blob: ba0df4d8669dcb4d8010f8abda81f3bb3828f316 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.pubspec;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'io.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'source_registry.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
/// The parsed and validated contents of a pubspec file.
class Pubspec {
/// This package's name.
final String name;
/// This package's version.
final Version version;
/// The packages this package depends on.
final List<PackageDep> dependencies;
/// The packages this package depends on when it is the root package.
final List<PackageDep> devDependencies;
/// The ids of the libraries containing the transformers to use for this
/// package.
final List<Set<AssetId>> transformers;
/// The environment-related metadata.
final PubspecEnvironment environment;
/// All pubspec fields. This includes the fields from which other properties
/// are derived.
final Map<String, Object> fields;
/// Loads the pubspec for a package [name] located in [packageDir].
factory Pubspec.load(String name, String packageDir, SourceRegistry sources) {
var pubspecPath = path.join(packageDir, 'pubspec.yaml');
if (!fileExists(pubspecPath)) throw new PubspecNotFoundException(name);
try {
var pubspec = new Pubspec.parse(pubspecPath, readTextFile(pubspecPath),
if ( == null) {
throw new PubspecHasNoNameException(name);
if (name != null && != name) {
throw new PubspecNameMismatchException(name,;
return pubspec;
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
fail('Could not parse $pubspecPath:\n${ex.message}');
Pubspec(, this.version, this.dependencies, this.devDependencies,
this.environment, this.transformers, [Map<String, Object> fields])
: this.fields = fields == null ? {} : fields;
: name = null,
version = Version.none,
dependencies = <PackageDep>[],
devDependencies = <PackageDep>[],
environment = new PubspecEnvironment(),
transformers = <Set<AssetId>>[],
fields = {};
/// Whether or not the pubspec has no contents.
bool get isEmpty =>
name == null && version == Version.none && dependencies.isEmpty;
/// Returns a Pubspec object for an already-parsed map representing its
/// contents.
/// This will validate that [contents] is a valid pubspec.
factory Pubspec.fromMap(Map contents, SourceRegistry sources) =>
_parseMap(null, contents, sources);
// TODO(rnystrom): Instead of allowing a null argument here, split this up
// into load(), parse(), and _parse() like LockFile does.
/// Parses the pubspec stored at [filePath] whose text is [contents]. If the
/// pubspec doesn't define version for itself, it defaults to [Version.none].
/// [filePath] may be `null` if the pubspec is not on the user's local
/// file system.
factory Pubspec.parse(String filePath, String contents,
SourceRegistry sources) {
if (contents.trim() == '') return new Pubspec.empty();
var parsedPubspec = loadYaml(contents);
if (parsedPubspec == null) return new Pubspec.empty();
if (parsedPubspec is! Map) {
throw new FormatException('The pubspec must be a YAML mapping.');
return _parseMap(filePath, parsedPubspec, sources);
/// Evaluates whether the given [url] for [field] is valid.
/// Throws [FormatException] on an invalid url.
void _validateFieldUrl(url, String field) {
if (url is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'The "$field" field should be a string, but was "$url".');
var goodScheme = new RegExp(r'^https?:');
if (!goodScheme.hasMatch(url)) {
throw new FormatException(
'The "$field" field should be an "http:" or "https:" URL, but '
'was "$url".');
Pubspec _parseMap(String filePath, Map map, SourceRegistry sources) {
var name = null;
if (map.containsKey('name')) {
name = map['name'];
if (name is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'The pubspec "name" field should be a string, but was "$name".');
var version = _parseVersion(map['version'], (v) =>
'The pubspec "version" field should be a semantic version number, '
'but was "$v".');
var dependencies = _parseDependencies(name, filePath, sources,
var devDependencies = _parseDependencies(name, filePath, sources,
// Make sure the same package doesn't appear as both a regular and dev
// dependency.
var dependencyNames = =>;
var collisions = dependencyNames.intersection( =>;
if (!collisions.isEmpty) {
var packageNames;
if (collisions.length == 1) {
packageNames = 'Package "${collisions.first}"';
} else {
var names = collisions.toList();
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("Packages ");
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
if (i == names.length - 2) {
buffer.write(", ");
} else if (i == names.length - 1) {
buffer.write(", and ");
packageNames = buffer.toString();
throw new FormatException(
'$packageNames cannot appear in both "dependencies" and '
var transformers = map['transformers'];
if (transformers != null) {
if (transformers is! List) {
throw new FormatException('"transformers" field must be a list, but was '
transformers = {
if (phase is! List) phase = [phase];
return {
if (transformer is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'Transformer "$transformer" must be a string.');
// Convert the concise asset name in the pubspec (of the form "package"
// or "package/library") to an AssetId that points to an actual dart
// file ("package/lib/package.dart" or "package/lib/library.dart",
// respectively).
var parts = split1(transformer, "/");
if (parts.length == 1) parts.add(parts.single);
var id = new AssetId(parts.first, 'lib/' + parts.last + '.dart');
if (id.package != name &&
!dependencies.any((ref) => == id.package)) {
throw new FormatException('Could not find package for transformer '
return id;
} else {
transformers = [];
var environmentYaml = map['environment'];
var sdkConstraint = VersionConstraint.any;
if (environmentYaml != null) {
if (environmentYaml is! Map) {
throw new FormatException(
'The pubspec "environment" field should be a map, but was '
sdkConstraint = _parseVersionConstraint(environmentYaml['sdk'], (v) =>
'The "sdk" field of "environment" should be a semantic version '
'constraint, but was "$v".');
var environment = new PubspecEnvironment(sdkConstraint);
// Even though the pub app itself doesn't use these fields, we validate
// them here so that users find errors early before they try to upload to
// the server:
// TODO(rnystrom): We should split this validation into separate layers:
// 1. Stuff that is required in any pubspec to perform any command. Things
// like "must have a name". That should go here.
// 2. Stuff that is required to upload a package. Things like "homepage
// must use a valid scheme". That should go elsewhere. pub upload should
// call it, and we should provide a separate command to show the user,
// and also expose it to the editor in some way.
if (map.containsKey('homepage')) {
_validateFieldUrl(map['homepage'], 'homepage');
if (map.containsKey('documentation')) {
_validateFieldUrl(map['documentation'], 'documentation');
if (map.containsKey('author') && map['author'] is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'The "author" field should be a string, but was '
if (map.containsKey('authors')) {
var authors = map['authors'];
if (authors is List) {
// All of the elements must be strings.
if (!authors.every((author) => author is String)) {
throw new FormatException('The "authors" field should be a string '
'or a list of strings, but was "$authors".');
} else if (authors is! String) {
throw new FormatException('The pubspec "authors" field should be a '
'string or a list of strings, but was "$authors".');
if (map.containsKey('author')) {
throw new FormatException('A pubspec should not have both an "author" '
'and an "authors" field.');
return new Pubspec(name, version, dependencies, devDependencies,
environment, transformers, map);
/// Parses [yaml] to a [Version] or throws a [FormatException] with the result
/// of calling [message] if it isn't valid.
/// If [yaml] is `null`, returns [Version.none].
Version _parseVersion(yaml, String message(yaml)) {
if (yaml == null) return Version.none;
if (yaml is! String) throw new FormatException(message(yaml));
try {
return new Version.parse(yaml);
} on FormatException catch(_) {
throw new FormatException(message(yaml));
/// Parses [yaml] to a [VersionConstraint] or throws a [FormatException] with
/// the result of calling [message] if it isn't valid.
/// If [yaml] is `null`, returns [VersionConstraint.any].
VersionConstraint _parseVersionConstraint(yaml, String getMessage(yaml)) {
if (yaml == null) return VersionConstraint.any;
if (yaml is! String) throw new FormatException(getMessage(yaml));
try {
return new VersionConstraint.parse(yaml);
} on FormatException catch(_) {
throw new FormatException(getMessage(yaml));
List<PackageDep> _parseDependencies(String packageName, String pubspecPath,
SourceRegistry sources, yaml) {
var dependencies = <PackageDep>[];
// Allow an empty dependencies key.
if (yaml == null) return dependencies;
if (yaml is! Map || yaml.keys.any((e) => e is! String)) {
throw new FormatException(
'The pubspec dependencies should be a map of package names, but '
'was ${yaml}.');
yaml.forEach((name, spec) {
if (name == packageName) {
throw new FormatException("Package '$name' cannot depend on itself.");
var description;
var sourceName;
var versionConstraint = new VersionRange();
if (spec == null) {
description = name;
sourceName =;
} else if (spec is String) {
description = name;
sourceName =;
versionConstraint = new VersionConstraint.parse(spec);
} else if (spec is Map) {
if (spec.containsKey('version')) {
versionConstraint = _parseVersionConstraint(spec.remove('version'),
(v) => 'The "version" field for $name should be a semantic '
'version constraint, but was "$v".');
var sourceNames = spec.keys.toList();
if (sourceNames.length > 1) {
throw new FormatException(
'Dependency $name may only have one source: $sourceNames.');
sourceName = only(sourceNames);
if (sourceName is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'Source name $sourceName should be a string.');
description = spec[sourceName];
} else {
throw new FormatException(
'Dependency specification $spec should be a string or a mapping.');
// If we have a valid source, use it to process the description. Allow
// unknown sources so pub doesn't choke on old pubspecs.
if (sources.contains(sourceName)) {
description = sources[sourceName].parseDescription(
pubspecPath, description, fromLockFile: false);
dependencies.add(new PackageDep(
name, sourceName, versionConstraint, description));
return dependencies;
/// The environment-related metadata in the pubspec. Corresponds to the data
/// under the "environment:" key in the pubspec.
class PubspecEnvironment {
/// The version constraint specifying which SDK versions this package works
/// with.
final VersionConstraint sdkVersion;
PubspecEnvironment([VersionConstraint sdk])
: sdkVersion = sdk != null ? sdk : VersionConstraint.any;