blob: d70d3922014b1179c9b25010f02330362277199d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library summary_resynthesizer;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element_handle.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
* Implementation of [ElementResynthesizer] used when resynthesizing an element
* model from summaries.
abstract class SummaryResynthesizer extends ElementResynthesizer {
* The parent [SummaryResynthesizer] which is asked to resynthesize elements
* and get summaries before this resynthesizer attempts to do this.
* Can be `null`.
final SummaryResynthesizer parent;
* Source factory used to convert URIs to [Source] objects.
final SourceFactory sourceFactory;
* Cache of [Source] objects that have already been converted from URIs.
final Map<String, Source> _sources = <String, Source>{};
* The [TypeProvider] used to obtain core types (such as Object, int, List,
* and dynamic) during resynthesis.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
* Indicates whether the summary should be resynthesized assuming strong mode
* semantics.
final bool strongMode;
* Map of top level elements resynthesized from summaries. The three map
* keys are the first three elements of the element's location (the library
* URI, the compilation unit URI, and the name of the top level declaration).
final Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Element>>> _resynthesizedElements =
<String, Map<String, Map<String, Element>>>{};
* Map of libraries which have been resynthesized from summaries. The map
* key is the library URI.
final Map<String, LibraryElement> _resynthesizedLibraries =
<String, LibraryElement>{};
SummaryResynthesizer(this.parent, AnalysisContext context, this.typeProvider,
this.sourceFactory, this.strongMode)
: super(context);
* Number of libraries that have been resynthesized so far.
int get resynthesisCount => _resynthesizedLibraries.length;
* Perform delayed finalization of the `dart:core` and `dart:async` libraries.
void finalizeCoreAsyncLibraries() {
(_resynthesizedLibraries['dart:core'] as LibraryElementImpl)
(_resynthesizedLibraries['dart:async'] as LibraryElementImpl)
Element getElement(ElementLocation location) {
List<String> components = location.components;
String libraryUri = components[0];
// Ask the parent resynthesizer.
if (parent != null && parent._hasLibrarySummary(libraryUri)) {
return parent.getElement(location);
// Resynthesize locally.
if (components.length == 1) {
return getLibraryElement(libraryUri);
} else if (components.length == 3 || components.length == 4) {
Map<String, Map<String, Element>> libraryMap =
if (libraryMap == null) {
libraryMap = _resynthesizedElements[libraryUri];
assert(libraryMap != null);
Map<String, Element> compilationUnitElements = libraryMap[components[1]];
Element element;
if (compilationUnitElements != null) {
element = compilationUnitElements[components[2]];
if (element != null && components.length == 4) {
String name = components[3];
Element parentElement = element;
if (parentElement is ClassElement) {
if (name.endsWith('?')) {
element =
parentElement.getGetter(name.substring(0, name.length - 1));
} else if (name.endsWith('=')) {
element =
parentElement.getSetter(name.substring(0, name.length - 1));
} else if (name.isEmpty) {
element = parentElement.unnamedConstructor;
} else {
element = parentElement.getField(name) ??
parentElement.getMethod(name) ??
} else {
// The only elements that are currently retrieved using 4-component
// locations are class members.
throw new StateError(
'4-element locations not supported for ${element.runtimeType}');
if (element == null) {
throw new Exception('Element not found in summary: $location');
return element;
} else {
throw new UnimplementedError(location.toString());
* Get the [LibraryElement] for the given [uri], resynthesizing it if it
* hasn't been resynthesized already.
LibraryElement getLibraryElement(String uri) {
if (parent != null && parent._hasLibrarySummary(uri)) {
return parent.getLibraryElement(uri);
return _resynthesizedLibraries.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
LinkedLibrary serializedLibrary = _getLinkedSummaryOrThrow(uri);
List<UnlinkedUnit> serializedUnits = <UnlinkedUnit>[
Source librarySource = _getSource(uri);
for (String part in serializedUnits[0] {
Source partSource = sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, part);
String partAbsUri = partSource.uri.toString();
_LibraryResynthesizer libraryResynthesizer = new _LibraryResynthesizer(
this, serializedLibrary, serializedUnits, librarySource);
LibraryElement library = libraryResynthesizer.buildLibrary();
_resynthesizedElements[uri] = libraryResynthesizer.resummarizedElements;
return library;
* Return the [LinkedLibrary] for the given [uri] or `null` if it could not
* be found. Caller has already checked that `parent.hasLibrarySummary(uri)`
* returns `false`.
LinkedLibrary getLinkedSummary(String uri);
* Return the [UnlinkedUnit] for the given [uri] or `null` if it could not
* be found. Caller has already checked that `parent.hasLibrarySummary(uri)`
* returns `false`.
UnlinkedUnit getUnlinkedSummary(String uri);
* Return `true` if this resynthesizer can provide summaries of the libraries
* with the given [uri]. Caller has already checked that
* `parent.hasLibrarySummary(uri)` returns `false`.
bool hasLibrarySummary(String uri);
* Return the [LinkedLibrary] for the given [uri] or throw [StateError] if it
* could not be found.
LinkedLibrary _getLinkedSummaryOrThrow(String uri) {
if (parent != null && parent._hasLibrarySummary(uri)) {
return parent._getLinkedSummaryOrThrow(uri);
LinkedLibrary summary = getLinkedSummary(uri);
if (summary != null) {
return summary;
throw new StateError('Unable to find linked summary: $uri');
* Get the [Source] object for the given [uri].
Source _getSource(String uri) {
return _sources.putIfAbsent(uri, () => sourceFactory.forUri(uri));
* Return the [UnlinkedUnit] for the given [uri] or throw [StateError] if it
* could not be found.
UnlinkedUnit _getUnlinkedSummaryOrThrow(String uri) {
if (parent != null && parent._hasLibrarySummary(uri)) {
return parent._getUnlinkedSummaryOrThrow(uri);
UnlinkedUnit summary = getUnlinkedSummary(uri);
if (summary != null) {
return summary;
throw new StateError('Unable to find unlinked summary: $uri');
* Return `true` if this resynthesizer can provide summaries of the libraries
* with the given [uri].
bool _hasLibrarySummary(String uri) {
if (parent != null && parent._hasLibrarySummary(uri)) {
return true;
return hasLibrarySummary(uri);
* An instance of [_LibraryResynthesizer] is responsible for resynthesizing the
* elements in a single library from that library's summary.
class _LibraryResynthesizer {
* The [SummaryResynthesizer] which is being used to obtain summaries.
final SummaryResynthesizer summaryResynthesizer;
* Linked summary of the library to be resynthesized.
final LinkedLibrary linkedLibrary;
* Unlinked compilation units constituting the library to be resynthesized.
final List<UnlinkedUnit> unlinkedUnits;
* [Source] object for the library to be resynthesized.
final Source librarySource;
* Indicates whether [librarySource] is the `dart:core` library.
bool isCoreLibrary;
* Classes which should have their supertype set to "object" once
* resynthesis is complete. Only used if [isCoreLibrary] is `true`.
List<ClassElementImpl> delayedObjectSubclasses = <ClassElementImpl>[];
* [ElementHolder] into which resynthesized elements should be placed. This
* object is recreated afresh for each unit in the library, and is used to
* populate the [CompilationUnitElement].
ElementHolder unitHolder;
* The [LinkedUnit] from which elements are currently being resynthesized.
LinkedUnit linkedUnit;
* The [UnlinkedUnit] from which elements are currently being resynthesized.
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit;
* Map from slot id to the corresponding [EntityRef] object for linked types
* (i.e. propagated and inferred types).
Map<int, EntityRef> linkedTypeMap;
* Map of top level elements that have been resynthesized so far. The first
* key is the URI of the compilation unit; the second is the name of the top
* level element.
final Map<String, Map<String, Element>> resummarizedElements =
<String, Map<String, Element>>{};
* Type parameters for the generic class, typedef, or executable currently
* being resynthesized, if any. If multiple entities with type parameters
* are nested (e.g. a generic executable inside a generic class), this is the
* concatenation of all type parameters from all declarations currently in
* force, with the outermost declaration appearing first. If there are no
* type parameters, or we are not currently resynthesizing a class, typedef,
* or executable, then this is an empty list.
List<TypeParameterElement> currentTypeParameters = <TypeParameterElement>[];
* If a class is currently being resynthesized, map from field name to the
* corresponding field element. This is used when resynthesizing
* initializing formal parameters.
Map<String, FieldElementImpl> fields;
_LibraryResynthesizer(this.summaryResynthesizer, this.linkedLibrary,
this.unlinkedUnits, this.librarySource) {
isCoreLibrary = librarySource.uri.toString() == 'dart:core';
* Return a list of type arguments corresponding to [currentTypeParameters].
List<TypeParameterType> get currentTypeArguments => currentTypeParameters
?.map((TypeParameterElement param) => param.type)
* Resynthesize a [ClassElement] and place it in [unitHolder].
void buildClass(UnlinkedClass serializedClass) {
try {
currentTypeParameters =;
for (int i = 0; i < serializedClass.typeParameters.length; i++) {
serializedClass.typeParameters[i], currentTypeParameters[i]);
ClassElementImpl classElement = new ClassElementImpl(, serializedClass.nameOffset);
classElement.abstract = serializedClass.isAbstract;
classElement.mixinApplication = serializedClass.isMixinApplication;
InterfaceTypeImpl correspondingType = new InterfaceTypeImpl(classElement);
if (serializedClass.supertype != null) {
classElement.supertype = buildType(serializedClass.supertype);
} else if (!serializedClass.hasNoSupertype) {
if (isCoreLibrary) {
} else {
classElement.supertype = summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.objectType;
classElement.interfaces =;
classElement.mixins =;
classElement.typeParameters = currentTypeParameters;
ElementHolder memberHolder = new ElementHolder();
fields = <String, FieldElementImpl>{};
for (UnlinkedVariable serializedVariable in serializedClass.fields) {
buildVariable(serializedVariable, memberHolder);
bool constructorFound = false;
for (UnlinkedExecutable serializedExecutable
in serializedClass.executables) {
switch (serializedExecutable.kind) {
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor:
constructorFound = true;
serializedExecutable, memberHolder, correspondingType);
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod:
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter:
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter:
buildExecutable(serializedExecutable, memberHolder);
if (!serializedClass.isMixinApplication) {
if (!constructorFound) {
// Synthesize implicit constructors.
ConstructorElementImpl constructor =
new ConstructorElementImpl('', -1);
constructor.synthetic = true;
constructor.returnType = correspondingType;
constructor.type = new FunctionTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
constructor, null, currentTypeArguments, false);
classElement.constructors = memberHolder.constructors;
classElement.accessors = memberHolder.accessors;
classElement.fields = memberHolder.fields;
classElement.methods = memberHolder.methods;
correspondingType.typeArguments = currentTypeArguments;
classElement.type = correspondingType;
buildDocumentation(classElement, serializedClass.documentationComment);
} finally {
currentTypeParameters = <TypeParameterElement>[];
fields = null;
* Resynthesize a [NamespaceCombinator].
NamespaceCombinator buildCombinator(UnlinkedCombinator serializedCombinator) {
if (serializedCombinator.shows.isNotEmpty) {
ShowElementCombinatorImpl combinator = new ShowElementCombinatorImpl();
// Note: we call toList() so that we don't retain a reference to the
// deserialized data structure.
combinator.shownNames = serializedCombinator.shows.toList();
return combinator;
} else {
HideElementCombinatorImpl combinator = new HideElementCombinatorImpl();
// Note: we call toList() so that we don't retain a reference to the
// deserialized data structure.
combinator.hiddenNames = serializedCombinator.hides.toList();
return combinator;
* Resynthesize a [ConstructorElement] and place it in the given [holder].
* [classType] is the type of the class for which this element is a
* constructor.
void buildConstructor(UnlinkedExecutable serializedExecutable,
ElementHolder holder, InterfaceType classType) {
assert(serializedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor);
ConstructorElementImpl constructorElement = new ConstructorElementImpl(, serializedExecutable.nameOffset);
constructorElement.returnType = classType;
buildExecutableCommonParts(constructorElement, serializedExecutable);
constructorElement.factory = serializedExecutable.isFactory;
constructorElement.const2 = serializedExecutable.isConst;
* Build the documentation for the given [element]. Does nothing if
* [serializedDocumentationComment] is `null`.
void buildDocumentation(ElementImpl element,
UnlinkedDocumentationComment serializedDocumentationComment) {
if (serializedDocumentationComment != null) {
element.documentationComment = serializedDocumentationComment.text;
* Resynthesize the [ClassElement] corresponding to an enum, along with the
* associated fields and implicit accessors.
void buildEnum(UnlinkedEnum serializedEnum) {
ClassElementImpl classElement =
new ClassElementImpl(, serializedEnum.nameOffset);
classElement.enum2 = true;
InterfaceType enumType = new InterfaceTypeImpl(classElement);
classElement.type = enumType;
classElement.supertype = summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.objectType;
buildDocumentation(classElement, serializedEnum.documentationComment);
ElementHolder memberHolder = new ElementHolder();
FieldElementImpl indexField = new FieldElementImpl('index', -1);
indexField.final2 = true;
indexField.synthetic = true;
indexField.type = summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.intType;
buildImplicitAccessors(indexField, memberHolder);
FieldElementImpl valuesField = new ConstFieldElementImpl('values', -1);
valuesField.synthetic = true;
valuesField.const3 = true;
valuesField.static = true;
valuesField.type = summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.listType
buildImplicitAccessors(valuesField, memberHolder);
for (UnlinkedEnumValue serializedEnumValue in serializedEnum.values) {
ConstFieldElementImpl valueField = new ConstFieldElementImpl(, serializedEnumValue.nameOffset);
valueField.const3 = true;
valueField.static = true;
valueField.type = enumType;
buildImplicitAccessors(valueField, memberHolder);
classElement.fields = memberHolder.fields;
classElement.accessors = memberHolder.accessors;
classElement.constructors = <ConstructorElement>[];
* Resynthesize an [ExecutableElement] and place it in the given [holder].
void buildExecutable(UnlinkedExecutable serializedExecutable,
[ElementHolder holder]) {
bool isTopLevel = holder == null;
if (holder == null) {
holder = unitHolder;
UnlinkedExecutableKind kind = serializedExecutable.kind;
String name =;
if (kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
switch (kind) {
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod:
if (isTopLevel) {
FunctionElementImpl executableElement =
new FunctionElementImpl(name, serializedExecutable.nameOffset);
buildExecutableCommonParts(executableElement, serializedExecutable);
} else {
MethodElementImpl executableElement =
new MethodElementImpl(name, serializedExecutable.nameOffset);
executableElement.abstract = serializedExecutable.isAbstract;
buildExecutableCommonParts(executableElement, serializedExecutable);
executableElement.static = serializedExecutable.isStatic;
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter:
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter:
PropertyAccessorElementImpl executableElement =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl(
name, serializedExecutable.nameOffset);
if (isTopLevel) {
executableElement.static = true;
} else {
executableElement.static = serializedExecutable.isStatic;
executableElement.abstract = serializedExecutable.isAbstract;
buildExecutableCommonParts(executableElement, serializedExecutable);
DartType type;
if (kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter) {
executableElement.getter = true;
type = executableElement.returnType;
} else {
executableElement.setter = true;
type = executableElement.parameters[0].type;
// TODO(paulberry): consider removing implicit variables from the
// element model; the spec doesn't call for them, and they cause
// trouble when getters/setters exist in different parts.
PropertyInducingElementImpl implicitVariable;
if (isTopLevel) {
implicitVariable = buildImplicitTopLevelVariable(name, kind, holder);
} else {
FieldElementImpl field = buildImplicitField(name, type, kind, holder);
field.static = serializedExecutable.isStatic;
implicitVariable = field;
executableElement.variable = implicitVariable;
if (kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter) {
implicitVariable.getter = executableElement;
} else {
implicitVariable.setter = executableElement;
// The only other executable type is a constructor, and that is handled
// separately (in [buildConstructor]. So this code should be
// unreachable.
* Handle the parts of an executable element that are common to constructors,
* functions, methods, getters, and setters.
void buildExecutableCommonParts(ExecutableElementImpl executableElement,
UnlinkedExecutable serializedExecutable) {
List<TypeParameterType> oldTypeArguments = currentTypeArguments;
int oldTypeParametersLength = currentTypeParameters.length;
if (serializedExecutable.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
executableElement.typeParameters =;
executableElement.parameters =;
if (serializedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor) {
// Caller handles setting the return type.
assert(serializedExecutable.returnType == null);
} else {
bool isSetter =
serializedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter;
executableElement.returnType =
buildLinkedType(serializedExecutable.inferredReturnTypeSlot) ??
defaultVoid: isSetter && summaryResynthesizer.strongMode);
executableElement.hasImplicitReturnType =
serializedExecutable.returnType == null;
executableElement.type = new FunctionTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
executableElement, null, oldTypeArguments, false);
executableElement.external = serializedExecutable.isExternal;
oldTypeParametersLength, currentTypeParameters.length);
executableElement, serializedExecutable.documentationComment);
* Resynthesize an [ExportElement],
ExportElement buildExport(UnlinkedExportPublic serializedExportPublic,
UnlinkedExportNonPublic serializedExportNonPublic) {
ExportElementImpl exportElement =
new ExportElementImpl(serializedExportNonPublic.offset);
String exportedLibraryUri = summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory
.resolveUri(librarySource, serializedExportPublic.uri)
exportElement.exportedLibrary = new LibraryElementHandle(
new ElementLocationImpl.con3(<String>[exportedLibraryUri]));
exportElement.uri = serializedExportPublic.uri;
exportElement.combinators =;
exportElement.uriOffset = serializedExportNonPublic.uriOffset;
exportElement.uriEnd = serializedExportNonPublic.uriEnd;
return exportElement;
* Build an [ElementHandle] referring to the entity referred to by the given
* [exportName].
ElementHandle buildExportName(LinkedExportName exportName) {
String name =;
if (exportName.kind == ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor &&
!name.endsWith('=')) {
name += '?';
ElementLocationImpl location = getReferencedLocation(
switch (exportName.kind) {
case ReferenceKind.classOrEnum:
return new ClassElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.typedef:
return new FunctionTypeAliasElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.topLevelFunction:
return new FunctionElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor:
return new PropertyAccessorElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location);
case ReferenceKind.constructor:
case ReferenceKind.constField:
case ReferenceKind.staticMethod:
case ReferenceKind.length:
case ReferenceKind.prefix:
case ReferenceKind.unresolved:
// Should never happen. Exported names never refer to import prefixes,
// and they always refer to defined top-level entities.
throw new StateError('Unexpected export name kind: ${exportName.kind}');
* Build the export namespace for the library by aggregating together its
* [publicNamespace] and [exportNames].
Namespace buildExportNamespace(
Namespace publicNamespace, List<LinkedExportName> exportNames) {
HashMap<String, Element> definedNames = new HashMap<String, Element>();
// Start by populating all the public names from [publicNamespace].
publicNamespace.definedNames.forEach((String name, Element element) {
definedNames[name] = element;
// Add all the names from [exportNames].
for (LinkedExportName exportName in exportNames) {
definedNames.putIfAbsent(, () => buildExportName(exportName));
return new Namespace(definedNames);
* Resynthesize a [FieldElement].
FieldElement buildField(UnlinkedVariable serializedField) {
FieldElementImpl fieldElement =
new FieldElementImpl(, -1);
fieldElement.type = buildType(serializedField.type);
fieldElement.const3 = serializedField.isConst;
return fieldElement;
* Build the implicit getter and setter associated with [element], and place
* them in [holder].
void buildImplicitAccessors(
PropertyInducingElementImpl element, ElementHolder holder) {
String name =;
DartType type = element.type;
PropertyAccessorElementImpl getter =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl(name, element.nameOffset);
getter.getter = true;
getter.static = element.isStatic;
getter.synthetic = true;
getter.returnType = type;
getter.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(getter);
getter.variable = element;
getter.hasImplicitReturnType = element.hasImplicitType;
element.getter = getter;
if (!(element.isConst || element.isFinal)) {
PropertyAccessorElementImpl setter =
new PropertyAccessorElementImpl(name, element.nameOffset);
setter.setter = true;
setter.static = element.isStatic;
setter.synthetic = true;
setter.parameters = <ParameterElement>[
new ParameterElementImpl('_$name', element.nameOffset)
..synthetic = true
..type = type
..parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED
setter.returnType = VoidTypeImpl.instance;
setter.type = new FunctionTypeImpl(setter);
setter.variable = element;
element.setter = setter;
* Build the implicit field associated with a getter or setter, and place it
* in [holder].
FieldElementImpl buildImplicitField(String name, DartType type,
UnlinkedExecutableKind kind, ElementHolder holder) {
FieldElementImpl field = holder.getField(name);
if (field == null) {
field = new FieldElementImpl(name, -1);
field.synthetic = true;
field.final2 = kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter;
field.type = type;
return field;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): what if the getter and setter have a type mismatch?
field.final2 = false;
return field;
* Build the implicit top level variable associated with a getter or setter,
* and place it in [holder].
PropertyInducingElementImpl buildImplicitTopLevelVariable(
String name, UnlinkedExecutableKind kind, ElementHolder holder) {
TopLevelVariableElementImpl variable = holder.getTopLevelVariable(name);
if (variable == null) {
variable = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl(name, -1);
variable.synthetic = true;
variable.final2 = kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter;
return variable;
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): what if the getter and setter have a type mismatch?
variable.final2 = false;
return variable;
* Resynthesize an [ImportElement].
ImportElement buildImport(UnlinkedImport serializedImport, int dependency) {
bool isSynthetic = serializedImport.isImplicit;
ImportElementImpl importElement =
new ImportElementImpl(isSynthetic ? -1 : serializedImport.offset);
String absoluteUri = summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory
.resolveUri(librarySource, linkedLibrary.dependencies[dependency].uri)
importElement.importedLibrary = new LibraryElementHandle(
new ElementLocationImpl.con3(<String>[absoluteUri]));
if (isSynthetic) {
importElement.synthetic = true;
} else {
importElement.uri = serializedImport.uri;
importElement.uriOffset = serializedImport.uriOffset;
importElement.uriEnd = serializedImport.uriEnd;
importElement.deferred = serializedImport.isDeferred;
importElement.prefixOffset = serializedImport.prefixOffset;
if (serializedImport.prefixReference != 0) {
UnlinkedReference serializedPrefix =
importElement.prefix = new PrefixElementImpl(, serializedImport.prefixOffset);
importElement.combinators =;
return importElement;
* Main entry point. Resynthesize the [LibraryElement] and return it.
LibraryElement buildLibrary() {
bool hasName = unlinkedUnits[0].libraryName.isNotEmpty;
LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(
hasName ? unlinkedUnits[0].libraryNameOffset : -1,
buildDocumentation(library, unlinkedUnits[0].libraryDocumentationComment);
CompilationUnitElementImpl definingCompilationUnit =
new CompilationUnitElementImpl(librarySource.shortName);
library.definingCompilationUnit = definingCompilationUnit;
definingCompilationUnit.source = librarySource;
definingCompilationUnit.librarySource = librarySource;
List<CompilationUnitElement> parts = <CompilationUnitElement>[];
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedDefiningUnit = unlinkedUnits[0];
assert( + 1 ==
for (int i = 1; i < linkedLibrary.units.length; i++) {
CompilationUnitElementImpl part = buildPart([i - 1],[i - 1],
} = parts;
List<ImportElement> imports = <ImportElement>[];
for (int i = 0; i < unlinkedDefiningUnit.imports.length; i++) {
library.imports = imports;
List<ExportElement> exports = <ExportElement>[];
assert(unlinkedDefiningUnit.exports.length ==
for (int i = 0; i < unlinkedDefiningUnit.exports.length; i++) {
library.exports = exports;
populateUnit(definingCompilationUnit, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
populateUnit(parts[i], i + 1);
// Update delayed Object class references.
if (isCoreLibrary) {
ClassElement objectElement = library.getType('Object');
assert(objectElement != null);
for (ClassElementImpl classElement in delayedObjectSubclasses) {
classElement.supertype = objectElement.type;
// Compute namespaces.
library.publicNamespace =
new NamespaceBuilder().createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(library);
library.exportNamespace = buildExportNamespace(
library.publicNamespace, linkedLibrary.exportNames);
// Find the entry point. Note: we can't use element.isEntryPoint because
// that will trigger resynthesis of exported libraries.
Element entryPoint =
if (entryPoint is FunctionElement) {
library.entryPoint = entryPoint;
// Create the synthetic element for `loadLibrary`.
// Until the client received dart:core and dart:async, we cannot do this,
// because the TypeProvider is not fully initialized. So, it is up to the
// Dart SDK client to initialize TypeProvider and finish the dart:core and
// dart:async libraries creation.
if ( != 'dart.core' && != 'dart.async') {
// Done.
return library;
* Build the appropriate [DartType] object corresponding to a slot id in the
* [LinkedUnit.types] table.
DartType buildLinkedType(int slot) {
if (slot == 0) {
// A slot id of 0 means there is no [DartType] object to build.
return null;
EntityRef type = linkedTypeMap[slot];
if (type == null) {
// A missing entry in [LinkedUnit.types] means there is no [DartType]
// stored in this slot.
return null;
return buildType(type);
* Resynthesize a [ParameterElement].
ParameterElement buildParameter(UnlinkedParam serializedParameter) {
ParameterElementImpl parameterElement;
if (serializedParameter.isInitializingFormal) {
parameterElement = new FieldFormalParameterElementImpl.forNameAndOffset(, serializedParameter.nameOffset)
..field = fields[];
} else {
parameterElement = new ParameterElementImpl(, serializedParameter.nameOffset);
if (serializedParameter.isFunctionTyped) {
FunctionElementImpl parameterTypeElement =
new FunctionElementImpl('', -1);
parameterTypeElement.synthetic = true;
parameterElement.parameters =;
parameterTypeElement.enclosingElement = parameterElement;
parameterTypeElement.returnType = buildType(serializedParameter.type);
parameterElement.type = new FunctionTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
parameterTypeElement, null, currentTypeArguments, false);
} else {
if (serializedParameter.isInitializingFormal &&
serializedParameter.type == null) {
// The type is inherited from the matching field.
parameterElement.type = fields[]?.type ??
} else {
parameterElement.type =
buildLinkedType(serializedParameter.inferredTypeSlot) ??
parameterElement.hasImplicitType = serializedParameter.type == null;
switch (serializedParameter.kind) {
case UnlinkedParamKind.named:
parameterElement.parameterKind = ParameterKind.NAMED;
case UnlinkedParamKind.positional:
parameterElement.parameterKind = ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
case UnlinkedParamKind.required:
parameterElement.parameterKind = ParameterKind.REQUIRED;
return parameterElement;
* Create, but do not populate, the [CompilationUnitElement] for a part other
* than the defining compilation unit.
CompilationUnitElementImpl buildPart(
String uri, UnlinkedPart partDecl, UnlinkedUnit serializedPart) {
Source unitSource =
summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, uri);
CompilationUnitElementImpl partUnit =
new CompilationUnitElementImpl(unitSource.shortName);
partUnit.uriOffset = partDecl.uriOffset;
partUnit.uriEnd = partDecl.uriEnd;
partUnit.source = unitSource;
partUnit.librarySource = librarySource;
partUnit.uri = uri;
return partUnit;
* Build a [DartType] object based on a [EntityRef]. This [DartType]
* may refer to elements in other libraries than the library being
* deserialized, so handles are used to avoid having to deserialize other
* libraries in the process.
DartType buildType(EntityRef type, {bool defaultVoid: false}) {
if (type == null) {
if (defaultVoid) {
return VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.dynamicType;
if (type.paramReference != 0) {
// TODO(paulberry): make this work for generic methods.
return currentTypeParameters[
currentTypeParameters.length - type.paramReference].type;
} else {
LinkedReference referenceResolution =
String name;
if (type.reference < unlinkedUnit.references.length) {
name = unlinkedUnit.references[type.reference].name;
} else {
name =;
ElementLocationImpl location;
if (referenceResolution.dependency != 0) {
location = getReferencedLocation(
} else if (referenceResolution.kind == ReferenceKind.unresolved) {
return summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.undefinedType;
} else if (name == 'dynamic') {
return summaryResynthesizer.typeProvider.dynamicType;
} else if (name == 'void') {
return VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
String referencedLibraryUri = librarySource.uri.toString();
String partUri;
if (referenceResolution.unit != 0) {
String uri = unlinkedUnits[0][
referenceResolution.unit - 1];
Source partSource =
summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory.resolveUri(librarySource, uri);
partUri = partSource.uri.toString();
} else {
partUri = referencedLibraryUri;
location = new ElementLocationImpl.con3(
<String>[referencedLibraryUri, partUri, name]);
List<DartType> typeArguments = const <DartType>[];
if (referenceResolution.numTypeParameters != 0) {
typeArguments = <DartType>[];
for (int i = 0; i < referenceResolution.numTypeParameters; i++) {
if (i < type.typeArguments.length) {
} else {
switch (referenceResolution.kind) {
case ReferenceKind.classOrEnum:
return new InterfaceTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
new ClassElementHandle(summaryResynthesizer, location),
case ReferenceKind.typedef:
return new FunctionTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
new FunctionTypeAliasElementHandle(
summaryResynthesizer, location),
// TODO(paulberry): figure out how to handle this case (which should
// only occur in the event of erroneous code).
throw new UnimplementedError();
* Resynthesize a [FunctionTypeAliasElement] and place it in the
* [unitHolder].
void buildTypedef(UnlinkedTypedef serializedTypedef) {
try {
currentTypeParameters =;
for (int i = 0; i < serializedTypedef.typeParameters.length; i++) {
serializedTypedef.typeParameters[i], currentTypeParameters[i]);
FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl functionTypeAliasElement =
new FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl(, serializedTypedef.nameOffset);
functionTypeAliasElement.parameters =;
functionTypeAliasElement.returnType =
functionTypeAliasElement.type =
new FunctionTypeImpl.forTypedef(functionTypeAliasElement);
functionTypeAliasElement.typeParameters = currentTypeParameters;
functionTypeAliasElement, serializedTypedef.documentationComment);
} finally {
currentTypeParameters = <TypeParameterElement>[];
* Resynthesize a [TypeParameterElement], handling all parts of its except
* its bound.
* The bound is deferred until later since it may refer to other type
* parameters that have not been resynthesized yet. To handle the bound,
* call [finishTypeParameter].
TypeParameterElement buildTypeParameter(
UnlinkedTypeParam serializedTypeParameter) {
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParameterElement =
new TypeParameterElementImpl(, serializedTypeParameter.nameOffset);
typeParameterElement.type = new TypeParameterTypeImpl(typeParameterElement);
return typeParameterElement;
* Resynthesize a [TopLevelVariableElement] or [FieldElement].
void buildVariable(UnlinkedVariable serializedVariable,
[ElementHolder holder]) {
if (holder == null) {
TopLevelVariableElementImpl element = new TopLevelVariableElementImpl(, serializedVariable.nameOffset);
buildVariableCommonParts(element, serializedVariable);
buildImplicitAccessors(element, unitHolder);
} else {
FieldElementImpl element = new FieldElementImpl(, serializedVariable.nameOffset);
buildVariableCommonParts(element, serializedVariable);
element.static = serializedVariable.isStatic;
buildImplicitAccessors(element, holder);
fields[] = element;
* Handle the parts that are common to top level variables and fields.
void buildVariableCommonParts(PropertyInducingElementImpl element,
UnlinkedVariable serializedVariable) {
element.type = buildLinkedType(serializedVariable.inferredTypeSlot) ??
element.const3 = serializedVariable.isConst;
element.final2 = serializedVariable.isFinal;
element.hasImplicitType = serializedVariable.type == null;
element.propagatedType =
buildDocumentation(element, serializedVariable.documentationComment);
* Finish creating a [TypeParameterElement] by deserializing its bound.
void finishTypeParameter(UnlinkedTypeParam serializedTypeParameter,
TypeParameterElementImpl typeParameterElement) {
if (serializedTypeParameter.bound != null) {
typeParameterElement.bound = buildType(serializedTypeParameter.bound);
* Build an [ElementLocationImpl] for the entity in the given [unit] of the
* given [dependency], having the given [name].
ElementLocationImpl getReferencedLocation(
LinkedDependency dependency, int unit, String name) {
Source referencedLibrarySource = summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory
.resolveUri(librarySource, dependency.uri);
String referencedLibraryUri = referencedLibrarySource.uri.toString();
// TODO(paulberry): consider changing Location format so that this is
// not necessary (2nd string in location should just be the unit
// number).
String partUri;
if (unit != 0) {
UnlinkedUnit referencedLibraryDefiningUnit =
String uri =[unit - 1];
Source partSource = summaryResynthesizer.sourceFactory
.resolveUri(referencedLibrarySource, uri);
partUri = partSource.uri.toString();
} else {
partUri = referencedLibraryUri;
return new ElementLocationImpl.con3(
<String>[referencedLibraryUri, partUri, name]);
* Populate a [CompilationUnitElement] by deserializing all the elements
* contained in it.
void populateUnit(CompilationUnitElementImpl unit, int unitNum) {
linkedUnit = linkedLibrary.units[unitNum];
unlinkedUnit = unlinkedUnits[unitNum];
linkedTypeMap = <int, EntityRef>{};
for (EntityRef t in linkedUnit.types) {
linkedTypeMap[t.slot] = t;
unitHolder = new ElementHolder();
String absoluteUri = unit.source.uri.toString();
unit.accessors = unitHolder.accessors;
unit.enums = unitHolder.enums;
unit.functions = unitHolder.functions;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> typeAliases = unitHolder.typeAliases;
for (FunctionTypeAliasElementImpl typeAlias in typeAliases) {
if (typeAlias.isSynthetic) {
typeAlias.enclosingElement = unit;
unit.typeAliases = typeAliases.where((e) => !e.isSynthetic).toList();
unit.types = unitHolder.types;
unit.topLevelVariables = unitHolder.topLevelVariables;
Map<String, Element> elementMap = <String, Element>{};
for (ClassElement cls in unit.types) {
elementMap[] = cls;
for (ClassElement cls in unit.enums) {
elementMap[] = cls;
for (FunctionTypeAliasElement typeAlias in unit.functionTypeAliases) {
elementMap[] = typeAlias;
for (FunctionElement function in unit.functions) {
elementMap[] = function;
for (PropertyAccessorElementImpl accessor in unit.accessors) {
elementMap[accessor.identifier] = accessor;
resummarizedElements[absoluteUri] = elementMap;
unitHolder = null;
linkedUnit = null;
unlinkedUnit = null;
linkedTypeMap = null;