blob: 2afc6180d7337822046396fefe48af5502dd4b7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of ssa;
abstract class SsaTypePropagator extends HBaseVisitor
implements OptimizationPhase {
final Map<int, HInstruction> workmap = new Map<int, HInstruction>();
final List<int> worklist = new List<int>();
final Map<HInstruction, Function> pendingOptimizations =
new Map<HInstruction, Function>();
final Compiler compiler;
String get name => 'type propagator';
// Compute the (shared) type of the inputs if any. If all inputs
// have the same known type return it. If any two inputs have
// different known types, we'll return a conflict -- otherwise we'll
// simply return an unknown type.
HType computeInputsType(HPhi phi, bool ignoreUnknowns) {
HType candidateType = HType.CONFLICTING;
for (int i = 0, length = phi.inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
HType inputType = phi.inputs[i].instructionType;
if (inputType.isConflicting()) return HType.CONFLICTING;
if (ignoreUnknowns && inputType.isUnknown()) continue;
// Phis need to combine the incoming types using the union operation.
// For example, if one incoming edge has type integer and the other has
// type double, then the phi is either an integer or double and thus has
// type number.
candidateType = candidateType.union(inputType, compiler);
if (candidateType.isUnknown()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return candidateType;
HType computeType(HInstruction instruction) {
return instruction.accept(this);
// Re-compute and update the type of the instruction. Returns
// whether or not the type was changed.
bool updateType(HInstruction instruction) {
// Compute old and new types.
HType oldType = instruction.instructionType;
HType newType = computeType(instruction);
assert(newType != null);
// We unconditionally replace the propagated type with the new type. The
// computeType must make sure that we eventually reach a stable state.
instruction.instructionType = newType;
return oldType != newType;
void visitGraph(HGraph graph) {
visitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock block) {
if (block.isLoopHeader()) {
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
// Set the initial type for the phi. We're not using the type
// the phi thinks it has because new optimizations may imply
// changing it.
// In theory we would need to mark
// the type of all other incoming edges as "unitialized" and take this
// into account when doing the propagation inside the phis. Just
// setting the propagated type is however easier.
phi.instructionType = phi.inputs[0].instructionType;
} else {
block.forEachPhi((HPhi phi) {
if (updateType(phi)) {
HInstruction instruction = block.first;
while (instruction != null) {
if (updateType(instruction)) {
instruction =;
void processWorklist() {
do {
while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
int id = worklist.removeLast();
HInstruction instruction = workmap[id];
assert(instruction != null);
if (updateType(instruction)) {
// While processing the optimizable arithmetic instructions, we
// may discover better type information for dominated users of
// replaced operands, so we may need to take another stab at
// emptying the worklist afterwards.
} while (!worklist.isEmpty);
void addDependentInstructionsToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {}
void addToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {
final int id =;
if (!workmap.containsKey(id)) {
workmap[id] = instruction;
HType visitInvokeDynamic(HInvokeDynamic instruction) {
return instruction.specializer.computeTypeFromInputTypes(
instruction, compiler);
HType visitBinaryArithmetic(HBinaryArithmetic instruction) {
HInstruction left = instruction.left;
HInstruction right = instruction.right;
if (left.isInteger() && right.isInteger()) return HType.INTEGER;
if (left.isDouble()) return HType.DOUBLE;
return HType.NUMBER;
HType visitNegate(HNegate instruction) {
return instruction.operand.instructionType;
HType visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
assert(instruction.instructionType != null);
return instruction.instructionType;
HType visitPhi(HPhi phi) {
HType inputsType = computeInputsType(phi, false);
if (inputsType.isConflicting()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
return inputsType;
HType visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion instruction) {
HType oldType = instruction.instructionType;
// Do not change a checked mode check.
if (instruction.isCheckedModeCheck) return oldType;
// We must make sure a type conversion for receiver or argument check
// does not try to do an int check, because an int check is not enough.
// We only do an int check if the input is integer or null.
HInstruction checked = instruction.checkedInput;
if (oldType.isNumber()
&& !oldType.isDouble()
&& checked.isIntegerOrNull()) {
return HType.INTEGER;
} else if (oldType.isInteger() && !checked.isIntegerOrNull()) {
return HType.NUMBER;
return oldType;
void convertInput(HInvokeDynamic instruction,
HInstruction input,
HType type,
int kind) {
Selector selector = (kind == HTypeConversion.RECEIVER_TYPE_CHECK)
? instruction.selector
: null;
HTypeConversion converted = new HTypeConversion(
null, kind, type, input, selector);
instruction.block.addBefore(instruction, converted);
input.replaceAllUsersDominatedBy(instruction, converted);
bool isCheckEnoughForNsmOrAe(HInstruction instruction,
HType type) {
// In some cases, we want the receiver to be an integer,
// but that does not mean we will get a NoSuchMethodError
// if it's not: the receiver could be a double.
if (type.isInteger()) {
// If the instruction's type is integer or null, the codegen
// will emit a null check, which is enough to know if it will
// hit a noSuchMethod.
return instruction.instructionType.isIntegerOrNull();
return true;
// Add a receiver type check when the call can only hit
// [noSuchMethod] if the receiver is not of a specific type.
// Return true if the receiver type check was added.
bool checkReceiver(HInvokeDynamic instruction) {
HInstruction receiver = instruction.inputs[1];
if (receiver.isNumber()) return false;
if (receiver.isNumberOrNull()) {
return true;
} else if (instruction.element == null) {
Iterable<Element> targets =;
if (targets.length == 1) {
Element target = targets.first;
ClassElement cls = target.getEnclosingClass();
HType type = new HType.nonNullSubclass(cls.rawType, compiler);
// TODO(ngeoffray): We currently only optimize on primitive
// types.
if (!type.isPrimitive(compiler)) return false;
if (!isCheckEnoughForNsmOrAe(receiver, type)) return false;
instruction.element = target;
return true;
return false;
// Add an argument type check if the argument is not of a type
// expected by the call.
// Return true if the argument type check was added.
bool checkArgument(HInvokeDynamic instruction) {
// We want the righ error in checked mode.
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions) return false;
HInstruction left = instruction.inputs[1];
HType receiverType = left.instructionType;
// A [HTypeGuard] holds the speculated type when it is being
// inserted, so we go find the real receiver type.
if (left is HTypeGuard) {
var guard = left;
while (guard is HTypeGuard && !guard.isEnabled) {
guard = guard.checkedInput;
receiverType = guard.instructionType;
HInstruction right = instruction.inputs[2];
Selector selector = instruction.selector;
if (selector.isOperator() && receiverType.isNumber()) {
if (right.isNumber()) return false;
HType type = right.isIntegerOrNull() ? HType.INTEGER : HType.NUMBER;
// TODO(ngeoffray): Some number operations don't have a builtin
// variant and will do the check in their method anyway. We
// still add a check because it allows to GVN these operations,
// but we should find a better way.
return true;
return false;
void processPendingOptimizations() {
pendingOptimizations.forEach((instruction, action) => action());
class SsaNonSpeculativeTypePropagator extends SsaTypePropagator {
final String name = 'non speculative type propagator';
DesiredTypeVisitor desiredTypeVisitor;
SsaNonSpeculativeTypePropagator(Compiler compiler) : super(compiler);
void addDependentInstructionsToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.usedBy.length; i < length; i++) {
// The non-speculative type propagator only propagates types forward. We
// thus only need to add the users of the [instruction] to the list.
void addAllUsersBut(HInvokeDynamic invoke, HInstruction instruction) {
instruction.usedBy.forEach((HInstruction user) {
if (user != invoke) addToWorkList(user);
HType visitInvokeDynamic(HInvokeDynamic instruction) {
if (instruction.isInterceptedCall) {
// We cannot do the following optimization now, because we have
// to wait for the type propagation to be stable. The receiver
// of [instruction] might move from number to dynamic.
pendingOptimizations.putIfAbsent(instruction, () => () {
Selector selector = instruction.selector;
if (selector.isOperator()
&& != const SourceString('==')) {
if (checkReceiver(instruction)) {
addAllUsersBut(instruction, instruction.inputs[1]);
if (!selector.isUnaryOperator() && checkArgument(instruction)) {
addAllUsersBut(instruction, instruction.inputs[2]);
return super.visitInvokeDynamic(instruction);
* Visitor whose methods return the desired type for the input of an
* instruction.
class DesiredTypeVisitor extends HBaseVisitor {
final Compiler compiler;
final SsaTypePropagator propagator;
HInstruction input;
DesiredTypeVisitor(this.compiler, this.propagator);
HType visitInstruction(HInstruction instruction) {
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType visitCheck(HCheck check) {
// If the desired type of the input is already a number, we want
// to specialize it to an integer.
if (input == check.checkedInput
&& check.isInteger()
&& check.checkedInput.isNumberOrNull()) {
return HType.INTEGER;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType visitTypeConversion(HTypeConversion check) {
// The following checks are inserted by our optimizers, so we
// want to optimize them even more.
if (check.isArgumentTypeCheck || check.isReceiverTypeCheck) {
return visitCheck(check);
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType visitInvokeDynamic(HInvokeDynamic instruction) {
return instruction.specializer.computeDesiredTypeForInput(
instruction, input, compiler);
HType visitPhi(HPhi phi) {
// Best case scenario for a phi is, when all inputs have the same type. If
// there is no desired outgoing type we therefore try to unify the input
// types (which is basically the [likelyType]).
HType propagatedType = phi.instructionType;
// If the incoming type of a phi is an integer, we don't want to
// be too restrictive for the back edge and desire an integer
// too. Therefore we only return integer if the phi is used by a
// bounds check, which includes an integer check.
if (propagatedType.isInteger()) {
if (phi.usedBy.any((user) => user is HBoundsCheck && user.index == phi)) {
return propagatedType;
return HType.NUMBER;
if (propagatedType.isUnknown()) return computeLikelyType(phi);
// When the desired outgoing type is conflicting we don't need to give any
// requirements on the inputs.
if (propagatedType.isConflicting()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
// Otherwise the input type must match the desired outgoing type.
return propagatedType;
HType computeLikelyType(HPhi phi) {
HType agreedType = propagator.computeInputsType(phi, true);
if (agreedType.isConflicting()) return HType.UNKNOWN;
// Don't be too restrictive. If the agreed type is integer or double just
// say that the likely type is number. If more is expected the type will be
// propagated back.
if (agreedType.isNumber()) return HType.NUMBER;
return agreedType;
HType visitInterceptor(HInterceptor instruction) {
if (instruction.interceptedClasses.length != 1) return HType.UNKNOWN;
// If the only class being intercepted is of type number, we
// make this interceptor call say it wants that class as input.
Element interceptor = instruction.interceptedClasses.toList()[0];
JavaScriptBackend backend = compiler.backend;
if (interceptor == backend.jsNumberClass) {
return HType.NUMBER;
} else if (interceptor == backend.jsIntClass) {
return HType.INTEGER;
} else if (interceptor == backend.jsDoubleClass) {
return HType.DOUBLE;
return HType.UNKNOWN;
HType computeDesiredTypeForInput(HInstruction user, HInstruction input) {
this.input = input;
HType desired = user.accept(this);
this.input = null;
return desired;
class SsaSpeculativeTypePropagator extends SsaTypePropagator {
final String name = 'speculative type propagator';
DesiredTypeVisitor desiredTypeVisitor;
final Map<HInstruction, HType> savedTypes;
SsaSpeculativeTypePropagator(Compiler compiler, this.savedTypes)
: super(compiler) {
desiredTypeVisitor = new DesiredTypeVisitor(compiler, this);
void addDependentInstructionsToWorkList(HInstruction instruction) {
// The speculative type propagator propagates types forward and backward.
// Not only do we need to add the users of the [instruction] to the list.
// We also need to add the inputs fo the [instruction], since they might
// want to propagate the desired outgoing type.
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.usedBy.length; i < length; i++) {
for (int i = 0, length = instruction.inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
HType computeDesiredType(HInstruction instruction) {
HType desiredType = instruction.instructionType;
for (final user in instruction.usedBy) {
HType userDesiredType = desiredTypeVisitor.computeDesiredTypeForInput(
user, instruction);
desiredType = desiredType.intersection(userDesiredType, compiler);
// No need to continue if two users disagree on the type.
if (desiredType.isConflicting()) break;
return desiredType;
bool hasBeenSpeculativelyOptimized(HInstruction instruction) {
return savedTypes.containsKey(instruction);
HType computeType(HInstruction instruction) {
// Once we are in a conflicting state don't update the type anymore.
HType oldType = instruction.instructionType;
if (oldType.isConflicting()) return oldType;
HType newType = super.computeType(instruction);
if (oldType != newType && !hasBeenSpeculativelyOptimized(instruction)) {
savedTypes[instruction] = oldType;
// [computeDesiredType] goes to all usedBys and lets them compute their
// desired type. By setting the [newType] here we give them more context to
// work with.
instruction.instructionType = newType;
HType desiredType = computeDesiredType(instruction);
// If the desired type is conflicting just return the computed type.
if (desiredType.isConflicting()) return newType;
if (desiredType.isUnknown() && hasBeenSpeculativelyOptimized(instruction)) {
// If we ever change our decision for a desired type to unknown,
// we stop the computation on this instruction.
// TODO(ngeoffray): Allow speculative optimizations on
// non-primitive types?
if (!desiredType.isPrimitive(compiler)) return newType;
// It's not worth having a bailout method just because we want a
// boolean. Comparing to true is enough.
if (desiredType.isBooleanOrNull()) return newType;
desiredType = newType.intersection(desiredType, compiler);
if (desiredType != newType && !hasBeenSpeculativelyOptimized(instruction)) {
savedTypes[instruction] = oldType;
return desiredType;