blob: edbbc71ecd08b65947a729fb1fa8c820d788d096 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library js_backend.runtime_types_new;
import 'package:js_runtime/shared/recipe_syntax.dart';
import '../common_elements.dart'
show CommonElements, JCommonElements, JElementEnvironment;
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import '../js/js.dart' show js;
import '../js_model/type_recipe.dart';
import '../js_emitter/js_emitter.dart' show ModularEmitter;
import '../universe/class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../world.dart';
import 'namer.dart';
import 'native_data.dart';
import 'runtime_types_codegen.dart' show RuntimeTypesSubstitutions;
import 'runtime_types_resolution.dart' show RuntimeTypesNeed;
class RecipeEncoding {
final jsAst.Literal recipe;
final Set<TypeVariableType> typeVariables;
const RecipeEncoding(this.recipe, this.typeVariables);
abstract class RecipeEncoder {
/// Returns a [RecipeEncoding] representing the given [recipe] to be
/// evaluated against a type environment with shape [structure].
RecipeEncoding encodeRecipe(ModularEmitter emitter,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe);
jsAst.Literal encodeGroundRecipe(ModularEmitter emitter, TypeRecipe recipe);
/// Returns a [jsAst.Literal] representing [supertypeArgument] to be evaluated
/// against a [FullTypeEnvironmentStructure] representing [declaringType]. Any
/// [TypeVariableType]s appearing in [supertypeArgument] which are declared by
/// [declaringType] are always encoded as indices and type variables are
/// assumed to never be erased.
jsAst.Literal encodeMetadataRecipe(ModularEmitter emitter,
InterfaceType declaringType, DartType supertypeArgument);
// TODO(sra): Still need a $signature function when the function type is a
// function of closed type variables. See if the $signature method can always
// be generated through SSA in those cases.
jsAst.Expression encodeSignature(ModularNamer namer, ModularEmitter emitter,
DartType type, jsAst.Expression this_);
class RecipeEncoderImpl implements RecipeEncoder {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final RuntimeTypesSubstitutions _rtiSubstitutions;
final NativeBasicData _nativeData;
final JElementEnvironment _elementEnvironment;
final JCommonElements commonElements;
final RuntimeTypesNeed _rtiNeed;
RecipeEncoderImpl(this._closedWorld, this._rtiSubstitutions, this._nativeData,
this._elementEnvironment, this.commonElements, this._rtiNeed);
RecipeEncoding encodeRecipe(ModularEmitter emitter,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe) {
return _RecipeGenerator(this, emitter, environmentStructure, recipe).run();
jsAst.Literal encodeGroundRecipe(ModularEmitter emitter, TypeRecipe recipe) {
return _RecipeGenerator(this, emitter, null, recipe).run().recipe;
jsAst.Literal encodeMetadataRecipe(ModularEmitter emitter,
InterfaceType declaringType, DartType supertypeArgument) {
return _RecipeGenerator(
FullTypeEnvironmentStructure(classType: declaringType),
metadata: true)
jsAst.Expression encodeSignature(ModularNamer namer, ModularEmitter emitter,
DartType type, jsAst.Expression this_) {
// TODO(sra): These inputs (referenced to quell lints) are used by the old
// rti signature generator. Do we need them?
throw UnimplementedError('RecipeEncoderImpl.getSignatureEncoding');
class _RecipeGenerator implements DartTypeVisitor<void, void> {
final RecipeEncoderImpl _encoder;
final ModularEmitter _emitter;
final TypeEnvironmentStructure _environment;
final TypeRecipe _recipe;
final bool metadata;
final List<FunctionTypeVariable> functionTypeVariables = [];
final Set<TypeVariableType> typeVariables = {};
// Accumulated recipe.
final List<jsAst.Literal> _fragments = [];
final List<int> _codes = [];
this._encoder, this._emitter, this._environment, this._recipe,
{this.metadata = false});
JClosedWorld get _closedWorld => _encoder._closedWorld;
NativeBasicData get _nativeData => _encoder._nativeData;
RuntimeTypesSubstitutions get _rtiSubstitutions => _encoder._rtiSubstitutions;
RecipeEncoding _finishEncoding(jsAst.Literal literal) =>
RecipeEncoding(literal, typeVariables);
RecipeEncoding run() {
if (_fragments.isEmpty) {
return _finishEncoding(js.string(String.fromCharCodes(_codes)));
jsAst.LiteralString quote = jsAst.LiteralString('"');
return _finishEncoding(
jsAst.StringConcatenation([quote, ..._fragments, quote]));
void _start(TypeRecipe recipe) {
if (recipe is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
visit(recipe.type, null);
} else if (recipe is SingletonTypeEnvironmentRecipe) {
visit(recipe.type, null);
} else if (recipe is FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe) {
_startFullTypeEnvironmentRecipe(recipe, null);
void _startFullTypeEnvironmentRecipe(FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe recipe, _) {
if (recipe.classType == null) {
} else {
visit(recipe.classType, null);
// TODO(sra): The separator can be omitted when the parser will have
// reduced to the top of stack to an Rti value.
if (recipe.types.isNotEmpty) {
bool first = true;
for (DartType type in recipe.types) {
if (!first) {
visit(type, _);
first = false;
void _emitCode(int code) {
// TODO(sra): We should permit codes with short escapes (like '\n') for
// infrequent operators.
assert(code >= 0x20 && code <= 0x7E && code != 0x22);
void _flushCodes() {
if (_codes.isEmpty) return;
// TODO(sra): codes need some escaping.
void _emitInteger(int value) {
if (_codes.isEmpty ? _fragments.isNotEmpty : Recipe.isDigit(_codes.last)) {
void _emitStringUnescaped(String string) {
for (int code in string.codeUnits) {
void _emitName(jsAst.Name name) {
if (_fragments.isNotEmpty && _codes.isEmpty) {
void _emitExtensionOp(int value) {
void visit(DartType type, _) => type.accept(this, _);
void visitLegacyType(LegacyType type, _) {
visit(type.baseType, _);
void visitNullableType(NullableType type, _) {
visit(type.baseType, _);
void visitNeverType(NeverType type, _) {
void visitTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type, _) {
TypeEnvironmentStructure environment = _environment;
if (environment is SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
if (type == environment.variable) {
if (environment is FullTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
int index = indexTypeVariable(
_closedWorld, _rtiSubstitutions, environment, type,
metadata: metadata);
if (index != null) {
jsAst.Name name = _emitter.typeVariableAccessNewRti(type.element);
// TODO(sra): Handle missing cases. This just emits some readable junk. The
// backticks ensure it won't parse at runtime.
void visitFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable type, _) {
int position = functionTypeVariables.indexOf(type);
assert(position >= 0);
// See [visitFunctionType] for explanation.
_emitInteger(functionTypeVariables.length - position - 1);
void visitDynamicType(DynamicType type, _) {
void visitErasedType(ErasedType type, _) {
void visitAnyType(AnyType type, _) {
void visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type, _) {
jsAst.Name name = _emitter.typeAccessNewRti(type.element);
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
// Push the name, which is later converted by an implicit toType
// operation.
} else {
bool first = true;
for (DartType argumentType in type.typeArguments) {
if (!first) {
if (_nativeData.isJsInteropClass(type.element)) {
// Emit 'any' type.
} else {
visit(argumentType, _);
first = false;
void visitFunctionType(FunctionType type, _) {
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
// Enter generic function scope.
// Function type variables are encoded as a modified de Bruin index. We
// count variables from the current scope outwards, counting the variables
// in the same scope left-to-right.
// If we push the current scope's variables in reverse, then the index is
// the position measured from the end.
// foo<AA,BB>() => ...
// //^0 ^1
// functionTypeVariables: [BB,AA]
// foo<AA,BB>() => <UU,VV,WW>() => ...
// ^3 ^4 ^0 ^1 ^2
// functionTypeVariables: [BB,AA,WW,VV,UU]
for (FunctionTypeVariable variable in type.typeVariables.reversed) {
visit(type.returnType, _);
bool first = true;
for (DartType parameterType in type.parameterTypes) {
if (!first) {
visit(parameterType, _);
first = false;
if (type.optionalParameterTypes.isNotEmpty) {
first = true;
for (DartType parameterType in type.optionalParameterTypes) {
if (!first) {
visit(parameterType, _);
first = false;
void emitNamedGroup(
List<String> names, Set<String> requiredNames, List<DartType> types) {
assert(names.length == types.length);
first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
if (!first) {
? Recipe.requiredNameSeparator
: Recipe.nameSeparator);
visit(types[i], _);
first = false;
if (type.namedParameterTypes.isNotEmpty) {
emitNamedGroup(type.namedParameters, type.requiredNamedParameters,
// Emit generic type bounds.
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
bool first = true;
for (FunctionTypeVariable typeVariable in type.typeVariables) {
if (!first) {
visit(typeVariable.bound, _);
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
// Exit generic function scope. Remove the type variables pushed at entry.
functionTypeVariables.length -= type.typeVariables.length;
void visitVoidType(VoidType type, _) {
void visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType type, _) {
visit(type.typeArgument, _);
bool mustCheckAllSubtypes(JClosedWorld world, ClassEntity cls) =>
world.isUsedAsMixin(cls) ||
int indexTypeVariable(
JClosedWorld world,
RuntimeTypesSubstitutions rtiSubstitutions,
FullTypeEnvironmentStructure environment,
TypeVariableType type,
{bool metadata = false}) {
int i = environment.bindings.indexOf(type);
if (i >= 0) {
// Indices are 1-based since '0' encodes using the entire type for the
// singleton structure.
return i + 1;
TypeVariableEntity element = type.element;
ClassEntity cls = element.typeDeclaration;
if (metadata) {
if (identical(environment.classType.element, cls)) {
// Indexed class type variables come after the bound function type
// variables.
return 1 + environment.bindings.length + element.index;
// TODO(sra): We might be in a context where the class type variable has an
// index, even though in the general case it is not at a specific index.
ClassHierarchy classHierarchy = world.classHierarchy;
var test = mustCheckAllSubtypes(world, cls)
? classHierarchy.anyStrictSubtypeOf
: classHierarchy.anyStrictSubclassOf;
if (test(cls, (ClassEntity subclass) {
return !rtiSubstitutions.isTrivialSubstitution(subclass, cls);
})) {
return null;
// Indexed class type variables come after the bound function type
// variables.
return 1 + environment.bindings.length + element.index;
class _RulesetEntry {
Set<InterfaceType> _supertypes = {};
Map<TypeVariableType, DartType> _typeVariables = {};
bool get isEmpty => _supertypes.isEmpty && _typeVariables.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _supertypes.isNotEmpty || _typeVariables.isNotEmpty;
void addAll(Iterable<InterfaceType> supertypes,
Map<TypeVariableType, DartType> typeVariables) {
class Ruleset {
Map<ClassEntity, ClassEntity> _redirections;
Map<InterfaceType, _RulesetEntry> _entries;
Ruleset(this._redirections, this._entries);
Ruleset.empty() : this({}, {});
bool get isEmpty => _redirections.isEmpty && _entries.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _redirections.isNotEmpty || _entries.isNotEmpty;
void addRedirection(ClassEntity redirectee, ClassEntity target) {
_redirections[redirectee] = target;
void addEntry(InterfaceType targetType, Iterable<InterfaceType> supertypes,
Map<TypeVariableType, DartType> typeVariables) {
_RulesetEntry entry = _entries[targetType] ??= _RulesetEntry();
entry.addAll(supertypes, typeVariables);
class RulesetEncoder {
final DartTypes _dartTypes;
final ModularEmitter _emitter;
final RecipeEncoder _recipeEncoder;
RulesetEncoder(this._dartTypes, this._emitter, this._recipeEncoder);
CommonElements get _commonElements => _dartTypes.commonElements;
ClassEntity get _objectClass => _commonElements.objectClass;
final _leftBrace = js.stringPart('{');
final _rightBrace = js.stringPart('}');
final _leftBracket = js.stringPart('[');
final _rightBracket = js.stringPart(']');
final _colon = js.stringPart(':');
final _comma = js.stringPart(',');
final _quote = js.stringPart("'");
bool _isObject(InterfaceType type) => identical(type.element, _objectClass);
bool _isSyntheticClosure(InterfaceType type) => type.element.isClosure;
void _preprocessEntry(InterfaceType targetType, _RulesetEntry entry) {
entry._supertypes.removeWhere((InterfaceType supertype) =>
_isObject(supertype) ||
identical(targetType.element, supertype.element));
void _preprocessRuleset(Ruleset ruleset) {
ruleset._entries.removeWhere((InterfaceType targetType, _) =>
_isObject(targetType) || _isSyntheticClosure(targetType));
ruleset._entries.removeWhere((_, _RulesetEntry entry) => entry.isEmpty);
// TODO(fishythefish): Common substring elimination.
/// Produces a string readable by `JSON.parse()`.
jsAst.StringConcatenation encodeRuleset(Ruleset ruleset) {
return _encodeRuleset(ruleset);
jsAst.StringConcatenation _encodeRuleset(Ruleset ruleset) =>
], _comma),
jsAst.StringConcatenation _encodeRedirection(
MapEntry<ClassEntity, ClassEntity> redirection) =>
jsAst.StringConcatenation _encodeEntry(
MapEntry<InterfaceType, _RulesetEntry> entry) =>
...js.joinLiterals([ supertype) =>
_encodeSupertype(entry.key, supertype)), =>
_encodeTypeVariable(entry.key, mapEntry.key, mapEntry.value))
], _comma),
jsAst.StringConcatenation _encodeSupertype(
InterfaceType targetType, InterfaceType supertype) =>
...js.joinLiterals( supertypeArgument) =>
_encodeSupertypeArgument(targetType, supertypeArgument)),
jsAst.StringConcatenation _encodeTypeVariable(InterfaceType targetType,
TypeVariableType typeVariable, DartType supertypeArgument) =>
_encodeSupertypeArgument(targetType, supertypeArgument),
jsAst.Literal _encodeSupertypeArgument(
InterfaceType targetType, DartType supertypeArgument) =>
_emitter, targetType, supertypeArgument);
jsAst.StringConcatenation encodeErasedTypes(
Map<ClassEntity, int> erasedTypes) =>
...js.joinLiterals(, _comma),
jsAst.StringConcatenation encodeErasedType(
MapEntry<ClassEntity, int> entry) =>
jsAst.StringConcatenation encodeTypeParameterVariances(
Map<ClassEntity, List<Variance>> typeParameterVariances) =>
jsAst.StringConcatenation _encodeTypeParameterVariancesForClass(
MapEntry<ClassEntity, List<Variance>> classEntry) =>
...js.joinLiterals( => js.number(v.index)), _comma),