blob: b3088cb04783615de86d203634440a8d53c57519 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library test.kernel.closures.suite;
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:io' show Directory, File, IOSink;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Repository, loadProgramFromBinary;
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart' show Printer;
import 'package:testing/testing.dart'
show ChainContext, Result, StdioProcess, Step;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' show Library, Program;
import 'package:kernel/verifier.dart' show verifyProgram;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' show BinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart' show BinaryBuilder;
import 'package:kernel/binary/loader.dart' show BinaryLoader;
Future<bool> fileExists(Uri base, String path) async {
return await new File.fromUri(base.resolve(path)).exists();
class Print extends Step<Program, Program, ChainContext> {
const Print();
String get name => "print";
Future<Result<Program>> run(Program program, _) async {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (Library library in program.libraries) {
Printer printer = new Printer(sb);
if (library.importUri.scheme != "dart") {
return pass(program);
class SanityCheck extends Step<Program, Program, ChainContext> {
const SanityCheck();
String get name => "sanity check";
Future<Result<Program>> run(Program program, _) async {
try {
return pass(program);
} catch (e, s) {
return crash(e, s);
class MatchExpectation extends Step<Program, Program, ChainContext> {
final String suffix;
final bool updateExpectations;
const MatchExpectation(this.suffix, {this.updateExpectations: true});
String get name => "match expectations";
Future<Result<Program>> run(Program program, _) async {
Library library = program.libraries
.firstWhere((Library library) => library.importUri.scheme != "dart");
Uri uri = library.importUri;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
new Printer(buffer).writeLibraryFile(library);
File expectedFile = new File("${uri.toFilePath()}$suffix");
if (await expectedFile.exists()) {
String expected = await expectedFile.readAsString();
if (expected.trim() != "$buffer".trim()) {
if (!updateExpectations) {
String diff = await runDiff(expectedFile.uri, "$buffer");
return fail(null, "$uri doesn't match ${expectedFile.uri}\n$diff");
} else {
return pass(program);
if (updateExpectations) {
await openWrite(expectedFile.uri, (IOSink sink) {
return pass(program);
} else {
return fail(
Please create file ${expectedFile.path} with this content:
class WriteDill extends Step<Program, Uri, ChainContext> {
const WriteDill();
String get name => "write .dill";
Future<Result<Uri>> run(Program program, _) async {
Directory tmp = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp();
Uri uri = tmp.uri.resolve("generated.dill");
File generated = new File.fromUri(uri);
IOSink sink = generated.openWrite();
try {
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeProgramFile(program);
} catch (e, s) {
return fail(uri, e, s);
} finally {
print("Wrote `${generated.path}`");
await sink.close();
return pass(uri);
class ReadDill extends Step<Uri, Uri, ChainContext> {
const ReadDill();
String get name => "read .dill";
Future<Result<Uri>> run(Uri uri, _) async {
try {
} catch (e, s) {
return fail(uri, e, s);
return pass(uri);
class Copy extends Step<Program, Program, ChainContext> {
const Copy();
String get name => "copy program";
Future<Result<Program>> run(Program program, _) async {
BytesCollector sink = new BytesCollector();
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeProgramFile(program);
Uint8List bytes = sink.collect();
BinaryLoader loader = new BinaryLoader(new Repository());
return pass(new BinaryBuilder(loader, bytes).readProgramFile());
class BytesCollector implements Sink<List<int>> {
final List<List<int>> lists = <List<int>>[];
int length = 0;
void add(List<int> data) {
length += data.length;
Uint8List collect() {
Uint8List result = new Uint8List(length);
int offset = 0;
for (List<int> list in lists) {
result.setRange(offset, offset += list.length, list);
length = 0;
return result;
void close() {}
Future<String> runDiff(Uri expected, String actual) async {
StdioProcess process = await StdioProcess
.run("diff", <String>["-u", expected.toFilePath(), "-"], input: actual);
return process.output;
Future openWrite(Uri uri, f(IOSink sink)) async {
IOSink sink = new File.fromUri(uri).openWrite();
try {
await f(sink);
} finally {
await sink.close();
print("Wrote $uri");