blob: d11f47572d227aad83552ffceb6802023bcef3d7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This is a helper for We try to run all of the Dart code in one
* instance of the Dart VM to reduce warm-up time.
library run_impl;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:unittest/compact_vm_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:polymer/testing/content_shell_test.dart';
import 'css_test.dart' as css_test;
import 'compiler_test.dart' as compiler_test;
import 'utils_test.dart' as utils_test;
import 'transform/all_phases_test.dart' as all_phases_test;
import 'transform/code_extractor_test.dart' as code_extractor_test;
import 'transform/import_inliner_test.dart' as import_inliner_test;
import 'transform/polyfill_injector_test.dart' as polyfill_injector_test;
import 'transform/script_compactor_test.dart' as script_compactor_test;
main() {
var args = new Options().arguments;
var pattern = new RegExp(args.length > 0 ? args[0] : '.');
void addGroup(testFile, testMain) {
if (pattern.hasMatch(testFile)) {
group(testFile.replaceAll('_test.dart', ':'), testMain);
addGroup('compiler_test.dart', compiler_test.main);
addGroup('css_test.dart', css_test.main);
addGroup('utils_test.dart', utils_test.main);
addGroup('transform/code_extractor_test.dart', code_extractor_test.main);
addGroup('transform/import_inliner_test.dart', import_inliner_test.main);
addGroup('transform/script_compactor_test.dart', script_compactor_test.main);
addGroup('transform/all_phases_test.dart', all_phases_test.main);
endToEndTests('data/unit/', 'data/out');
// Note: if you're adding more render test suites, make sure to update
// as well for convenient baseline diff/updating.
// TODO(jmesserly): figure out why this fails in content_shell but works in
// Dartium and Firefox when using the ShadowDOM polyfill.
exampleTest('../example/component/news', ['--no-shadowdom']..addAll(args));
void exampleTest(String path, [List args]) {
// TODO(sigmund): renderTests currently contatenates [path] with the out
// folder. This can be a problem with relative paths that go up (like todomvc
// above, which has '../../../'). If we continue running tests with
// test/, we should fix this. For now we work around this problem by
// using a long path 'data/out/example/test'. That way we avoid dumping output
// in the source-tree.
renderTests(path, '$path/test', '$path/test/expected',
'data/out/example/test', arguments: args);