blob: f2040cf3f847a16431f1a6f7c770ef3d19d4e177 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/containers/virtual_collection.dart';
import 'package:observatory/src/elements/containers/virtual_tree.dart';
main() {
final cTag =;
var container;
setUp(() {
container = document.body.getElementsByClassName('test_container').first;
group('instantiation', () {
test('default', () {
final e = new VirtualTreeElement((_) {}, (_1, _2, _3) {}, (_) {});
expect(e, isNotNull, reason: 'element correctly created');
expect(e.items, isNotNull, reason: 'items not null');
expect(e.items, isEmpty, reason: 'no items');
test('items: []', () {
final items = ["1", 2, {}];
final e =
new VirtualTreeElement((_) {}, (_1, _2, _3) {}, (_) {}, items: items);
expect(e, isNotNull, reason: 'element correctly created');
expect(e.items, isNot(same(items)), reason: 'avoid side effect');
expect(e.items, equals(items), reason: 'same items');
test('elements created after attachment', () async {
final create = (toggle) => new DivElement()..classes = ['test_item'];
final update = (HtmlElement el, item, depth) {
el.text = item.toString();
final children = (item) => [];
final items = ["1", 2, {}];
final e = new VirtualTreeElement(create, update, children);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(e.children.length, isNonZero, reason: 'has elements');
expect(e.querySelectorAll(cTag).length, same(1));
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(e.children.length, isZero, reason: 'is empty');
test('expand single child', () async {
const max_depth = 100000;
final create = (toggle) => new DivElement()..classes = ['test_item'];
final update = (HtmlElement el, item, depth) {
el.text = item.toString();
final children = (item) => item >= max_depth ? [] : [item + 1];
final items = [0];
final e = new VirtualTreeElement(create, update, children, items: items);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(e.children.length, isNonZero, reason: 'has elements');
final VirtualCollectionElement collection = e.querySelectorAll(cTag).first;
expect(collection.items.length, equals(1), reason: 'begin');
e.expand(0, autoExpandSingleChildNodes: true);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(collection.items.length, equals(max_depth + 1), reason: 'expanded');
e.collapse(0, autoCollapseSingleChildNodes: true);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(collection.items.length, equals(1), reason: 'collapsed');
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(e.children.length, isZero, reason: 'is empty');
test('expand whole tree', () async {
const max_depth = 100000;
final create = (toggle) => new DivElement()..classes = ['test_item'];
final update = (HtmlElement el, item, depth) {
el.text = item.toString();
// We want to generated a tree that doesn't collapse to a chain of items
// while avoiding to generate an exponential number of items
final children = (item) {
if (item < 2 * max_depth) {
if (item % 200 == 0) {
return [item + 1, item + 2];
} else if (item % 2 == 0) {
return [item + 2];
return [];
final items = [0];
final e = new VirtualTreeElement(create, update, children, items: items);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(e.children.length, isNonZero, reason: 'has elements');
final VirtualCollectionElement collection = e.querySelectorAll(cTag).first;
expect(collection.items.length, equals(1), reason: 'begin');
e.expand(0, autoExpandWholeTree: true);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(collection.items.length, equals(max_depth + max_depth / 100 + 1),
reason: 'expanded');
e.collapse(0, autoCollapseWholeTree: true);
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(collection.items.length, equals(1), reason: 'collapsed');
await e.onRendered.first;
expect(e.children.length, isZero, reason: 'is empty');