blob: 186ed823c6c0dbcfc148149a5fd5df9e1a54256f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer_cli.src.analyzer_impl;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/error_processor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' hide AnalysisResult;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/error_formatter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/options.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
/// The maximum number of sources for which AST structures should be kept in the cache.
const int _maxCacheSize = 512;
int currentTimeMillis() => new;
/// Analyzes single library [File].
class AnalyzerImpl {
static final PerformanceTag _prepareErrorsTag =
new PerformanceTag("AnalyzerImpl.prepareErrors");
static final PerformanceTag _resolveLibraryTag =
new PerformanceTag("AnalyzerImpl._resolveLibrary");
final CommandLineOptions options;
final int startTime;
final AnalysisOptions analysisOptions;
final AnalysisContext context;
final AnalysisDriver analysisDriver;
/// Accumulated analysis statistics.
final AnalysisStats stats;
final Source librarySource;
/// All [Source]s references by the analyzed library.
final Set<Source> sources = new Set<Source>();
/// All [AnalysisErrorInfo]s in the analyzed library.
final List<AnalysisErrorInfo> errorInfos = new List<AnalysisErrorInfo>();
/// [HashMap] between sources and analysis error infos.
final HashMap<Source, AnalysisErrorInfo> sourceErrorsMap =
new HashMap<Source, AnalysisErrorInfo>();
/// If the file specified on the command line is part of a package, the name
/// of that package. Otherwise `null`. This allows us to analyze the file
/// specified on the command line as though it is reached via a "package:"
/// URI, but avoid suppressing its output in the event that the user has not
/// specified the "--package-warnings" option.
String _selfPackageName;
AnalyzerImpl(this.analysisOptions, this.context, this.analysisDriver,
this.librarySource, this.options, this.stats, this.startTime);
/// Returns the maximal [ErrorSeverity] of the recorded errors.
ErrorSeverity get maxErrorSeverity {
var status = ErrorSeverity.NONE;
for (AnalysisErrorInfo errorInfo in errorInfos) {
for (AnalysisError error in errorInfo.errors) {
if (_processError(error) == null) {
var severity = computeSeverity(error, options);
status = status.max(severity);
return status;
void addCompilationUnitSource(
CompilationUnitElement unit, Set<CompilationUnitElement> units) {
if (unit == null || units.contains(unit)) {
void addLibrarySources(LibraryElement library, Set<LibraryElement> libraries,
Set<CompilationUnitElement> units) {
if (library == null || !libraries.add(library)) {
// Maybe skip library.
if (!_isAnalyzedLibrary(library)) {
// Add compilation units.
addCompilationUnitSource(library.definingCompilationUnit, units);
for (CompilationUnitElement child in {
addCompilationUnitSource(child, units);
// Add referenced libraries.
for (LibraryElement child in library.importedLibraries) {
addLibrarySources(child, libraries, units);
for (LibraryElement child in library.exportedLibraries) {
addLibrarySources(child, libraries, units);
/// Treats the [sourcePath] as the top level library and analyzes it using
/// the analysis engine. If [printMode] is `0`, then no error or performance
/// information is printed. If [printMode] is `1`, then both will be printed.
/// If [printMode] is `2`, then only performance information will be printed,
/// and it will be marked as being for a cold VM.
Future<ErrorSeverity> analyze({int printMode: 1}) async {
return await _analyze(printMode);
/// Fills [errorInfos] using [sources].
Future<Null> prepareErrors() async {
PerformanceTag previous = _prepareErrorsTag.makeCurrent();
try {
for (Source source in sources) {
if (analysisDriver != null) {
String path = source.fullName;
AnalysisResult analysisResult = await analysisDriver.getResult(path);
errorInfos.add(new AnalysisErrorInfoImpl(
analysisResult.errors, analysisResult.lineInfo));
} else {
} finally {
/// Fills [sources].
void prepareSources(LibraryElement library) {
var units = new Set<CompilationUnitElement>();
var libraries = new Set<LibraryElement>();
addLibrarySources(library, libraries, units);
/// Setup local fields such as the analysis context for analysis.
void setupForAnalysis() {
Uri libraryUri = librarySource.uri;
if (libraryUri.scheme == 'package' && libraryUri.pathSegments.length > 0) {
_selfPackageName = libraryUri.pathSegments[0];
Future<ErrorSeverity> _analyze(int printMode) async {
// Don't try to analyze parts.
if (context.computeKindOf(librarySource) == SourceKind.PART) {
stderr.writeln("Only libraries can be analyzed.");
"${librarySource.fullName} is a part and can not be analyzed.");
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
LibraryElement libraryElement = await _resolveLibrary();
await prepareErrors();
// Print errors and performance numbers.
if (printMode == 1) {
} else if (printMode == 2) {
// Compute max severity and set exitCode.
ErrorSeverity status = maxErrorSeverity;
if (status == ErrorSeverity.WARNING && options.warningsAreFatal) {
status = ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
return status;
/// Returns true if we want to report diagnostics for this library.
bool _isAnalyzedLibrary(LibraryElement library) {
Source source = library.source;
switch (source.uriKind) {
case UriKind.DART_URI:
return options.showSdkWarnings;
case UriKind.PACKAGE_URI:
if (_isPathInPubCache(source.fullName)) {
return false;
return _isAnalyzedPackage(source.uri);
return true;
/// Determine whether the given URI refers to a package being analyzed.
bool _isAnalyzedPackage(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme != 'package' || uri.pathSegments.isEmpty) {
return false;
String packageName = uri.pathSegments.first;
if (packageName == _selfPackageName) {
return true;
} else if (!options.showPackageWarnings) {
return false;
} else if (options.showPackageWarningsPrefix == null) {
return true;
} else {
return packageName.startsWith(options.showPackageWarningsPrefix);
_printColdPerf() {
// Print cold VM performance numbers.
int totalTime = currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
int otherTime = totalTime;
for (PerformanceTag tag in PerformanceTag.all) {
if (tag != PerformanceTag.UNKNOWN) {
int tagTime = tag.elapsedMs;
otherTime -= tagTime;
_printErrors() {
// The following is a hack. We currently print out to stderr to ensure that
// when in batch mode we print to stderr, this is because the prints from
// batch are made to stderr. The reason that options.shouldBatch isn't used
// is because when the argument flags are constructed in BatchRunner and
// passed in from batch mode which removes the batch flag to prevent the
// "cannot have the batch flag and source file" error message.
StringSink sink = options.machineFormat ? errorSink : outSink;
// Print errors.
ErrorFormatter formatter =
new ErrorFormatter(sink, options, stats, _processError);
ProcessedSeverity _processError(AnalysisError error) =>
processError(error, options, analysisOptions);
Future<LibraryElement> _resolveLibrary() async {
PerformanceTag previous = _resolveLibraryTag.makeCurrent();
try {
if (analysisDriver != null) {
String path = librarySource.fullName;
analysisDriver.priorityFiles = [path];
AnalysisResult analysisResult = await analysisDriver.getResult(path);
return analysisResult.unit.element.library;
} else {
return context.computeLibraryElement(librarySource);
} finally {
/// Compute the severity of the error; however:
/// * if [options.enableTypeChecks] is false, then de-escalate checked-mode
/// compile time errors to a severity of [ErrorSeverity.INFO].
/// * if [options.hintsAreFatal] is true, escalate hints to errors.
/// * if [options.lintsAreFatal] is true, escalate lints to errors.
static ErrorSeverity computeSeverity(
AnalysisError error, CommandLineOptions options,
[AnalysisOptions analysisOptions]) {
if (analysisOptions != null) {
ErrorProcessor processor =
ErrorProcessor.getProcessor(analysisOptions, error);
// If there is a processor for this error, defer to it.
if (processor != null) {
return processor.severity;
if (!options.enableTypeChecks &&
error.errorCode.type == ErrorType.CHECKED_MODE_COMPILE_TIME_ERROR) {
return ErrorSeverity.INFO;
} else if (options.hintsAreFatal && error.errorCode is HintCode) {
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
} else if (options.lintsAreFatal && error.errorCode is LintCode) {
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
return error.errorCode.errorSeverity;
/// Return the corresponding package directory or `null` if none is found.
static JavaFile getPackageDirectoryFor(JavaFile sourceFile) {
// We are going to ask parent file, so get absolute path.
sourceFile = sourceFile.getAbsoluteFile();
// Look in the containing directories.
JavaFile dir = sourceFile.getParentFile();
while (dir != null) {
JavaFile packagesDir = new JavaFile.relative(dir, "packages");
if (packagesDir.exists()) {
return packagesDir;
dir = dir.getParentFile();
// Not found.
return null;
/// Check various configuration options to get a desired severity for this
/// [error] (or `null` if it's to be suppressed).
static ProcessedSeverity processError(AnalysisError error,
CommandLineOptions options, AnalysisOptions analysisOptions) {
ErrorSeverity severity = computeSeverity(error, options, analysisOptions);
bool isOverridden = false;
// Skip TODOs categorically (unless escalated to ERROR or HINT.)
if (error.errorCode.type == ErrorType.TODO &&
severity == ErrorSeverity.INFO) {
return null;
// First check for a filter.
if (severity == null) {
// Null severity means the error has been explicitly ignored.
return null;
} else {
isOverridden = true;
// If not overridden, some "natural" severities get globally filtered.
if (!isOverridden) {
// Check for global hint filtering.
if (severity == ErrorSeverity.INFO && options.disableHints) {
return null;
return new ProcessedSeverity(severity, isOverridden);
/// Return `true` if the given [path] is in the Pub cache.
static bool _isPathInPubCache(String path) {
List<String> parts = pathos.split(path);
if (parts.contains('.pub-cache')) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 2; i++) {
if (parts[i] == 'Pub' && parts[i + 1] == 'Cache') {
return true;
return false;
/// This [Logger] prints out information comments to [outSink] and error messages
/// to [errorSink].
class StdLogger extends Logger {
void logError(String message, [CaughtException exception]) {
if (exception != null) {
void logInformation(String message, [CaughtException exception]) {
if (exception != null) {