blob: 4798c43d3faff61f308f9f438c4de4031385ce26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library ordered_typeset;
import 'common.dart';
import 'elements/resolution_types.dart';
import 'diagnostics/diagnostic_listener.dart' show DiagnosticReporter;
import 'elements/elements.dart' show ClassElement;
import 'util/util.dart' show Link, LinkBuilder;
import 'util/util_implementation.dart' show LinkEntry;
* An ordered set of the supertypes of a class. The supertypes of a class are
* ordered by decreasing hierarchy depth and by the order they are extended,
* mixed in, or implemented.
* For these classes
* class A {} // Depth = 1.
* class B {} // Depth = 1.
* class C extends B implements A {} // Depth 2.
* the ordered supertypes are
* A: [A, Object]
* B: [B, Object]
* C: [C, B, A, Object]
class OrderedTypeSet {
final List<Link<ResolutionDartType>> _levels;
final Link<ResolutionDartType> types;
final Link<ResolutionDartType> _supertypes;
List<Link<ResolutionDartType>> this._levels,
Link<ResolutionDartType> this.types,
Link<ResolutionDartType> this._supertypes);
factory OrderedTypeSet.singleton(ResolutionDartType type) {
Link<ResolutionDartType> types = new LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType>(
type, const Link<ResolutionDartType>());
List<Link<ResolutionDartType>> list = new List<Link<ResolutionDartType>>(1);
list[0] = types;
return new OrderedTypeSet.internal(
list, types, const Link<ResolutionDartType>());
/// Creates a new [OrderedTypeSet] for [type] when it directly extends the
/// class which this set represents. This is for instance used to create the
/// type set for [ClosureClassElement] which extends [Closure].
OrderedTypeSet extendClass(ResolutionInterfaceType type) {
assert(invariant(type.element, types.head.treatAsRaw,
message: 'Cannot extend generic class ${types.head} using '
Link<ResolutionDartType> extendedTypes =
new LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType>(type, types);
List<Link<ResolutionDartType>> list =
new List<Link<ResolutionDartType>>(levels + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
list[i] = _levels[i];
list[levels] = extendedTypes;
return new OrderedTypeSet.internal(
list, extendedTypes, _supertypes.prepend(types.head));
Link<ResolutionDartType> get supertypes => _supertypes;
int get levels => _levels.length;
int get maxDepth => levels - 1;
Link<ResolutionDartType> operator [](int index) {
if (index < levels) {
return _levels[index];
return const Link<ResolutionDartType>();
/// Returns the offsets into [types] at which each level begins.
List<int> get levelOffsets {
List<int> offsets = new List.filled(levels, -1);
int offset = 0;
Link<ResolutionDartType> pointer = types;
for (int depth = maxDepth; depth >= 0; depth--) {
while (!identical(pointer, _levels[depth])) {
pointer = pointer.tail;
offsets[depth] = offset;
return offsets;
void forEach(int level, void f(ResolutionDartType type)) {
if (level < levels) {
Link<ResolutionDartType> pointer = _levels[level];
Link<ResolutionDartType> end =
level > 0 ? _levels[level - 1] : const Link<ResolutionDartType>();
// TODO(het): checking `isNotEmpty` should be unnecessary, remove when
// constants are properly canonicalized
while (pointer.isNotEmpty && !identical(pointer, end)) {
pointer = pointer.tail;
ResolutionInterfaceType asInstanceOf(ClassElement cls) {
int level = cls.hierarchyDepth;
if (level < levels) {
Link<ResolutionDartType> pointer = _levels[level];
Link<ResolutionDartType> end =
level > 0 ? _levels[level - 1] : const Link<ResolutionDartType>();
// TODO(het): checking `isNotEmpty` should be unnecessary, remove when
// constants are properly canonicalized
while (pointer.isNotEmpty && !identical(pointer, end)) {
if (cls == pointer.head.element) {
return pointer.head;
pointer = pointer.tail;
return null;
String toString() => types.toString();
* Builder for creation an ordered set of the supertypes of a class. The
* supertypes are ordered by decreasing hierarchy depth and by the order they
* are extended, mixed in, or implemented.
* For these classes
* class A {} // Depth = 1.
* class B {} // Depth = 1.
* class C extends B implements A {} // Depth 2.
* the ordered supertypes are
* A: [A, Object]
* B: [B, Object]
* C: [C, B, A, Object]
class OrderedTypeSetBuilder {
Map<int, LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType>> map =
new Map<int, LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType>>();
// TODO(15296): Avoid computing this order on the side when member
// lookup handles multiply inherited members correctly.
LinkBuilder<ResolutionDartType> allSupertypes =
new LinkBuilder<ResolutionDartType>();
int maxDepth = -1;
final DiagnosticReporter reporter;
final ClassElement cls;
ResolutionInterfaceType _objectType;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Provide access to `Object` in deserialization and
// make [objectType] mandatory.
{this.reporter, ResolutionInterfaceType objectType})
: this._objectType = objectType;
OrderedTypeSet createOrderedTypeSet(
ResolutionInterfaceType supertype, Link<ResolutionDartType> interfaces) {
if (_objectType == null) {
// Find `Object` through in hierarchy. This is used for serialization
// where it is assumed that the hierarchy is valid.
_objectType = supertype;
while (!_objectType.isObject) {
_objectType = _objectType.element.supertype;
// TODO(15296): Collapse these iterations to one when the order is not
// needed.
for (Link<ResolutionDartType> link = interfaces;
link = link.tail) {
for (Link<ResolutionDartType> link = interfaces;
link = link.tail) {
return toTypeSet();
* Adds [type] and all supertypes of [type] to [allSupertypes] while
* substituting type variables.
void addAllSupertypes(ResolutionInterfaceType type) {
ClassElement classElement = type.element;
Link<ResolutionDartType> supertypes = classElement.allSupertypes;
assert(invariant(cls, supertypes != null,
message: "Supertypes not computed on $classElement "
"during resolution of $cls"));
while (!supertypes.isEmpty) {
ResolutionDartType supertype = supertypes.head;
supertypes = supertypes.tail;
void add(ResolutionInterfaceType type) {
if (type.element == cls) {
if (type != _objectType) {
_addAtDepth(type, maxDepth + 1);
} else {
if (type != _objectType) {
_addAtDepth(type, type.element.hierarchyDepth);
void _addAtDepth(ResolutionInterfaceType type, int depth) {
LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType> prev = null;
LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType> link = map[depth];
while (link != null) {
ResolutionDartType existingType = link.head;
if (existingType == type) return;
if (existingType.element == type.element) {
if (reporter != null) {
reporter.reportErrorMessage(cls, MessageKind.MULTI_INHERITANCE, {
'thisType': cls.thisType,
'firstType': existingType,
'secondType': type
} else {
assert(invariant(cls, false,
message: 'Invalid ordered typeset for $cls'));
prev = link;
link = link.tail;
LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType> next =
new LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType>(type);
next.tail = null;
if (prev == null) {
map[depth] = next;
} else {
prev.tail = next;
if (depth > maxDepth) {
maxDepth = depth;
OrderedTypeSet toTypeSet() {
List<Link<ResolutionDartType>> levels =
new List<Link<ResolutionDartType>>(maxDepth + 1);
if (maxDepth < 0) {
return new OrderedTypeSet.internal(levels,
const Link<ResolutionDartType>(), const Link<ResolutionDartType>());
Link<ResolutionDartType> next = const Link<ResolutionDartType>();
for (int depth = 0; depth <= maxDepth; depth++) {
LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType> first = map[depth];
if (first == null) {
levels[depth] = next;
} else {
levels[depth] = first;
LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType> last = first;
while (last.tail != null) {
last = last.tail;
last.tail = next;
next = first;
return new OrderedTypeSet.internal(
levels, levels.last, allSupertypes.toLink());
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int depth = 0; depth <= maxDepth; depth++) {
sb.write('$depth: ');
LinkEntry<ResolutionDartType> first = map[depth];
if (first != null) {
while (first.tail != null) {
sb.write(', ${first.tail.head}');
first = first.tail;
return sb.toString();