blob: 3a0621b8a0baca810dc00ff8051596072fa64f3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/code_statistics.h"
namespace dart {
CombinedCodeStatistics::CombinedCodeStatistics() {
unaccounted_bytes_ = 0;
alignment_bytes_ = 0;
object_header_bytes_ = 0;
return_const_count_ = 0;
return_const_with_load_field_count_ = 0;
intptr_t i = 0;
#define DO(type, attrs) \
entries_[i].name = #type; \
entries_[i].bytes = 0; \
entries_[i++].count = 0;
#undef DO
#define DO(type, attrs) \
entries_[i].name = "SlowPath:" #type; \
entries_[i].bytes = 0; \
entries_[i++].count = 0;
#undef DO
#define INIT_SPECIAL_ENTRY(tag, str) \
entries_[tag].name = str; \
entries_[tag].bytes = 0; \
entries_[tag].count = 0;
INIT_SPECIAL_ENTRY(kTagCheckedEntry, "<checked-entry-prologue>");
INIT_SPECIAL_ENTRY(kTagIntrinsics, "<intrinsics>");
void CombinedCodeStatistics::DumpStatistics() {
ASSERT(unaccounted_bytes_ >= 0);
Entry* sorted[kNumEntries];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumEntries; i++) {
sorted[i] = &entries_[i];
qsort(sorted, kNumEntries, sizeof(Entry*), &CompareEntries);
intptr_t instruction_bytes = 0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumEntries; i++) {
instruction_bytes += entries_[i].bytes;
intptr_t total = object_header_bytes_ + instruction_bytes +
unaccounted_bytes_ + alignment_bytes_;
float ftotal = static_cast<float>(total) / 100.0;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kNumEntries; i++) {
Entry* entry = sorted[i];
const char* name = entry->name;
intptr_t bytes = entry->bytes;
intptr_t count = entry->count;
float percent = bytes / ftotal;
float avg = static_cast<float>(bytes) / count;
if (bytes > 0) {
"%5.2f %% "
"% 8" Pd
" bytes "
"% 8" Pd
" count "
"%8.2f avg bytes/entry "
"- %s\n",
percent, bytes, count, avg, name);
OS::PrintErr("%5.2f %% % 8" Pd " bytes unaccounted\n",
unaccounted_bytes_ / ftotal, unaccounted_bytes_);
OS::PrintErr("%5.2f %% % 8" Pd " bytes alignment\n",
alignment_bytes_ / ftotal, alignment_bytes_);
OS::PrintErr("%5.2f %% % 8" Pd " bytes instruction object header\n",
object_header_bytes_ / ftotal, object_header_bytes_);
OS::PrintErr("%5.2f %% % 8" Pd " bytes instructions\n",
instruction_bytes / ftotal, instruction_bytes);
OS::PrintErr("%5.2f %% % 8" Pd " bytes in total\n", total / ftotal, total);
OS::PrintErr("% 8" Pd " return-constant functions\n", return_const_count_);
OS::PrintErr("% 8" Pd " return-constant-with-load-field functions\n",
int CombinedCodeStatistics::CompareEntries(const void* a, const void* b) {
const intptr_t a_size = (*static_cast<const Entry* const*>(a))->bytes;
const intptr_t b_size = (*static_cast<const Entry* const*>(b))->bytes;
if (a_size < b_size) {
return -1;
} else if (a_size > b_size) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
CodeStatistics::CodeStatistics(compiler::Assembler* assembler)
: assembler_(assembler) {
memset(entries_, 0, CombinedCodeStatistics::kNumEntries * sizeof(Entry));
instruction_bytes_ = 0;
unaccounted_bytes_ = 0;
alignment_bytes_ = 0;
stack_index_ = -1;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < kStackSize; i++)
stack_[i] = -1;
void CodeStatistics::Begin(Instruction* instruction) {
void CodeStatistics::End(Instruction* instruction) {
void CodeStatistics::SpecialBegin(intptr_t tag) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(stack_index_ < kStackSize);
RELEASE_ASSERT(stack_[stack_index_] == -1);
RELEASE_ASSERT(tag < CombinedCodeStatistics::kNumEntries);
stack_[stack_index_] = assembler_->CodeSize();
RELEASE_ASSERT(stack_[stack_index_] >= 0);
void CodeStatistics::SpecialEnd(intptr_t tag) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(stack_index_ > 0 || stack_[stack_index_] >= 0);
RELEASE_ASSERT(tag < CombinedCodeStatistics::kNumEntries);
intptr_t diff = assembler_->CodeSize() - stack_[stack_index_];
RELEASE_ASSERT(diff >= 0);
RELEASE_ASSERT(entries_[tag].bytes >= 0);
RELEASE_ASSERT(entries_[tag].count >= 0);
entries_[tag].bytes += diff;
instruction_bytes_ += diff;
stack_[stack_index_] = -1;
void CodeStatistics::Finalize() {
intptr_t function_size = assembler_->CodeSize();
unaccounted_bytes_ = function_size - instruction_bytes_;
ASSERT(unaccounted_bytes_ >= 0);
const intptr_t unaligned_bytes = Instructions::HeaderSize() + function_size;
alignment_bytes_ =
Utils::RoundUp(unaligned_bytes, kObjectAlignment) - unaligned_bytes;
assembler_ = NULL;
void CodeStatistics::AppendTo(CombinedCodeStatistics* stat) {
bool returns_constant = true;
bool returns_const_with_load_field_ = true;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < CombinedCodeStatistics::kNumEntries; i++) {
intptr_t bytes = entries_[i].bytes;
stat->entries_[i].count += entries_[i].count;
if (bytes > 0) {
stat->entries_[i].bytes += bytes;
if (i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagParallelMove &&
i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagReturn &&
i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagCheckStackOverflow &&
i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagCheckStackOverflowSlowPath) {
returns_constant = false;
if (i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagLoadField &&
i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagTargetEntry &&
i != CombinedCodeStatistics::kTagJoinEntry) {
returns_const_with_load_field_ = false;
stat->unaccounted_bytes_ += unaccounted_bytes_;
ASSERT(stat->unaccounted_bytes_ >= 0);
stat->alignment_bytes_ += alignment_bytes_;
stat->object_header_bytes_ += Instructions::HeaderSize();
if (returns_constant) stat->return_const_count_++;
if (returns_const_with_load_field_) {
} // namespace dart