blob: e7c12aae1c8caeb624e7a9dd04146a3249b1e436 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.source_map_builder;
import '../util/uri_extras.dart' show relativize;
import '../util/util.dart';
import 'line_column_provider.dart';
import 'source_information.dart' show SourceLocation;
class SourceMapBuilder {
/// The URI of the source map file.
final Uri sourceMapUri;
/// The URI of the target language file.
final Uri targetFileUri;
final LineColumnProvider lineColumnProvider;
final List<SourceMapEntry> entries = new List<SourceMapEntry>();
this.sourceMapUri, this.targetFileUri, this.lineColumnProvider);
void addMapping(int targetOffset, SourceLocation sourceLocation) {
entries.add(new SourceMapEntry(sourceLocation, targetOffset));
void printStringListOn(Iterable<String> strings, StringBuffer buffer) {
bool first = true;
for (String string in strings) {
if (!first) buffer.write(',');
writeJsonEscapedCharsOn(string, buffer);
first = false;
String build() {
LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry> lineColumnMap =
new LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry>();
Map<Uri, LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry>> sourceLocationMap =
<Uri, LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry>>{};
entries.forEach((SourceMapEntry sourceMapEntry) {
int line = lineColumnProvider.getLine(sourceMapEntry.targetOffset);
int column =
lineColumnProvider.getColumn(line, sourceMapEntry.targetOffset);
lineColumnMap.add(line, column, sourceMapEntry);
SourceLocation location = sourceMapEntry.sourceLocation;
if (location != null) {
if (location.sourceUri != null) {
LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry> sourceLineColumnMap =
() => new LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry>());
location.line, location.column, sourceMapEntry);
return _build(lineColumnMap);
String _build(LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry> lineColumnMap) {
IndexMap<Uri> uriMap = new IndexMap<Uri>();
IndexMap<String> nameMap = new IndexMap<String>();
lineColumnMap.forEachElement((SourceMapEntry entry) {
SourceLocation sourceLocation = entry.sourceLocation;
if (sourceLocation != null) {
if (sourceLocation.sourceUri != null) {
if (sourceLocation.sourceName != null) {
StringBuffer mappingsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
writeEntries(lineColumnMap, uriMap, nameMap, mappingsBuffer);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write(' "version": 3,\n');
if (sourceMapUri != null && targetFileUri != null) {
' "file": "${relativize(sourceMapUri, targetFileUri, false)}",\n');
buffer.write(' "sourceRoot": "",\n');
buffer.write(' "sources": ');
Iterable<String> relativeSourceUriList = const <String>[];
if (sourceMapUri != null) {
relativeSourceUriList = => relativize(sourceMapUri, u, false));
printStringListOn(relativeSourceUriList, buffer);
buffer.write(' "names": ');
printStringListOn(nameMap.elements, buffer);
buffer.write(' "mappings": "');
return buffer.toString();
void writeEntries(LineColumnMap<SourceMapEntry> entries, IndexMap<Uri> uriMap,
IndexMap<String> nameMap, StringBuffer output) {
SourceLocation previousSourceLocation;
int previousTargetLine = 0;
DeltaEncoder targetColumnEncoder = new DeltaEncoder();
bool firstEntryInLine = true;
DeltaEncoder sourceUriIndexEncoder = new DeltaEncoder();
DeltaEncoder sourceLineEncoder = new DeltaEncoder();
DeltaEncoder sourceColumnEncoder = new DeltaEncoder();
DeltaEncoder sourceNameIndexEncoder = new DeltaEncoder();
entries.forEach((int targetLine, int targetColumn, SourceMapEntry entry) {
SourceLocation sourceLocation = entry.sourceLocation;
if (sourceLocation == previousSourceLocation) {
if (targetLine > previousTargetLine) {
for (int i = previousTargetLine; i < targetLine; ++i) {
previousTargetLine = targetLine;
previousSourceLocation = null;
firstEntryInLine = true;
if (!firstEntryInLine) {
firstEntryInLine = false;
targetColumnEncoder.encode(output, targetColumn);
if (sourceLocation == null) {
Uri sourceUri = sourceLocation.sourceUri;
if (sourceUri != null) {
sourceUriIndexEncoder.encode(output, uriMap[sourceUri]);
sourceLineEncoder.encode(output, sourceLocation.line);
sourceColumnEncoder.encode(output, sourceLocation.column);
String sourceName = sourceLocation.sourceName;
if (sourceName != null) {
sourceNameIndexEncoder.encode(output, nameMap[sourceName]);
previousSourceLocation = sourceLocation;
/// Encoder for value deltas in VLQ format.
class DeltaEncoder {
/// The last emitted value of the encoder.
int _value = 0;
/// Reset the encoder to its initial state.
void reset() {
_value = 0;
/// Writes the VLQ of delta between [value] and the last emitted value into
/// [output] and updates the last emitted value of the encoder.
void encode(StringBuffer output, int value) {
_value = encodeVLQ(output, value, _value);
static const int VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5;
static const int VLQ_BASE_MASK = (1 << 5) - 1;
static const int VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = 1 << 5;
static const int VLQ_CONTINUATION_MASK = 1 << 5;
static const String BASE64_DIGITS = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmn'
/// Writes the VLQ of delta between [value] and [offset] into [output] and
/// return [value].
static int encodeVLQ(StringBuffer output, int value, int offset) {
int delta = value - offset;
int signBit = 0;
if (delta < 0) {
signBit = 1;
delta = -delta;
delta = (delta << 1) | signBit;
do {
int digit = delta & VLQ_BASE_MASK;
delta >>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT;
if (delta > 0) {
} while (delta > 0);
return value;
class SourceMapEntry {
SourceLocation sourceLocation;
int targetOffset;
SourceMapEntry(this.sourceLocation, this.targetOffset);
/// Map from line/column pairs to lists of [T] elements.
class LineColumnMap<T> {
Map<int, Map<int, List<T>>> _map = <int, Map<int, List<T>>>{};
/// Returns the list of elements associated with ([line],[column]).
List<T> _getList(int line, int column) {
Map<int, List<T>> lineMap = _map.putIfAbsent(line, () => <int, List<T>>{});
return lineMap.putIfAbsent(column, () => <T>[]);
/// Adds [element] to the end of the list of elements associated with
/// ([line],[column]).
void add(int line, int column, T element) {
_getList(line, column).add(element);
/// Adds [element] to the beginning of the list of elements associated with
/// ([line],[column]).
void addFirst(int line, int column, T element) {
_getList(line, column).insert(0, element);
/// Calls [f] with the line number for each line with associated elements.
/// [f] is called in increasing line order.
void forEachLine(f(int line)) {
List<int> lines = _map.keys.toList()..sort();
/// Returns the elements for the first the column in [line] that has
/// associated elements.
List<T> getFirstElementsInLine(int line) {
Map<int, List<T>> lineMap = _map[line];
if (lineMap == null) return null;
List<int> columns = lineMap.keys.toList()..sort();
return lineMap[columns.first];
/// Calls [f] for each column with associated elements in [line].
/// [f] is called in increasing column order.
void forEachColumn(int line, f(int column, List<T> elements)) {
Map<int, List<T>> lineMap = _map[line];
if (lineMap != null) {
List<int> columns = lineMap.keys.toList()..sort();
columns.forEach((int column) {
f(column, lineMap[column]);
/// Calls [f] for each line/column/element triplet in the map.
/// [f] is called in increasing line, column, element order.
void forEach(f(int line, int column, T element)) {
List<int> lines = _map.keys.toList()..sort();
for (int line in lines) {
Map<int, List<T>> lineMap = _map[line];
List<int> columns = lineMap.keys.toList()..sort();
for (int column in columns) {
lineMap[column].forEach((e) => f(line, column, e));
/// Calls [f] for each element associated in the map.
/// [f] is called in increasing line, column, element order.
void forEachElement(f(T element)) {
forEach((line, column, element) => f(element));
/// Map from [T] elements to assigned indices.
class IndexMap<T> {
Map<T, int> map = <T, int>{};
/// Register [element] and returns its index.
int register(T element) {
return map.putIfAbsent(element, () => map.length);
/// Returns the index of [element].
int operator [](T element) => map[element];
/// Returns the indexed elements.
Iterable<T> get elements => map.keys;