blob: cf624b4f7fcca648e56dbeadcff7957510c9ea16 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.uri_translator;
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/util/libraries_specification.dart'
show TargetLibrariesSpecification;
import 'compiler_context.dart' show CompilerContext;
import 'fasta_codes.dart';
class UriTranslator {
final TargetLibrariesSpecification dartLibraries;
final PackageConfig packages;
UriTranslator(this.dartLibraries, this.packages);
List<Uri>? getDartPatches(String libraryName) =>
bool isPlatformImplementation(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme != "dart") return false;
String path = uri.path;
return dartLibraries.libraryInfoFor(path) == null || path.startsWith("_");
// TODO(sigmund, ahe): consider expanding this API to include an error
// callback, so we can provide an error location when one is available. For
// example, if the error occurs in an `import`.
Uri? translate(Uri uri, [bool reportMessage = true]) {
if (uri.scheme == "dart") return _translateDartUri(uri);
if (uri.scheme == "package") {
return _translatePackageUri(uri, reportMessage);
return null;
/// For a package uri, get the corresponding [Package].
Package? getPackage(Uri uri) {
// ignore: unnecessary_null_comparison
if (packages == null) return null;
if (uri.scheme != "package") return null;
int firstSlash = uri.path.indexOf('/');
if (firstSlash == -1) return null;
String packageName = uri.path.substring(0, firstSlash);
return packages[packageName];
bool isLibrarySupported(String libraryName) {
// TODO(sigmund): change this to `?? false` when all backends provide the
// `libraries.json` file by default (Issue #32657).
return dartLibraries.libraryInfoFor(libraryName)?.isSupported ?? true;
Uri? _translateDartUri(Uri uri) {
if (!uri.isScheme('dart')) return null;
return dartLibraries.libraryInfoFor(uri.path)?.uri;
Uri? _translatePackageUri(Uri uri, bool reportMessage) {
try {
// TODO(sigmund): once we remove the `parse` API, we can ensure that
// packages will never be null and get rid of `?` below.
Uri? translated = packages.resolve(uri);
if (translated == null) {
return (reportMessage
? _packageUriNotFound
: _packageUriNotFoundNoReport)(uri);
return translated;
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
// TODO(sigmund): catch a more precise error when
// is fixed.
if (reportMessage) {
templateInvalidPackageUri.withArguments(uri, '$e'), Severity.error);
return null;
static Uri? _packageUriNotFound(Uri uri) {
String name = uri.pathSegments.first;
templatePackageNotFound.withArguments(name, uri), Severity.error);
// TODO(sigmund, ahe): ensure we only report an error once,
// this null result will likely cause another error further down in the
// compiler.
return null;
static Uri? _packageUriNotFoundNoReport(Uri uri) {
return null;