blob: 12bbdccd9b96c8d2261786ccd53e3b3a56caaf88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Instead modify 'pkg/analyzer/messages.yaml' and run
// 'dart pkg/analyzer/tool/messages/generate.dart' to update.
import "package:analyzer/error/error.dart";
import "package:analyzer/src/error/analyzer_error_code.dart";
// It is hard to visually separate each code's _doc comment_ from its published
// _documentation comment_ when each is written as an end-of-line comment.
// ignore_for_file: slash_for_doc_comments
class HintCode extends AnalyzerErrorCode {
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the actual argument type
* 1: the name of the expected function return type
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of
// `Future.catchError` has an argument that is a function whose parameters
// aren't compatible with the arguments that will be passed to the function
// when it's invoked. The static type of the first argument to `catchError`
// is just `Function`, even though the function that is passed in is expected
// to have either a single parameter of type `Object` or two parameters of
// type `Object` and `StackTrace`.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the closure being
// passed to `catchError` doesn't take any parameters, but the function is
// required to take at least one parameter:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<int> f) {
// f.catchError([!() => 0!]);
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the closure being
// passed to `catchError` takes three parameters, but it can't have more than
// two required parameters:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<int> f) {
// f.catchError([!(one, two, three) => 0!]);
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because even though the closure
// being passed to `catchError` takes one parameter, the closure doesn't have
// a type that is compatible with `Object`:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<int> f) {
// f.catchError([!(String error) => 0!]);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the function being passed to `catchError` so that it has either one
// or two required parameters, and the parameters have the required types:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<int> f) {
// f.catchError((Object error) => 0);
// }
// ```
"The argument type '{0}' can't be assigned to the parameter type '{1} Function(Object)' or '{1} Function(Object, StackTrace)'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Users should not assign values marked `@doNotStore`.
static const HintCode ASSIGNMENT_OF_DO_NOT_STORE = HintCode(
"'{0}' is marked 'doNotStore' and shouldn't be assigned to a field or top-level variable.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the assignment.",
* When the target expression uses '?.' operator, it can be `null`, so all the
* subsequent invocations should also use '?.' operator.
static const HintCode CAN_BE_NULL_AFTER_NULL_AWARE = HintCode(
"The receiver uses '?.', so its value can be null.",
correctionMessage: "Replace the '.' with a '?.' in the invocation.",
* Dead code is code that is never reached, this can happen for instance if a
* statement follows a return statement.
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when code is found that won't be
// executed because execution will never reach the code.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of
// `print` occurs after the function has returned:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// return;
// [!print('here');!]
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the code isn't needed, then remove it:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// return;
// }
// ```
// If the code needs to be executed, then either move the code to a place
// where it will be executed:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// print('here');
// return;
// }
// ```
// Or, rewrite the code before it, so that it can be reached:
// ```dart
// void f({bool skipPrinting = true}) {
// if (skipPrinting) {
// return;
// }
// print('here');
// }
// ```
static const HintCode DEAD_CODE = HintCode(
"Dead code.",
"Try removing the code, or fixing the code before it so that it can be reached.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Dead code is code that is never reached. This case covers cases where the
* user has catch clauses after `catch (e)` or `on Object catch (e)`.
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `catch` clause is found that
// can't be executed because it’s after a `catch` clause of the form
// `catch (e)` or `on Object catch (e)`. The first `catch` clause that matches
// the thrown object is selected, and both of those forms will match any
// object, so no `catch` clauses that follow them will be selected.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// } catch (e) {
// } [!on String {
// }!]
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the clause should be selectable, then move the clause before the general
// clause:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// } on String {
// } catch (e) {
// }
// }
// ```
// If the clause doesn't need to be selectable, then remove it:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// } catch (e) {
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode DEAD_CODE_CATCH_FOLLOWING_CATCH = HintCode(
"Dead code: Catch clauses after a 'catch (e)' or an 'on Object catch (e)' are never reached.",
"Try reordering the catch clauses so that they can be reached, or removing the unreachable catch clauses.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Dead code is code that is never reached. This case covers cases where the
* user has an on-catch clause such as `on A catch (e)`, where a supertype of
* `A` was already caught.
* Parameters:
* 0: name of the subtype
* 1: name of the supertype
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `catch` clause is found that
// can't be executed because it is after a `catch` clause that catches either
// the same type or a supertype of the clause's type. The first `catch` clause
// that matches the thrown object is selected, and the earlier clause always
// matches anything matchable by the highlighted clause, so the highlighted
// clause will never be selected.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// } on num {
// } [!on int {
// }!]
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the clause should be selectable, then move the clause before the general
// clause:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// } on int {
// } on num {
// }
// }
// ```
// If the clause doesn't need to be selectable, then remove it:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// } on num {
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode DEAD_CODE_ON_CATCH_SUBTYPE = HintCode(
"Dead code: This on-catch block won’t be executed because '{0}' is a subtype of '{1}' and hence will have been caught already.",
"Try reordering the catch clauses so that this block can be reached, or removing the unreachable catch clause.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the class `Function` is used in
// either the `extends`, `implements`, or `with` clause of a class or mixin.
// Using the class `Function` in this way has no semantic value, so it's
// effectively dead code.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `Function` is used as
// the superclass of `F`:
// ```dart
// class F extends [!Function!] {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the class `Function` from whichever clause it's in, and remove the
// whole clause if `Function` is the only type in the clause:
// ```dart
// class F {}
// ```
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_EXTENDS_FUNCTION = HintCode(
"Extending 'Function' is deprecated.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'Function' from the 'extends' clause.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Users should not create a class named `Function` anymore.
"Declaring a class named 'Function' is deprecated.",
correctionMessage: "Try renaming the class.",
* No parameters.
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_IMPLEMENTS_FUNCTION = HintCode(
"Implementing 'Function' has no effect.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'Function' from the 'implements' clause.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a deprecated library or class
// member is used in a different package.
// #### Examples
// If the method `m` in the class `C` is annotated with `@deprecated`, then
// the following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// void f(C c) {
// c.[!m!]();
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// The documentation for declarations that are annotated with `@deprecated`
// should indicate what code to use in place of the deprecated code.
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE = HintCode(
"'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used.",
"Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a deprecated library member or
// class member is used in the same package in which it's declared.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` is deprecated:
// ```dart
// @deprecated
// var x = 0;
// var y = [!x!];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// The fix depends on what's been deprecated and what the replacement is. The
// documentation for deprecated declarations should indicate what code to use
// in place of the deprecated code.
"'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used.",
"Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: message details
"'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. {1}.",
"Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: message details
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE_WITH_MESSAGE = HintCode(
"'{0}' is deprecated and shouldn't be used. {1}.",
"Try replacing the use of the deprecated member with the replacement.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
static const HintCode DEPRECATED_MIXIN_FUNCTION = HintCode(
"Mixing in 'Function' is deprecated.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing 'Function' from the 'with' clause.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Hint to use the ~/ operator.
static const HintCode DIVISION_OPTIMIZATION = HintCode(
"The operator x ~/ y is more efficient than (x / y).toInt().",
"Try re-writing the expression to use the '~/' operator.",
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name occurs multiple times in
// a `hide` clause. Repeating the name is unnecessary.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `min` is
// hidden more than once:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' hide min, [!min!];
// var x = pi;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the name was mistyped in one or more places, then correct the mistyped
// names:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' hide max, min;
// var x = pi;
// ```
// If the name wasn't mistyped, then remove the unnecessary name from the
// list:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' hide min;
// var x = pi;
// ```
static const HintCode DUPLICATE_HIDDEN_NAME = HintCode(
"Duplicate hidden name.",
"Try removing the repeated name from the list of hidden members.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the diagnostic being ignored
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a diagnostic name appears in an
// `ignore` comment, but the diagnostic is already being ignored, either
// because it's already included in the same `ignore` comment or because it
// appears in an `ignore-in-file` comment.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
// `unused_local_variable` is already being ignored for the whole file so it
// doesn't need to be ignored on a specific line:
// ```dart
// // ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
// void f() {
// // ignore: [!unused_local_variable!]
// var x = 0;
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the diagnostic named
// `unused_local_variable` is being ignored twice on the same line:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// // ignore: unused_local_variable, [!unused_local_variable!]
// var x = 0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the ignore comment, or remove the unnecessary diagnostic name if the
// ignore comment is ignoring more than one diagnostic:
// ```dart
// // ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable
// void f() {
// var x = 0;
// }
// ```
static const HintCode DUPLICATE_IGNORE = HintCode(
"The diagnostic '{0}' doesn't need to be ignored here because it's already being ignored.",
"Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment if this is the only name in the list.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Duplicate imports.
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import directive is found
// that is the same as an import before it in the file. The second import
// doesn’t add value and should be removed.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// import [!'package:meta/meta.dart'!];
// @sealed class C {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the unnecessary import:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @sealed class C {}
// ```
static const HintCode DUPLICATE_IMPORT = HintCode(
"Duplicate import.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing all but one import of the library.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a name occurs multiple times in
// a `show` clause. Repeating the name is unnecessary.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the name `min` is shown
// more than once:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' show min, [!min!];
// var x = min(2, min(0, 1));
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the name was mistyped in one or more places, then correct the mistyped
// names:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' show max, min;
// var x = max(2, min(0, 1));
// ```
// If the name wasn't mistyped, then remove the unnecessary name from the
// list:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' show min;
// var x = min(2, min(0, 1));
// ```
static const HintCode DUPLICATE_SHOWN_NAME = HintCode(
"Duplicate shown name.",
"Try removing the repeated name from the list of shown members.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an element in a non-constant set
// is the same as a previous element in the same set. If two elements are the
// same, then the second value is ignored, which makes having both elements
// pointless and likely signals a bug.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the element `1` appears
// twice:
// ```dart
// const a = 1;
// const b = 1;
// var s = <int>{a, [!b!]};
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If both elements should be included in the set, then change one of the
// elements:
// ```dart
// const a = 1;
// const b = 2;
// var s = <int>{a, b};
// ```
// If only one of the elements is needed, then remove the one that isn't
// needed:
// ```dart
// const a = 1;
// var s = <int>{a};
// ```
// Note that literal sets preserve the order of their elements, so the choice
// of which element to remove might affect the order in which elements are
// returned by an iterator.
static const HintCode EQUAL_ELEMENTS_IN_SET = HintCode(
"Two elements in a set literal shouldn't be equal.",
correctionMessage: "Change or remove the duplicate element.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a key in a non-constant map is
// the same as a previous key in the same map. If two keys are the same, then
// the second value overwrites the first value, which makes having both pairs
// pointless and likely signals a bug.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the keys `a` and `b`
// have the same value:
// ```dart
// const a = 1;
// const b = 1;
// var m = <int, String>{a: 'a', [!b!]: 'b'};
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If both entries should be included in the map, then change one of the keys:
// ```dart
// const a = 1;
// const b = 2;
// var m = <int, String>{a: 'a', b: 'b'};
// ```
// If only one of the entries is needed, then remove the one that isn't
// needed:
// ```dart
// const a = 1;
// var m = <int, String>{a: 'a'};
// ```
// Note that literal maps preserve the order of their entries, so the choice
// of which entry to remove might affect the order in which the keys and
// values are returned by an iterator.
static const HintCode EQUAL_KEYS_IN_MAP = HintCode(
"Two keys in a map literal shouldn't be equal.",
correctionMessage: "Change or remove the duplicate key.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* It is a bad practice for a source file in a package "lib" directory
* hierarchy to traverse outside that directory hierarchy. For example, a
* source file in the "lib" directory should not contain a directive such as
* `import '../web/some.dart'` which references a file outside the lib
* directory.
"A file in the 'lib' directory shouldn't import a file outside the 'lib' directory.",
"Try removing the import, or moving the imported file inside the 'lib' directory.",
* It is a bad practice for a source file ouside a package "lib" directory
* hierarchy to traverse into that directory hierarchy. For example, a source
* file in the "web" directory should not contain a directive such as
* `import '../lib/some.dart'` which references a file inside the lib
* directory.
"A file outside the 'lib' directory shouldn't reference a file inside the 'lib' directory using a relative path.",
correctionMessage: "Try using a package: URI instead.",
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a library that declares a
// function named `loadLibrary` is imported using a deferred import. A
// deferred import introduces an implicit function named `loadLibrary`. This
// function is used to load the contents of the deferred library, and the
// implicit function hides the explicit declaration in the deferred library.
// For more information, see the language tour's coverage of
// [deferred loading](
// #### Example
// Given a file (`a.dart`) that defines a function named `loadLibrary`:
// ```dart
// %uri="lib/a.dart"
// void loadLibrary(Library library) {}
// class Library {}
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the implicit
// declaration of `a.loadLibrary` is hiding the explicit declaration of
// `loadLibrary` in `a.dart`:
// ```dart
// [!import 'a.dart' deferred as a;!]
// void f() {
// a.Library();
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the imported library isn't required to be deferred, then remove the
// keyword `deferred`:
// ```dart
// import 'a.dart' as a;
// void f() {
// a.Library();
// }
// ```
// If the imported library is required to be deferred and you need to
// reference the imported function, then rename the function in the imported
// library:
// ```dart
// void populateLibrary(Library library) {}
// class Library {}
// ```
// If the imported library is required to be deferred and you don't need to
// reference the imported function, then add a `hide` clause:
// ```dart
// import 'a.dart' deferred as a hide loadLibrary;
// void f() {
// a.Library();
// }
// ```
// If type arguments shouldn't be required for the class, then mark the class
// with the `@optionalTypeArgs` annotation (from `package:meta`):
"The imported library defines a top-level function named 'loadLibrary' that is hidden by deferring this library.",
"Try changing the import to not be deferred, or rename the function in the imported library.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
"The library '{0}' is legacy, and should not be imported into a null safe library.",
correctionMessage: "Try migrating the imported library.",
* When "strict-inference" is enabled, collection literal types must be
* inferred via the context type, or have type arguments.
"The type argument(s) of '{0}' can't be inferred.",
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'.",
* When "strict-inference" is enabled, types in function invocations must be
* inferred via the context type, or have type arguments.
"The type argument(s) of the function '{0}' can't be inferred.",
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'.",
* When "strict-inference" is enabled, recursive local functions, top-level
* functions, methods, and function-typed function parameters must all
* specify a return type. See the strict-inference resource:
"The return type of '{0}' cannot be inferred.",
correctionMessage: "Declare the return type of '{0}'.",
* When "strict-inference" is enabled, types in function invocations must be
* inferred via the context type, or have type arguments.
"The type argument(s) of the generic function type '{0}' can't be inferred.",
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'.",
* When "strict-inference" is enabled, types in instance creation
* (constructor calls) must be inferred via the context type, or have type
* arguments.
"The type argument(s) of the constructor '{0}' can't be inferred.",
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type argument(s) for '{0}'.",
* When "strict-inference" in enabled, uninitialized variables must be
* declared with a specific type.
"The type of {0} can't be inferred without either a type or initializer.",
correctionMessage: "Try specifying the type of the variable.",
* When "strict-inference" in enabled, function parameters must be
* declared with a specific type, or inherit a type.
"The type of {0} can't be inferred; a type must be explicitly provided.",
correctionMessage: "Try specifying the type of the parameter.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the annotation
* 1: the list of valid targets
static const HintCode INVALID_ANNOTATION_TARGET = HintCode(
"The annotation '{0}' can only be used on {1}",
* This hint is generated anywhere where an element annotated with `@internal`
* is exported as a part of a package's public API.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the element
static const HintCode INVALID_EXPORT_OF_INTERNAL_ELEMENT = HintCode(
"The member '{0}' can't be exported as a part of a package's public API.",
correctionMessage: "Try using a hide clause to hide '{0}'.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where an element annotated with `@internal`
* is exported indirectly as a part of a package's public API.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the element
"The member '{0}' can't be exported as a part of a package's public API, but is indirectly exported as part of the signature of '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try using a hide clause to hide '{0}'.",
* This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
* anything other than a method.
static const HintCode INVALID_FACTORY_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"Only methods can be annotated as factories.",
* This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
* a method that does not declare a return type.
static const HintCode INVALID_FACTORY_METHOD_DECL = HintCode(
"Factory method '{0}' must have a return type.",
* This hint is generated anywhere a @factory annotation is associated with
* a non-abstract method that can return anything other than a newly allocated
* object.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the method
static const HintCode INVALID_FACTORY_METHOD_IMPL = HintCode(
"Factory method '{0}' doesn't return a newly allocated object.",
* This hint is generated anywhere an @immutable annotation is associated with
* anything other than a class.
static const HintCode INVALID_IMMUTABLE_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"Only classes can be annotated as being immutable.",
* This hint is generated anywhere a @internal annotation is associated with
* an element found in a package's public API.
static const HintCode INVALID_INTERNAL_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"Only public elements in a package's private API can be annotated as being internal.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override number must begin with '@dart'",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override comment must be specified with an '=' character",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
"The language version override can't specify a version greater than the latest known language version: {0}.{1}",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the language version override.",
"The language version override must be before any declaration or directive.",
"Try moving the language version override to the top of the file.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override comment must be specified with the word 'dart' in all lower case",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override comment must be specified with a version number, like '2.0', after the '=' character.",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override number can't be prefixed with a letter",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override comment can't be followed by any non-whitespace characters",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
* Invalid Dart language version comments don't follow the specification [1].
* If a comment begins with "@dart" or "dart" (letters in any case),
* followed by optional whitespace, followed by optional non-alphanumeric,
* non-whitespace characters, followed by optional whitespace, followed by
* an optional alphabetical character, followed by a digit, then the
* comment is considered to be an attempt at a language version override
* comment. If this attempted language version override comment is not a
* valid language version override comment, it is reported.
* [1]
"The Dart language version override comment must be specified with exactly two slashes.",
"Specify a Dart language version override with a comment like '// @dart = 2.0'.",
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the `@literal` annotation is
// applied to anything other than a const constructor.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the constructor isn't
// a `const` constructor:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// [!@literal!]
// C();
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` isn't a
// constructor:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// [!@literal!]
// var x;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the annotation is on a constructor and the constructor should always be
// invoked with `const`, when possible, then mark the constructor with the
// `const` keyword:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// @literal
// const C();
// }
// ```
// If the constructor can't be marked as `const`, then remove the annotation.
// If the annotation is on anything other than a constructor, then remove the
// annotation:
// ```dart
// var x;
// ```
static const HintCode INVALID_LITERAL_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"Only const constructors can have the `@literal` annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* This hint is generated anywhere where `@nonVirtual` annotates something
* other than a non-abstract instance member in a class or mixin.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
static const HintCode INVALID_NON_VIRTUAL_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"The member '{0}' can't be '@nonVirtual' because it isn't a concrete instance member.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing @nonVirtual.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where an instance member annotated with
* `@nonVirtual` is overridden in a subclass.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: the name of the defining class
"The member '{0}' is declared non-virtual in '{1}' and can't be overridden in subclasses.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where `@required` annotates a named
* parameter with a default value.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
static const HintCode INVALID_REQUIRED_NAMED_PARAM = HintCode(
"The type parameter '{0}' is annotated with @required but only named parameters without a default value can be annotated with it.",
correctionMessage: "Remove @required.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where `@required` annotates an optional
* positional parameter.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
"Incorrect use of the annotation @required on the optional positional parameter '{0}'. Optional positional parameters cannot be required.",
correctionMessage: "Remove @required.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where `@required` annotates a non optional
* positional parameter.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
"Redundant use of the annotation @required on the required positional parameter '{0}'.",
correctionMessage: "Remove @required.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where `@sealed` annotates something other
* than a class.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
static const HintCode INVALID_SEALED_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"The member '{0}' is annotated with '@sealed' but only classes can be annotated with it.",
correctionMessage: "Remove @sealed.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with `@internal`
* is used outside of the package in which it is declared.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
static const HintCode INVALID_USE_OF_INTERNAL_MEMBER = HintCode(
"The member '{0}' can only be used within its package.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with `@protected`
* is used outside of an instance member of a subclass.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: the name of the defining class
static const HintCode INVALID_USE_OF_PROTECTED_MEMBER = HintCode(
"The member '{0}' can only be used within instance members of subclasses of '{1}'.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an instance member that is
// annotated with `visibleForOverriding` is referenced outside the library in
// which it's declared for any reason other than to override it.
// #### Example
// Given a file named `a.dart` containing the following declaration:
// ```dart
// %uri="lib/a.dart"
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class A {
// @visibleForOverriding
// void a() {}
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` is being
// invoked even though the only reason it's public is to allow it to be
// overridden:
// ```dart
// import 'a.dart';
// class B extends A {
// void b() {
// [!a!]();
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the invalid use of the member.
"The member '{0}' can only be used for overriding.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with
* `@visibleForTemplate` is used outside of a "template" Dart file.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: the name of the defining class
"The member '{0}' can only be used within '{1}' or a template library.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where a member annotated with
* `@visibleForTesting` is used outside the defining library, or a test.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: the name of the defining class
"The member '{0}' can only be used within '{1}' or a test.",
* This hint is generated anywhere where a private declaration is annotated
* with `@visibleForTemplate` or `@visibleForTesting`.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the member
* 1: the name of the annotation
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the `@visibleForTemplate`
// or `@visibleForTesting` annotation is applied to a non-public declaration.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// [!@visibleForTesting!]
// void _someFunction() {}
// void f() => _someFunction();
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the declaration doesn't need to be used by test code, then remove the
// annotation:
// ```dart
// void _someFunction() {}
// void f() => _someFunction();
// ```
// If it does, then make it public:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @visibleForTesting
// void someFunction() {}
// void f() => someFunction();
// ```
static const HintCode INVALID_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATION = HintCode(
"The member '{0}' is annotated with '{1}', but this annotation is only meaningful on declarations of public members.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when anything other than a public
// instance member of a class is annotated with `visibleForOverriding`.
// Because only public instance members can be overridden outside the defining
// library, there's no value to annotating any other declarations.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the annotation is on a
// class, and classes can't be overridden:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// [!@visibleForOverriding!]
// class C {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the annotation:
// ```dart
// class C {}
// ```
"The declaration '{0}' is annotated with 'visibleForOverriding'. Because '{0}' isn't an interface member that could be overridden, the annotation is meaningless.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Generate a hint for a constructor, function or method invocation where a
* required parameter is missing.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the parameter
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method or function with a
// named parameter that is annotated as being required is invoked without
// providing a value for the parameter.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the named parameter `x`
// is required:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// void f({@required int x}) {}
// void g() {
// [!f!]();
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Provide the required value:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// void f({@required int x}) {}
// void g() {
// f(x: 2);
// }
// ```
static const HintCode MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAM = HintCode(
"The parameter '{0}' is required.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Generate a hint for a constructor, function or method invocation where a
* required parameter is missing.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the parameter
* 1: message details
"The parameter '{0}' is required. {1}.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the declared return type
// #### Description
// Any function or method that doesn't end with either an explicit return or a
// throw implicitly returns `null`. This is rarely the desired behavior. The
// analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an implicit return.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `f` doesn't end with a
// return:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// int [!f!](int x) {
// if (x < 0) {
// return 0;
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add a `return` statement that makes the return value explicit, even if
// `null` is the appropriate value.
static const HintCode MISSING_RETURN = HintCode(
"This function has a return type of '{0}', but doesn't end with a return statement.",
"Try adding a return statement, or changing the return type to 'void'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* This hint is generated anywhere where a `@sealed` class is used as a
* a superclass constraint of a mixin.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the sealed class
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the superclass constraint of a
// mixin is a class from a different package that was marked as `@sealed`.
// Classes that are sealed can't be extended, implemented, mixed in, or used
// as a superclass constraint.
// #### Examples
// If the package `p` defines a sealed class:
// ```dart
// %uri="package:p/p.dart"
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @sealed
// class C {}
// ```
// Then, the following code, when in a package other than `p`, produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// import 'package:p/p.dart';
// [!mixin M on C {}!]
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the classes that use the mixin don't need to be subclasses of the sealed
// class, then consider adding a field and delegating to the wrapped instance
// of the sealed class.
static const HintCode MIXIN_ON_SEALED_CLASS = HintCode(
"The class '{0}' shouldn't be used as a mixin constraint because it is sealed, and any class mixing in this mixin must have '{0}' as a superclass.",
"Try composing with this class, or refer to its documentation for more information.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Generate a hint for classes that inherit from classes annotated with
* `@immutable` but that are not immutable.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an immutable class defines one
// or more instance fields that aren't final. A class is immutable if it's
// marked as being immutable using the annotation `@immutable` or if it's a
// subclass of an immutable class.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field `x` isn't
// final:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @immutable
// class [!C!] {
// int x;
// C(this.x);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If instances of the class should be immutable, then add the keyword `final`
// to all non-final field declarations:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @immutable
// class C {
// final int x;
// C(this.x);
// }
// ```
// If the instances of the class should be mutable, then remove the
// annotation, or choose a different superclass if the annotation is
// inherited:
// ```dart
// class C {
// int x;
// C(this.x);
// }
// ```
static const HintCode MUST_BE_IMMUTABLE = HintCode(
"This class (or a class that this class inherits from) is marked as '@immutable', but one or more of its instance fields aren't final: {0}",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the class declaring the overridden method
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a method that overrides a method
// that is annotated as `@mustCallSuper` doesn't invoke the overridden method
// as required.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the method `m` in `B`
// doesn't invoke the overridden method `m` in `A`:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class A {
// @mustCallSuper
// m() {}
// }
// class B extends A {
// @override
// [!m!]() {}
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add an invocation of the overridden method in the overriding method:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class A {
// @mustCallSuper
// m() {}
// }
// class B extends A {
// @override
// m() {
// super.m();
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode MUST_CALL_SUPER = HintCode(
"This method overrides a method annotated as '@mustCallSuper' in '{0}', but doesn't invoke the overridden method.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Generate a hint for non-const instance creation using a constructor
* annotated with `@literal`.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the class defining the annotated constructor
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor that has the
// `@literal` annotation is invoked without using the `const` keyword, but all
// of the arguments to the constructor are constants. The annotation indicates
// that the constructor should be used to create a constant value whenever
// possible.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// @literal
// const C();
// }
// C f() => [!C()!];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Add the keyword `const` before the constructor invocation:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// @literal
// const C();
// }
// void f() => const C();
// ```
"This instance creation must be 'const', because the {0} constructor is marked as '@literal'.",
correctionMessage: "Try adding a 'const' keyword.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Generate a hint for non-const instance creation (with the `new` keyword)
* using a constructor annotated with `@literal`.
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the class defining the annotated constructor
"This instance creation must be 'const', because the {0} constructor is marked as '@literal'.",
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the 'new' keyword with 'const'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the type following `on` in a
// `catch` clause is a nullable type. It isn't valid to specify a nullable
// type because it isn't possible to catch `null` (because it's a runtime
// error to throw `null`).
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the exception type is
// specified to allow `null` when `null` can't be thrown:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// // ...
// } on [!FormatException?!] {
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the question mark from the type:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// // ...
// } on FormatException {
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode NULLABLE_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE = HintCode(
"A potentially nullable type can't be used in an 'on' clause because it isn't valid to throw a nullable expression.",
correctionMessage: "Try using a non-nullable type.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the method being invoked
* 1: the type argument associated with the method
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when `null` is passed to either the
// constructor `Future.value` or the method `Completer.complete` when the type
// argument used to create the instance was non-nullable. Even though the type
// system can't express this restriction, passing in a `null` results in a
// runtime exception.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `null` is being passed
// to the constructor `Future.value` even though the type argument is the
// non-nullable type `String`:
// ```dart
// Future<String> f() {
// return Future.value([!null!]);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Pass in a non-null value:
// ```dart
// Future<String> f() {
// return Future.value('');
// }
// ```
static const HintCode NULL_ARGUMENT_TO_NON_NULL_TYPE = HintCode(
"'{0}' shouldn't be called with a null argument for the non-nullable type argument '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try adding a non-null argument.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* When the left operand of a binary expression uses '?.' operator, it can be
* `null`.
static const HintCode NULL_AWARE_BEFORE_OPERATOR = HintCode(
"The left operand uses '?.', so its value can be null.",
* A condition in a control flow statement could evaluate to `null` because it
* uses the null-aware '?.' operator.
static const HintCode NULL_AWARE_IN_CONDITION = HintCode(
"The value of the '?.' operator can be 'null', which isn't appropriate in a condition.",
"Try replacing the '?.' with a '.', testing the left-hand side for null if necessary.",
* A condition in operands of a logical operator could evaluate to `null`
* because it uses the null-aware '?.' operator.
static const HintCode NULL_AWARE_IN_LOGICAL_OPERATOR = HintCode(
"The value of the '?.' operator can be 'null', which isn't appropriate as an operand of a logical operator.",
* This hint indicates that a null literal is null-checked with `!`, but null
* is never not null.
static const HintCode NULL_CHECK_ALWAYS_FAILS = HintCode(
"This null-check will always throw an exception because the expression will always evaluate to 'null'.",
* A field with the override annotation does not override a getter or setter.
* No parameters.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_FIELD = HintCode(
"The field doesn't override an inherited getter or setter.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* A getter with the override annotation does not override an existing getter.
* No parameters.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_GETTER = HintCode(
"The getter doesn't override an inherited getter.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* A method with the override annotation does not override an existing method.
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a class member is annotated with
// the `@override` annotation, but the member isn’t declared in any of the
// supertypes of the class.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `m` isn't declared in
// any of the supertypes of `C`:
// ```dart
// class C {
// @override
// String [!m!]() => '';
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the member is intended to override a member with a different name, then
// update the member to have the same name:
// ```dart
// class C {
// @override
// String toString() => '';
// }
// ```
// If the member is intended to override a member that was removed from the
// superclass, then consider removing the member from the subclass.
// If the member can't be removed, then remove the annotation.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_METHOD = HintCode(
"The method doesn't override an inherited method.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* A setter with the override annotation does not override an existing setter.
* No parameters.
static const HintCode OVERRIDE_ON_NON_OVERRIDING_SETTER = HintCode(
"The setter doesn't override an inherited setter.",
"Try updating this class to match the superclass, or removing the override annotation.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* It is a bad practice for a package import to reference anything outside the
* given package, or more generally, it is bad practice for a package import
* to contain a "..". For example, a source file should not contain a
* directive such as `import 'package:foo/../some.dart'`.
static const HintCode PACKAGE_IMPORT_CONTAINS_DOT_DOT = HintCode(
"A package import shouldn't contain '..'.",
* It is not an error to call or tear-off a method, setter, or getter, or to
* read or write a field, on a receiver of static type `Never`.
* Implementations that provide feedback about dead or unreachable code are
* encouraged to indicate that any arguments to the invocation are
* unreachable.
* It is not an error to apply an expression of type `Never` in the function
* position of a function call. Implementations that provide feedback about
* dead or unreachable code are encouraged to indicate that any arguments to
* the call are unreachable.
* Parameters: none
static const HintCode RECEIVER_OF_TYPE_NEVER = HintCode(
"The receiver is of type 'Never', and will never complete with a value.",
"Try checking for throw expressions or type errors in the receiver",
* Users should not return values marked `@doNotStore` from functions,
* methods or getters not marked `@doNotStore`.
static const HintCode RETURN_OF_DO_NOT_STORE = HintCode(
"'{0}' is annotated with 'doNotStore' and shouldn't be returned unless '{1}' is also annotated.",
correctionMessage: "Annotate '{1}' with 'doNotStore'.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the return type as declared in the return statement
* 1: the expected return type as defined by the type of the Future
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an invocation of
// `Future.catchError` has an argument whose return type isn't compatible with
// the type returned by the instance of `Future`. At runtime, the method
// `catchError` attempts to return the value from the callback as the result
// of the future, which results in another exception being thrown.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `future` is declared to
// return an `int` while `callback` is declared to return a `String`, and
// `String` isn't a subtype of `int`:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<int> future, String Function(dynamic, StackTrace) callback) {
// future.catchError([!callback!]);
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the closure being
// passed to `catchError` returns an `int` while `future` is declared to
// return a `String`:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<String> future) {
// future.catchError((error, stackTrace) => [!3!]);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the instance of `Future` is declared correctly, then change the callback
// to match:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<int> future, int Function(dynamic, StackTrace) callback) {
// future.catchError(callback);
// }
// ```
// If the declaration of the instance of `Future` is wrong, then change it to
// match the callback:
// ```dart
// void f(Future<String> future, String Function(dynamic, StackTrace) callback) {
// future.catchError(callback);
// }
// ```
"A value of type '{0}' can't be returned by the 'onError' handler because it must be assignable to '{1}'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the return type of the function
* 1: the expected return type as defined by the type of the Future
static const HintCode RETURN_TYPE_INVALID_FOR_CATCH_ERROR = HintCode(
"The return type '{0}' isn't assignable to '{1}', as required by 'Future.catchError'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the class `Future` or
// `Stream` is referenced in a library that doesn't import `dart:async` in
// code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.1.0. In
// earlier versions, these classes weren't defined in `dart:core`, so the
// import was necessary.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.1.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.0.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// void f([!Future!] f) {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the classes to be referenced:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then import the
// `dart:async` library.
// ```dart
// import 'dart:async';
// void f(Future f) {}
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_ASYNC_EXPORTED_FROM_CORE = HintCode(
"The class '{0}' wasn't exported from 'dart:core' until version 2.1, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
"Try either importing 'dart:async' or updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an `as` expression inside a
// [constant context][] is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose
// lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using an `as` expression in a
// [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code
// won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.3.2:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
// this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// const num n = 3;
// const int i = [!n as int!];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the expression to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
// code to not use an `as` expression, or change the code so that the `as`
// expression isn't in a [constant context][]:
// ```dart
// num x = 3;
// int y = x as int;
// ```
"The use of an as expression in a constant expression wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when any use of the `&`, `|`, or `^`
// operators on the class `bool` inside a [constant context][] is found in
// code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using
// these operators in a [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier
// versions, so this code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the
// SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.3.2:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// const bool a = true;
// const bool b = false;
// const bool c = a [!&!] b;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the operators to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
// code to not use these operators, or change the code so that the expression
// isn't in a [constant context][]:
// ```dart
// const bool a = true;
// const bool b = false;
// bool c = a & b;
// ```
"The use of the operator '{0}' for 'bool' operands in a constant context wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
* There is also a [ParserError.EXPERIMENT_NOT_ENABLED] code which catches
* some cases of constructor tearoff features (like `List<int>.filled;`).
* Other constructor tearoff cases are not realized until resolution
* (like `List.filled;`).
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a constructor tear-off is found
// in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.15.
// Constructor tear-offs weren't supported in earlier versions, so this code
// won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Example
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.15:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.9.0 <2.15.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// %language=2.14
// var setConstructor = [!Set.identity!];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the operator to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.15.0 <2.16.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
// not use constructor tear-offs:
// ```dart
// %language=2.14
// var setConstructor = () => Set.identity();
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_CONSTRUCTOR_TEAROFFS = HintCode(
"Tearing off a constructor requires the 'constructor-tearoffs' language feature.",
"Try updating your pubspec.yaml to set the minimum SDK constraint to 2.15 or higher, and running 'pub get'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operator `==` is used on a
// non-primitive type inside a [constant context][] is found in code that has
// an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using this operator
// in a [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this
// code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.3.2:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// class C {}
// const C a = null;
// const C b = null;
// const bool same = a [!==!] b;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the operator to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
// code to not use the `==` operator, or change the code so that the
// expression isn't in a [constant context][]:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// class C {}
// const C a = null;
// const C b = null;
// bool same = a == b;
// ```
"Using the operator '==' for non-primitive types wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an extension declaration or an
// extension override is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower
// bound is less than 2.6.0. Using extensions wasn't supported in earlier
// versions, so this code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the
// SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.6.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.4.0 <2.7.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
// this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// [!extension!] E on String {
// void sayHello() {
// print('Hello $this');
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.6.0 <2.7.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
// not make use of extensions. The most common way to do this is to rewrite
// the members of the extension as top-level functions (or methods) that take
// the value that would have been bound to `this` as a parameter:
// ```dart
// void sayHello(String s) {
// print('Hello $s');
// }
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_EXTENSION_METHODS = HintCode(
"Extension methods weren't supported until version 2.6.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the operator `>>>` is used in
// code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.14.0. This
// operator wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code won't be able
// to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.14.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.0.0 <2.15.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// int x = 3 [!>>>!] 4;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the operator to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.14.0 <2.15.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
// not use the `>>>` operator:
// ```dart
// int x = logicalShiftRight(3, 4);
// int logicalShiftRight(int leftOperand, int rightOperand) {
// int divisor = 1 << rightOperand;
// if (divisor == 0) {
// return 0;
// }
// return leftOperand ~/ divisor;
// }
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_GT_GT_GT_OPERATOR = HintCode(
"The operator '>>>' wasn't supported until version 2.14.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an `is` expression inside a
// [constant context][] is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose
// lower bound is less than 2.3.2. Using an `is` expression in a
// [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code
// won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.3.2:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
// this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// const Object x = 4;
// const y = [!x is int!] ? 0 : 1;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the expression to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.3.2 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then either rewrite the
// code to not use the `is` operator, or, if that isn't possible, change the
// code so that the `is` expression isn't in a
// [constant context][]:
// ```dart
// const Object x = 4;
// var y = x is int ? 0 : 1;
// ```
"The use of an is expression in a constant context wasn't supported until version 2.3.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a reference to the class `Never`
// is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than
// 2.12.0. This class wasn't defined in earlier versions, so this code won't
// be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.12.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.5.0 <2.6.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// [!Never!] n;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the type to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.12.0 <2.13.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
// not reference this class:
// ```dart
// dynamic x;
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_NEVER = HintCode(
"The type 'Never' wasn't supported until version 2.12.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a set literal is found in code
// that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than 2.2.0. Set
// literals weren't supported in earlier versions, so this code won't be able
// to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.2.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.1.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces this
// diagnostic:
// ```dart
// var s = [!<int>{}!];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.2.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you do need to support older versions of the SDK, then replace the set
// literal with code that creates the set without the use of a literal:
// ```dart
// var s = new Set<int>();
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_SET_LITERAL = HintCode(
"Set literals weren't supported until version 2.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a for, if, or spread element is
// found in code that has an SDK constraint whose lower bound is less than
// 2.3.0. Using a for, if, or spread element wasn't supported in earlier
// versions, so this code won't be able to run against earlier versions of the
// SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.3.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.2.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
// this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// var digits = [[!for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) i!]];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.3.0 <2.4.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
// not make use of those elements:
// ```dart
// var digits = _initializeDigits();
// List<int> _initializeDigits() {
// var digits = <int>[];
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// digits.add(i);
// }
// return digits;
// }
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_UI_AS_CODE = HintCode(
"The for, if, and spread elements weren't supported until version 2.3.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an if or spread element inside
// a [constant context][] is found in code that has an SDK constraint whose
// lower bound is less than 2.5.0. Using an if or spread element inside a
// [constant context][] wasn't supported in earlier versions, so this code
// won't be able to run against earlier versions of the SDK.
// #### Examples
// Here's an example of a pubspec that defines an SDK constraint with a lower
// bound of less than 2.5.0:
// ```yaml
// %uri="pubspec.yaml"
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.4.0 <2.6.0'
// ```
// In the package that has that pubspec, code like the following produces
// this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// const a = [1, 2];
// const b = [[!...a!]];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you don't need to support older versions of the SDK, then you can
// increase the SDK constraint to allow the syntax to be used:
// ```yaml
// environment:
// sdk: '>=2.5.0 <2.6.0'
// ```
// If you need to support older versions of the SDK, then rewrite the code to
// not make use of those elements:
// ```dart
// const a = [1, 2];
// const b = [1, 2];
// ```
// If that isn't possible, change the code so that the element isn't in a
// [constant context][]:
// ```dart
// const a = [1, 2];
// var b = [...a];
// ```
static const HintCode SDK_VERSION_UI_AS_CODE_IN_CONST_CONTEXT = HintCode(
"The if and spread elements weren't supported in constant expressions until version 2.5.0, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions.",
correctionMessage: "Try updating the SDK constraints.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* When "strict-raw-types" is enabled, "raw types" must have type arguments.
* A "raw type" is a type name that does not use inference to fill in missing
* type arguments; instead, each type argument is instantiated to its bound.
static const HintCode STRICT_RAW_TYPE = HintCode(
"The generic type '{0}' should have explicit type arguments but doesn't.",
correctionMessage: "Use explicit type arguments for '{0}'.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the sealed class
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a sealed class (one that either
// has the `@sealed` annotation or inherits or mixes in a sealed class) is
// referenced in either the `extends`, `implements`, or `with` clause of a
// class or mixin declaration if the declaration isn't in the same package as
// the sealed class.
// #### Example
// Given a library in a package other than the package being analyzed that
// contains the following:
// ```dart
// %uri="package:a/a.dart"
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class A {}
// @sealed
// class B {}
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `C`, which isn't in the
// same package as `B`, is extending the sealed class `B`:
// ```dart
// import 'package:a/a.dart';
// [!class C extends B {}!]
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the class doesn't need to be a subtype of the sealed class, then change
// the declaration so that it isn't:
// ```dart
// import 'package:a/a.dart';
// class B extends A {}
// ```
// If the class needs to be a subtype of the sealed class, then either change
// the sealed class so that it's no longer sealed or move the subclass into
// the same package as the sealed class.
static const HintCode SUBTYPE_OF_SEALED_CLASS = HintCode(
"The class '{0}' shouldn't be extended, mixed in, or implemented because it's sealed.",
"Try composing instead of inheriting, or refer to the documentation of '{0}' for more information.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's a type check (using the
// `as` operator) where the type is `Null`. There's only one value whose type
// is `Null`, so the code is both more readable and more performant when it
// tests for `null` explicitly.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the code is testing to
// see whether the value of `s` is `null` by using a type check:
// ```dart
// void f(String? s) {
// if ([!s is Null!]) {
// return;
// }
// print(s);
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the code is testing to
// see whether the value of `s` is something other than `null` by using a type
// check:
// ```dart
// void f(String? s) {
// if ([!s is! Null!]) {
// print(s);
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Replace the type check with the equivalent comparison with `null`:
// ```dart
// void f(String? s) {
// if (s == null) {
// return;
// }
// print(s);
// }
// ```
static const HintCode TYPE_CHECK_IS_NOT_NULL = HintCode(
"Tests for non-null should be done with '!= null'.",
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the 'is! Null' check with '!= null'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
static const HintCode TYPE_CHECK_IS_NULL = HintCode(
"Tests for null should be done with '== null'.",
correctionMessage: "Try replacing the 'is Null' check with '== null'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
uniqueName: 'TYPE_CHECK_IS_NULL',
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the library being imported
* 1: the name in the hide clause that isn't defined in the library
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a hide combinator includes a
// name that isn't defined by the library being imported.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `dart:math` doesn't
// define the name `String`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' hide [!String!], max;
// var x = min(0, 1);
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If a different name should be hidden, then correct the name. Otherwise,
// remove the name from the list:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' hide max;
// var x = min(0, 1);
// ```
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_HIDDEN_NAME = HintCode(
"The library '{0}' doesn't export a member with the hidden name '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the name from the list of hidden members.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the undefined parameter
* 1: the name of the targeted member
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an annotation of the form
// `@UnusedResult.unless(parameterDefined: parameterName)` specifies a
// parameter name that isn't defined by the annotated function.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the function `f`
// doesn't have a parameter named `b`:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @UseResult.unless(parameterDefined: [!'b'!])
// int f([int? a]) => a ?? 0;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Change the argument named `parameterDefined` to match the name of one of
// the parameters to the function:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// @UseResult.unless(parameterDefined: 'a')
// int f([int? a]) => a ?? 0;
// ```
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_REFERENCED_PARAMETER = HintCode(
"The parameter '{0}' is not defined by '{1}'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the library being imported
* 1: the name in the show clause that isn't defined in the library
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a show combinator includes a
// name that isn't defined by the library being imported.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `dart:math` doesn't
// define the name `String`:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' show min, [!String!];
// var x = min(0, 1);
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If a different name should be shown, then correct the name. Otherwise,
// remove the name from the list:
// ```dart
// import 'dart:math' show min;
// var x = min(0, 1);
// ```
static const HintCode UNDEFINED_SHOWN_NAME = HintCode(
"The library '{0}' doesn't export a member with the shown name '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the name from the list of shown members.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the non-diagnostic being ignored
static const HintCode UNIGNORABLE_IGNORE = HintCode(
"The diagnostic '{0}' can't be ignored.",
"Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment if this is the only name in the list.",
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value being cast is already
// known to be of the type that it's being cast to.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `n` is already known to
// be an `int` as a result of the `is` test:
// ```dart
// void f(num n) {
// if (n is int) {
// ([!n as int!]).isEven;
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the unnecessary cast:
// ```dart
// void f(num n) {
// if (n is int) {
// n.isEven;
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_CAST = HintCode(
"Unnecessary cast.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the cast.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the diagnostic being ignored
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_IGNORE = HintCode(
"The diagnostic '{0}' isn't produced at this location so it doesn't need to be ignored.",
"Try removing the name from the list, or removing the whole comment if this is the only name in the list.",
* Parameters:
* 0: the uri that is not necessary
* 1: the uri that makes it unnecessary
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import isn't needed because
// all of the names that are imported and referenced within the importing
// library are also visible through another import.
// #### Example
// Given a file named `a.dart` that contains the following:
// ```dart
// %uri="lib/a.dart"
// class A {}
// ```
// And, given a file named `b.dart` that contains the following:
// ```dart
// %uri="lib/b.dart"
// export 'a.dart';
// class B {}
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the class `A`, which is
// imported from `a.dart`, is also imported from `b.dart`. Removing the import
// of `a.dart` leaves the semantics unchanged:
// ```dart
// import [!'a.dart'!];
// import 'b.dart';
// void f(A a, B b) {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the import isn't needed, then remove it.
// If some of the names imported by this import are intended to be used but
// aren't yet, and if those names aren't imported by other imports, then add
// the missing references to those names.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_IMPORT = HintCode(
"The import of '{0}' is unnecessary because all of the used elements are also provided by the import of '{1}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the import directive.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when there's a declaration of
// `noSuchMethod`, the only thing the declaration does is invoke the
// overridden declaration, and the overridden declaration isn't the
// declaration in `Object`.
// Overriding the implementation of `Object`'s `noSuchMethod` (no matter what
// the implementation does) signals to the analyzer that it shouldn't flag any
// inherited abstract methods that aren't implemented in that class. This
// works even if the overriding implementation is inherited from a superclass,
// so there's no value to declare it again in a subclass.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the declaration of
// `noSuchMethod` in `A` makes the declaration of `noSuchMethod` in `B`
// unnecessary:
// ```dart
// class A {
// @override
// dynamic noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);
// }
// class B extends A {
// @override
// dynamic [!noSuchMethod!](y) {
// return super.noSuchMethod(y);
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the unnecessary declaration:
// ```dart
// class A {
// @override
// dynamic noSuchMethod(x) => super.noSuchMethod(x);
// }
// class B extends A {}
// ```
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_NO_SUCH_METHOD = HintCode(
"Unnecessary 'noSuchMethod' declaration.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the declaration of 'noSuchMethod'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when it finds an equality comparison
// (either `==` or `!=`) with one operand of `null` and the other operand
// can't be `null`. Such comparisons are always either `true` or `false`, so
// they serve no purpose.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
// `null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `true`:
// ```dart
// void f(int x) {
// if (x [!!= null!]) {
// print(x);
// }
// }
// ```
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `x` can never be
// `null`, so the comparison always evaluates to `false`:
// ```dart
// void f(int x) {
// if (x [!== null!]) {
// throw ArgumentError("x can't be null");
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the other operand should be able to be `null`, then change the type of
// the operand:
// ```dart
// void f(int? x) {
// if (x != null) {
// print(x);
// }
// }
// ```
// If the other operand really can't be `null`, then remove the condition:
// ```dart
// void f(int x) {
// print(x);
// }
// ```
"The operand can't be null, so the condition is always false.",
"Try removing the condition, an enclosing condition, or the whole conditional statement.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_NULL_COMPARISON_TRUE = HintCode(
"The operand can't be null, so the condition is always true.",
correctionMessage: "Remove the condition.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the type
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when either the type `dynamic` or the
// type `Null` is followed by a question mark. Both of these types are
// inherently nullable so the question mark doesn't change the semantics.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the question mark
// following `dynamic` isn't necessary:
// ```dart
// dynamic[!?!] x;
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the unneeded question mark:
// ```dart
// dynamic x;
// ```
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_QUESTION_MARK = HintCode(
"The '?' is unnecessary because '{0}' is nullable without it.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the value of a type check (using
// either `is` or `is!`) is known at compile time.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the test `a is Object?`
// is always `true`:
// ```dart
// bool f<T>(T a) => [!a is Object?!];
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the type check doesn't check what you intended to check, then change the
// test:
// ```dart
// bool f<T>(T a) => a is Object;
// ```
// If the type check does check what you intended to check, then replace the
// type check with its known value or completely remove it:
// ```dart
// bool f<T>(T a) => true;
// ```
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_TYPE_CHECK_FALSE = HintCode(
"Unnecessary type check; the result is always 'false'.",
"Try correcting the type check, or removing the type check.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* No parameters.
static const HintCode UNNECESSARY_TYPE_CHECK_TRUE = HintCode(
"Unnecessary type check; the result is always 'true'.",
"Try correcting the type check, or removing the type check.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the exception variable
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a `catch` clause is found, and
// neither the exception parameter nor the optional stack trace parameter are
// used in the `catch` block.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `e` isn't referenced:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// int.parse(';');
// } on FormatException catch ([!e!]) {
// // ignored
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// Remove the unused `catch` clause:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// int.parse(';');
// } on FormatException {
// // ignored
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode UNUSED_CATCH_CLAUSE = HintCode(
"The exception variable '{0}' isn't used, so the 'catch' clause can be removed.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the catch clause.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the stack trace variable
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when the stack trace parameter in a
// `catch` clause isn't referenced within the body of the `catch` block.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because `stackTrace` isn't
// referenced:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// // ...
// } catch (exception, [!stackTrace!]) {
// // ...
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you need to reference the stack trace parameter, then add a reference to
// it. Otherwise, remove it:
// ```dart
// void f() {
// try {
// // ...
// } catch (exception) {
// // ...
// }
// }
// ```
static const HintCode UNUSED_CATCH_STACK = HintCode(
"The stack trace variable '{0}' isn't used and can be removed.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the stack trace variable, or using it.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name that is declared but not referenced
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a private declaration isn't
// referenced in the library that contains the declaration. The following
// kinds of declarations are analyzed:
// - Private top-level declarations, such as classes, enums, mixins, typedefs,
// top-level variables, and top-level functions
// - Private static and instance methods
// - Optional parameters of private functions for which a value is never
// passed, even when the parameter doesn't have a private name
// #### Examples
// Assuming that no code in the library references `_C`, the following code
// produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// class [!_C!] {}
// ```
// Assuming that no code in the library passes a value for `y` in any
// invocation of `_m`, the following code produces this diagnostic:
// ```dart
// %language=2.9
// class C {
// void _m(int x, [int [!y!]]) {}
// void n() => _m(0);
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the declaration isn't needed, then remove it:
// ```dart
// class C {
// void _m(int x) {}
// void n() => _m(0);
// }
// ```
// If the declaration is intended to be used, then add the code to use it.
static const HintCode UNUSED_ELEMENT = HintCode(
"The declaration '{0}' isn't referenced.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the declaration of '{0}'.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the parameter that is declared but not used
static const HintCode UNUSED_ELEMENT_PARAMETER = HintCode(
"A value for optional parameter '{0}' isn't ever given.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the unused parameter.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the unused field
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a private field is declared but
// never read, even if it's written in one or more places.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the field
// `_originalValue` isn't read anywhere in the library:
// ```dart
// class C {
// final String [!_originalValue!];
// final String _currentValue;
// C(this._originalValue) : _currentValue = _originalValue;
// String get value => _currentValue;
// }
// ```
// It might appear that the field `_originalValue` is being read in the
// initializer (`_currentValue = _originalValue`), but that is actually a
// reference to the parameter of the same name, not a reference to the field.
// #### Common fixes
// If the field isn't needed, then remove it.
// If the field was intended to be used, then add the missing code.
static const HintCode UNUSED_FIELD = HintCode(
"The value of the field '{0}' isn't used.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the field, or using it.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the content of the unused import's uri
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when an import isn't needed because
// none of the names that are imported are referenced within the importing
// library.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because nothing defined in
// `dart:async` is referenced in the library:
// ```dart
// import [!'dart:async'!];
// void main() {}
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the import isn't needed, then remove it.
// If some of the imported names are intended to be used, then add the missing
// code.
static const HintCode UNUSED_IMPORT = HintCode(
"Unused import: '{0}'.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the import directive.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the label that isn't used
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a label that isn't used is
// found.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the label `loop` isn't
// referenced anywhere in the method:
// ```dart
// void f(int limit) {
// [!loop:!] for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
// print(i);
// }
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the label isn't needed, then remove it:
// ```dart
// void f(int limit) {
// for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
// print(i);
// }
// }
// ```
// If the label is needed, then use it:
// ```dart
// void f(int limit) {
// loop: for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
// print(i);
// break loop;
// }
// }
// ```
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Highlight the identifier without the colon.
static const HintCode UNUSED_LABEL = HintCode(
"The label '{0}' isn't used.",
"Try removing the label, or using it in either a 'break' or 'continue' statement.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the unused variable
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a local variable is declared but
// never read, even if it's written in one or more places.
// #### Examples
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the value of `count` is
// never read:
// ```dart
// void main() {
// int [!count!] = 0;
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If the variable isn't needed, then remove it.
// If the variable was intended to be used, then add the missing code.
static const HintCode UNUSED_LOCAL_VARIABLE = HintCode(
"The value of the local variable '{0}' isn't used.",
correctionMessage: "Try removing the variable or using it.",
hasPublishedDocs: true,
* Parameters:
* 0: the name of the annotated method, property or function
// #### Description
// The analyzer produces this diagnostic when a function annotated with
// `useResult` is invoked, and the value returned by that function isn't used.
// The value is considered to be used if a member of the value is invoked, if
// the value is passed to another function, or if the value is assigned to a
// variable or field.
// #### Example
// The following code produces this diagnostic because the invocation of
// `c.a()` isn't used, even though the method `a` is annotated with
// `useResult`:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// @useResult
// int a() => 0;
// int b() => 0;
// }
// void f(C c) {
// c.[!a!]();
// }
// ```
// #### Common fixes
// If you intended to invoke the annotated function, then use the value that
// was returned:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// @useResult
// int a() => 0;
// int b() => 0;
// }
// void f(C c) {
// print(c.a());
// }
// ```
// If you intended to invoke a different function, then correct the name of
// the function being invoked:
// ```dart
// import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// class C {
// @useResult
// int a() => 0;
// int b() => 0;
// }
// void f(C c) {
// c.b();
// }
// ```
static const HintCode UNUSED_RESULT = HintCode(