blob: ff18e36fdbd3e749e27471a397b7979f0a7193e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.serialization;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/resolution.dart';
import '../constants/expressions.dart';
import '../elements/resolution_types.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../library_loader.dart' show LibraryProvider;
import '../util/enumset.dart';
import 'constant_serialization.dart';
import 'element_serialization.dart';
import 'json_serializer.dart';
import 'keys.dart';
import 'type_serialization.dart';
import 'values.dart';
export 'task.dart' show LibraryDeserializer;
/// An object that supports the encoding an [ObjectValue] for serialization.
/// The [ObjectEncoder] ensures that nominality and circularities of
/// non-primitive values like [Element], [ResolutionDartType] and
/// [ConstantExpression] are handled.
class ObjectEncoder extends AbstractEncoder<Key> {
/// Creates an [ObjectEncoder] in the scope of [serializer] that uses [map]
/// as its internal storage.
ObjectEncoder(Serializer serializer, Map<dynamic, Value> map)
: super(serializer, map);
String get _name => 'Object';
/// An object that supports the encoding a [MapValue] for serialization.
/// The [MapEncoder] ensures that nominality and circularities of
/// non-primitive values like [Element], [ResolutionDartType] and
/// [ConstantExpression] are handled.
class MapEncoder extends AbstractEncoder<String> {
/// Creates an [MapEncoder] in the scope of [serializer] that uses [map]
/// as its internal storage.
MapEncoder(Serializer serializer, Map<String, Value> map)
: super(serializer, map);
String get _name => 'Map';
/// An object that supports the encoding a [ListValue] containing [ObjectValue]s
/// or [MapValue]s.
/// The [ListEncoder] ensures that nominality and circularities of
/// non-primitive values like [Element], [ResolutionDartType] and
/// [ConstantExpression] are handled.
class ListEncoder {
final Serializer _serializer;
final List<Value> _list;
/// Creates an [ListEncoder] in the scope of [_serializer] that uses [_list]
/// as its internal storage.
ListEncoder(this._serializer, this._list);
/// Creates an [ObjectEncoder] and adds it to the encoded list.
ObjectEncoder createObject() {
Map<Key, Value> map = <Key, Value>{};
_list.add(new ObjectValue(map));
return new ObjectEncoder(_serializer, map);
/// Creates an [ObjectEncoder] and adds it to the encoded list.
MapEncoder createMap() {
Map<String, Value> map = {};
_list.add(new MapValue(map));
return new MapEncoder(_serializer, map);
/// Abstract base implementation for [ObjectEncoder] and [MapEncoder].
abstract class AbstractEncoder<K> {
final Serializer _serializer;
final Map<K, Value> _map;
AbstractEncoder(this._serializer, this._map);
/// The name of the encoder kind. Use for error reporting.
String get _name;
void _checkKey(K key) {
if (_map.containsKey(key)) {
throw new StateError("$_name value '$key' already in $_map.");
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [value] in the encoded object.
void setValue(K key, Value value) {
_map[key] = value;
/// Maps the [key] entry to the enum [value] in the encoded object.
void setEnum(K key, var value) {
_map[key] = new EnumValue(value);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the set of enum [values] in the encoded object.
void setEnums(K key, Iterable values) {
setEnumSet(key, new EnumSet.fromValues(values));
/// Maps the [key] entry to the enum [set] in the encoded object.
void setEnumSet(K key, EnumSet set) {
_map[key] = new IntValue(set.value);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [element] in the encoded object.
void setElement(K key, Element element) {
_map[key] = _serializer.createElementValue(element);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [elements] in the encoded object.
/// If [elements] is empty, it is skipped.
void setElements(K key, Iterable<Element> elements) {
if (elements.isNotEmpty) {
_map[key] =
new ListValue(;
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [constant] in the encoded object.
void setConstant(K key, ConstantExpression constant) {
_map[key] = _serializer.createConstantValue(constant);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [constants] in the encoded object.
/// If [constants] is empty, it is skipped.
void setConstants(K key, Iterable<ConstantExpression> constants) {
if (constants.isNotEmpty) {
_map[key] = new ListValue(;
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [type] in the encoded object.
void setType(K key, ResolutionDartType type) {
_map[key] = _serializer.createTypeValue(type);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [types] in the encoded object.
/// If [types] is empty, it is skipped.
void setTypes(K key, Iterable<ResolutionDartType> types) {
if (types.isNotEmpty) {
_map[key] =
new ListValue(;
/// Maps the [key] entry to the [uri] in the encoded object using [baseUri] to
/// relatives the encoding.
/// For instance, a source file like `sdk/lib/core/string.dart` should be
/// serialized relative to the library root.
void setUri(K key, Uri baseUri, Uri uri) {
_map[key] = new UriValue(baseUri, uri);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the string [value] in the encoded object.
void setString(K key, String value) {
_map[key] = new StringValue(value);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the string [values] in the encoded object.
/// If [values] is empty, it is skipped.
void setStrings(K key, Iterable<String> values) {
if (values.isNotEmpty) {
_map[key] = new ListValue( => new StringValue(v)).toList());
/// Maps the [key] entry to the bool [value] in the encoded object.
void setBool(K key, bool value) {
_map[key] = new BoolValue(value);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the int [value] in the encoded object.
void setInt(K key, int value) {
_map[key] = new IntValue(value);
/// Maps the [key] entry to the int [values] in this serializer.
/// If [values] is empty, it is skipped.
void setInts(K key, Iterable<int> values) {
if (values.isNotEmpty) {
_map[key] = new ListValue( => new IntValue(v)).toList());
/// Maps the [key] entry to the double [value] in the encoded object.
void setDouble(K key, double value) {
_map[key] = new DoubleValue(value);
/// Creates and returns an [ObjectEncoder] that is mapped to the [key]
/// entry in the encoded object.
ObjectEncoder createObject(K key) {
Map<Key, Value> map = <Key, Value>{};
_map[key] = new ObjectValue(map);
return new ObjectEncoder(_serializer, map);
/// Creates and returns a [MapEncoder] that is mapped to the [key] entry
/// in the encoded object.
MapEncoder createMap(K key) {
Map<String, Value> map = <String, Value>{};
_map[key] = new MapValue(map);
return new MapEncoder(_serializer, map);
/// Creates and returns a [ListEncoder] that is mapped to the [key] entry
/// in the encoded object.
ListEncoder createList(K key) {
List<Value> list = <Value>[];
_map[key] = new ListValue(list);
return new ListEncoder(_serializer, list);
String toString() => _map.toString();
/// [ObjectDecoder] reads serialized values from a [Map] encoded from an
/// [ObjectValue] where properties are stored using [Key] values as keys.
class ObjectDecoder extends AbstractDecoder<Key> {
/// Creates an [ObjectDecoder] that decodes [map] into deserialized values
/// using [deserializer] to create canonicalized values.
ObjectDecoder(Deserializer deserializer, Map map) : super(deserializer, map);
_getKeyValue(Key key) => _deserializer.decoder.getObjectPropertyValue(key);
/// [MapDecoder] reads serialized values from a [Map] encoded from an
/// [MapValue] where entries are stored using [String] values as keys.
class MapDecoder extends AbstractDecoder<String> {
/// Creates an [MapDecoder] that decodes [map] into deserialized values
/// using [deserializer] to create canonicalized values.
MapDecoder(Deserializer deserializer, Map<String, dynamic> map)
: super(deserializer, map);
_getKeyValue(String key) => key;
/// Applies [f] to every key in the decoded [Map].
void forEachKey(f(String key)) {
/// [ListDecoder] reads serialized map or object values from a [List].
class ListDecoder {
final Deserializer _deserializer;
final List _list;
/// Creates a [ListDecoder] that decodes [_list] using [_deserializer] to
/// create canonicalized values.
ListDecoder(this._deserializer, this._list);
/// The number of values in the decoded list.
int get length => _list.length;
/// Returns an [ObjectDecoder] for the [index]th object value in the decoded
/// list.
ObjectDecoder getObject(int index) {
return new ObjectDecoder(_deserializer, _list[index]);
/// Returns an [MapDecoder] for the [index]th map value in the decoded list.
MapDecoder getMap(int index) {
return new MapDecoder(_deserializer, _list[index]);
/// Abstract base implementation for [ObjectDecoder] and [MapDecoder].
abstract class AbstractDecoder<K> {
final Deserializer _deserializer;
final Map<K, dynamic> _map;
AbstractDecoder(this._deserializer, this._map) {
assert(_deserializer != null);
assert(_map != null);
/// Returns the value for [key] defined by the [SerializationDecoder] in used
/// [_deserializer].
_getKeyValue(K key);
/// Returns `true` if [key] has an associated value in the decoded object.
bool containsKey(K key) => _map.containsKey(_getKeyValue(key));
/// Returns the enum value from the [enumValues] associated with [key] in the
/// decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
getEnum(K key, List enumValues, {bool isOptional: false, defaultValue}) {
int value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional || defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw new StateError("enum value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return enumValues[value];
/// Returns the set of enum values associated with [key] in the decoded
/// object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
EnumSet getEnums(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
int value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return const EnumSet.fixed(0);
throw new StateError("enum values '$key' not found in $_map.");
return new EnumSet.fixed(value);
/// Returns the [Element] value associated with [key] in the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// `null` is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
Element getElement(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
int id = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (id == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return null;
throw new StateError("Element value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return _deserializer.deserializeElement(id);
/// Returns the list of [Element] values associated with [key] in the decoded
/// object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// and empty [List] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
List<Element> getElements(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
List list = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (list == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return const [];
throw new StateError("Elements value '$key' not found in $_map.");
/// Returns the [ConstantExpression] value associated with [key] in the
/// decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// `null` is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
ConstantExpression getConstant(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
int id = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (id == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return null;
throw new StateError("Constant value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return _deserializer.deserializeConstant(id);
/// Returns the list of [ConstantExpression] values associated with [key] in
/// the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// and empty [List] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
List<ConstantExpression> getConstants(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
List list = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (list == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return const [];
throw new StateError("Constants value '$key' not found in $_map.");
/// Returns the [ResolutionDartType] value associated with [key] in the
/// decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// `null` is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
ResolutionDartType getType(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
int id = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (id == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return null;
throw new StateError("Type value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return _deserializer.deserializeType(id);
/// Returns the list of [ResolutionDartType] values associated with [key] in
/// the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// and empty [List] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
List<ResolutionDartType> getTypes(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
List list = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (list == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return const [];
throw new StateError("Types value '$key' not found in $_map.");
/// Returns the [Uri] value associated with [key] in the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
Uri getUri(K key, {bool isOptional: false, Uri defaultValue}) {
String value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional || defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw new StateError("Uri value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return Uri.parse(value);
/// Returns the [String] value associated with [key] in the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
String getString(K key, {bool isOptional: false, String defaultValue}) {
String value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional || defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw new StateError("String value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return value;
/// Returns the list of [String] values associated with [key] in the decoded
/// object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// and empty [List] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
List<String> getStrings(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
List list = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (list == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return const [];
throw new StateError("Strings value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return list;
/// Returns the [bool] value associated with [key] in the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
bool getBool(K key, {bool isOptional: false, bool defaultValue}) {
bool value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional || defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw new StateError("bool value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return value;
/// Returns the [int] value associated with [key] in the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
int getInt(K key, {bool isOptional: false, int defaultValue}) {
int value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional || defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw new StateError("int value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return value;
/// Returns the list of [int] values associated with [key] in the decoded
/// object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// and empty [List] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
List<int> getInts(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
List list = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (list == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return const [];
throw new StateError("Ints value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return list;
/// Returns the [double] value associated with [key] in the decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// [defaultValue] is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
double getDouble(K key, {bool isOptional: false, double defaultValue}) {
var value = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (value == null) {
if (isOptional || defaultValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
throw new StateError("double value '$key' not found in $_map.");
// Support alternative encoding of NaN and +/- infinity for JSON.
if (value == 'NaN') {
return double.NAN;
} else if (value == '-Infinity') {
return double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
} else if (value == 'Infinity') {
return double.INFINITY;
return value;
/// Returns an [ObjectDecoder] for the map value associated with [key] in the
/// decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// `null` is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
ObjectDecoder getObject(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
Map map = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (map == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return null;
throw new StateError("Object value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return new ObjectDecoder(_deserializer, map);
/// Returns an [MapDecoder] for the map value associated with [key] in the
/// decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// `null` is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
MapDecoder getMap(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
Map map = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (map == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return null;
throw new StateError("Map value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return new MapDecoder(_deserializer, map);
/// Returns an [ListDecoder] for the list value associated with [key] in the
/// decoded object.
/// If no value is associated with [key], then if [isOptional] is `true`,
/// `null` is returned, otherwise an exception is thrown.
ListDecoder getList(K key, {bool isOptional: false}) {
List list = _map[_getKeyValue(key)];
if (list == null) {
if (isOptional) {
return null;
throw new StateError("List value '$key' not found in $_map.");
return new ListDecoder(_deserializer, list);
/// A nominal object containing its serialized value.
class DataObject {
/// The id for the object.
final Value id;
/// The serialized value of the object.
final ObjectValue objectValue;
DataObject(Value id, EnumValue kind)
: = id,
this.objectValue =
new ObjectValue(<Key, Value>{Key.ID: id, Key.KIND: kind});
Map<Key, Value> get map =>;
/// Function used to filter which element serialized.
typedef bool ElementMatcher(Element element);
bool includeAllElements(Element element) => true;
/// Serializer for the transitive closure of a collection of libraries.
/// The serializer creates an [ObjectValue] model of the [Element],
/// [ResolutionDartType] and [ConstantExpression] values in the transitive
/// closure of the serialized libraries.
/// The model layout of the produced [objectValue] is:
/// { // Header object
/// Key.ELEMENTS: [
/// {...}, // [ObjectValue] of the 0th [Element].
/// ...
/// {...}, // [ObjectValue] of the n-th [Element].
/// ],
/// Key.TYPES: [
/// {...}, // [ObjectValue] of the 0th [DartType].
/// ...
/// {...}, // [ObjectValue] of the n-th [DartType].
/// ],
/// Key.CONSTANTS: [
/// {...}, // [ObjectValue] of the 0th [ConstantExpression].
/// ...
/// {...}, // [ObjectValue] of the n-th [ConstantExpression].
/// ],
/// }
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support dependencies between serialized subcomponent.
class Serializer {
List<SerializerPlugin> plugins = <SerializerPlugin>[];
Map<Uri, dynamic> _dependencyMap = <Uri, dynamic>{};
Map<Element, DataObject> _elementMap = <Element, DataObject>{};
Map<ConstantExpression, DataObject> _constantMap =
<ConstantExpression, DataObject>{};
Map<ResolutionDartType, DataObject> _typeMap =
<ResolutionDartType, DataObject>{};
List _pendingList = [];
ElementMatcher shouldInclude;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Replace [includeElement] with a general strategy.
Serializer({this.shouldInclude: includeAllElements});
/// Add the transitive closure of [library] to this serializer.
void serialize(LibraryElement library) {
// Call [_getElementId] for its side-effect: To create a
// [DataObject] for [library]. If not already created, this will
// put the serialization of [library] in the work queue.
void _emptyWorklist() {
while (_pendingList.isNotEmpty) {
/// Returns the id [Value] for [element].
/// If [element] has no [DataObject], a new [DataObject] is created and
/// encoding the [ObjectValue] for [element] is put into the work queue of
/// this serializer.
Value _getElementId(Element element) {
if (element == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Serializer._getElementDataObject(null)');
element = element.declaration;
DataObject dataObject = _elementMap[element];
if (dataObject == null) {
if (!shouldInclude(element)) {
/// Helper used to check that external references are serialized by
/// the right kind.
bool verifyElement(var found, var expected) {
if (found == null) return false;
found = found.declaration;
if (found == expected) return true;
if (found.isAbstractField && expected.isGetter) {
return found.getter == expected;
if (found.isAbstractField && expected.isSetter) {
return found.setter == expected;
return false;
if (element.isLibrary) {
LibraryElement library = element;
_elementMap[element] = dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_elementMap.length),
new EnumValue(SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY));
ObjectEncoder encoder = new ObjectEncoder(this,;
encoder.setUri(Key.URI, library.canonicalUri, library.canonicalUri);
} else if (element.isConstructor) {
message: "Element $element is not found as a "
"constructor of ${element.enclosingClass.implementation}."));
Value classId = _getElementId(element.enclosingClass);
_elementMap[element] = dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_elementMap.length),
new EnumValue(SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_CONSTRUCTOR));
ObjectEncoder encoder = new ObjectEncoder(this,;
encoder.setValue(Key.CLASS, classId);
} else if (element.isClassMember) {
message: "Element $element is not found as a "
"class member of ${element.enclosingClass}."));
Value classId = _getElementId(element.enclosingClass);
_elementMap[element] = dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_elementMap.length),
new EnumValue(SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_CLASS_MEMBER));
ObjectEncoder encoder = new ObjectEncoder(this,;
encoder.setValue(Key.CLASS, classId);
if (element.isAccessor) {
encoder.setBool(Key.GETTER, element.isGetter);
} else {
element.library.implementation.find(, element),
message: "Element $element is not found as a "
"library member of ${element.library.implementation}."));
Value libraryId = _getElementId(element.library);
_elementMap[element] = dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_elementMap.length),
new EnumValue(SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_MEMBER));
ObjectEncoder encoder = new ObjectEncoder(this,;
encoder.setValue(Key.LIBRARY, libraryId);
if (element.isAccessor) {
encoder.setBool(Key.GETTER, element.isGetter);
} else {
// Run through [ELEMENT_SERIALIZERS] sequentially to find the one that
// deals with [element].
for (ElementSerializer serializer in ELEMENT_SERIALIZERS) {
SerializedElementKind kind = serializer.getSerializedKind(element);
if (kind != null) {
_elementMap[element] = dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_elementMap.length), new EnumValue(kind));
// Delay the serialization of the element itself to avoid loops, and
// to keep the call stack small.
_pendingList.add(() {
ObjectEncoder encoder = new ObjectEncoder(this,;
serializer.serialize(element, encoder, kind);
MapEncoder pluginData;
for (SerializerPlugin plugin in plugins) {
plugin.onElement(element, (String tag) {
if (pluginData == null) {
pluginData = encoder.createMap(Key.DATA);
return pluginData.createObject(tag);
if (dataObject == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Unsupported element: $element (${element.kind})');
/// Creates the [ElementValue] for [element].
/// If [element] has not already been serialized, it is added to the work
/// queue of this serializer.
ElementValue createElementValue(Element element) {
return new ElementValue(element, _getElementId(element));
/// Returns the id [Value] for [constant].
/// If [constant] has no [DataObject], a new [DataObject] is created and
/// encoding the [ObjectValue] for [constant] is put into the work queue of
/// this serializer.
Value _getConstantId(ConstantExpression constant) {
return _constantMap.putIfAbsent(constant, () {
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_constantMap.length), new EnumValue(constant.kind));
// Delay the serialization of the constant itself to avoid loops, and to
// keep the call stack small.
_pendingList.add(() => _encodeConstant(constant, dataObject));
return dataObject;
/// Encodes [constant] into the [ObjectValue] of [dataObject].
void _encodeConstant(ConstantExpression constant, DataObject dataObject) {
const ConstantSerializer()
.visit(constant, new ObjectEncoder(this,;
/// Creates the [ConstantValue] for [constant].
/// If [constant] has not already been serialized, it is added to the work
/// queue of this serializer.
ConstantValue createConstantValue(ConstantExpression constant) {
return new ConstantValue(constant, _getConstantId(constant));
/// Returns the id [Value] for [type].
/// If [type] has no [DataObject], a new [DataObject] is created and
/// encoding the [ObjectValue] for [type] is put into the work queue of this
/// serializer.
Value _getTypeId(ResolutionDartType type) {
DataObject dataObject = _typeMap[type];
if (dataObject == null) {
_typeMap[type] = dataObject = new DataObject(
new IntValue(_typeMap.length), new EnumValue(type.kind));
// Delay the serialization of the type itself to avoid loops, and to keep
// the call stack small.
_pendingList.add(() => _encodeType(type, dataObject));
/// Encodes [type] into the [ObjectValue] of [dataObject].
void _encodeType(ResolutionDartType type, DataObject dataObject) {
const TypeSerializer().visit(type, new ObjectEncoder(this,;
/// Creates the [TypeValue] for [type].
/// If [type] has not already been serialized, it is added to the work
/// queue of this serializer.
TypeValue createTypeValue(ResolutionDartType type) {
return new TypeValue(type, _getTypeId(type));
ObjectValue get objectValue {
Map<Key, Value> map = <Key, Value>{};
map[Key.ELEMENTS] =
new ListValue( => l.objectValue).toList());
if (_typeMap.isNotEmpty) {
map[Key.TYPES] =
new ListValue( => l.objectValue).toList());
if (_constantMap.isNotEmpty) {
map[Key.CONSTANTS] =
new ListValue( => l.objectValue).toList());
return new ObjectValue(map);
String toText(SerializationEncoder encoder) {
return encoder.encode(objectValue);
String prettyPrint() {
PrettyPrintEncoder encoder = new PrettyPrintEncoder();
return encoder.toText(objectValue);
/// Plugin for serializing additional data for an [Element].
class SerializerPlugin {
const SerializerPlugin();
/// Called upon the serialization of [element].
/// Use [creatorEncoder] to create a data object with id [tag] for storing
/// additional data for [element].
void onElement(Element element, ObjectEncoder createEncoder(String tag)) {}
/// Called to serialize custom [data].
void onData(var data, ObjectEncoder encoder) {}
/// Plugin for deserializing additional data for an [Element].
class DeserializerPlugin {
const DeserializerPlugin();
/// Called upon the deserialization of [element].
/// Use [getDecoder] to retrieve the data object with id [tag] stored for
/// [element]. If not object is stored for [tag], [getDecoder] returns `null`.
void onElement(Element element, ObjectDecoder getDecoder(String tag)) {}
/// Called to deserialize custom data from [decoder].
dynamic onData(ObjectDecoder decoder) {}
/// Context for parallel deserialization.
class DeserializationContext {
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
final Resolution resolution;
final LibraryProvider libraryProvider;
Map<Uri, LibraryElement> _uriMap = <Uri, LibraryElement>{};
List<Deserializer> deserializers = <Deserializer>[];
List<DeserializerPlugin> plugins = <DeserializerPlugin>[];
DeserializationContext(this.reporter, this.resolution, this.libraryProvider);
LibraryElement lookupLibrary(Uri uri) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Move this to the library loader by making a
// [Deserializer] a [LibraryProvider].
return _uriMap.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
Uri foundUri;
LibraryElement foundLibrary;
for (Deserializer deserializer in deserializers) {
LibraryElement library = deserializer.lookupLibrary(uri);
if (library != null) {
if (foundLibrary != null) {
'libraryUri': uri,
'sourceUri1': foundUri,
'sourceUri2': deserializer.sourceUri
foundUri = deserializer.sourceUri;
foundLibrary = library;
return foundLibrary;
LibraryElement findLibrary(Uri uri) {
LibraryElement library = lookupLibrary(uri);
return library ?? libraryProvider.lookupLibrary(uri);
/// Deserializer for a closed collection of libraries.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support per-library deserialization and dependencies
// between deserialized subcomponent.
class Deserializer {
final DeserializationContext context;
final SerializationDecoder decoder;
final Uri sourceUri;
ObjectDecoder _headerObject;
ListDecoder _elementList;
ListDecoder _typeList;
ListDecoder _constantList;
Map<int, Element> _elementMap = {};
Map<int, ResolutionDartType> _typeMap = {};
Map<int, ConstantExpression> _constantMap = {};
this.context, this.sourceUri, String text, this.decoder) {
_headerObject = new ObjectDecoder(this, decoder.decode(text));
/// Returns the [ListDecoder] for the [Element]s in this deserializer.
ListDecoder get elements {
if (_elementList == null) {
_elementList = _headerObject.getList(Key.ELEMENTS);
return _elementList;
/// Returns the [ListDecoder] for the [ResolutionDartType]s in this
/// deserializer.
ListDecoder get types {
if (_typeList == null) {
_typeList = _headerObject.getList(Key.TYPES);
return _typeList;
/// Returns the [ListDecoder] for the [ConstantExpression]s in this
/// deserializer.
ListDecoder get constants {
if (_constantList == null) {
_constantList = _headerObject.getList(Key.CONSTANTS);
return _constantList;
/// Returns the [LibraryElement] for [uri] if part of the deserializer.
LibraryElement lookupLibrary(Uri uri) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Libraries should be stored explicitly in the header.
ListDecoder list = elements;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
ObjectDecoder object = list.getObject(i);
SerializedElementKind kind =
object.getEnum(Key.KIND, SerializedElementKind.values);
if (kind == SerializedElementKind.LIBRARY) {
Uri libraryUri = object.getUri(Key.CANONICAL_URI);
if (libraryUri == uri) {
return deserializeElement(object.getInt(Key.ID));
return null;
/// Returns the deserialized [Element] for [id].
Element deserializeElement(int id) {
if (id == null) throw new ArgumentError('Deserializer.getElement(null)');
Element element = _elementMap[id];
if (element == null) {
ObjectDecoder decoder = elements.getObject(id);
SerializedElementKind elementKind =
decoder.getEnum(Key.KIND, SerializedElementKind.values);
if (elementKind == SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY) {
Uri uri = decoder.getUri(Key.URI);
element = context.findLibrary(uri);
if (element == null) {
throw new StateError("Missing library for $uri.");
} else if (elementKind == SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY_MEMBER) {
LibraryElement library = decoder.getElement(Key.LIBRARY);
String name = decoder.getString(Key.NAME);
bool isGetter = decoder.getBool(Key.GETTER, isOptional: true);
element = library.find(name);
if (element == null) {
throw new StateError("Missing library member for $name in $library.");
if (isGetter != null) {
AbstractFieldElement abstractField = element;
element = isGetter ? abstractField.getter : abstractField.setter;
if (element == null) {
throw new StateError(
"Missing ${isGetter ? 'getter' : 'setter'} for "
"$name in $library.");
} else if (elementKind == SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_CLASS_MEMBER) {
ClassElement cls = decoder.getElement(Key.CLASS);
String name = decoder.getString(Key.NAME);
bool isGetter = decoder.getBool(Key.GETTER, isOptional: true);
element = cls.lookupLocalMember(name);
if (element == null) {
throw new StateError("Missing class member for $name in $cls.");
if (isGetter != null) {
AbstractFieldElement abstractField = element;
element = isGetter ? abstractField.getter : abstractField.setter;
if (element == null) {
throw new StateError(
"Missing ${isGetter ? 'getter' : 'setter'} for $name in $cls.");
} else if (elementKind == SerializedElementKind.EXTERNAL_CONSTRUCTOR) {
ClassElement cls = decoder.getElement(Key.CLASS);
String name = decoder.getString(Key.NAME);
element = cls.lookupConstructor(name);
if (element == null) {
throw new StateError("Missing constructor for $name in $cls.");
} else {
element = ElementDeserializer.deserialize(decoder, elementKind);
_elementMap[id] = element;
MapDecoder pluginData = decoder.getMap(Key.DATA, isOptional: true);
// Call plugins even when there is no data, so they can take action in
// this case.
for (DeserializerPlugin plugin in context.plugins) {
(String tag) => pluginData?.getObject(tag, isOptional: true));
return element;
/// Returns the deserialized [ResolutionDartType] for [id].
ResolutionDartType deserializeType(int id) {
if (id == null) throw new ArgumentError('Deserializer.getType(null)');
return _typeMap.putIfAbsent(id, () {
return TypeDeserializer.deserialize(types.getObject(id));
/// Returns the deserialized [ConstantExpression] for [id].
ConstantExpression deserializeConstant(int id) {
if (id == null) throw new ArgumentError('Deserializer.getConstant(null)');
return _constantMap.putIfAbsent(id, () {
return ConstantDeserializer.deserialize(constants.getObject(id));
/// Strategy used by [Serializer] to define the memory and output encoding.
abstract class SerializationEncoder {
/// Encode [objectValue] into text.
String encode(ObjectValue objectValue);
/// Strategy used by [Deserializer] for decoding and reading data from a
/// serialized output.
abstract class SerializationDecoder {
/// Decode [text] into [Map] containing the data corresponding to an encoding
/// of the serializer header object.
Map decode(String text);
/// Returns the value used to store [key] as a property in the encoding an
/// [ObjectValue].
/// Different encodings have different restrictions and capabilities as how
/// to store a [Key] value. For instance: A JSON encoding needs to convert
/// [Key] to a [String] to store it in a JSON object; a Dart encoding can
/// choose to store a [Key] as an [int] or as the [Key] itself.
getObjectPropertyValue(Key key);