blob: ea8dedbf4b127ac463cc01deca9fc15eb29d9ffd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:js_runtime/shared/embedded_names.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../compiler.dart';
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/resolution_types.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/modelx.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as js;
import '../js_backend/backend_helpers.dart';
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart';
import '../kernel/kernel.dart';
import '../kernel/kernel_debug.dart';
import '../native/native.dart' as native;
import '../resolution/tree_elements.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import '../types/masks.dart';
import '../types/types.dart';
import '../universe/call_structure.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import '../universe/side_effects.dart';
import '../world.dart';
import 'graph_builder.dart';
import 'jump_handler.dart' show SwitchCaseJumpHandler;
import 'locals_handler.dart';
import 'types.dart';
/// Interface that translates between Kernel IR nodes and entities.
abstract class KernelWorldBuilder {
/// Returns the [DartType] corresponding to [type].
DartType getDartType(ir.DartType type);
/// Returns the list of [DartType]s corresponding to [types].
List<DartType> getDartTypes(List<ir.DartType> types);
/// Returns the [InterfaceType] corresponding to [type].
InterfaceType getInterfaceType(ir.InterfaceType type);
/// Return the [InterfaceType] corresponding to the [cls] with the given
/// [typeArguments].
InterfaceType createInterfaceType(
ir.Class cls, List<ir.DartType> typeArguments);
/// Returns the [CallStructure] corresponding to the [arguments].
CallStructure getCallStructure(ir.Arguments arguments);
/// Returns the [Selector] corresponding to the invocation or getter/setter
/// access of [node].
Selector getSelector(ir.Expression node);
/// Returns the [FunctionEntity] corresponding to the generative or factory
/// constructor [node].
FunctionEntity getConstructor(ir.Member node);
/// Returns the [MemberEntity] corresponding to the member [node].
MemberEntity getMember(ir.Member node);
/// Returns the [FunctionEntity] corresponding to the procedure [node].
FunctionEntity getMethod(ir.Procedure node);
/// Returns the [FieldEntity] corresponding to the field [node].
FieldEntity getField(ir.Field node);
/// Returns the [ClassEntity] corresponding to the class [node].
ClassEntity getClass(ir.Class node);
/// Returns the [Local] corresponding to the [node]. The node must be either
/// a [ir.FunctionDeclaration] or [ir.FunctionExpression].
Local getLocalFunction(ir.Node node);
/// Returns the [Name] corresponding to [name].
Name getName(ir.Name name);
/// Returns `true` is [node] has a `@Native(...)` annotation.
bool isNativeClass(ir.Class node);
/// Return `true` if [node] is the `dart:_foreign_helper` library.
bool isForeignLibrary(ir.Library node);
/// Computes the native behavior for reading the native [field].
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldLoad(ir.Field field);
/// Computes the native behavior for writing to the native [field].
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldStore(ir.Field field);
/// Computes the native behavior for calling [procedure].
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForMethod(ir.Procedure procedure);
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the [JS] function.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsCall(ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the [JS_BUILTIN]
/// function.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsBuiltinCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the
/// [JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL] function.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Compute the kind of foreign helper function called by [node], if any.
ForeignKind getForeignKind(ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// Computes the [InterfaceType] referenced by a call to the
/// [JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT] function, if any.
InterfaceType getInterfaceTypeForJsInterceptorCall(ir.StaticInvocation node);
/// A helper class that abstracts all accesses of the AST from Kernel nodes.
/// The goal is to remove all need for the AST from the Kernel SSA builder.
class KernelAstAdapter implements KernelWorldBuilder {
final Kernel kernel;
final JavaScriptBackend _backend;
final Map<ir.Node, ast.Node> _nodeToAst;
final Map<ir.Node, Element> _nodeToElement;
final Map<ir.VariableDeclaration, SyntheticLocal> _syntheticLocals =
<ir.VariableDeclaration, SyntheticLocal>{};
// TODO(efortuna): In an ideal world the TreeNodes should be some common
// interface we create for both ir.Statements and ir.SwitchCase (the
// ContinueSwitchStatement's target is a SwitchCase) rather than general
// TreeNode. Talking to Asger about this.
final Map<ir.TreeNode, KernelJumpTarget> _jumpTargets =
<ir.TreeNode, KernelJumpTarget>{};
DartTypeConverter _typeConverter;
ResolvedAst _resolvedAst;
/// Sometimes for resolution the resolved AST element needs to change (for
/// example, if we're inlining, or if we're in a constructor, but then also
/// constructing the field values). We keep track of this with a stack.
final List<ResolvedAst> _resolvedAstStack = <ResolvedAst>[];
KernelAstAdapter(this.kernel, this._backend, this._resolvedAst,
this._nodeToAst, this._nodeToElement) {
KernelJumpTarget.index = 0;
// TODO(het): Maybe just use all of the kernel maps directly?
for (FieldElement fieldElement in kernel.fields.keys) {
_nodeToElement[kernel.fields[fieldElement]] = fieldElement;
for (FunctionElement functionElement in kernel.functions.keys) {
_nodeToElement[kernel.functions[functionElement]] = functionElement;
for (ClassElement classElement in kernel.classes.keys) {
_nodeToElement[kernel.classes[classElement]] = classElement;
for (LibraryElement libraryElement in kernel.libraries.keys) {
_nodeToElement[kernel.libraries[libraryElement]] = libraryElement;
for (LocalFunctionElement localFunction in kernel.localFunctions.keys) {
_nodeToElement[kernel.localFunctions[localFunction]] = localFunction;
for (TypeVariableElement typeVariable in kernel.typeParameters.keys) {
_nodeToElement[kernel.typeParameters[typeVariable]] = typeVariable;
_typeConverter = new DartTypeConverter(this);
/// Push the existing resolved AST on the stack and shift the current resolved
/// AST to the AST that this kernel node points to.
void pushResolvedAst(ir.Node node) {
_resolvedAst = (getElement(node) as AstElement).resolvedAst;
/// Pop the resolved AST stack to reset it to the previous resolved AST node.
void popResolvedAstStack() {
_resolvedAst = _resolvedAstStack.removeLast();
Compiler get _compiler => _backend.compiler;
TreeElements get elements => _resolvedAst.elements;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => _compiler.reporter;
Element get _target => _resolvedAst.element;
GlobalTypeInferenceResults get _globalInferenceResults =>
GlobalTypeInferenceElementResult _resultOf(Element e) =>
.resultOf(e is ConstructorBodyElementX ? e.constructor : e);
ConstantValue getConstantForSymbol(ir.SymbolLiteral node) {
if (kernel.syntheticNodes.contains(node)) {
return _backend.constantSystem.createSymbol(_compiler, node.value);
ast.Node astNode = getNode(node);
ConstantValue constantValue = _backend.constants
.getConstantValueForNode(astNode, _resolvedAst.elements);
assert(invariant(astNode, constantValue != null,
message: 'No constant computed for $node'));
return constantValue;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use the more precise functions below.
Element getElement(ir.Node node) {
Element result = _nodeToElement[node];
assert(invariant(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, result != null,
message: "No element found for $node."));
return result;
ConstructorElement getConstructor(ir.Member node) =>
MemberElement getMember(ir.Member node) => getElement(node).declaration;
MethodElement getMethod(ir.Procedure node) => getElement(node).declaration;
FieldElement getField(ir.Field node) => getElement(node).declaration;
ClassElement getClass(ir.Class node) => getElement(node).declaration;
LocalFunctionElement getLocalFunction(ir.Node node) => getElement(node);
ast.Node getNode(ir.Node node) {
ast.Node result = _nodeToAst[node];
assert(invariant(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, result != null,
message: "No node found for $node"));
return result;
ast.Node getNodeOrNull(ir.Node node) {
return _nodeToAst[node];
void assertNodeIsSynthetic(ir.Node node) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, kernel.syntheticNodes.contains(node),
message: "No synthetic marker found for $node"));
Local getLocal(ir.VariableDeclaration variable) {
// If this is a synthetic local, return the synthetic local
if ( == null) {
return _syntheticLocals.putIfAbsent(
variable, () => new SyntheticLocal("x", null));
return getElement(variable) as LocalElement;
bool getCanThrow(ir.Node procedure, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
FunctionElement function = getElement(procedure);
return !closedWorld.getCannotThrow(function);
TypeMask returnTypeOf(ir.Member node) {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredReturnTypeForElement(
getElement(node), _globalInferenceResults);
SideEffects getSideEffects(ir.Node node, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
return closedWorld.getSideEffectsOfElement(getElement(node));
CallStructure getCallStructure(ir.Arguments arguments) {
int argumentCount = arguments.positional.length + arguments.named.length;
List<String> namedArguments = =>;
return new CallStructure(argumentCount, namedArguments);
FunctionSignature getFunctionSignature(ir.FunctionNode function) {
return getElement(function).asFunctionElement().functionSignature;
Name getName(ir.Name name) {
return new Name(, name.isPrivate ? getElement(name.library) : null);
ir.Field getFieldFromElement(FieldElement field) {
return kernel.fields[field];
Selector getSelector(ir.Expression node) {
if (node is ir.PropertyGet) return getGetterSelector(node);
if (node is ir.PropertySet) return getSetterSelector(node);
if (node is ir.InvocationExpression) return getInvocationSelector(node);
"Can only get the selector for a property get or an invocation.");
return null;
Selector getInvocationSelector(ir.InvocationExpression invocation) {
Name name = getName(;
SelectorKind kind;
if (Elements.isOperatorName( {
if (name == Names.INDEX_NAME || name == Names.INDEX_SET_NAME) {
kind = SelectorKind.INDEX;
} else {
kind = SelectorKind.OPERATOR;
} else {
kind = SelectorKind.CALL;
CallStructure callStructure = getCallStructure(invocation.arguments);
return new Selector(kind, name, callStructure);
Selector getGetterSelector(ir.PropertyGet getter) {
ir.Name irName =;
Name name = new Name(, irName.isPrivate ? getElement(irName.library) : null);
return new Selector.getter(name);
Selector getSetterSelector(ir.PropertySet setter) {
ir.Name irName =;
Name name = new Name(, irName.isPrivate ? getElement(irName.library) : null);
return new Selector.setter(name);
TypeMask typeOfInvocation(ir.MethodInvocation send, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
ast.Node operatorNode = kernel.nodeToAstOperator[send];
if (operatorNode != null) {
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfOperator(operatorNode);
if ( == '[]=') {
return closedWorld.commonMasks.dynamicType;
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfSend(getNode(send));
TypeMask typeOfGet(ir.PropertyGet getter) {
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfSend(getNode(getter));
TypeMask typeOfSet(ir.PropertySet setter, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
return closedWorld.commonMasks.dynamicType;
TypeMask typeOfSend(ir.Expression send) {
assert(send is ir.InvocationExpression || send is ir.PropertyGet);
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfSend(getNode(send));
TypeMask typeOfListLiteral(
Element owner, ir.ListLiteral listLiteral, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
ast.Node node = getNodeOrNull(listLiteral);
if (node == null) {
return closedWorld.commonMasks.growableListType;
return _resultOf(owner).typeOfListLiteral(getNode(listLiteral)) ??
TypeMask typeOfIterator(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) {
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfIterator(getNode(forInStatement));
TypeMask typeOfIteratorCurrent(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) {
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfIteratorCurrent(getNode(forInStatement));
TypeMask typeOfIteratorMoveNext(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) {
return _resultOf(_target).typeOfIteratorMoveNext(getNode(forInStatement));
bool isJsIndexableIterator(
ir.ForInStatement forInStatement, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
TypeMask mask = typeOfIterator(forInStatement);
return mask != null &&
mask.satisfies(_backend.helpers.jsIndexableClass, closedWorld) &&
// String is indexable but not iterable.
!mask.satisfies(_backend.helpers.jsStringClass, closedWorld);
bool isFixedLength(TypeMask mask, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
if (mask.isContainer && (mask as ContainerTypeMask).length != null) {
// A container on which we have inferred the length.
return true;
// TODO(sra): Recognize any combination of fixed length indexables.
if (mask.containsOnly(closedWorld.backendClasses.fixedListImplementation) ||
mask.containsOnly(closedWorld.backendClasses.constListImplementation) ||
mask.containsOnlyString(closedWorld) ||
closedWorld.commonMasks.isTypedArray(mask)) {
return true;
return false;
TypeMask inferredIndexType(ir.ForInStatement forInStatement) {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredTypeForSelector(new Selector.index(),
typeOfIterator(forInStatement), _globalInferenceResults);
TypeMask inferredTypeOf(ir.Member node) {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredTypeForElement(
getElement(node), _globalInferenceResults);
TypeMask selectorTypeOf(Selector selector, TypeMask mask) {
return TypeMaskFactory.inferredTypeForSelector(
selector, mask, _globalInferenceResults);
TypeMask typeFromNativeBehavior(
native.NativeBehavior nativeBehavior, ClosedWorld closedWorld) {
return TypeMaskFactory.fromNativeBehavior(nativeBehavior, closedWorld);
ConstantValue getConstantFor(ir.Node node) {
// Some `null`s are not mapped when they correspond to errors, e.g. missing
// `const` initializers.
if (node is ir.NullLiteral) return new NullConstantValue();
ConstantValue constantValue =
_backend.constants.getConstantValueForNode(getNode(node), elements);
assert(invariant(getNode(node), constantValue != null,
message: 'No constant computed for $node'));
return constantValue;
ConstantValue getConstantForParameterDefaultValue(ir.Node defaultExpression) {
// TODO(27394): Evaluate constant expressions in ir.Node domain.
// In the interim, expand the Constantifier and do this:
// ConstantExpression constantExpression =
// defaultExpression.accept(new Constantifier(this));
// assert(constantExpression != null);
ConstantExpression constantExpression =
if (constantExpression == null) return null;
return _backend.constants.getConstantValue(constantExpression);
ConstantValue getConstantForType(ir.DartType irType) {
ResolutionDartType type = getDartType(irType);
return _backend.constantSystem.createType(_compiler, type.asRaw());
bool isIntercepted(ir.Node node) {
Selector selector = getSelector(node);
return _backend.isInterceptedSelector(selector);
bool isInterceptedSelector(Selector selector) {
return _backend.isInterceptedSelector(selector);
// Is the member a lazy initialized static or top-level member?
bool isLazyStatic(ir.Member member) {
if (member is ir.Field) {
FieldElement field = _nodeToElement[member];
return field.constant == null;
return false;
LibraryElement get jsHelperLibrary => _backend.helpers.jsHelperLibrary;
KernelJumpTarget getJumpTarget(ir.TreeNode node,
{bool isContinueTarget: false}) {
return _jumpTargets.putIfAbsent(node, () {
if (node is ir.LabeledStatement &&
_jumpTargets.containsKey((node as ir.LabeledStatement).body)) {
return _jumpTargets[(node as ir.LabeledStatement).body];
return new KernelJumpTarget(node, this,
makeContinueLabel: isContinueTarget);
ir.Class get mapLiteralClass =>
ir.Procedure get mapLiteralConstructor =>
ir.Procedure get mapLiteralConstructorEmpty =>
ir.Procedure get mapLiteralUntypedEmptyMaker =>
ir.Procedure get exceptionUnwrapper =>
TypeMask get exceptionUnwrapperType =>
_backend.helpers.exceptionUnwrapper, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get traceFromException =>
TypeMask get traceFromExceptionType =>
_backend.helpers.traceFromException, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get streamIteratorConstructor =>
TypeMask get streamIteratorConstructorType =>
_backend.helpers.streamIteratorConstructor, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get fallThroughError =>
TypeMask get fallThroughErrorType =>
_backend.helpers.fallThroughError, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get mapLiteralUntypedMaker =>
MemberElement get jsIndexableLength => _backend.helpers.jsIndexableLength;
ir.Procedure get checkConcurrentModificationError =>
TypeMask get checkConcurrentModificationErrorReturnType =>
ir.Procedure get checkSubtype =>
ir.Procedure get checkSubtypeOfRuntimeType =>
ir.Procedure get throwTypeError =>
TypeMask get throwTypeErrorType =>
_backend.helpers.throwTypeError, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get assertHelper =>
TypeMask get assertHelperReturnType =>
_backend.helpers.assertHelper, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get assertTest => kernel.functions[_backend.helpers.assertTest];
TypeMask get assertTestReturnType =>
_backend.helpers.assertTest, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get assertThrow =>
ir.Procedure get setRuntimeTypeInfo =>
TypeMask get assertThrowReturnType =>
_backend.helpers.assertThrow, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Procedure get runtimeTypeToString =>
ir.Procedure get createRuntimeType =>
TypeMask get createRuntimeTypeReturnType =>
_backend.helpers.createRuntimeType, _globalInferenceResults);
ir.Class get objectClass =>
ir.Class get futureClass =>
TypeMask makeSubtypeOfObject(ClosedWorld closedWorld) =>
new TypeMask.subclass(_compiler.commonElements.objectClass, closedWorld);
ir.Procedure get currentIsolate =>
ir.Procedure get callInIsolate =>
bool isInForeignLibrary(ir.Member member) =>
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehavior(ir.Node node) {
return elements.getNativeData(getNode(node));
js.Name getNameForJsGetName(ir.Node argument, ConstantValue constant) {
int index = _extractEnumIndexFromConstantValue(
constant, _backend.helpers.jsGetNameEnum);
if (index == null) return null;
return _backend.namer
.getNameForJsGetName(getNode(argument), JsGetName.values[index]);
js.Template getJsBuiltinTemplate(ConstantValue constant) {
int index = _extractEnumIndexFromConstantValue(
constant, _backend.helpers.jsBuiltinEnum);
if (index == null) return null;
return _backend.emitter.builtinTemplateFor(JsBuiltin.values[index]);
int _extractEnumIndexFromConstantValue(
ConstantValue constant, Element classElement) {
if (constant is ConstructedConstantValue) {
if (constant.type.element == classElement) {
assert(constant.fields.length == 1);
ConstantValue indexConstant = constant.fields.values.single;
if (indexConstant is IntConstantValue) {
return indexConstant.primitiveValue;
return null;
ResolutionDartType getDartType(ir.DartType type) {
return _typeConverter.convert(type);
ResolutionDartType getDartTypeIfValid(ir.DartType type) {
if (type is ir.InvalidType) return null;
return _typeConverter.convert(type);
List<ResolutionDartType> getDartTypes(List<ir.DartType> types) {
ResolutionInterfaceType getDartTypeOfListLiteral(ir.ListLiteral list) {
ast.Node node = getNodeOrNull(list);
if (node != null) return elements.getType(node);
return _compiler.commonElements.listType(getDartType(list.typeArgument));
ResolutionInterfaceType getDartTypeOfMapLiteral(ir.MapLiteral literal) {
ast.Node node = getNodeOrNull(literal);
if (node != null) return elements.getType(node);
return _compiler.commonElements
.mapType(getDartType(literal.keyType), getDartType(literal.valueType));
ResolutionDartType getFunctionReturnType(ir.FunctionNode node) {
if (node.returnType is ir.InvalidType) return const ResolutionDynamicType();
return getDartType(node.returnType);
/// Computes the function type corresponding the signature of [node].
ResolutionFunctionType getFunctionType(ir.FunctionNode node) {
ResolutionDartType returnType = getFunctionReturnType(node);
List<ResolutionDartType> parameterTypes = <ResolutionDartType>[];
List<ResolutionDartType> optionalParameterTypes = <ResolutionDartType>[];
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in node.positionalParameters) {
if (parameterTypes.length == node.requiredParameterCount) {
} else {
List<String> namedParameters = <String>[];
List<ResolutionDartType> namedParameterTypes = <ResolutionDartType>[];
List<ir.VariableDeclaration> sortedNamedParameters =
node.namedParameters.toList()..sort((a, b) =>;
for (ir.VariableDeclaration variable in sortedNamedParameters) {
return new ResolutionFunctionType.synthesized(returnType, parameterTypes,
optionalParameterTypes, namedParameters, namedParameterTypes);
ResolutionInterfaceType getInterfaceType(ir.InterfaceType type) =>
ResolutionInterfaceType createInterfaceType(
ir.Class cls, List<ir.DartType> typeArguments) {
return new ResolutionInterfaceType(
getClass(cls), getDartTypes(typeArguments));
/// Converts [annotations] into a list of [ConstantExpression]s.
List<ConstantExpression> getMetadata(List<ir.Expression> annotations) {
List<ConstantExpression> metadata = <ConstantExpression>[];
annotations.forEach((ir.Expression node) {
ConstantExpression constant = node.accept(new Constantifier(this));
if (constant == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'No constant for ${DebugPrinter.prettyPrint(node)}');
return metadata;
/// Compute the kind of foreign helper function called by [node], if any.
ForeignKind getForeignKind(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (isForeignLibrary( {
switch ( {
case BackendHelpers.JS:
return ForeignKind.JS;
case BackendHelpers.JS_BUILTIN:
return ForeignKind.JS_BUILTIN;
case BackendHelpers.JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL:
return ForeignKind.JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL;
return ForeignKind.NONE;
/// Return `true` if [node] is the `dart:_foreign_helper` library.
bool isForeignLibrary(ir.Library node) {
return node.importUri == BackendHelpers.DART_FOREIGN_HELPER;
/// Looks up [typeName] for use in the spec-string of a `JS` called.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use this in [native.NativeBehavior] instead of calling
// the `ForeignResolver`.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache the result to avoid redundant lookups?
native.TypeLookup _typeLookup({bool resolveAsRaw: true}) {
return (String typeName) {
ResolutionDartType findIn(Uri uri) {
LibraryElement library = _compiler.libraryLoader.lookupLibrary(uri);
if (library != null) {
Element element = library.find(typeName);
if (element != null && element.isClass) {
ClassElement cls = element;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Align semantics.
return resolveAsRaw ? cls.rawType : cls.thisType;
return null;
ResolutionDartType type = findIn(Uris.dart_core);
type ??= findIn(BackendHelpers.DART_JS_HELPER);
type ??= findIn(BackendHelpers.DART_INTERCEPTORS);
type ??= findIn(BackendHelpers.DART_ISOLATE_HELPER);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_collection);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_html);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_svg);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_web_audio);
type ??= findIn(Uris.dart_web_gl);
return type;
String _getStringArgument(ir.StaticInvocation node, int index) {
return node.arguments.positional[index].accept(new Stringifier());
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the [JS] function.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsCall(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 2 ||
node.arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
return new native.NativeBehavior();
String specString = _getStringArgument(node, 0);
if (specString == null) {
return new native.NativeBehavior();
String codeString = _getStringArgument(node, 1);
if (codeString == null) {
return new native.NativeBehavior();
return native.NativeBehavior.ofJsCall(
_typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true),
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the [JS_BUILTIN]
/// function.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsBuiltinCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 1) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "JS builtin expression has no type.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 2) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "JS builtin is missing name.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
String specString = _getStringArgument(node, 0);
if (specString == null) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected first argument.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
return native.NativeBehavior.ofJsBuiltinCall(
_typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true),
/// Computes the [native.NativeBehavior] for a call to the
/// [JS_EMBEDDED_GLOBAL] function.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(
ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 1) {
"JS embedded global expression has no type.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
if (node.arguments.positional.length < 2) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "JS embedded global is missing name.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
if (node.arguments.positional.length > 2 ||
node.arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
"JS embedded global has more than 2 arguments.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
String specString = _getStringArgument(node, 0);
if (specString == null) {
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected first argument.");
return new native.NativeBehavior();
return native.NativeBehavior.ofJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(
_typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: true),
/// Computes the [InterfaceType] referenced by a call to the
/// [JS_INTERCEPTOR_CONSTANT] function, if any.
InterfaceType getInterfaceTypeForJsInterceptorCall(ir.StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.arguments.positional.length != 1 ||
node.arguments.named.isNotEmpty) {
ir.Node argument = node.arguments.positional.first;
if (argument is ir.TypeLiteral && argument.type is ir.InterfaceType) {
return getInterfaceType(argument.type);
return null;
/// Returns `true` is [node] has a `@Native(...)` annotation.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
bool isNativeClass(ir.Class node) {
for (ir.Expression annotation in node.annotations) {
if (annotation is ir.ConstructorInvocation) {
ConstructorElement target = getElement(;
if (target.enclosingClass ==
_compiler.commonElements.nativeAnnotationClass) {
return true;
return false;
/// Computes the native behavior for reading the native [field].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldLoad(ir.Field field) {
ResolutionDartType type = getDartType(field.type);
List<ConstantExpression> metadata = getMetadata(field.annotations);
return native.NativeBehavior.ofFieldLoad(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, type,
metadata, _typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: false), _compiler,
isJsInterop: false);
/// Computes the native behavior for writing to the native [field].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForFieldStore(ir.Field field) {
ResolutionDartType type = getDartType(field.type);
return native.NativeBehavior.ofFieldStore(type, _compiler.resolution);
/// Computes the native behavior for calling [procedure].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Cache this for later use.
native.NativeBehavior getNativeBehaviorForMethod(ir.Procedure procedure) {
ResolutionDartType type = getFunctionType(procedure.function);
List<ConstantExpression> metadata = getMetadata(procedure.annotations);
return native.NativeBehavior.ofMethod(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, type,
metadata, _typeLookup(resolveAsRaw: false), _compiler,
isJsInterop: false);
MemberEntity getConstructorBodyEntity(ir.Constructor constructor) {
AstElement element = getElement(constructor);
MemberEntity constructorBody =
assert(constructorBody != null);
return constructorBody;
/// Kinds of foreign functions.
enum ForeignKind {
/// Visitor that converts kernel dart types into [ResolutionDartType].
class DartTypeConverter extends ir.DartTypeVisitor<ResolutionDartType> {
final KernelAstAdapter astAdapter;
bool topLevel = true;
ResolutionDartType convert(ir.DartType type) {
topLevel = true;
return type.accept(this);
/// Visit a inner type.
ResolutionDartType visitType(ir.DartType type) {
topLevel = false;
return type.accept(this);
List<ResolutionDartType> visitTypes(List<ir.DartType> types) {
topLevel = false;
return new List.generate(
types.length, (int index) => types[index].accept(this));
ResolutionDartType visitTypeParameterType(ir.TypeParameterType node) {
if (node.parameter.parent is ir.Class) {
ir.Class cls = node.parameter.parent;
int index = cls.typeParameters.indexOf(node.parameter);
ClassElement classElement = astAdapter.getElement(cls);
return classElement.typeVariables[index];
} else if (node.parameter.parent is ir.FunctionNode) {
ir.FunctionNode func = node.parameter.parent;
int index = func.typeParameters.indexOf(node.parameter);
Element element = astAdapter.getElement(func);
if (element.isConstructor) {
ClassElement classElement = element.enclosingClass;
return classElement.typeVariables[index];
} else {
GenericElement genericElement = element;
return genericElement.typeVariables[index];
throw new UnsupportedError('Unsupported type parameter type node $node.');
ResolutionDartType visitFunctionType(ir.FunctionType node) {
return new ResolutionFunctionType.synthesized(
.toList()), =>, => visitType(n.type)).toList());
ResolutionDartType visitInterfaceType(ir.InterfaceType node) {
ClassElement cls = astAdapter.getElement(node.classNode);
return new ResolutionInterfaceType(cls, visitTypes(node.typeArguments));
ResolutionDartType visitVoidType(ir.VoidType node) {
return const ResolutionVoidType();
ResolutionDartType visitDynamicType(ir.DynamicType node) {
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
ResolutionDartType visitInvalidType(ir.InvalidType node) {
if (topLevel) {
throw new UnimplementedError(
"Outermost invalid types not currently supported");
// Nested invalid types are treated as `dynamic`.
return const ResolutionDynamicType();
/// Visitor that converts string literals and concatenations of string literals
/// into the string value.
class Stringifier extends ir.ExpressionVisitor<String> {
String visitStringLiteral(ir.StringLiteral node) => node.value;
String visitStringConcatenation(ir.StringConcatenation node) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (ir.Expression expression in node.expressions) {
String value = expression.accept(this);
if (value == null) return null;
return sb.toString();
/// Visitor that converts a kernel constant expression into a
/// [ConstantExpression].
class Constantifier extends ir.ExpressionVisitor<ConstantExpression> {
final KernelAstAdapter astAdapter;
ConstantExpression visitConstructorInvocation(ir.ConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorElement constructor =
List<ResolutionDartType> typeArguments = <ResolutionDartType>[];
for (ir.DartType type in node.arguments.types) {
List<ConstantExpression> arguments = <ConstantExpression>[];
List<String> argumentNames = <String>[];
for (ir.Expression argument in node.arguments.positional) {
ConstantExpression constant = argument.accept(this);
if (constant == null) return null;
for (ir.NamedExpression argument in node.arguments.named) {
ConstantExpression constant = argument.value.accept(this);
if (constant == null) return null;
return new ConstructedConstantExpression(
new CallStructure(
node.arguments.positional.length + argumentNames.length,
ConstantExpression visitStaticGet(ir.StaticGet node) {
Element element = astAdapter.getMember(;
if (element.isField) {
return new VariableConstantExpression(element);
CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, "Unexpected constant target: $element.");
return null;
ConstantExpression visitStringLiteral(ir.StringLiteral node) {
return new StringConstantExpression(node.value);
class KernelJumpTarget extends JumpTarget {
static int index = 0;
/// Pointer to the actual executable statements that a jump target refers to.
/// If this jump target was not initially constructed with a LabeledStatement,
/// this value is identical to originalStatement.
// TODO(efortuna): In an ideal world the Node should be some common
// interface we create for both ir.Statements and ir.SwitchCase (the
// ContinueSwitchStatement's target is a SwitchCase) rather than general
// Node. Talking to Asger about this.
ir.Node targetStatement;
/// The original statement used to construct this jump target.
/// If this jump target was not initially constructed with a LabeledStatement,
/// this value is identical to targetStatement.
ir.Node originalStatement;
bool isBreakTarget = false;
bool isContinueTarget = false;
KernelJumpTarget(this.targetStatement, KernelAstAdapter adapter,
{bool makeContinueLabel = false}) {
originalStatement = targetStatement;
this.labels = <LabelDefinition>[];
if (targetStatement is ir.WhileStatement ||
targetStatement is ir.DoStatement ||
targetStatement is ir.ForStatement ||
targetStatement is ir.ForInStatement) {
// Currently these labels are set at resolution on the element itself.
// Once that gets updated, this logic can change downstream.
JumpTarget target = adapter.elements
if (target != null) {
isBreakTarget = target.isBreakTarget;
isContinueTarget = target.isContinueTarget;
} else if (targetStatement is ir.LabeledStatement) {
targetStatement = (targetStatement as ir.LabeledStatement).body;
new LabelDefinitionX(null, 'L${index++}', this)..setBreakTarget());
isBreakTarget = true;
if (makeContinueLabel) {
new LabelDefinitionX(null, 'L${index++}', this)..setContinueTarget());
isContinueTarget = true;
LabelDefinition addLabel(ast.Label label, String labelName) {
LabelDefinition result = new LabelDefinitionX(label, labelName, this);
return result;
ExecutableElement get executableContext => null;
bool get isSwitch => targetStatement is ir.SwitchStatement;
bool get isTarget => isBreakTarget || isContinueTarget;
List<LabelDefinition> labels;
String get name => 'target';
// TODO(efortuna): In the original version, this nesting level is specified at
// jump target construction time, by the resolver. Because these are
// instantiated later, we don't have that information. When we move fully over
// to the kernel model, we can pass the nesting level in KernelJumpTarget's
// constructor.
int get nestingLevel => 0;
ast.Node get statement => null;
String toString() => 'Target:$targetStatement';
/// Special [JumpHandler] implementation used to handle continue statements
/// targeting switch cases.
class KernelSwitchCaseJumpHandler extends SwitchCaseJumpHandler {
KernelSwitchCaseJumpHandler(GraphBuilder builder, JumpTarget target,
ir.SwitchStatement switchStatement, KernelAstAdapter astAdapter)
: super(builder, target) {
// The switch case indices must match those computed in
// [KernelSsaBuilder.buildSwitchCaseConstants].
// Switch indices are 1-based so we can bypass the synthetic loop when no
// cases match simply by branching on the index (which defaults to null).
int switchIndex = 1;
for (ir.SwitchCase switchCase in switchStatement.cases) {
JumpTarget continueTarget =
astAdapter.getJumpTarget(switchCase, isContinueTarget: true);
assert(continueTarget is KernelJumpTarget);
targetIndexMap[continueTarget] = switchIndex;
assert(builder.jumpTargets[continueTarget] == null);
builder.jumpTargets[continueTarget] = this;