blob: 0d4fa1f5a72120736cfb9bd14de51f1a8c35c751 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:html_common';
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
/// Test that if we access objects through JS-interop we get the
/// appropriate objects, even if dart:html maps them.
main() {
test("Access through JS-interop", () {
var performance = js.context['performance'];
var entries = performance.callMethod('getEntries', const []);
entries.forEach((x) {
expect(x is js.JsObject, isTrue);
test("Access through dart:html", () {
var dartPerformance = js.JsNative.toTypedObject(js.context['performance']);
var dartEntries = dartPerformance.getEntries();
dartEntries.forEach((x) {
expect(x is PerformanceEntry, isTrue);