blob: 60ef2ecfb12e39747976ee61f117841c46db4b7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:front_end/compiler_options.dart';
import 'package:front_end/file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/uri_resolver.dart';
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart' as package_config;
/// Wrapper around [CompilerOptions] which exposes the options in a form useful
/// to the front end implementation.
/// The intent is that the front end should immediately wrap any incoming
/// [CompilerOptions] object in this class before doing further processing, and
/// should thereafter access all options via the wrapper. This ensures that
/// options are interpreted in a consistent way and that data derived from
/// options is not unnecessarily recomputed.
class ProcessedOptions {
/// The raw [CompilerOptions] which this class wraps.
final CompilerOptions _raw;
/// The package map derived from the options, or `null` if the package map has
/// not been computed yet.
Map<String, Uri> _packages;
/// A URI resolver based on the options, or `null` if the URI resolver has not
/// been computed yet.
UriResolver _uriResolver;
/// The summary bundle for the SDK, or `null` if it has not been read yet.
PackageBundle _sdkSummary;
/// The location of the SDK, or `null` if the location hasn't been determined
/// yet.
Uri _sdkRoot;
/// Initializes a [ProcessedOptions] object wrapping the given [rawOptions].
ProcessedOptions(CompilerOptions rawOptions) : this._raw = rawOptions;
/// Determine whether to generate code for the SDK when compiling a
/// whole-program.
bool get compileSdk => _raw.compileSdk;
/// Get the [FileSystem] which should be used by the front end to access
/// files.
/// If the client supplied roots using [CompilerOptions.multiRoots], the
/// returned [FileSystem] will automatically perform the appropriate mapping.
FileSystem get fileSystem {
// TODO(paulberry): support multiRoots.
return _raw.fileSystem;
/// Get the summary bundle for the SDK.
/// This is an asynchronous getter since file system operations are required.
Future<PackageBundle> getSdkSummary() async {
if (_sdkSummary == null) {
Uri summaryLocation;
if (_raw.sdkSummary != null) {
// Options sdkSummary and sdkRoot are mutually exclusive.
assert(_raw.sdkRoot == null);
// No need to look for the SDK; we were told where the SDK summary is.
summaryLocation = _raw.sdkSummary;
} else {
// Need to look for the SDK summary inside the SDK.
var sdkRoot = await _getSdkRoot();
summaryLocation = sdkRoot.resolve(
'lib/_internal/' + (_raw.strongMode ? 'strong.sum' : 'spec.sum'));
var summaryBytes =
await fileSystem.entityForUri(summaryLocation).readAsBytes();
_sdkSummary = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(summaryBytes);
return _sdkSummary;
/// Get the [UriResolver] which resolves "package:" and "dart:" URIs.
/// This is an asynchronous getter since file system operations may be
/// required to locate/read the packages file as well as SDK metadata.
Future<UriResolver> getUriResolver() async {
if (_uriResolver == null) {
await _getPackages();
var sdkLibraries =
<String, Uri>{}; // TODO(paulberry): support SDK libraries
_uriResolver = new UriResolver(_packages, sdkLibraries);
return _uriResolver;
/// Get the package map which maps package names to URIs.
/// This is an asynchronous getter since file system operations may be
/// required to locate/read the packages file.
Future<Map<String, Uri>> _getPackages() async {
if (_packages == null) {
if (_raw.packagesFileUri == null) {
throw new UnimplementedError(); // TODO(paulberry): search for .packages
} else if (_raw.packagesFileUri.path.isEmpty) {
_packages = {};
} else {
var contents =
await fileSystem.entityForUri(_raw.packagesFileUri).readAsBytes();
_packages = package_config.parse(contents, _raw.packagesFileUri);
return _packages;
/// Get the location of the SDK.
/// This is an asynchronous getter since file system operations may be
/// required to locate the SDK.
Future<Uri> _getSdkRoot() async {
if (_sdkRoot == null) {
// If an SDK summary location was provided, the SDK itself should not be
// needed.
assert(_raw.sdkSummary == null);
if (_raw.sdkRoot == null) {
// TODO(paulberry): implement the algorithm for finding the SDK
// automagically.
throw new UnimplementedError();
_sdkRoot = _raw.sdkRoot;
if (!_sdkRoot.path.endsWith('/')) {
_sdkRoot = _sdkRoot.replace(path: _sdkRoot.path + '/');
return _sdkRoot;