blob: 1f8d05d527a13cf6d4f704ddd4ad82574cd462aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
/// An immutable set of radii for each corner of a rectangle.
/// Used by [BoxDecoration] when the shape is a [BoxShape.rectangle].
/// The [BorderRadius] class specifies offsets in terms of visual corners, e.g.
/// [topLeft]. These values are not affected by the [TextDirection]. To support
/// both left-to-right and right-to-left layouts, consider using
/// [BorderRadiusDirectional], which is expressed in terms that are relative to
/// a [TextDirection] (typically obtained from the ambient [Directionality]).
class BorderRadius extends BorderRadiusGeometry {
/// A border radius with all zero radii.
static const BorderRadius zero = BorderRadius.all(;
/// The top-left [Radius].
final Radius topLeft;
/// The top-right [Radius].
final Radius topRight;
/// The bottom-left [Radius].
final Radius bottomLeft;
/// The bottom-right [Radius].
final Radius bottomRight;
/// Creates a border radius where all radii are [radius].
const BorderRadius.all(Radius radius)
: this.only(
topLeft: radius,
topRight: radius,
bottomLeft: radius,
bottomRight: radius,
/// Creates a border radius where all radii are [Radius.circular(radius)].
BorderRadius.circular(double radius)
: this.all(
/// Creates a horizontally symmetrical border radius where the left and right
/// sides of the rectangle have the same radii.
const BorderRadius.horizontal({
Radius left =,
Radius right =,
}) : this.only(
topLeft: left,
topRight: right,
bottomLeft: left,
bottomRight: right,
/// Creates a border radius with only the given non-zero values. The other
/// corners will be right angles.
const BorderRadius.only({
this.topLeft =,
this.topRight =,
this.bottomLeft =,
this.bottomRight =,
/// Creates a vertically symmetric border radius where the top and bottom
/// sides of the rectangle have the same radii.
const BorderRadius.vertical({
Radius top =,
Radius bottom =,
}) : this.only(
topLeft: top,
topRight: top,
bottomLeft: bottom,
bottomRight: bottom,
/// An immutable set of radii for each corner of a rectangle, but with the
/// corners specified in a manner dependent on the writing direction.
/// This can be used to specify a corner radius on the leading or trailing edge
/// of a box, so that it flips to the other side when the text alignment flips
/// (e.g. being on the top right in English text but the top left in Arabic
/// text).
/// See also:
/// * [BorderRadius], a variant that uses physical labels (`topLeft` and
/// `topRight` instead of `topStart` and `topEnd`).
class BorderRadiusDirectional extends BorderRadiusGeometry {
/// A border radius with all zero radii.
/// Consider using [] instead, since that object has the same
/// effect, but will be cheaper to [resolve].
static const BorderRadiusDirectional zero =
/// The top-start [Radius].
final Radius topStart;
/// The top-end [Radius].
final Radius topEnd;
/// The bottom-start [Radius].
final Radius bottomStart;
/// The bottom-end [Radius].
final Radius bottomEnd;
/// Creates a border radius where all radii are [radius].
const BorderRadiusDirectional.all(Radius radius)
: this.only(
topStart: radius,
topEnd: radius,
bottomStart: radius,
bottomEnd: radius,
/// Creates a border radius where all radii are [Radius.circular(radius)].
BorderRadiusDirectional.circular(double radius)
: this.all(
/// Creates a horizontally symmetrical border radius where the start and end
/// sides of the rectangle have the same radii.
const BorderRadiusDirectional.horizontal({
Radius start =,
Radius end =,
}) : this.only(
topStart: start,
topEnd: end,
bottomStart: start,
bottomEnd: end,
/// Creates a border radius with only the given non-zero values. The other
/// corners will be right angles.
const BorderRadiusDirectional.only({
this.topStart =,
this.topEnd =,
this.bottomStart =,
this.bottomEnd =,
/// Creates a vertically symmetric border radius where the top and bottom
/// sides of the rectangle have the same radii.
const BorderRadiusDirectional.vertical({
Radius top =,
Radius bottom =,
}) : this.only(
topStart: top,
topEnd: top,
bottomStart: bottom,
bottomEnd: bottom,
/// Base class for [BorderRadius] that allows for text-direction aware resolution.
/// A property or argument of this type accepts classes created either with [new
/// BorderRadius.only] and its variants, or [new BorderRadiusDirectional.only]
/// and its variants.
/// To convert a [BorderRadiusGeometry] object of indeterminate type into a
/// [BorderRadius] object, call the [resolve] method.
abstract class BorderRadiusGeometry {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const BorderRadiusGeometry();