blob: af77384d79236b8d192db76ec492ad419a9f0098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that the CPS IR code generator compiles programs and produces the
// the expected output.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/apiimpl.dart' show
import '../memory_compiler.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as js;
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/elements.dart' show
// Regular experession used to extract the method name that is used to match the
// test output. By default we match the output of main.
final RegExp elementNameRegExp = new RegExp(r'^// Method to test: (.*)$',
multiLine: true);
runTest(String filename, {bool update: false}) {
var outputname = filename.replaceFirst('.dart', '.js');
String source = new File.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('input/$filename'))
var expectedFile =
new File.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('expected/$outputname'));
String expected = expectedFile.existsSync()
? expectedFile.readAsStringSync() : '';
var match = elementNameRegExp.firstMatch(source);
var elementName = match?.group(1);
Map files = {
'package:expect/expect.dart': '''
class NoInline {
const NoInline();
class TrustTypeAnnotations {
const TrustTypeAnnotations();
class AssumeDynamic {
const AssumeDynamic();
asyncTest(() async {
Uri uri = Uri.parse('memory:$TEST_MAIN_FILE');
String found = null;
try {
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
entryPoint: uri,
memorySourceFiles: files,
options: <String>['--use-cps-ir']);
CompilerImpl compiler = result.compiler;
if (expected != null) {
String output = elementName == null
? _getCodeForMain(compiler)
: _getCodeForMethod(compiler, elementName);
// Include the input in a comment of the expected file to make it easier
// to see the relation between input and output in code reviews.
found = '// Expectation for test: \n'
'// ${source.trim().replaceAll('\n', '\n// ')}\n\n'
} catch (e, st) {
var message = 'The following test failed to compile:\n'
if (update) {
} else {;
if (expected != found) {
if (update) {
print('INFO: $expectedFile was updated');
} else {'Unexpected output for test:\n '
'${_formatTest(files).replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}\n'
'Expected:\n ${expected.replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}\n'
'but found:\n ${found?.replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}\n'
String get regenerateCommand {
var flags = Platform.packageRoot == null
? '' : '--package-root=${Platform.packageRoot} ';
return '''
If you wish to update the test expectations, rerun this test passing "update" as
an argument, as follows:
dart $flags${Platform.script} update
If you want to update more than one test at once, run:
dart $flags${Platform.script.resolve('update_all.dart')}
const String TEST_MAIN_FILE = 'test.dart';
String _formatTest(Map test) {
return test[TEST_MAIN_FILE];
String _getCodeForMain(CompilerImpl compiler) {
Element mainFunction = compiler.mainFunction;
js.Node ast = compiler.enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode[mainFunction];
return js.prettyPrint(ast, compiler);
String _getCodeForMethod(CompilerImpl compiler,
String name) {
Element foundElement;
for (Element element in compiler.enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode.keys) {
if (element.toString() == name) {
if (foundElement != null) {'Multiple compiled elements are called $name');
foundElement = element;
if (foundElement == null) {'There is no compiled element called $name');
js.Node ast = compiler.enqueuer.codegen.generatedCode[foundElement];
return js.prettyPrint(ast, compiler);