blob: 4c5b564d41e986850a8413b40b1386ed3956f927 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Temporary deploy command used to create a version of the app that can be
* compiled with dart2js and deployed. Following pub layout conventions, this
* script will treat any HTML file under a package 'web/' and 'test/'
* directories as entry points.
* From an application package you can run deploy by creating a small program
* as follows:
* import "package:polymer/deploy.dart" as deploy;
* main() => deploy.main();
* This library should go away once `pub deploy` can be configured to run
* barback transformers.
library polymer.deploy;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:polymer/src/transform.dart' show phases;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
main() {
var args = _parseArgs(new Options().arguments);
if (args == null) return;
var test = args['test'];
if (test != null) {
print('polymer/deploy.dart: creating a deploy target for "$_currentPackage"');
var outDir = args['out'];
_run(outDir, test != null).then(
(_) => print('Done! All files written to "$outDir"'));
// TODO(jmesserly): the current deploy/barback architecture is very unfriendly
// to deploying a single test. We need to fix it somehow but it isn't clear yet.
void _initForTest(String testFile) {
var testDir = path.normalize(path.dirname(testFile));
// A test must be allowed to import things in the package.
// So we must find its package root, given the entry point. We can do this
// by walking up to find pubspec.yaml.
var pubspecDir = _findDirWithFile(path.absolute(testDir), 'pubspec.yaml');
if (pubspecDir == null) {
print('error: pubspec.yaml file not found, please run this script from '
'your package root directory or a subdirectory.');
_currentPackage = '_test';
_packageDirs = {'_test' : pubspecDir};
String _findDirWithFile(String dir, String filename) {
while (!new File(path.join(dir, filename)).existsSync()) {
var parentDir = path.dirname(dir);
// If we reached root and failed to find it, bail.
if (parentDir == dir) return null;
dir = parentDir;
return dir;
* API exposed for testing purposes. Runs this deploy command but prentend that
* the sources under [webDir] belong to package 'test'.
Future runForTest(String webDir, String outDir) {
_currentPackage = 'test';
// associate package dirs with their location in the repo:
_packageDirs = {'test' : '.'};
return _run(webDir, outDir);
_addPackages(String dir) {
for (var packageDir in new Directory(dir).listSync().map((d) => d.path)) {
_packageDirs[path.basename(packageDir)] = packageDir;
Future _run(String outDir, bool includeTests) {
var barback = new Barback(new _PolymerDeployProvider());
_initializeBarback(barback, includeTests);
return _emitAllFiles(barback, 'web', outDir).then(
(_) => includeTests ? _emitAllFiles(barback, 'test', outDir) : null);
/** Tell barback which transformers to use and which assets to process. */
void _initializeBarback(Barback barback, bool includeTests) {
var assets = [];
void addAssets(String package, String subDir) {
for (var filepath in _listDir(package, subDir)) {
assets.add(new AssetId(package, filepath));
for (var package in _packageDirs.keys) {
// Do not process packages like 'polymer' where there is nothing to do.
if (_ignoredPackages.contains(package)) continue;
barback.updateTransformers(package, phases);
// notify barback to process anything under 'lib' and 'asset'
addAssets(package, 'lib');
addAssets(package, 'asset');
// In case of the current package, include also 'web'.
addAssets(_currentPackage, 'web');
if (includeTests) addAssets(_currentPackage, 'test');
/** Return the relative path of each file under [subDir] in a [package]. */
Iterable<String> _listDir(String package, String subDir) {
var packageDir = _packageDirs[package];
if (packageDir == null) return const [];
var dir = new Directory(path.join(packageDir, subDir));
if (!dir.existsSync()) return const [];
return dir.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false)
.where((f) => f is File)
.map((f) => path.relative(f.path, from: packageDir));
/** Attach error listeners on [barback] so we can report errors. */
void _attachListeners(Barback barback) {
// Listen for errors and results
barback.errors.listen((e) {
var trace = getAttachedStackTrace(e);
if (trace != null) {
print('error running barback: $e');
barback.results.listen((result) {
if (!result.succeeded) {
print("build failed with errors: ${result.errors}");
/** Ensure [dirpath] exists. */
void _ensureDir(var dirpath) {
new Directory(dirpath).createSync(recursive: true);
* Emits all outputs of [barback] and copies files that we didn't process (like
* polymer's libraries).
Future _emitAllFiles(Barback barback, String webDir, String outDir) {
return barback.getAllAssets().then((assets) {
// Copy all the assets we transformed
var futures = [];
for (var asset in assets) {
var id =;
var filepath;
if (id.package == _currentPackage && id.path.startsWith('$webDir/')) {
filepath = path.join(outDir, id.path);
} else if (id.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
filepath = path.join(outDir, webDir, 'packages', id.package,
} else {
// TODO(sigmund): do something about other assets?
var writer = new File(filepath).openWrite();
futures.add(writer.addStream( => writer.close()));
return Future.wait(futures);
}).then((_) {
// Copy also all the files we didn't process
var futures = [];
for (var package in _ignoredPackages) {
for (var relpath in _listDir(package, 'lib')) {
var inpath = path.join(_packageDirs[package], relpath);
var outpath = path.join(outDir, webDir, 'packages', package,
var writer = new File(outpath).openWrite();
futures.add(writer.addStream(new File(inpath).openRead())
.then((_) => writer.close()));
return Future.wait(futures);
/** A simple provider that reads files directly from the pub cache. */
class _PolymerDeployProvider implements PackageProvider {
Iterable<String> get packages => _packageDirs.keys;
Future<Asset> getAsset(AssetId id) =>
new Future.value(new Asset.fromPath(id, path.join(
// Assets always use the posix style paths
/** The current package extracted from the pubspec.yaml file. */
String _currentPackage = () {
var pubspec = new File('pubspec.yaml');
if (!pubspec.existsSync()) {
print('error: pubspec.yaml file not found, please run this script from '
'your package root directory.');
return null;
return loadYaml(pubspec.readAsStringSync())['name'];
* Maps package names to the path in the file system where to find the sources
* of such package. This map will contain an entry for the current package and
* everything it depends on (extracted via `pub list-pacakge-dirs`).
Map<String, String> _packageDirs = () {
var pub = path.join(path.dirname(new Options().executable),
Platform.isWindows ? 'pub.bat' : 'pub');
var result = Process.runSync(pub, ['list-package-dirs']);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
print("unexpected error invoking 'pub':");
var map = JSON.decode(result.stdout)["packages"];
map.forEach((k, v) { map[k] = path.dirname(v); });
map[_currentPackage] = '.';
return map;
* Internal packages used by polymer which we can copy directly to the output
* folder without having to process them with barback.
// TODO(sigmund): consider computing this list by recursively parsing
// pubspec.yaml files in the [_packageDirs].
final Set<String> _ignoredPackages =
(const [ 'analyzer_experimental', 'args', 'barback', 'browser', 'csslib',
'custom_element', 'fancy_syntax', 'html5lib', 'html_import', 'js',
'logging', 'mdv', 'meta', 'mutation_observer', 'observe', 'path',
'polymer', 'polymer_expressions', 'serialization', 'shadow_dom',
'source_maps', 'stack_trace', 'unittest',
'unmodifiable_collection', 'yaml'
ArgResults _parseArgs(arguments) {
var parser = new ArgParser()
..addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Displays this help message.',
defaultsTo: false, negatable: false)
..addOption('out', abbr: 'o', help: 'Directory where to generated files.',
defaultsTo: 'out')
..addOption('test', help: 'Deploy the test at the given path.\n'
'Note: currently this will deploy all tests in its directory,\n'
'but it will eventually deploy only the specified test.');
try {
var results = parser.parse(arguments);
if (results['help']) {
return null;
return results;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return null;
_showUsage(parser) {
print('Usage: dart package:polymer/deploy.dart [options]');