blob: 8d99597766459bd82951227a8a015b7c11294b6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/status.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/strings.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/string_utilities.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/scanner/token.dart' show Keyword;
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateClassName(String name) {
return _validateUpperCamelCase(name, "Class");
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateConstructorName(String name) {
if (name != null && name.isEmpty) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Constructor", allowBuiltIn: true);
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateFieldName(String name) {
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Field", allowBuiltIn: true);
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateFunctionName(String name) {
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Function", allowBuiltIn: true);
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateFunctionTypeAliasName(String name) {
return _validateUpperCamelCase(name, "Function type alias");
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateImportPrefixName(String name) {
if (name != null && name.isEmpty) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Import prefix");
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateLabelName(String name) {
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Label", allowBuiltIn: true);
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateLibraryName(String name) {
// null
if (name == null) {
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal("Library name must not be null.");
// blank
if (isBlank(name)) {
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal("Library name must not be blank.");
// check identifiers
List<String> identifiers = name.split('.');
for (String identifier in identifiers) {
RefactoringStatus status = _validateIdentifier(identifier,
"Library name identifier", "a lowercase letter or underscore");
if (!status.isOK) {
return status;
// should not have upper-case letters
for (String identifier in identifiers) {
for (int c in identifier.codeUnits) {
if (isUpperCase(c)) {
return new RefactoringStatus.warning(
"Library name should consist of lowercase identifier separated by dots.");
// OK
return new RefactoringStatus();
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateMethodName(String name) {
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Method", allowBuiltIn: true);
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateParameterName(String name) {
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Parameter", allowBuiltIn: true);
* Returns the [RefactoringStatus] with severity:
* OK if the name is valid;
* WARNING if the name is discouraged;
* FATAL if the name is illegal.
RefactoringStatus validateVariableName(String name) {
return _validateLowerCamelCase(name, "Variable", allowBuiltIn: true);
RefactoringStatus _validateIdentifier(
String identifier, String desc, String beginDesc,
{bool allowBuiltIn = false}) {
// has leading/trailing spaces
String trimmed = identifier.trim();
if (identifier != trimmed) {
String message = "$desc must not start or end with a blank.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// empty
int length = identifier.length;
if (length == 0) {
String message = "$desc must not be empty.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// keyword
Keyword keyword = Keyword.keywords[identifier];
if (keyword != null) {
if (keyword.isBuiltInOrPseudo && allowBuiltIn) {
String message = "Avoid using built-in identifiers as names.";
return new RefactoringStatus.warning(message);
} else {
String message = "$desc must not be a keyword.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// invalid characters
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int currentChar = identifier.codeUnitAt(i);
if (!isLetterOrDigit(currentChar) &&
currentChar != CHAR_UNDERSCORE &&
currentChar != CHAR_DOLLAR) {
String charStr = new String.fromCharCode(currentChar);
String message = "$desc must not contain '$charStr'.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// first character
final int currentChar = identifier.codeUnitAt(0);
if (!isLetter(currentChar) &&
currentChar != CHAR_UNDERSCORE &&
currentChar != CHAR_DOLLAR) {
String message = "$desc must begin with $beginDesc.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// OK
return new RefactoringStatus();
* Validates [identifier], should be lower camel case.
RefactoringStatus _validateLowerCamelCase(String identifier, String desc,
{bool allowBuiltIn = false}) {
desc += ' name';
// null
if (identifier == null) {
String message = "$desc must not be null.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// is not identifier
RefactoringStatus status = _validateIdentifier(
identifier, desc, "a lowercase letter or underscore",
allowBuiltIn: allowBuiltIn);
if (!status.isOK) {
return status;
// is private, OK
if (identifier.codeUnitAt(0) == CHAR_UNDERSCORE) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
// leading $, OK
if (identifier.codeUnitAt(0) == CHAR_DOLLAR) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
// does not start with lower case
if (!isLowerCase(identifier.codeUnitAt(0))) {
String message = "$desc should start with a lowercase letter.";
return new RefactoringStatus.warning(message);
// OK
return new RefactoringStatus();
* Validate the given identifier, which should be upper camel case.
RefactoringStatus _validateUpperCamelCase(String identifier, String desc) {
desc += ' name';
// null
if (identifier == null) {
String message = "$desc must not be null.";
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
// is not identifier
RefactoringStatus status = _validateIdentifier(
identifier, desc, "an uppercase letter or underscore");
if (!status.isOK) {
return status;
// is private, OK
if (identifier.codeUnitAt(0) == CHAR_UNDERSCORE) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
// leading $, OK
if (identifier.codeUnitAt(0) == CHAR_DOLLAR) {
return new RefactoringStatus();
// does not start with upper case
if (!isUpperCase(identifier.codeUnitAt(0))) {
// By convention, class names usually start with an uppercase letter
String message = "$desc should start with an uppercase letter.";
return new RefactoringStatus.warning(message);
// OK
return new RefactoringStatus();