_) => source.resolveId(id));
_installs[id] = future;
return future;
/// Installs all dependencies of the [root] package to its "packages"
/// directory, respecting the [LockFile] if present. Returns a [Future] that
/// completes when all dependencies are installed.
Future installDependencies() {
return new Future.sync(() {
return resolveVersions(cache.sources, root, lockFile: loadLockFile());
/// Installs the latest available versions of all dependencies of the [root]
/// package to its "package" directory, writing a new [LockFile]. Returns a
/// [Future] that completes when all dependencies are installed.
Future updateAllDependencies() {
return resolveVersions(cache.sources, root).then(_installDependencies);
/// Installs the latest available versions of [dependencies], while leaving
/// other dependencies as specified by the [LockFile] if possible. Returns a
/// [Future] that completes when all dependencies are installed.
Future updateDependencies(List<String> dependencies) {
return new Future.sync(() {
return resolveVersions(cache.sources, root,
lockFile: loadLockFile(), useLatest: dependencies);
/// Removes the old packages directory, installs all dependencies listed in
/// [result], and writes a [LockFile].
Future _installDependencies(SolveResult result) {
return new Future.sync(() {
if (!result.succeeded) throw result.error;
return Future.wait( {
if (id.isRoot) return new Future.value(id);
return install(id);
}).then((ids) {
/// Loads the list of concrete package versions from the `pubspec.lock`, if it
/// exists. If it doesn't, this completes to an empty [LockFile].
LockFile loadLockFile() {
if (!lockFileExists) return new LockFile.empty();
return new LockFile.load(lockFilePath, cache.sources);
/// Determines whether or not the lockfile is out of date with respect to the
/// pubspec.
/// This will be `false` if there is no lockfile at all, or if the pubspec
/// contains dependencies that are not in the lockfile or that don't match
/// what's in there.
bool isLockFileUpToDate() {
var lockFile = loadLockFile();
checkDependency(package) {
var locked = lockFile.packages[];
if (locked == null) return false;
if (package.source != locked.source) return false;
if (!package.constraint.allows(locked.version)) return false;
var source = cache.sources[package.source];
if (!source.descriptionsEqual(package.description, locked.description)) {
return false;
return true;
if (!root.dependencies.every(checkDependency)) return false;
if (!root.devDependencies.every(checkDependency)) return false;
return true;
/// Saves a list of concrete package versions to the `pubspec.lock` file.
void _saveLockFile(List<PackageId> packageIds) {
var lockFile = new LockFile.empty();
for (var id in packageIds) {
if (!id.isRoot) lockFile.packages[] = id;
var lockFilePath = path.join(root.dir, 'pubspec.lock');
writeTextFile(lockFilePath, lockFile.serialize());
/// Installs a self-referential symlink in the `packages` directory that will
/// allow a package to import its own files using `package:`.
void _installSelfReference() {
var linkPath = path.join(packagesDir,;
// Create the symlink if it doesn't exist.
if (entryExists(linkPath)) return;
createPackageSymlink(, root.dir, linkPath,
isSelfLink: true, relative: true);
/// Add "packages" directories to the whitelist of directories that may
/// contain Dart entrypoints.
void _linkSecondaryPackageDirs() {
// Only the main "bin" directory gets a "packages" directory, not its
// subdirectories.
var binDir = path.join(root.dir, 'bin');
if (dirExists(binDir)) _linkSecondaryPackageDir(binDir);
// The others get "packages" directories in subdirectories too.
for (var dir in ['benchmark', 'example', 'test', 'tool', 'web']) {
_linkSecondaryPackageDirsRecursively(path.join(root.dir, dir));
/// Creates a symlink to the `packages` directory in [dir] and all its
/// subdirectories.
void _linkSecondaryPackageDirsRecursively(String dir) {
if (!dirExists(dir)) return;
// TODO(nweiz): roll this into [listDir] in io.dart once issue 4775 is fixed.
/// Recursively lists the contents of [dir], excluding hidden `.DS_Store`
/// files and `package` files.
List<String> _listDirWithoutPackages(dir) {
return flatten(listDir(dir).map((file) {
if (path.basename(file) == 'packages') return [];
if (!dirExists(file)) return [];
var fileAndSubfiles = [file];
return fileAndSubfiles;
/// Creates a symlink to the `packages` directory in [dir]. Will replace one
/// if already there.
void _linkSecondaryPackageDir(String dir) {
var symlink = path.join(dir, 'packages');
if (entryExists(symlink)) deleteEntry(symlink);
createSymlink(packagesDir, symlink, relative: true);
/// The basenames of files that are automatically excluded from archives.
final _BLACKLISTED_FILES = const ['pubspec.lock'];
/// The basenames of directories that are automatically excluded from
/// archives.
final _BLACKLISTED_DIRS = const ['packages'];
// TODO(nweiz): unit test this function.
/// Returns a list of files that are considered to be part of this package.
/// If this is a Git repository, this will respect .gitignore; otherwise, it
/// will return all non-hidden, non-blacklisted files.
/// If [beneath] is passed, this will only return files beneath that path.
Future<List<String>> packageFiles({String beneath}) {
if (beneath == null) beneath = root.dir;
return git.isInstalled.then((gitInstalled) {
if (dirExists(path.join(root.dir, '.git')) && gitInstalled) {
// Later versions of git do not allow a path for ls-files that appears
// to be outside of the repo, so make sure we give it a relative path.
var relativeBeneath = path.relative(beneath, from: root.dir);
// List all files that aren't gitignored, including those not checked
// in to Git.
["ls-files", "--cached", "--others", "--exclude-standard",
workingDir: root.dir).then((files) {
// Git always prints files relative to the project root, but we want
// them relative to the working directory. It also prints forward
// slashes on Windows which we normalize away for easier testing.
return => path.normalize(path.join(root.dir, file)));
return listDir(beneath, recursive: true);
}).then((files) {
return files.where((file) {
// Skip directories and broken symlinks.
if (!fileExists(file)) return false;
var relative = path.relative(file, from: beneath);
if (_BLACKLISTED_FILES.contains(path.basename(relative))) return false;
return !path.split(relative).any(_BLACKLISTED_DIRS.contains);