blob: 1c0627311f60c3836db170bf356d1d6c181cd927 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart';
import 'vm.dart';
import 'vmcc.dart';
import 'flutter.dart';
final List<String> targetNames = targets.keys.toList();
class TargetFlags {
bool strongMode;
TargetFlags({this.strongMode: false});
typedef Target _TargetBuilder(TargetFlags flags);
final Map<String, _TargetBuilder> targets = <String, _TargetBuilder>{
'none': (TargetFlags flags) => new NoneTarget(flags),
'vm': (TargetFlags flags) => new VmTarget(flags),
'vmcc': (TargetFlags flags) => new VmClosureConvertedTarget(flags),
'flutter': (TargetFlags flags) => new FlutterTarget(flags),
Target getTarget(String name, TargetFlags flags) {
var builder = targets[name];
if (builder == null) return null;
return builder(flags);
/// A target provides backend-specific options for generating kernel IR.
abstract class Target {
String get name;
/// A list of URIs of required libraries, not including dart:core.
/// Libraries will be loaded in order.
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries => <String>[];
/// Additional declared variables implied by this target.
/// These can also be passed on the command-line of form `-D<name>=<value>`,
/// and those provided on the command-line take precedence over those defined
/// by the target.
Map<String, String> get extraDeclaredVariables => const <String, String>{};
bool get strongMode;
/// If true, the SDK should be loaded in strong mode.
bool get strongModeSdk => strongMode;
void transformProgram(Program program);
String toString() => 'Target($name)';
class NoneTarget extends Target {
final TargetFlags flags;
bool get strongMode => flags.strongMode;
String get name => 'none';
List<String> get extraRequiredLibraries => <String>[];
void transformProgram(Program program) {}