blob: 148fdbf58d7d051156eff4fa44bfc2b53b591cd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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part of masks;
* A [MapTypeMask] is a [TypeMask] for a specific allocation
* site of a map (currently only internal Map class) that will get specialized
* once the [TypeGraphInferrer] phase finds a key and/or value type for it.
class MapTypeMask extends ForwardingTypeMask {
final TypeMask forwardTo;
// The [Node] where this type mask was created.
final Node allocationNode;
// The [Entity] where this type mask was created.
final Entity allocationElement;
// The value type of this map.
final TypeMask valueType;
// The key type of this map.
final TypeMask keyType;
MapTypeMask(this.forwardTo, this.allocationNode, this.allocationElement,
this.keyType, this.valueType);
TypeMask nullable() {
return isNullable
? this
: new MapTypeMask(forwardTo.nullable(), allocationNode,
allocationElement, keyType, valueType);
TypeMask nonNullable() {
return isNullable
? new MapTypeMask(forwardTo.nonNullable(), allocationNode,
allocationElement, keyType, valueType)
: this;
bool get isContainer => false;
bool get isMap => true;
bool get isExact => true;
bool equalsDisregardNull(other) {
if (other is! MapTypeMask) return false;
return super.equalsDisregardNull(other) &&
allocationNode == other.allocationNode &&
keyType == other.keyType &&
valueType == other.valueType;
TypeMask intersection(TypeMask other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
TypeMask forwardIntersection = forwardTo.intersection(other, closedWorld);
if (forwardIntersection.isEmptyOrNull) return forwardIntersection;
return forwardIntersection.isNullable ? nullable() : nonNullable();
TypeMask union(other, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
} else if (equalsDisregardNull(other)) {
return other.isNullable ? other : this;
} else if (other.isEmptyOrNull) {
return other.isNullable ? this.nullable() : this;
} else if (other.isMap &&
keyType != null &&
other.keyType != null &&
valueType != null &&
other.valueType != null) {
TypeMask newKeyType = keyType.union(other.keyType, closedWorld);
TypeMask newValueType = valueType.union(other.valueType, closedWorld);
TypeMask newForwardTo = forwardTo.union(other.forwardTo, closedWorld);
return new MapTypeMask(
newForwardTo, null, null, newKeyType, newValueType);
} else if (other.isDictionary) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Find another way to check this invariant that
// doesn't need the compiler.
assert(other.keyType ==
new TypeMask.nonNullExact(
closedWorld.backendClasses.stringImplementation, closedWorld));
TypeMask newKeyType = keyType.union(other.keyType, closedWorld);
TypeMask newValueType =
other.typeMap.values.fold(keyType, (p, n) => p.union(n, closedWorld));
TypeMask newForwardTo = forwardTo.union(other.forwardTo, closedWorld);
MapTypeMask newMapTypeMask = new MapTypeMask(
allocationNode == other.allocationNode ? allocationNode : null,
allocationElement == other.allocationElement
? allocationElement
: null,
return newMapTypeMask;
} else {
return forwardTo.union(other, closedWorld);
bool operator ==(other) => super == other;
int get hashCode {
return computeHashCode(
allocationNode, isNullable, keyType, valueType, forwardTo);
String toString() {
return 'Map mask: [$keyType/$valueType] type: $forwardTo';