blob: 627b4664d473d73e638c19528f97ba912d79c2fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/base/uri_resolver.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
/// Generic URI resolver tests which do not depend on the particular path
/// context in use.
abstract class UriResolverTest {
p.Context get pathContext;
void test_badScheme() {
_expectResolutionUri('foo:bar/baz.dart', Uri.parse('foo:bar/baz.dart'));
void test_dart() {
_expectResolution('dart:core', _p('sdk/lib/core/core.dart'));
_expectResolution('dart:async', _p('sdk/lib/async/async.dart'));
void test_dartLeadingSlash() {
_expectResolution('dart:/core', null);
void test_dartLeadingSlash2() {
_expectResolution('dart://core', null);
void test_dartLeadingSlash3() {
_expectResolution('dart:///core', null);
void test_dartPart() {
_expectResolution('dart:core/bool.dart', _p('sdk/lib/core/bool.dart'));
void test_file() {
_expectResolution(_fileUri('foo.dart'), _p('foo.dart'));
void test_fileLongPath() {
_expectResolution(_fileUri('foo/bar.dart'), _p('foo/bar.dart'));
void test_noSchemeAbsolute() {
_expectResolutionUri('/foo.dart', Uri.parse('/foo.dart'));
void test_noSchemeRelative() {
_expectResolution('foo.dart', 'foo.dart');
void test_package() {
_expectResolution('package:foo/bar.dart', _p('packages/foo/lib/bar.dart'));
_expectResolution('package:bar/baz.dart', _p('packages/bar/lib/baz.dart'));
void test_packageLeadingSlash() {
_expectResolution('package:/foo', null);
void test_packageLeadingSlash2() {
_expectResolution('package://foo', null);
void test_packageLeadingSlash3() {
_expectResolution('package:///foo', null);
void test_packageLongPath() {
'package:foo/bar/baz.dart', _p('packages/foo/lib/bar/baz.dart'));
void test_packageNoPath() {
// In practice "package:foo/" is meaningless. But the VM treats it as
// resolving to the package's lib directory (and then later reports the
// error when trying to open that directory as a file), so for consistency
// we do the same.
_expectResolution('package:foo/', _p('packages/foo/lib/'));
void test_packageNoSlash() {
_expectResolution('package:foo', null);
void test_packageUnmatchedName() {
_expectResolution('package:doesNotExist/foo.dart', null);
/// Verifies that the resolution of [uriString] produces the path
/// [expectedResult].
void _expectResolution(String uriString, String expectedResult) {
expectedResult == null ? null : pathContext.toUri(expectedResult));
/// Verifies that the resolution of [uriString] produces the URI
/// [expectedResult].
void _expectResolutionUri(String uriString, Uri expectedResult) {
var packages = {
'foo': _u('packages/foo/lib/'),
'bar': _u('packages/bar/lib/')
var sdkLibraries = {
'core': _u('sdk/lib/core/core.dart'),
'async': _u('sdk/lib/async/async.dart')
var uriResolver = new UriResolver(packages, sdkLibraries);
expect(uriResolver.resolve(Uri.parse(uriString)), expectedResult);
/// Prepends "file:///", plus a Windows drive letter if applicable, to the
/// given path.
String _fileUri(String pathPart) {
if (pathContext.separator == '/') {
return 'file:///$pathPart';
} else {
return 'file:///C:/$pathPart';
/// Converts a posix style path into a path appropriate for the current path
/// context.
String _p(String posixPath) {
if (!posixPath.startsWith('/')) posixPath = '/$posixPath';
if (pathContext.separator == '/') return posixPath;
// Windows
return 'C:${posixPath.replaceAll('/', pathContext.separator)}';
/// Converts a posix style path into a file URI.
Uri _u(String posixPath) => pathContext.toUri(_p(posixPath));
/// Override of [UriResolverTest] which uses the native path context for the
/// platform the test is running on.
class UriResolverTestNative extends UriResolverTest {
final p.Context pathContext = p.context;
/// Override of [UriResolverTest] which uses a posix path context, regardless of
/// the platform the test is running on.
class UriResolverTestPosix extends UriResolverTest {
final p.Context pathContext = p.posix;
/// Override of [UriResolverTest] which uses a windows path context, regardless
/// of the platform the test is running on.
class UriResolverTestWindows extends UriResolverTest {
final p.Context pathContext =;
void test_fileWindowsLocal() {
_expectResolution('file:///C:/foo/bar.dart', r'C:\foo\bar.dart');
void test_fileWindowsUNC() {
'file://computer/directory/foo.dart', r'\\computer\directory\foo.dart');