blob: b694a5f0ba520007318e76631f05b92d7f9aefe3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.type_builder;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show DartType, Supertype;
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart';
import 'library_builder.dart';
import 'named_type_builder.dart';
import 'nullability_builder.dart';
import 'omitted_type_builder.dart';
import 'type_declaration_builder.dart';
import 'type_variable_builder.dart';
enum TypeUse {
/// A type used as the type of a parameter.
/// For instance `X` and `Y` in
/// method(X p, {Y q}) {}
/// A type used as the type of a field.
/// For instance `X` and `Y` in
/// X topLevelField;
/// class Class {
/// Y instanceField;
/// }
/// A type used as the return type of a function.
/// For instance `X` in
/// X method() { ... }
/// A type used as a type argument to a constructor invocation.
/// For instance `X` in
/// class Class<T> {}
/// method() => new Class<X>();
/// A type used as a type argument to a redirecting factory constructor
/// declaration.
/// For instance `X` in
/// class Class<T> {
/// Class();
/// factory Class.redirect() = Class<X>;
/// }
/// A type used as the bound of a type parameter.
/// For instance `X` and `Y` in
/// method<T extends X>() {}
/// class Class<S extends Y> {}
/// A type computed as the default type for a type parameter.
/// For instance the type `X` computed for `T` and the type `dynamic` computed
/// for `S`.
/// method<T extends X>() {}
/// class Class<S> {}
/// A type used as a type argument in the instantiation of a tear off.
/// For instance `X` and `Y` in
/// class Class<S> {}
/// method<T>() {
/// Class<X>.new;
/// method<Y>;
/// }
/// A type used in an extends, with or implements clause.
/// For instance `X`, `Y`, `Z` in
/// class Class extends X with Y implements Z {}
// TODO(johnniwinther): The probably enclosed the mixin on clause. Is this
// a correct handling wrt well-boundedness?
/// A type used in a with clause.
/// For instance `X` in
/// class Class extends X {}
/// This type use creates an intermediate type used for mixin inference. The
/// type is not check for well-boundedness and contains [UnknownType] where
/// type arguments are omitted.
/// A type used in the on clause of an extension declaration.
/// For instance `X` in
/// extension Extension on X {}
/// A type used as the definition of a typedef.
/// For instance `X`, `void Function()` in
/// typedef Typedef1 = X;
/// typedef void Typedef2(); // The unaliased type is `void Function()`.
/// The this type of an enum.
// TODO(johnniwinther): This doesn't currently have the correct value and/or
// well-boundedness checking.
/// A type used as a type literal.
/// For instance `X` in
/// method() => X;
/// where `X` is the name of a class.
/// A type used as a type argument to a literal.
/// For instance `X`, `Y`, `Z`, and `W` in
/// method() {
/// <X>[];
/// <Y>{};
/// <Z, W>{};
/// }
/// A type used as a type argument in an invocation.
/// For instance `X`, `Y`, and `Z` in
/// staticMethod<T>(Class c, void Function<S>() f) {
/// staticMethod<X>(c, f);
/// c.instanceMethod<Y>();
/// f<Z>();
/// }
/// class Class {
/// instanceMethod<U>() {}
/// }
/// A type used as the type in an is-test.
/// For instance `X` in
/// method(o) => o is X;
/// A type used as the type in an as-cast.
/// For instance `X` in
/// method(o) => o as X;
/// A type used as the type of local variable.
/// For instance `X` in
/// method() {
/// X local;
/// }
/// A type used as the catch type in a catch clause.
/// For instance `X` in
/// method() {
/// try {
/// } on X catch (e) {
/// }
/// }
/// A type used as an instantiation argument.
/// For instance `X` in
/// method(void Function<T>() f) {
/// f<X>;
/// }
/// A type used as a type argument within another type.
/// For instance `X`, `Y`, `Z` and `W` in
/// method(List<X> a, Y Function(Z) f) {}
/// class Class implements List<W> {}
/// The default type of a type parameter used as the type argument in a raw
/// type.
/// For instance `X` implicitly inside `Class<X>` in the type of `cls` in
/// class Class<T extends X> {}
/// Class cls;
/// A type from a deferred library. This is an error case.
/// For instance `X` in
/// import 'foo.dart' deferred as prefix;
/// prefix.X field;
/// A type used as a type argument in the construction of a type through the
/// macro API.
abstract class TypeBuilder {
const TypeBuilder();
TypeDeclarationBuilder? get declaration => null;
/// Returns the Uri for the file in which this type annotation occurred, or
/// `null` if the type was synthesized.
Uri? get fileUri;
/// Returns the character offset with [fileUri] at which this type annotation
/// occurred, or `null` if the type was synthesized.
int? get charOffset;
/// May return null, for example, for mixin applications.
Object? get name;
NullabilityBuilder get nullabilityBuilder;
String get debugName;
StringBuffer printOn(StringBuffer buffer);
String toString() => "$debugName(${printOn(new StringBuffer())})";
/// Returns the [TypeBuilder] for this type in which [TypeVariableBuilder]s
/// in [substitution] have been replaced by the corresponding [TypeBuilder]s.
/// If [unboundTypes] is provided, created type builders that are not bound
/// are added to [unboundTypes]. Otherwise, creating an unbound type builder
/// throws an error.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change [NamedTypeBuilder] to hold the
// [TypeParameterScopeBuilder] should resolve it, so that we cannot create
// [NamedTypeBuilder]s that are orphaned.
TypeBuilder subst(Map<TypeVariableBuilder, TypeBuilder> substitution) => this;
/// Clones the type builder recursively without binding the subterms to
/// existing declaration or type variable builders. All newly built types
/// are added to [newTypes], so that they can be added to a proper scope and
/// resolved later.
TypeBuilder clone(
List<NamedTypeBuilder> newTypes,
SourceLibraryBuilder contextLibrary,
TypeParameterScopeBuilder contextDeclaration);
String get fullNameForErrors => "${printOn(new StringBuffer())}";
/// Creates the [DartType] from this [TypeBuilder] that doesn't contain
/// [TypedefType].
/// [library] is used to determine nullabilities and for registering well-
/// boundedness checks on the created type. [typeUse] describes how the
/// type is used which determine which well-boundedness checks are applied.
DartType build(LibraryBuilder library, TypeUse typeUse);
/// Creates the [DartType] from this [TypeBuilder] that contains
/// [TypedefType]. This is used to create types internal on which well-
/// boundedness checks can be permit. Calls from outside the [TypeBuilder]
/// subclasses should generally use [build] instead.
/// [library] is used to determine nullabilities and for registering well-
/// boundedness checks on the created type. [typeUse] describes how the
/// type is used which determine which well-boundedness checks are applied.
DartType buildAliased(LibraryBuilder library, TypeUse typeUse);
Supertype? buildSupertype(LibraryBuilder library);
Supertype? buildMixedInType(LibraryBuilder library);
TypeBuilder withNullabilityBuilder(NullabilityBuilder nullabilityBuilder);
bool get isVoidType;
void registerInferredType(DartType type) {
throw new UnsupportedError("${runtimeType}.registerInferredType");
void registerInferredTypeListener(InferredTypeListener listener) {}