blob: 74d6eb38c013f05dd7937c309fc3ada41dd08eb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' hide Element;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/name_suggestion.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/selection_analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/statement_analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/status.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/util.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/naming_conventions.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring_internal.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/rename_class_member.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/rename_unit_member.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/visible_ranges_computer.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/search/search_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/session_helper.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart' show ExitDetector;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
const String _TOKEN_SEPARATOR = '\uFFFF';
Element _getLocalElement(SimpleIdentifier node) {
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element is LocalVariableElement ||
element is ParameterElement ||
element is FunctionElement &&
element.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement) {
return element;
return null;
* Returns the "normalized" version of the given source, which is reconstructed
* from tokens, so ignores all the comments and spaces.
String _getNormalizedSource(String src, FeatureSet featureSet) {
List<Token> selectionTokens = TokenUtils.getTokens(src, featureSet);
return selectionTokens.join(_TOKEN_SEPARATOR);
* Returns the [Map] which maps [map] values to their keys.
Map<String, String> _inverseMap(Map<String, String> map) {
Map<String, String> result = <String, String>{};
map.forEach((String key, String value) {
result[value] = key;
return result;
* [ExtractMethodRefactoring] implementation.
class ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl extends RefactoringImpl
implements ExtractMethodRefactoring {
static const ERROR_EXITS =
'Selected statements contain a return statement, but not all possible '
'execution flows exit. Semantics may not be preserved.';
final SearchEngine searchEngine;
final ResolvedUnitResult resolveResult;
final int selectionOffset;
final int selectionLength;
SourceRange selectionRange;
CorrectionUtils utils;
final Set<Source> librariesToImport = new Set<Source>();
String returnType = '';
String variableType;
String name;
bool extractAll = true;
bool canCreateGetter = false;
bool createGetter = false;
final List<String> names = <String>[];
final List<int> offsets = <int>[];
final List<int> lengths = <int>[];
* The map of local elements to their visibility ranges.
Map<LocalElement, SourceRange> _visibleRangeMap;
* The map of local names to their visibility ranges.
final Map<String, List<SourceRange>> _localNames =
<String, List<SourceRange>>{};
* The set of names that are referenced without any qualifier.
final Set<String> _unqualifiedNames = new Set<String>();
final Set<String> _excludedNames = new Set<String>();
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> _parameters = <RefactoringMethodParameter>[];
final Map<String, RefactoringMethodParameter> _parametersMap =
<String, RefactoringMethodParameter>{};
final Map<String, List<SourceRange>> _parameterReferencesMap =
<String, List<SourceRange>>{};
bool _hasAwait = false;
DartType _returnType;
String _returnVariableName;
AstNode _parentMember;
Expression _selectionExpression;
FunctionExpression _selectionFunctionExpression;
List<Statement> _selectionStatements;
List<_Occurrence> _occurrences = [];
bool _staticContext = false;
ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl(this.searchEngine, this.resolveResult,
this.selectionOffset, this.selectionLength) {
selectionRange = new SourceRange(selectionOffset, selectionLength);
utils = new CorrectionUtils(resolveResult);
List<RefactoringMethodParameter> get parameters => _parameters;
void set parameters(List<RefactoringMethodParameter> parameters) {
_parameters = parameters.toList();
String get refactoringName {
AstNode node =
new NodeLocator(selectionOffset).searchWithin(resolveResult.unit);
if (node != null && node.thisOrAncestorOfType<ClassDeclaration>() != null) {
return 'Extract Method';
return 'Extract Function';
String get signature {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (createGetter) {
sb.write('get ');
} else {
// add all parameters
bool firstParameter = true;
for (RefactoringMethodParameter parameter in _parameters) {
// may be comma
if (firstParameter) {
firstParameter = false;
} else {
sb.write(', ');
// type
String typeSource = parameter.type;
if ('dynamic' != typeSource && '' != typeSource) {
sb.write(' ');
// name
// optional function-typed parameter parameters
if (parameter.parameters != null) {
// done
return sb.toString();
Future<RefactoringStatus> checkFinalConditions() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
RefactoringStatus status = await _checkPossibleConflicts();
return result;
Future<RefactoringStatus> checkInitialConditions() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
// selection
if (result.hasFatalError) {
return result;
// prepare parts
RefactoringStatus status = await _initializeParameters();
await _initializeReturnType();
// occurrences
// getter
canCreateGetter = _computeCanCreateGetter();
createGetter =
canCreateGetter && _isExpressionForGetter(_selectionExpression);
// names
// closure cannot have parameters
if (_selectionFunctionExpression != null && _parameters.isNotEmpty) {
String message = format(
'Cannot extract closure as method, it references {0} external variable(s).',
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(message);
return result;
RefactoringStatus checkName() {
return validateMethodName(name);
Future<SourceChange> createChange() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
SourceChange change = new SourceChange(refactoringName);
// replace occurrences with method invocation
for (_Occurrence occurrence in _occurrences) {
SourceRange range = occurrence.range;
// may be replacement of duplicates disabled
if (!extractAll && !occurrence.isSelection) {
// prepare invocation source
String invocationSource;
if (_selectionFunctionExpression != null) {
invocationSource = name;
} else {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// may be returns value
if (_selectionStatements != null && variableType != null) {
// single variable assignment / return statement
if (_returnVariableName != null) {
String occurrenceName =
// may be declare variable
if (!_parametersMap.containsKey(_returnVariableName)) {
if (variableType.isEmpty) {
sb.write('var ');
} else {
sb.write(' ');
// assign the return value
sb.write(' = ');
} else {
sb.write('return ');
// await
if (_hasAwait) {
sb.write('await ');
// invocation itself
if (!createGetter) {
bool firstParameter = true;
for (RefactoringMethodParameter parameter in _parameters) {
// may be comma
if (firstParameter) {
firstParameter = false;
} else {
sb.write(', ');
// argument name
String argumentName =
invocationSource = sb.toString();
// statements as extracted with their ";", so add new after invocation
if (_selectionStatements != null) {
invocationSource += ';';
// add replace edit
SourceEdit edit = newSourceEdit_range(range, invocationSource);
change, resolveResult.unit.declaredElement, edit);
// add method declaration
// prepare environment
String prefix = utils.getNodePrefix(_parentMember);
String eol = utils.endOfLine;
// prepare annotations
String annotations = '';
// may be "static"
if (_staticContext) {
annotations = 'static ';
// prepare declaration source
String declarationSource = null;
String returnExpressionSource = _getMethodBodySource();
// closure
if (_selectionFunctionExpression != null) {
String returnTypeCode = _getExpectedClosureReturnTypeCode();
declarationSource = '$returnTypeCode$name$returnExpressionSource';
if (_selectionFunctionExpression.body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
declarationSource += ';';
// optional 'async' body modifier
String asyncKeyword = _hasAwait ? ' async' : '';
// expression
if (_selectionExpression != null) {
bool isMultiLine = returnExpressionSource.contains(eol);
// We generate the method body using the shorthand syntax if it fits
// into a single line and use the regular method syntax otherwise.
if (!isMultiLine) {
// add return type
if (returnType.isNotEmpty) {
annotations += '$returnType ';
// just return expression
declarationSource = '$annotations$signature$asyncKeyword => ';
declarationSource += '$returnExpressionSource;';
} else {
// Left indent once; returnExpressionSource was indented for method
// shorthands.
returnExpressionSource = utils
// add return type
if (returnType.isNotEmpty) {
annotations += '$returnType ';
declarationSource = '$annotations$signature$asyncKeyword {$eol';
declarationSource += '$prefix ';
if (returnType.isNotEmpty) {
declarationSource += 'return ';
declarationSource += '$returnExpressionSource$eol$prefix}';
// statements
if (_selectionStatements != null) {
if (returnType.isNotEmpty) {
annotations += returnType + ' ';
declarationSource = '$annotations$signature$asyncKeyword {$eol';
declarationSource += returnExpressionSource;
if (_returnVariableName != null) {
declarationSource += '$prefix return $_returnVariableName;$eol';
declarationSource += '$prefix}';
// insert declaration
if (declarationSource != null) {
int offset = _parentMember.end;
SourceEdit edit =
new SourceEdit(offset, 0, '$eol$eol$prefix$declarationSource');
change, resolveResult.unit.declaredElement, edit);
// done
await addLibraryImports(resolveResult.session, change,
resolveResult.libraryElement, librariesToImport);
return change;
bool isAvailable() {
return !_checkSelection().hasFatalError;
* Adds a new reference to the parameter with the given name.
void _addParameterReference(String name, SourceRange range) {
List<SourceRange> references = _parameterReferencesMap[name];
if (references == null) {
references = [];
_parameterReferencesMap[name] = references;
RefactoringStatus _checkParameterNames() {
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
for (RefactoringMethodParameter parameter in _parameters) {
for (RefactoringMethodParameter other in _parameters) {
if (!identical(parameter, other) && == {
format("Parameter '{0}' already exists",;
return result;
if (_isParameterNameConflictWithBody(parameter)) {
"'{0}' is already used as a name in the selected code",;
return result;
return result;
* Checks if created method will shadow or will be shadowed by other elements.
Future<RefactoringStatus> _checkPossibleConflicts() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
AstNode parent = _parentMember.parent;
// top-level function
if (parent is CompilationUnit) {
LibraryElement libraryElement = parent.declaredElement.library;
return validateCreateFunction(searchEngine, libraryElement, name);
// method of class
if (parent is ClassDeclaration) {
ClassElement classElement = parent.declaredElement;
return validateCreateMethod(searchEngine,
AnalysisSessionHelper(resolveResult.session), classElement, name);
// OK
return new Future<RefactoringStatus>.value(result);
* Checks if [selectionRange] selects [Expression] which can be extracted, and
* location of this [DartExpression] in AST allows extracting.
RefactoringStatus _checkSelection() {
if (selectionOffset <= 0) {
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(
'The selection offset must be greater than zero.');
if (selectionOffset + selectionLength >= resolveResult.content.length) {
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(
'The selection end offset must be less then the length of the file.');
// Check for implicitly selected closure.
FunctionExpression function = _findFunctionExpression();
if (function != null) {
_selectionFunctionExpression = function;
selectionRange = range.node(function);
_parentMember = getEnclosingClassOrUnitMember(function);
return new RefactoringStatus();
var analyzer = new _ExtractMethodAnalyzer(resolveResult, selectionRange);
// May be a fatal error.
if (analyzer.status.hasFatalError) {
return analyzer.status;
List<AstNode> selectedNodes = analyzer.selectedNodes;
// If no selected nodes, extract the smallest covering expression.
if (selectedNodes.isEmpty) {
for (var node = analyzer.coveringNode; node != null; node = node.parent) {
if (node is Statement) {
if (node is Expression && _isExtractable(range.node(node))) {
selectionRange = range.node(node);
// Check selected nodes.
if (selectedNodes.isNotEmpty) {
AstNode selectedNode = selectedNodes.first;
_parentMember = getEnclosingClassOrUnitMember(selectedNode);
// single expression selected
if (selectedNodes.length == 1) {
if (!utils.selectionIncludesNonWhitespaceOutsideNode(
selectionRange, selectedNode)) {
if (selectedNode is Expression) {
_selectionExpression = selectedNode;
// additional check for closure
if (_selectionExpression is FunctionExpression) {
_selectionFunctionExpression =
_selectionExpression as FunctionExpression;
_selectionExpression = null;
// OK
return new RefactoringStatus();
// statements selected
List<Statement> selectedStatements = [];
for (AstNode selectedNode in selectedNodes) {
if (selectedNode is Statement) {
if (selectedStatements.length == selectedNodes.length) {
_selectionStatements = selectedStatements;
return new RefactoringStatus();
// invalid selection
return new RefactoringStatus.fatal(
'Can only extract a single expression or a set of statements.');
* Initializes [canCreateGetter] flag.
bool _computeCanCreateGetter() {
// is a function expression
if (_selectionFunctionExpression != null) {
return false;
// has parameters
if (parameters.isNotEmpty) {
return false;
// is assignment
if (_selectionExpression != null) {
if (_selectionExpression is AssignmentExpression) {
return false;
// doesn't return a value
if (_selectionStatements != null) {
return returnType != 'void';
// OK
return true;
* If the [selectionRange] is associated with a [FunctionExpression], return
* this [FunctionExpression].
FunctionExpression _findFunctionExpression() {
if (selectionRange.length != 0) {
return null;
int offset = selectionRange.offset;
AstNode node =
new NodeLocator2(offset, offset).searchWithin(resolveResult.unit);
// Check for the parameter list of a FunctionExpression.
FunctionExpression function =
if (function != null &&
function.parameters != null &&
range.node(function.parameters).contains(offset)) {
return function;
// Check for the name of the named argument with the closure expression.
if (node is SimpleIdentifier &&
node.parent is Label &&
node.parent.parent is NamedExpression) {
NamedExpression namedExpression = node.parent.parent;
Expression expression = namedExpression.expression;
if (expression is FunctionExpression) {
return expression;
return null;
* If the selected closure (i.e. [_selectionFunctionExpression]) is an
* argument for a function typed parameter (as it should be), and the
* function type has the return type specified, return this return type's
* code. Otherwise return the empty string.
String _getExpectedClosureReturnTypeCode() {
Expression argument = _selectionFunctionExpression;
if (argument.parent is NamedExpression) {
argument = argument.parent as NamedExpression;
ParameterElement parameter = argument.staticParameterElement;
if (parameter != null) {
DartType parameterType = parameter.type;
if (parameterType is FunctionType) {
String typeCode = _getTypeCode(parameterType.returnType);
if (typeCode != 'dynamic') {
return typeCode + ' ';
return '';
* Returns the selected [Expression] source, with applying new parameter
* names.
String _getMethodBodySource() {
String source = utils.getRangeText(selectionRange);
// prepare operations to replace variables with parameters
List<SourceEdit> replaceEdits = [];
for (RefactoringMethodParameter parameter in _parameters) {
List<SourceRange> ranges = _parameterReferencesMap[];
if (ranges != null) {
for (SourceRange range in ranges) {
replaceEdits.add(new SourceEdit(range.offset - selectionRange.offset,
replaceEdits.sort((a, b) => b.offset - a.offset);
// apply replacements
source = SourceEdit.applySequence(source, replaceEdits);
// change indentation
if (_selectionFunctionExpression != null) {
AstNode baseNode =
if (baseNode != null) {
String baseIndent = utils.getNodePrefix(baseNode);
String targetIndent = utils.getNodePrefix(_parentMember);
source = utils.replaceSourceIndent(source, baseIndent, targetIndent);
source = source.trim();
if (_selectionStatements != null) {
String selectionIndent = utils.getNodePrefix(_selectionStatements[0]);
String targetIndent = utils.getNodePrefix(_parentMember) + ' ';
source = utils.replaceSourceIndent(source, selectionIndent, targetIndent);
// done
return source;
_SourcePattern _getSourcePattern(SourceRange range) {
String originalSource = utils.getText(range.offset, range.length);
_SourcePattern pattern = new _SourcePattern();
List<SourceEdit> replaceEdits = <SourceEdit>[];
.accept(new _GetSourcePatternVisitor(range, pattern, replaceEdits));
replaceEdits = replaceEdits.reversed.toList();
String source = SourceEdit.applySequence(originalSource, replaceEdits);
pattern.normalizedSource =
_getNormalizedSource(source, resolveResult.unit.featureSet);
return pattern;
String _getTypeCode(DartType type) {
return utils.getTypeSource(type, librariesToImport);
void _initializeHasAwait() {
_HasAwaitVisitor visitor = new _HasAwaitVisitor();
if (_selectionExpression != null) {
} else if (_selectionStatements != null) {
_selectionStatements.forEach((statement) {
_hasAwait = visitor.result;
* Fills [_occurrences] field.
void _initializeOccurrences() {
// prepare selection
_SourcePattern selectionPattern = _getSourcePattern(selectionRange);
Map<String, String> patternToSelectionName =
// prepare an enclosing parent - class or unit
AstNode enclosingMemberParent = _parentMember.parent;
// visit nodes which will able to access extracted method
enclosingMemberParent.accept(new _InitializeOccurrencesVisitor(
this, selectionPattern, patternToSelectionName));
* Prepares information about used variables, which should be turned into
* parameters.
Future<RefactoringStatus> _initializeParameters() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
List<VariableElement> assignedUsedVariables = [];
var unit = resolveResult.unit;
_visibleRangeMap = VisibleRangesComputer.forNode(unit);
_InitializeParametersVisitor(this, assignedUsedVariables),
// single expression
if (_selectionExpression != null) {
_returnType = _selectionExpression.staticType;
// verify that none or all execution flows end with a "return"
if (_selectionStatements != null) {
bool hasReturn = _selectionStatements.any(_mayEndWithReturnStatement);
if (hasReturn && !ExitDetector.exits(_selectionStatements.last)) {
// maybe ends with "return" statement
if (_selectionStatements != null) {
TypeSystem typeSystem = await resolveResult.session.typeSystem;
_ReturnTypeComputer returnTypeComputer =
new _ReturnTypeComputer(typeSystem);
_selectionStatements.forEach((statement) {
_returnType = returnTypeComputer.returnType;
// maybe single variable to return
if (assignedUsedVariables.length == 1) {
// we cannot both return variable and have explicit return statement
if (_returnType != null) {
'Ambiguous return value: Selected block contains assignment(s) to '
'local variables and return statement.');
return result;
// prepare to return an assigned variable
VariableElement returnVariable = assignedUsedVariables[0];
_returnType = returnVariable.type;
_returnVariableName = returnVariable.displayName;
// fatal, if multiple variables assigned and used after selection
if (assignedUsedVariables.length > 1) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (VariableElement variable in assignedUsedVariables) {
'Ambiguous return value: Selected block contains more than one '
'assignment to local variables. Affected variables are:\n\n{0}',
// done
return result;
Future<void> _initializeReturnType() async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
TypeProvider typeProvider = await resolveResult.session.typeProvider;
if (_selectionFunctionExpression != null) {
variableType = '';
returnType = '';
} else if (_returnType == null) {
variableType = null;
if (_hasAwait) {
returnType = _getTypeCode(typeProvider.futureDynamicType);
} else {
returnType = 'void';
} else if (_returnType.isDynamic) {
variableType = '';
if (_hasAwait) {
returnType = _getTypeCode(typeProvider.futureDynamicType);
} else {
returnType = '';
} else {
variableType = _getTypeCode(_returnType);
if (_hasAwait) {
if (_returnType.element != typeProvider.futureElement) {
returnType = _getTypeCode(typeProvider.futureType2(_returnType));
} else {
returnType = variableType;
* Checks if the given [element] is declared in [selectionRange].
bool _isDeclaredInSelection(Element element) {
return selectionRange.contains(element.nameOffset);
* Checks if it is OK to extract the node with the given [SourceRange].
bool _isExtractable(SourceRange range) {
var analyzer = new _ExtractMethodAnalyzer(resolveResult, range);
return analyzer.status.isOK;
bool _isParameterNameConflictWithBody(RefactoringMethodParameter parameter) {
String id =;
String name =;
List<SourceRange> parameterRanges = _parameterReferencesMap[id];
List<SourceRange> otherRanges = _localNames[name];
for (SourceRange parameterRange in parameterRanges) {
if (otherRanges != null) {
for (SourceRange otherRange in otherRanges) {
if (parameterRange.intersects(otherRange)) {
return true;
if (_unqualifiedNames.contains(name)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if [element] is referenced after [selectionRange].
bool _isUsedAfterSelection(Element element) {
var visitor = new _IsUsedAfterSelectionVisitor(this, element);
return visitor.result;
* Prepare names that are used in the enclosing function, so should not be
* proposed as names of the extracted method.
void _prepareExcludedNames() {
List<LocalElement> localElements = getDefinedLocalElements(_parentMember);
_excludedNames.addAll( =>;
void _prepareNames() {
if (_selectionExpression != null) {
_selectionExpression.staticType, _selectionExpression, _excludedNames,
isMethod: true));
void _prepareOffsetsLengths() {
for (_Occurrence occurrence in _occurrences) {
* Checks if the given [expression] is reasonable to extract as a getter.
static bool _isExpressionForGetter(Expression expression) {
if (expression is BinaryExpression) {
return _isExpressionForGetter(expression.leftOperand) &&
if (expression is Literal) {
return true;
if (expression is PrefixExpression) {
return _isExpressionForGetter(expression.operand);
if (expression is PrefixedIdentifier) {
return _isExpressionForGetter(expression.prefix);
if (expression is PropertyAccess) {
return _isExpressionForGetter(;
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns `true` if the given [statement] may end with a [ReturnStatement].
static bool _mayEndWithReturnStatement(Statement statement) {
_HasReturnStatementVisitor visitor = new _HasReturnStatementVisitor();
return visitor.hasReturn;
* [SelectionAnalyzer] for [ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl].
class _ExtractMethodAnalyzer extends StatementAnalyzer {
ResolvedUnitResult resolveResult, SourceRange selection)
: super(resolveResult, selection);
void handleNextSelectedNode(AstNode node) {
void handleSelectionEndsIn(AstNode node) {
'The selection does not cover a set of statements or an expression. '
'Extend selection to a valid range.');
Object visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
Expression lhs = node.leftHandSide;
if (_isFirstSelectedNode(lhs)) {
invalidSelection('Cannot extract the left-hand side of an assignment.',
return null;
Object visitConstructorInitializer(ConstructorInitializer node) {
if (_isFirstSelectedNode(node)) {
'Cannot extract a constructor initializer. '
'Select expression part of initializer.',
return null;
Object visitForParts(ForParts node) {
return null;
Object visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
var forLoopParts = node.forLoopParts;
if (forLoopParts is ForParts) {
if (forLoopParts is ForPartsWithDeclarations &&
identical(forLoopParts.variables, firstSelectedNode)) {
"Cannot extract initialization part of a 'for' statement.");
} else if (forLoopParts.updaters.contains(lastSelectedNode)) {
invalidSelection("Cannot extract increment part of a 'for' statement.");
return null;
Object visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) {
if (_isFirstSelectedNode(node)) {
invalidSelection('Cannot extract a single type reference.');
return null;
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (_isFirstSelectedNode(node)) {
// name of declaration
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
invalidSelection('Cannot extract the name part of a declaration.');
// method name
Element element = node.staticElement;
if (element is FunctionElement || element is MethodElement) {
invalidSelection('Cannot extract a single method name.');
// name in property access
if (node.parent is PrefixedIdentifier &&
(node.parent as PrefixedIdentifier).identifier == node) {
invalidSelection('Can not extract name part of a property access.');
return null;
Object visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
if (_isFirstSelectedNode(node)) {
invalidSelection('Cannot extract a single type reference.');
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
if (_isFirstSelectedNode(node)) {
'Cannot extract a variable declaration fragment. '
'Select whole declaration statement.',
return null;
void _checkParent(AstNode node) {
AstNode firstParent = firstSelectedNode.parent;
do {
node = node.parent;
if (identical(node, firstParent)) {
} while (node != null);
'Not all selected statements are enclosed by the same parent statement.');
bool _isFirstSelectedNode(AstNode node) => identical(firstSelectedNode, node);
class _GetSourcePatternVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final SourceRange partRange;
final _SourcePattern pattern;
final List<SourceEdit> replaceEdits;
_GetSourcePatternVisitor(this.partRange, this.pattern, this.replaceEdits);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
SourceRange nodeRange = range.node(node);
if (partRange.covers(nodeRange)) {
Element element = _getLocalElement(node);
if (element != null) {
// name of a named expression
if (isNamedExpressionName(node)) {
// continue
String originalName = element.displayName;
String patternName = pattern.originalToPatternNames[originalName];
if (patternName == null) {
DartType parameterType = _getElementType(element);
patternName = '__refVar${pattern.originalToPatternNames.length}';
pattern.originalToPatternNames[originalName] = patternName;
replaceEdits.add(new SourceEdit(nodeRange.offset - partRange.offset,
nodeRange.length, patternName));
DartType _getElementType(Element element) {
if (element is VariableElement) {
return element.type;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
return element.type;
throw new StateError('Unknown element type: ${element?.runtimeType}');
class _HasAwaitVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
bool result = false;
visitAwaitExpression(AwaitExpression node) {
result = true;
visitForStatement(ForStatement node) {
if (node.awaitKeyword != null) {
result = true;
class _HasReturnStatementVisitor extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
bool hasReturn = false;
visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {}
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
hasReturn = true;
class _InitializeOccurrencesVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void> {
final ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl ref;
final _SourcePattern selectionPattern;
final Map<String, String> patternToSelectionName;
bool forceStatic = false;
this.ref, this.selectionPattern, this.patternToSelectionName);
void visitBlock(Block node) {
if (ref._selectionStatements != null) {
void visitConstructorInitializer(ConstructorInitializer node) {
forceStatic = true;
try {
} finally {
forceStatic = false;
void visitExpression(Expression node) {
if (ref._selectionFunctionExpression != null ||
ref._selectionExpression != null &&
node.runtimeType == ref._selectionExpression.runtimeType) {
SourceRange nodeRange = range.node(node);
void visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
forceStatic = node.isStatic;
try {
} finally {
forceStatic = false;
void visitSwitchMember(SwitchMember node) {
if (ref._selectionStatements != null) {
* Checks if given [SourceRange] matched selection source and adds [_Occurrence].
bool _tryToFindOccurrence(SourceRange nodeRange) {
// check if can be extracted
if (!ref._isExtractable(nodeRange)) {
return false;
// prepare node source
_SourcePattern nodePattern = ref._getSourcePattern(nodeRange);
// if matches normalized node source, then add as occurrence
if (selectionPattern.isCompatible(nodePattern)) {
_Occurrence occurrence =
new _Occurrence(nodeRange, ref.selectionRange.intersects(nodeRange));
// prepare mapping of parameter names to the occurrence variables
.forEach((String originalName, String patternName) {
String selectionName = patternToSelectionName[patternName];
occurrence._parameterOldToOccurrenceName[selectionName] = originalName;
// update static
if (forceStatic) {
ref._staticContext = true;
// we have match
return true;
// no match
return false;
void _visitStatements(List<Statement> statements) {
int beginStatementIndex = 0;
int selectionCount = ref._selectionStatements.length;
while (beginStatementIndex + selectionCount <= statements.length) {
SourceRange nodeRange = range.startEnd(statements[beginStatementIndex],
statements[beginStatementIndex + selectionCount - 1]);
bool found = _tryToFindOccurrence(nodeRange);
// next statement
if (found) {
beginStatementIndex += selectionCount;
} else {
class _InitializeParametersVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl ref;
final List<VariableElement> assignedUsedVariables;
_InitializeParametersVisitor(this.ref, this.assignedUsedVariables);
void visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
SourceRange nodeRange = range.node(node);
if (!ref.selectionRange.covers(nodeRange)) {
String name =;
// analyze local element
Element element = _getLocalElement(node);
if (element != null) {
// name of the named expression
if (isNamedExpressionName(node)) {
// if declared outside, add parameter
if (!ref._isDeclaredInSelection(element)) {
// add parameter
RefactoringMethodParameter parameter = ref._parametersMap[name];
if (parameter == null) {
DartType parameterType = node.staticType;
StringBuffer parametersBuffer = new StringBuffer();
String parameterTypeCode = ref.utils.getTypeSource(
parameterType, ref.librariesToImport,
parametersBuffer: parametersBuffer);
String parametersCode =
parametersBuffer.isNotEmpty ? parametersBuffer.toString() : null;
parameter = new RefactoringMethodParameter(
RefactoringMethodParameterKind.REQUIRED, parameterTypeCode, name,
parameters: parametersCode, id: name);
ref._parametersMap[name] = parameter;
// add reference to parameter
ref._addParameterReference(name, nodeRange);
// remember, if assigned and used after selection
if (isLeftHandOfAssignment(node) && ref._isUsedAfterSelection(element)) {
if (!assignedUsedVariables.contains(element)) {
// remember information for conflicts checking
if (element is LocalElement) {
// declared local elements
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
ref._localNames.putIfAbsent(name, () => <SourceRange>[]);
} else {
// unqualified non-local names
if (!node.isQualified) {
class _IsUsedAfterSelectionVisitor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final ExtractMethodRefactoringImpl ref;
final Element element;
bool result = false;
_IsUsedAfterSelectionVisitor(this.ref, this.element);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
Element nodeElement = node.staticElement;
if (identical(nodeElement, element)) {
int nodeOffset = node.offset;
if (nodeOffset > ref.selectionRange.end) {
result = true;
* Description of a single occurrence of the selected expression or set of
* statements.
class _Occurrence {
final SourceRange range;
final bool isSelection;
final Map<String, String> _parameterOldToOccurrenceName = <String, String>{};
_Occurrence(this.range, this.isSelection);
class _ReturnTypeComputer extends RecursiveAstVisitor {
final TypeSystem typeSystem;
DartType returnType;
visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {}
visitReturnStatement(ReturnStatement node) {
// prepare expression
Expression expression = node.expression;
if (expression == null) {
// prepare type
DartType type = expression.staticType;
if (type.isBottom) {
// combine types
if (returnType == null) {
returnType = type;
} else {
if (returnType is InterfaceType && type is InterfaceType) {
returnType = InterfaceType.getSmartLeastUpperBound(returnType, type);
} else {
returnType = typeSystem.getLeastUpperBound(returnType, type);
* Generalized version of some source, in which references to the specific
* variables are replaced with pattern variables, with back mapping from the
* pattern to the original variable names.
class _SourcePattern {
final List<DartType> parameterTypes = <DartType>[];
String normalizedSource;
final Map<String, String> originalToPatternNames = {};
bool isCompatible(_SourcePattern other) {
if (other.normalizedSource != normalizedSource) {
return false;
if (other.parameterTypes.length != parameterTypes.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
if (other.parameterTypes[i] != parameterTypes[i]) {
return false;
return true;