blob: 8319c828ffb49350736ae532ed78e5db0e0f86db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' show HashSet;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart' show Identifier;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart' show FieldElementImpl;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' as JS;
import 'element_helpers.dart';
import 'js_names.dart' as JS;
/// Tracks how fields, getters and setters are represented when emitting JS.
/// Dart classes have implicit features that must be made explicit:
/// - virtual fields induce a getter and setter pair.
/// - getters and setters are independent.
/// - getters and setters can be overridden.
class ClassPropertyModel {
/// Fields that are virtual, that is, they must be generated as a property
/// pair in JavaScript.
/// The value property stores the symbol used for the field's storage slot.
final virtualFields = <FieldElement, JS.TemporaryId>{};
/// Static fields that are overridden, this does not matter for Dart but in
/// JS we need to take care initializing these because JS classes inherit
/// statics.
final staticFieldOverrides = new HashSet<FieldElement>();
/// The set of inherited getters, used because JS getters/setters are paired,
/// so if we're generating a setter we may need to emit a getter that calls
/// super.
final inheritedGetters = new HashSet<String>();
/// The set of inherited setters, used because JS getters/setters are paired,
/// so if we're generating a getter we may need to emit a setter that calls
/// super.
final inheritedSetters = new HashSet<String>();
ClassElement classElem, Iterable<ExecutableElement> extensionMembers) {
// Visit superclasses to collect information about their fields/accessors.
// This is expensive so we try to collect everything in one pass.
for (var base in getSuperclasses(classElem)) {
for (var accessor in base.accessors) {
// For getter/setter pairs only process them once.
if (accessor.correspondingGetter != null) continue;
var field = accessor.variable;
var name =;
// Ignore private names from other libraries.
if (Identifier.isPrivateName(name) &&
accessor.library != classElem.library) {
if (field.getter?.isAbstract == false) inheritedGetters.add(name);
if (field.setter?.isAbstract == false) inheritedSetters.add(name);
var extensionNames =
new HashSet<String>.from( =>;
// Visit accessors in the current class, and see if they need to be
// generated differently based on the inherited fields/accessors.
for (var accessor in classElem.accessors) {
// For getter/setter pairs only process them once.
if (accessor.correspondingGetter != null) continue;
// Also ignore abstract fields.
if (accessor.isAbstract) continue;
var field = accessor.variable;
var name =;
// Is it a field?
if (!field.isSynthetic && field is FieldElementImpl) {
if (inheritedGetters.contains(name) ||
inheritedSetters.contains(name) ||
extensionNames.contains(name) ||
field.isVirtual) {
if (field.isStatic) {
} else {
virtualFields[field] = new JS.TemporaryId(name);