blob: cde471e8b5ea0c747ad1809427e5908a5f711349 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show Platform, Process, ProcessResult;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/plugin/notification_manager.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/context/context_root.dart' as analyzer;
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/bazel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/gn.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/workspace.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/glob.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_constants.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/channel/isolate_channel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/protocol/protocol_internal.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart' as watcher;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
* Information about a plugin that is built-in.
class BuiltInPluginInfo extends PluginInfo {
* The entry point function that will be executed in the plugin's isolate.
final EntryPoint entryPoint;
final String pluginId;
* Initialize a newly created built-in plugin.
NotificationManager notificationManager,
InstrumentationService instrumentationService)
: super(notificationManager, instrumentationService);
ServerCommunicationChannel _createChannel() {
return new ServerIsolateChannel.builtIn(
entryPoint, pluginId, instrumentationService);
* Information about a plugin that was discovered.
class DiscoveredPluginInfo extends PluginInfo {
* The path to the root directory of the definition of the plugin on disk (the
* directory containing the 'pubspec.yaml' file and the 'bin' directory).
final String path;
* The path to the 'plugin.dart' file that will be executed in an isolate.
final String executionPath;
* The path to the '.packages' file used to control the resolution of
* 'package:' URIs.
final String packagesPath;
* Initialize the newly created information about a plugin.
NotificationManager notificationManager,
InstrumentationService instrumentationService)
: super(notificationManager, instrumentationService);
bool get canBeStarted => executionPath != null;
String get pluginId => path;
ServerCommunicationChannel _createChannel() {
return new ServerIsolateChannel.discovered(
new Uri.file(executionPath, windows: Platform.isWindows),
new Uri.file(packagesPath, windows: Platform.isWindows),
* An indication of a problem with the execution of a plugin that occurs prior
* to the execution of the plugin's entry point in an isolate.
class PluginException implements Exception {
* A message describing the problem.
final String message;
* Initialize a newly created exception to have the given [message].
String toString() => message;
* Information about a single plugin.
abstract class PluginInfo {
* The object used to manage the receiving and sending of notifications.
final NotificationManager notificationManager;
* The instrumentation service that is being used by the analysis server.
final InstrumentationService instrumentationService;
* The context roots that are currently using the results produced by the
* plugin.
Set<analyzer.ContextRoot> contextRoots = new HashSet<analyzer.ContextRoot>();
* The current execution of the plugin, or `null` if the plugin is not
* currently being executed.
PluginSession currentSession;
* The exception that occurred that prevented the plugin from being started,
* or `null` if there was no exception (possibly because no attempt has yet
* been made to start the plugin).
CaughtException exception;
* Initialize the newly created information about a plugin.
PluginInfo(this.notificationManager, this.instrumentationService);
* Return `true` if this plugin can be started, or `false` if there is a
* reason why it cannot be started. For example, a plugin cannot be started if
* there was an error with a previous attempt to start running it or if the
* plugin is not correctly configured.
bool get canBeStarted => true;
* Return the data known about this plugin.
PluginData get data =>
new PluginData(pluginId, currentSession?.name, currentSession?.version);
* Return the id of this plugin, used to identify the plugin to users.
String get pluginId;
* Add the given [contextRoot] to the set of context roots being analyzed by
* this plugin.
void addContextRoot(analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot) {
if (contextRoots.add(contextRoot)) {
* Add the given context [roots] to the set of context roots being analyzed by
* this plugin.
void addContextRoots(Iterable<analyzer.ContextRoot> roots) {
bool changed = false;
for (analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot in roots) {
if (contextRoots.add(contextRoot)) {
changed = true;
if (changed) {
* Return `true` if at least one of the context roots being analyzed contains
* the file with the given [filePath].
bool isAnalyzing(String filePath) {
for (var contextRoot in contextRoots) {
if (contextRoot.containsFile(filePath)) {
return true;
return false;
* Remove the given [contextRoot] from the set of context roots being analyzed
* by this plugin.
void removeContextRoot(analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot) {
if (contextRoots.remove(contextRoot)) {
* If the plugin is currently running, send a request based on the given
* [params] to the plugin. If the plugin is not running, the request will
* silently be dropped.
void sendRequest(RequestParams params) {
* Start a new isolate that is running the plugin. Return the state object
* used to interact with the plugin, or `null` if the plugin could not be run.
Future<PluginSession> start(String byteStorePath, String sdkPath) async {
if (currentSession != null) {
throw new StateError('Cannot start a plugin that is already running.');
currentSession = new PluginSession(this);
bool isRunning = await currentSession.start(byteStorePath, sdkPath);
if (!isRunning) {
currentSession = null;
return currentSession;
* Request that the plugin shutdown.
Future<Null> stop() {
if (currentSession == null) {
throw new StateError('Cannot stop a plugin that is not running.');
Future<Null> doneFuture = currentSession.stop();
currentSession = null;
return doneFuture;
* Create and return the channel used to communicate with the server.
ServerCommunicationChannel _createChannel();
* Update the context roots that the plugin should be analyzing.
void _updatePluginRoots() {
if (currentSession != null) {
AnalysisSetContextRootsParams params = new AnalysisSetContextRootsParams(
.map((analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot) => new ContextRoot(
contextRoot.root, contextRoot.exclude,
optionsFile: contextRoot.optionsFilePath))
* An object used to manage the currently running plugins.
class PluginManager {
* A table, keyed by both a plugin and a request method, to a list of the
* times that it took the plugin to return a response to requests with the
* method.
static Map<PluginInfo, Map<String, List<int>>> pluginResponseTimes =
<PluginInfo, Map<String, List<int>>>{};
* The resource provider used to access the file system.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
* The absolute path of the directory containing the on-disk byte store, or
* `null` if there is no on-disk store.
final String byteStorePath;
* The absolute path of the directory containing the SDK.
final String sdkPath;
* The object used to manage the receiving and sending of notifications.
final NotificationManager notificationManager;
* The instrumentation service that is being used by the analysis server.
final InstrumentationService instrumentationService;
* A table mapping the paths of plugins to information about those plugins.
Map<String, PluginInfo> _pluginMap = <String, PluginInfo>{};
* The parameters for the last 'analysis.setPriorityFiles' request that was
* received from the client. Because plugins are lazily discovered, this needs
* to be retained so that it can be sent after a plugin has been started.
AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams _analysisSetPriorityFilesParams;
* The parameters for the last 'analysis.setSubscriptions' request that was
* received from the client. Because plugins are lazily discovered, this needs
* to be retained so that it can be sent after a plugin has been started.
AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams _analysisSetSubscriptionsParams;
* The current state of content overlays. Because plugins are lazily
* discovered, the state needs to be retained so that it can be sent after a
* plugin has been started.
Map<String, dynamic> _overlayState = <String, dynamic>{};
* Initialize a newly created plugin manager. The notifications from the
* running plugins will be handled by the given [notificationManager].
PluginManager(this.resourceProvider, this.byteStorePath, this.sdkPath,
this.notificationManager, this.instrumentationService);
* Return a list of all of the plugins that are currently known.
List<PluginInfo> get plugins => _pluginMap.values.toList();
* Add the plugin with the given [path] to the list of plugins that should be
* used when analyzing code for the given [contextRoot]. If the plugin had not
* yet been started, then it will be started by this method.
Future<Null> addPluginToContextRoot(
analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot, String path) async {
PluginInfo plugin = _pluginMap[path];
bool isNew = plugin == null;
if (isNew) {
List<String> pluginPaths;
try {
pluginPaths = pathsFor(path);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
plugin = new DiscoveredPluginInfo(
path, null, null, notificationManager, instrumentationService);
plugin.exception = new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace);
_pluginMap[path] = plugin;
plugin = new DiscoveredPluginInfo(path, pluginPaths[0], pluginPaths[1],
notificationManager, instrumentationService);
_pluginMap[path] = plugin;
if (pluginPaths[0] != null) {
try {
PluginSession session = await plugin.start(byteStorePath, sdkPath);
session?.onDone?.then((_) {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
// Record the exception (for debugging purposes) and record the fact
// that we should not try to communicate with the plugin.
plugin.exception = new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace);
isNew = false;
if (isNew) {
if (_analysisSetSubscriptionsParams != null) {
if (_overlayState.isNotEmpty) {
plugin.sendRequest(new AnalysisUpdateContentParams(_overlayState));
if (_analysisSetPriorityFilesParams != null) {
* Broadcast a request built from the given [params] to all of the plugins
* that are currently associated with the given [contextRoot]. Return a list
* containing futures that will complete when each of the plugins have sent a
* response.
Map<PluginInfo, Future<Response>> broadcastRequest(RequestParams params,
{analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot}) {
List<PluginInfo> plugins = pluginsForContextRoot(contextRoot);
Map<PluginInfo, Future<Response>> responseMap =
<PluginInfo, Future<Response>>{};
for (PluginInfo plugin in plugins) {
responseMap[plugin] = plugin.currentSession?.sendRequest(params);
return responseMap;
* Broadcast the given [watchEvent] to all of the plugins that are analyzing
* in contexts containing the file associated with the event. Return a list
* containing futures that will complete when each of the plugins have sent a
* response.
Future<List<Future<Response>>> broadcastWatchEvent(
watcher.WatchEvent watchEvent) async {
String filePath = watchEvent.path;
* Return `true` if the given glob [pattern] matches the file being watched.
bool matches(String pattern) =>
new Glob(resourceProvider.pathContext.separator, pattern)
WatchEvent event = null;
List<Future<Response>> responses = <Future<Response>>[];
for (PluginInfo plugin in _pluginMap.values) {
PluginSession session = plugin.currentSession;
if (session != null &&
plugin.isAnalyzing(filePath) &&
session.interestingFiles != null &&
session.interestingFiles.any(matches)) {
// The list of interesting file globs is `null` if the plugin has not
// yet responded to the plugin.versionCheck request. If that happens
// then the plugin hasn't had a chance to analyze anything yet, and
// hence it does not needed to get watch events.
event ??= _convertWatchEvent(watchEvent);
AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams params =
new AnalysisHandleWatchEventsParams([event]);
return responses;
* Return the execution path and .packages path associated with the plugin at
* the given [path]. Throw a [PluginException] if there is a problem that
* prevents the plugin from being executing.
List<String> pathsFor(String pluginPath) {
Folder pluginFolder = resourceProvider.getFolder(pluginPath);
File pubspecFile = pluginFolder.getChildAssumingFile('pubspec.yaml');
if (!pubspecFile.exists) {
// If there's no pubspec file, then we don't need to copy the package
// because we won't be running pub.
return _computePaths(pluginFolder);
Workspace workspace =
BazelWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, pluginFolder.path) ??
GnWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, pluginFolder.path);
if (workspace != null) {
// Similarly, we won't be running pub if we're in a workspace because
// there is exactly one version of each package.
return _computePaths(pluginFolder, workspace: workspace);
// Copy the plugin directory to a unique subdirectory of the plugin
// manager's state location. The subdirectory's name is selected such that
// it will be invariant across sessions, reducing the number of times the
// plugin will need to be copied and pub will need to be run.
Folder stateFolder = resourceProvider.getStateLocation('.plugin_manager');
String stateName = _uniqueDirectoryName(pluginPath);
Folder parentFolder = stateFolder.getChildAssumingFolder(stateName);
if (parentFolder.exists) {
Folder executionFolder =
return _computePaths(executionFolder);
Folder executionFolder = pluginFolder.copyTo(parentFolder);
return _computePaths(executionFolder, runPub: true);
* Return a list of all of the plugins that are currently associated with the
* given [contextRoot].
List<PluginInfo> pluginsForContextRoot(analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot) {
if (contextRoot == null) {
return _pluginMap.values.toList();
List<PluginInfo> plugins = <PluginInfo>[];
for (PluginInfo plugin in _pluginMap.values) {
if (plugin.contextRoots.contains(contextRoot)) {
return plugins;
* Record a failure to run the plugin associated with the host package with
* the given [hostPackageName]. The failure is described by the [message], and
* is expected to have occurred before a path could be computed, and hence
* before [addPluginToContextRoot] could be invoked.
void recordPluginFailure(String hostPackageName, String message) {
try {
throw new PluginException(message);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
String pluginPath =
path.join(hostPackageName, 'tools', 'analyzer_plugin');
DiscoveredPluginInfo plugin = new DiscoveredPluginInfo(
pluginPath, null, null, notificationManager, instrumentationService);
plugin.exception = new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace);
_pluginMap[pluginPath] = plugin;
* The given [contextRoot] is no longer being analyzed.
void removedContextRoot(analyzer.ContextRoot contextRoot) {
List<PluginInfo> plugins = _pluginMap.values.toList();
for (PluginInfo plugin in plugins) {
if (plugin is DiscoveredPluginInfo && plugin.contextRoots.isEmpty) {
* Restart all currently running plugins.
Future<Null> restartPlugins() async {
for (PluginInfo plugin in _pluginMap.values.toList()) {
if (plugin.currentSession != null) {
// Capture needed state.
Set<analyzer.ContextRoot> contextRoots = plugin.contextRoots;
String path = plugin.pluginId;
// Stop the plugin.
await plugin.stop();
// Restart the plugin.
_pluginMap[path] = plugin;
PluginSession session = await plugin.start(byteStorePath, sdkPath);
session?.onDone?.then((_) {
// Re-initialize the plugin.
if (_analysisSetSubscriptionsParams != null) {
if (_overlayState.isNotEmpty) {
plugin.sendRequest(new AnalysisUpdateContentParams(_overlayState));
if (_analysisSetPriorityFilesParams != null) {
* Send a request based on the given [params] to existing plugins to set the
* priority files to those specified by the [params]. As a side-effect, record
* the parameters so that they can be sent to any newly started plugins.
void setAnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams(
AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams params) {
for (PluginInfo plugin in _pluginMap.values) {
_analysisSetPriorityFilesParams = params;
* Send a request based on the given [params] to existing plugins to set the
* subscriptions to those specified by the [params]. As a side-effect, record
* the parameters so that they can be sent to any newly started plugins.
void setAnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams(
AnalysisSetSubscriptionsParams params) {
for (PluginInfo plugin in _pluginMap.values) {
_analysisSetSubscriptionsParams = params;
* Send a request based on the given [params] to existing plugins to set the
* content overlays to those specified by the [params]. As a side-effect,
* update the overlay state so that it can be sent to any newly started
* plugins.
void setAnalysisUpdateContentParams(AnalysisUpdateContentParams params) {
for (PluginInfo plugin in _pluginMap.values) {
Map<String, dynamic> files = params.files;
for (String file in files.keys) {
Object overlay = files[file];
if (overlay is RemoveContentOverlay) {
} else if (overlay is AddContentOverlay) {
_overlayState[file] = overlay;
} else if (overlay is ChangeContentOverlay) {
AddContentOverlay previousOverlay = _overlayState[file];
String newContent =
SourceEdit.applySequence(previousOverlay.content, overlay.edits);
_overlayState[file] = new AddContentOverlay(newContent);
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Invalid class of overlay: ${overlay.runtimeType}');
* Stop all of the plugins that are currently running.
Future<List<Null>> stopAll() {
return Future.wait( info) => info.stop()));
* Compute the paths to be returned by the enclosing method given that the
* plugin should exist in the given [pluginFolder].
List<String> _computePaths(Folder pluginFolder,
{bool runPub: false, Workspace workspace}) {
File pluginFile = pluginFolder
if (!pluginFile.exists) {
throw new PluginException('File "${pluginFile.path}" does not exist.');
String reason;
File packagesFile = pluginFolder.getChildAssumingFile('.packages');
if (!packagesFile.exists) {
if (runPub) {
String vmPath = Platform.executable;
String pubPath = path.join(path.dirname(vmPath), 'pub');
if (Platform.isWindows) {
// requires the `.bat` suffix on Windows
pubPath = '$pubPath.bat';
ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(pubPath, <String>['get'],
stderrEncoding: utf8,
stdoutEncoding: utf8,
workingDirectory: pluginFolder.path,
environment: {_pubEnvironmentKey: _getPubEnvironmentValue()});
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('Failed to run pub get');
buffer.writeln(' pluginFolder = ${pluginFolder.path}');
buffer.writeln(' exitCode = ${result.exitCode}');
buffer.writeln(' stdout = ${result.stdout}');
buffer.writeln(' stderr = ${result.stderr}');
reason = buffer.toString();
if (!packagesFile.exists) {
reason ??= 'File "${packagesFile.path}" does not exist.';
packagesFile = null;
} else if (workspace != null) {
packagesFile =
_createPackagesFile(pluginFolder, workspace.packageUriResolver);
if (packagesFile == null) {
reason = 'Could not create .packages file in workspace $workspace.';
} else {
reason = 'Could not create "${packagesFile.path}".';
packagesFile = null;
if (packagesFile == null) {
throw new PluginException(reason);
return <String>[pluginFile.path, packagesFile.path];
WatchEventType _convertChangeType(watcher.ChangeType type) {
switch (type) {
case watcher.ChangeType.ADD:
return WatchEventType.ADD;
case watcher.ChangeType.MODIFY:
return WatchEventType.MODIFY;
case watcher.ChangeType.REMOVE:
return WatchEventType.REMOVE;
throw new StateError('Unknown change type: $type');
WatchEvent _convertWatchEvent(watcher.WatchEvent watchEvent) {
return new WatchEvent(_convertChangeType(watchEvent.type), watchEvent.path);
* Return a temporary `.packages` file that is appropriate for the plugin in
* the given [pluginFolder]. The [packageUriResolver] is used to determine the
* location of the packages that need to be included in the packages file.
File _createPackagesFile(
Folder pluginFolder, UriResolver packageUriResolver) {
String pluginPath = pluginFolder.path;
Folder stateFolder = resourceProvider.getStateLocation('.plugin_manager');
String stateName = _uniqueDirectoryName(pluginPath) + '.packages';
File packagesFile = stateFolder.getChildAssumingFile(stateName);
if (!packagesFile.exists) {
File pluginPubspec = pluginFolder.getChildAssumingFile('pubspec.yaml');
if (!pluginPubspec.exists) {
return null;
try {
Map<String, String> visitedPackages = <String, String>{};
path.Context context = resourceProvider.pathContext;
visitedPackages[context.basename(pluginPath)] =
context.join(pluginFolder.path, 'lib');
List<File> pubspecFiles = <File>[];
while (pubspecFiles.isNotEmpty) {
File pubspecFile = pubspecFiles.removeLast();
for (String packageName in _readDependecies(pubspecFile)) {
if (!visitedPackages.containsKey(packageName)) {
Uri uri = Uri.parse('package:$packageName/$packageName.dart');
Source packageSource = packageUriResolver.resolveAbsolute(uri);
String libDirPath = context.dirname(packageSource.fullName);
visitedPackages[packageName] = libDirPath;
String pubspecPath =
context.join(context.dirname(libDirPath), 'pubspec.yaml');
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
visitedPackages.forEach((String name, String path) {
buffer.writeln(new Uri.file(path));
} catch (exception) {
// If we are not able to produce a .packages file, return null so that
// callers will not try to load the plugin.
return null;
return packagesFile;
* Return the names of packages that are listed as dependencies in the given
* [pubspecFile].
Iterable<String> _readDependecies(File pubspecFile) {
YamlDocument document = loadYamlDocument(pubspecFile.readAsStringSync(),
sourceUrl: pubspecFile.toUri());
YamlNode contents = document.contents;
if (contents is YamlMap) {
YamlNode dependencies = contents['dependencies'];
if (dependencies is YamlMap) {
return dependencies.keys.cast<String>();
return const <String>[];
* Return a hex-encoded MD5 signature of the given file [path].
String _uniqueDirectoryName(String path) {
List<int> bytes = md5.convert(path.codeUnits).bytes;
return hex.encode(bytes);
* Record the fact that the given [plugin] responded to a request with the
* given [method] in the given [time].
static void recordResponseTime(PluginInfo plugin, String method, int time) {
.putIfAbsent(plugin, () => <String, List<int>>{})
.putIfAbsent(method, () => <int>[])
* The console environment key used by the pub tool.
static const String _pubEnvironmentKey = 'PUB_ENVIRONMENT';
* Returns the environment value that should be used when running pub.
* Includes any existing environment value, if one exists.
static String _getPubEnvironmentValue() {
// DO NOT update this function without contacting kevmoo.
// We have server-side tooling that assumes the values are consistent.
var values = <String>[];
var existing = Platform.environment[_pubEnvironmentKey];
// If there is an existing value for this var, make sure to include it.
if ((existing != null) && existing.isNotEmpty) {
return values.join(':');
* Information about the execution a single plugin.
class PluginSession {
* The maximum number of milliseconds that server should wait for a response
* from a plugin before deciding that the plugin is hung.
static const Duration MAXIMUM_RESPONSE_TIME = const Duration(minutes: 2);
* The length of time to wait after sending a 'plugin.shutdown' request before
* a failure to terminate will cause the isolate to be killed.
static const Duration WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN_DURATION =
const Duration(seconds: 10);
* The information about the plugin being executed.
final PluginInfo info;
* The completer used to signal when the plugin has stopped.
Completer<Null> pluginStoppedCompleter = new Completer<Null>();
* The channel used to communicate with the plugin.
ServerCommunicationChannel channel;
* The index of the next request to be sent to the plugin.
int requestId = 0;
* A table mapping the id's of requests to the functions used to handle the
* response to those requests.
Map<String, _PendingRequest> pendingRequests = <String, _PendingRequest>{};
* A boolean indicating whether the plugin is compatible with the version of
* the plugin API being used by this server.
bool isCompatible = true;
* The contact information to include when reporting problems related to the
* plugin.
String contactInfo;
* The glob patterns of files that the plugin is interested in knowing about.
List<String> interestingFiles;
* The name to be used when reporting problems related to the plugin.
String name;
* The version number to be used when reporting problems related to the
* plugin.
String version;
* Initialize the newly created information about the execution of a plugin.
* Return the next request id, encoded as a string and increment the id so
* that a different result will be returned on each invocation.
String get nextRequestId => (requestId++).toString();
* Return a future that will complete when the plugin has stopped.
Future<Null> get onDone => pluginStoppedCompleter.future;
* Handle the given [notification].
void handleNotification(Notification notification) {
if (notification.event == PLUGIN_NOTIFICATION_ERROR) {
PluginErrorParams params =
new PluginErrorParams.fromNotification(notification);
if (params.isFatal) {
.handlePluginNotification(info.pluginId, notification);
* Handle the fact that the plugin has stopped.
void handleOnDone() {
if (channel != null) {
channel = null;
* Handle the fact that an unhandled error has occurred in the plugin.
void handleOnError(List<String> errorPair) {
StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace.fromString(errorPair[1]);
info.exception =
new CaughtException(new PluginException(errorPair[0]), stackTrace);
.logPluginException(, errorPair[0], stackTrace);
* Handle a [response] from the plugin by completing the future that was
* created when the request was sent.
void handleResponse(Response response) {
_PendingRequest requestData = pendingRequests.remove(;
int responseTime = new;
int duration = responseTime - requestData.requestTime;
PluginManager.recordResponseTime(info, requestData.method, duration);
Completer<Response> completer = requestData.completer;
if (completer != null) {
* Return `true` if there are any requests that have not been responded to
* within the maximum allowed amount of time.
bool isNonResponsive() {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Figure out when to invoke this method in order to
// identify non-responsive plugins and kill them.
int cutOffTime = new -
for (var requestData in pendingRequests.values) {
if (requestData.requestTime < cutOffTime) {
return true;
return false;
* Send a request, based on the given [parameters]. Return a future that will
* complete when a response is received.
Future<Response> sendRequest(RequestParams parameters) {
if (channel == null) {
throw new StateError(
'Cannot send a request to a plugin that has stopped.');
String id = nextRequestId;
Completer<Response> completer = new Completer();
int requestTime = new;
Request request = parameters.toRequest(id);
pendingRequests[id] =
new _PendingRequest(request.method, requestTime, completer);
return completer.future;
* Start a new isolate that is running this plugin. The plugin will be sent
* the given [byteStorePath]. Return `true` if the plugin is compatible and
* running.
Future<bool> start(String byteStorePath, String sdkPath) async {
if (channel != null) {
throw new StateError('Cannot start a plugin that is already running.');
if (byteStorePath == null || byteStorePath.isEmpty) {
throw new StateError('Missing byte store path');
if (!isCompatible) {
info.exception = new CaughtException(
new PluginException('Plugin is not compatible.'), null);
return false;
if (!info.canBeStarted) {
info.exception = new CaughtException(
new PluginException('Plugin cannot be started.'), null);
return false;
channel = info._createChannel();
await channel.listen(handleResponse, handleNotification,
onDone: handleOnDone, onError: handleOnError);
if (channel == null) {
// If there is an error when starting the isolate, the channel will invoke
// handleOnDone, which will cause `channel` to be set to `null`.
info.exception ??= new CaughtException(
new PluginException('Unrecorded error while starting the plugin.'),
return false;
Response response = await sendRequest(new PluginVersionCheckParams(
byteStorePath ?? '', sdkPath, '1.0.0-alpha.0'));
PluginVersionCheckResult result =
new PluginVersionCheckResult.fromResponse(response);
isCompatible = result.isCompatible;
contactInfo = result.contactInfo;
interestingFiles = result.interestingFiles;
name =;
version = result.version;
if (!isCompatible) {
sendRequest(new PluginShutdownParams());
info.exception = new CaughtException(
new PluginException('Plugin is not compatible.'), null);
return false;
return true;
* Request that the plugin shutdown.
Future<Null> stop() {
if (channel == null) {
throw new StateError('Cannot stop a plugin that is not running.');
sendRequest(new PluginShutdownParams());
new Future.delayed(WAIT_FOR_SHUTDOWN_DURATION, () {
if (channel != null) {
channel = null;
return pluginStoppedCompleter.future;
* Information about a request that has been sent but for which a response has
* not yet been received.
class _PendingRequest {
* The method of the request.
final String method;
* The time at which the request was sent to the plugin.
final int requestTime;
* The completer that will be used to complete the future when the response is
* received from the plugin.
final Completer<Response> completer;
* Initialize a pending request.
_PendingRequest(this.method, this.requestTime, this.completer);