blob: 2da885b757285e265c461745700b5b7872ae25a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../../utils.dart';
import '../../summary/element_text.dart';
import 'strong_test_helper.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class InferredTypeTest extends AbstractStrongTest {
* Add the file, process it (resolve, validate, etc) and return the resolved
* unit element.
Future<CompilationUnitElement> checkFileElement(String content) async {
CompilationUnit unit = await checkFile(content);
return unit.declaredElement;
test_asyncClosureReturnType_flatten() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> futureInt = null;
var f = () => futureInt;
var g = () async => futureInt;
var futureInt = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'futureInt');
_assertTypeStr(futureInt.type, 'Future<int>');
var f = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Future<int> Function()');
var g = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[2];
expect(, 'g');
_assertTypeStr(g.type, 'Future<int> Function()');
test_asyncClosureReturnType_future() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var f = () async => 0;
var f = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Future<int> Function()');
test_asyncClosureReturnType_futureOr() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:async';
FutureOr<int> futureOrInt = null;
var f = () => futureOrInt;
var g = () async => futureOrInt;
var futureOrInt = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'futureOrInt');
_assertTypeStr(futureOrInt.type, 'FutureOr<int>');
var f = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'FutureOr<int> Function()');
var g = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[2];
expect(, 'g');
_assertTypeStr(g.type, 'Future<int> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_async_allReturnsAreFutures() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
main() {
var f = () async {
if (new Random().nextBool()) {
return new Future<int>.value(1);
} else {
return new Future<double>.value(2.0);
Future<num> g = f();
Future<int> h = f();
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Future<num> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_async_allReturnsAreValues() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
main() {
var f = () async {
if (new Random().nextBool()) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2.0;
Future<num> g = f();
Future<int> h = f();
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Future<num> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_async_mixOfValuesAndFutures() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' show Random;
main() {
var f = () async {
if (new Random().nextBool()) {
return new Future<int>.value(1);
} else {
return 2.0;
Future<num> g = f();
Future<int> h = f();
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Future<num> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_asyncStar() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
var f = () async* {
yield 1;
Stream<double> s;
yield* s;
Stream<num> g = f();
Stream<int> h = f();
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Stream<num> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_basic() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
test1() {
List<int> o;
var y = { return x + 1; });
Iterable<int> z = y;
test_blockBodiedLambdas_downwardsIncompatibleWithUpwardsInference() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
main() {
String f() => null;
var g = f;
g = () { return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/1; };
var g = findLocalVariable(unit, 'g');
_assertTypeStr(g.type, 'String Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_downwardsIncompatibleWithUpwardsInference_topLevel() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
String f() => null;
var g = f;
var g = unit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(g.type, 'String Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_inferBottom_async() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() async {
var f = () async { return null; };
Future y = f();
Future<String> z = f();
String s = await f();
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Future<Null> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_inferBottom_asyncStar() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() async {
var f = () async* { yield null; };
Stream y = f();
Stream<String> z = f();
String s = await f().first;
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Stream<Null> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_inferBottom_sync() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
var h = null;
void foo(int g(Object _)) {}
main() {
var f = (Object x) { return null; };
String y = f(42);
f = (x) => /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL*/'hello';
foo((x) { return null; });
foo((x) { throw "not implemented"; });
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Null Function(Object)');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_inferBottom_syncStar() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
main() {
var f = () sync* { yield null; };
Iterable y = f();
Iterable<String> z = f();
String s = f().first;
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Iterable<Null> Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_LUB() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:math' show Random;
test2() {
List<num> o;
var y = {
if (new Random().nextBool()) {
return x.toInt() + 1;
} else {
return x.toDouble();
Iterable<num> w = y;
Iterable<int> z = y;
test_blockBodiedLambdas_nestedLambdas() async {
// Original feature request:
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
main() {
var f = () {
return (int x) { return 2.0 * x; };
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'double Function(int) Function()');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_noReturn() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
test1() {
List<int> o;
var y = { });
Iterable<int> z = y;
var y = findLocalVariable(unit, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'Iterable<Null>');
test_blockBodiedLambdas_syncStar() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
main() {
var f = () sync* {
yield 1;
yield* [3, 4.0];
Iterable<num> g = f();
Iterable<int> h = f();
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Iterable<num> Function()');
test_bottom() async {
// When a type is inferred from the expression `null`, the inferred type is
// `dynamic`, but the inferred type of the initializer is `bottom`.
// TODO(paulberry): Is this intentional/desirable?
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var v = null;
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'dynamic');
_assertTypeStr(v.initializer.type, 'Null Function()');
test_bottom_inClosure() async {
// When a closure's return type is inferred from the expression `null`, the
// inferred type is `dynamic`.
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var v = () => null;
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'Null Function()');
_assertTypeStr(v.initializer.type, 'Null Function() Function()');
test_circularReference_viaClosures() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var x = () => /*error:TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE*/y;
var y = () => /*error:TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE*/x;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
var y = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'x');
expect(, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'dynamic');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'dynamic');
test_circularReference_viaClosures_initializerTypes() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var x = () => /*error:TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE*/y;
var y = () => /*error:TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE*/x;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
var y = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'x');
expect(, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(x.initializer.returnType, 'dynamic Function()');
_assertTypeStr(y.initializer.returnType, 'dynamic Function()');
test_conflictsCanHappen() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class I1 {
int x;
class I2 extends I1 {
int y;
class A {
final I1 a = null;
class B {
final I2 a = null;
class C1 implements A, B {
get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE,error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/a => null;
// Still ambiguous
class C2 implements B, A {
get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE,error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/a => null;
test_conflictsCanHappen2() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class I1 {
int x;
class I2 {
int y;
class I3 implements I1, I2 {
int x;
int y;
class A {
final I1 a = null;
class B {
final I2 a = null;
class C1 implements A, B {
I3 get a => null;
class C2 implements A, B {
get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE,error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/a => null;
test_constructors_downwardsWithConstraint() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class Foo<T extends A> {}
void main() {
Foo<B> foo = new Foo();
test_constructors_inferenceFBounded() async {
var errors = 'error:COULD_NOT_INFER,error:COULD_NOT_INFER,'
// if (hasExtraTaskModelPass) errors = '$errors,$errors';
var unit = await checkFile('''
class Cloneable<T> {}
class Pair<T extends Cloneable<T>, U extends Cloneable<U>> {
T t;
U u;
Pair(this.t, this.u);
Pair<U, T> get reversed => new Pair(u, t);
main() {
final x = new /*$errors*/Pair._();
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'Pair<Cloneable<dynamic>, Cloneable<dynamic>>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
T t;
main() {
var x = new C(42);
num y;
C<int> c_int = new C(y);
// These hints are not reported because we resolve with a null error listener.
C<num> c_num = new C(123);
C<num> c_num2 = (new C(456))
..t = 1.0;
// Don't infer from explicit dynamic.
var c_dynamic = new C<dynamic>(42);
x.t = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/'hello';
_assertTypeStr(findLocalVariable(unit, 'x').type, 'C<int>');
_assertTypeStr(findLocalVariable(unit, 'c_int').type, 'C<int>');
_assertTypeStr(findLocalVariable(unit, 'c_num').type, 'C<num>');
_assertTypeStr(findLocalVariable(unit, 'c_dynamic').type, 'C<dynamic>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_argumentNotAssignable() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class A {}
typedef T F<T>();
class C<T extends A> {
C(F<T> f);
class NotA {}
NotA myF() => null;
main() {
var x = new
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<NotA>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_const() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
final T t;
const C(this.t);
main() {
var x = const C(42);
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<int>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_constWithUpperBound() async {
// Regression for
await checkFileElement('''
class C<T extends num> {
final T x;
const C(this.x);
class D<T extends num> {
const D();
void f() {
const c = const C(0);
C<int> c2 = c;
const D<int> d = const D();
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_downwardsFromConstructor() {
return checkFileElement(r'''
class C<T> { C(List<T> list); }
main() {
var x = new C([123]);
C<int> y = x;
var a = new C<dynamic>([123]);
// This one however works.
var b = new C<Object>([123]);
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_factory() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
T t;
factory C(T t) {
var c = new C<T>._();
c.t = t;
return c;
main() {
var x = new C(42);
x.t = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/'hello';
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<int>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_factory_callsConstructor() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T> {
A<T> f = new A();
factory A.factory() => new A();
A<T> m() => new A();
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_named() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
T t;
C.named(List<T> t);
main() {
var x = new C.named(<int>[]);
x.t = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/'hello';
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<int>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_namedFactory() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
T t;
factory C.named(T t) {
var c = new C<T>();
c.t = t;
return c;
main() {
var x = new C.named(42);
x.t = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/'hello';
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<int>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_redirecting() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
T t;
C.named(List<T> t) : this(t[0]);
main() {
var x = new C.named(<int>[42]);
x.t = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/'hello';
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<int>');
test_constructors_inferFromArguments_redirectingFactory() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
abstract class C<T> {
T get t;
void set t(T t);
factory C(T t) = CImpl<T>;
class CImpl<T> implements C<T> {
T t;
main() {
var x = new C(42);
x.t = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/'hello';
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'C<int>');
test_constructors_reverseTypeParameters() async {
// Regression for
await checkFileElement('''
class Pair<T, U> {
T t;
U u;
Pair(this.t, this.u);
Pair<U, T> get reversed => new Pair(u, t);
test_constructors_tooManyPositionalArguments() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
class A<T> {}
main() {
var a = new A/*error:EXTRA_POSITIONAL_ARGUMENTS*/(42);
var a = findLocalVariable(unit, 'a');
_assertTypeStr(a.type, 'A<dynamic>');
test_doNotInferOverriddenFieldsThatExplicitlySayDynamic_infer() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
final int x = 2;
class B implements A {
dynamic get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x => 3;
foo() {
String y = new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_dontInferFieldTypeWhenInitializerIsNull() async {
await checkFileElement('''
var x = null;
var y = 3;
class A {
static var x = null;
static var y = 3;
var x2 = null;
var y2 = 3;
test() {
x = "hi";
y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
A.x = "hi";
A.y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
new A().x2 = "hi";
new A().y2 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
test_dontInferTypeOnDynamic() async {
await checkFileElement('''
test() {
dynamic x = 3;
x = "hi";
test_dontInferTypeWhenInitializerIsNull() async {
await checkFileElement('''
test() {
var x = null;
x = "hi";
x = 3;
test_downwardInference_fixes_noUpwardsErrors() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:math';
// T max<T extends num>(T x, T y);
main() {
num x;
dynamic y;
num a = max(x, y);
Object b = max(x, y);
dynamic c = /*error:COULD_NOT_INFER*/max(x, y);
var d = /*error:COULD_NOT_INFER*/max(x, y);
test_downwardInference_miscellaneous() async {
await checkFileElement('''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
class A<T> {
Function2<T, T> x;
void main() {
{ // Variables, nested literals
var x = "hello";
var y = 3;
void f(List<Map<int, String>> l) {};
f([{y: x}]);
int f(int x) => 0;
A<int> a = new A(f);
test_downwardsInference_insideTopLevel() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
B<int> b;
class B<T> {
B(T x);
var t1 = new A()..b = new B(1);
var t2 = <B<int>>[new B(2)];
var t3 = [
new B(3)
test_downwardsInferenceAnnotations() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class Foo {
const Foo(List<String> l);
const Foo.named(List<String> l);
@Foo(const [])
class Bar {}
@Foo.named(const [])
class Baz {}
test_downwardsInferenceAssignmentStatements() async {
await checkFileElement('''
void main() {
List<int> l;
l = [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"];
l = (l = [1]);
test_downwardsInferenceAsyncAwait() async {
await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:async';
Future test() async {
dynamic d;
List<int> l0 = await [d];
List<int> l1 = await new Future.value(
test_downwardsInferenceForEach() async {
await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:async';
abstract class MyStream<T> extends Stream<T> {
factory MyStream() => throw 0;
Future main() async {
for(int x in [1, 2, 3]) {}
await for(int x in new MyStream()) {}
test_downwardsInferenceInitializingFormalDefaultFormal() async {
await checkFileElement('''
typedef T Function2<S, T>([S x]);
class Foo {
List<int> x;
Foo([this.x = const [1]]);
Foo.named([List<int> x = const [1]]);
void f([List<int> l = const [1]]) {}
// We do this inference in an early task but don't preserve the infos.
Function2<List<int>, String> g = ([llll = const [1]]) => "hello";
test_downwardsInferenceOnConstructorArguments_inferDownwards() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class F0 {
F0(List<int> a) {}
class F1 {
F1({List<int> a}) {}
class F2 {
F2(Iterable<int> a) {}
class F3 {
F3(Iterable<Iterable<int>> a) {}
class F4 {
F4({Iterable<Iterable<int>> a}) {}
void main() {
new F0([]);
new F0([3]);
new F0([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
new F0([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello",
new F1(a: []);
new F1(a: [3]);
new F1(a: [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
new F1(a: [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
new F2([]);
new F2([3]);
new F2([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
new F2([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
new F3([]);
new F3([[3]]);
new F3([[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]]);
new F3([[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"],
new F4(a: []);
new F4(a: [[3]]);
new F4(a: [[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]]);
new F4(a: [[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"],
test_downwardsInferenceOnFunctionArguments_inferDownwards() async {
await checkFileElement('''
void f0(List<int> a) {}
void f1({List<int> a}) {}
void f2(Iterable<int> a) {}
void f3(Iterable<Iterable<int>> a) {}
void f4({Iterable<Iterable<int>> a}) {}
void main() {
f0([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
f1(a: []);
f1(a: [3]);
f1(a: [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
f1(a: [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
f2([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
f3([[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"], [3]]);
f4(a: []);
f4(a: [[3]]);
f4(a: [[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]]);
f4(a: [[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"], [3]]);
test_downwardsInferenceOnFunctionExpressions() async {
await checkFileElement('''
typedef T Function2<S, T>(S x);
void main () {
Function2<int, String> l0 = (int x) => null;
Function2<int, String> l1 = (int x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l2 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/(String x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l3 = (int x) => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;
Function2<int, String> l4 = (int x) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;};
Function2<int, String> l0 = (x) => null;
Function2<int, String> l1 = (x) => "hello";
Function2<int, String> l2 = (x) => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;
Function2<int, String> l3 = (x) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;};
Function2<int, String> l4 = (x) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/x;};
Function2<int, List<String>> l0 = (int x) => null;
Function2<int, List<String>> l1 = (int x) => ["hello"];
Function2<int, List<String>> l2 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/(String x) => ["hello"];
Function2<int, List<String>> l3 = (int x) => [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/3];
Function2<int, List<String>> l4 = (int x) {return [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/3];};
Function2<int, int> l0 = (x) => x;
Function2<int, int> l1 = (x) => x+1;
Function2<int, String> l2 = (x) => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/x;
Function2<int, String> l3 = (x) => x./*error:UNDEFINED_METHOD*/substring(3);
Function2<String, String> l4 = (x) => x.substring(3);
test_downwardsInferenceOnFunctionOfTUsingTheT() async {
await checkFileElement('''
void main () {
T f<T>(T x) => null;
var v1 = f;
v1 = <S>(x) => x;
List<T> f<T>(T x) => null;
var v2 = f;
v2 = <S>(x) => [x];
Iterable<int> r = v2(42);
Iterable<String> s = v2('hello');
Iterable<List<int>> t = v2(<int>[]);
Iterable<num> u = v2(42);
Iterable<num> v = v2<num>(42);
test_downwardsInferenceOnGenericConstructorArguments_emptyList() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class F3<T> {
F3(Iterable<Iterable<T>> a) {}
class F4<T> {
F4({Iterable<Iterable<T>> a}) {}
void main() {
new F3([]);
new F4(a: []);
test_downwardsInferenceOnGenericConstructorArguments_inferDownwards() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class F0<T> {
F0(List<T> a) {}
class F1<T> {
F1({List<T> a}) {}
class F2<T> {
F2(Iterable<T> a) {}
class F3<T> {
F3(Iterable<Iterable<T>> a) {}
class F4<T> {
F4({Iterable<Iterable<T>> a}) {}
class F5<T> {
F5(Iterable<Iterable<Iterable<T>>> a) {}
void main() {
new F0<int>([]);
new F0<int>([3]);
new F0<int>([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
new F0<int>([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello",
new F1<int>(a: []);
new F1<int>(a: [3]);
new F1<int>(a: [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
new F1<int>(a: [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
new F2<int>([]);
new F2<int>([3]);
new F2<int>([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]);
new F2<int>([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3]);
new F3<int>([]);
new F3<int>([[3]]);
new F3<int>([[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]]);
new F3<int>([[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"],
new F4<int>(a: []);
new F4<int>(a: [[3]]);
new F4<int>(a: [[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"]]);
new F4<int>(a: [[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"],
new F3([]);
var f31 = new F3([[3]]);
var f32 = new F3([["hello"]]);
var f33 = new F3([["hello"],
new F4(a: []);
new F4(a: [[3]]);
new F4(a: [["hello"]]);
new F4(a: [["hello"],
new F5([[
test_downwardsInferenceOnGenericFunctionExpressions() async {
await checkFileElement('''
void main () {
String f<S>(int x) => null;
var v = f;
v = <T>(int x) => null;
v = <T>(int x) => "hello";
v = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/<T>(String x) => "hello";
v = <T>(int x) => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;
v = <T>(int x) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;};
String f<S>(int x) => null;
var v = f;
v = <T>(x) => null;
v = <T>(x) => "hello";
v = <T>(x) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/3;};
v = <T>(x) {return /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/x;};
List<String> f<S>(int x) => null;
var v = f;
v = <T>(int x) => null;
v = <T>(int x) => ["hello"];
v = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/<T>(String x) => ["hello"];
v = <T>(int x) => [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/3];
v = <T>(int x) {return [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/3];};
int int2int<S>(int x) => null;
String int2String<T>(int x) => null;
String string2String<T>(String x) => null;
var x = int2int;
x = <T>(x) => x;
x = <T>(x) => x+1;
var y = int2String;
y = <T>(x) => x./*error:UNDEFINED_METHOD*/substring(3);
var z = string2String;
z = <T>(x) => x.substring(3);
test_downwardsInferenceOnInstanceCreations_inferDownwards() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A<S, T> {
S x;
T y;
A(this.x, this.y);
A.named(this.x, this.y);
class B<S, T> extends A<T, S> {
B(S y, T x) : super(x, y);
B.named(S y, T x) : super.named(x, y);
class C<S> extends B<S, S> {
C(S a) : super(a, a);
C.named(S a) : super.named(a, a);
class D<S, T> extends B<T, int> {
D(T a) : super(a, 3);
D.named(T a) : super.named(a, 3);
class E<S, T> extends A<C<S>, T> {
E(T a) : super(null, a);
class F<S, T> extends A<S, T> {
F(S x, T y, {List<S> a, List<T> b}) : super(x, y);
F.named(S x, T y, [S a, T b]) : super(a, b);
void main() {
A<int, String> a0 = new A(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a1 = new A.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a2 = new A<int, String>(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new A<int, String>.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a4 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_NEW_EXPR*/new A<int, dynamic>(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a5 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_NEW_EXPR*/new A<dynamic, dynamic>.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a0 = new A(
A<int, String> a1 = new A.named(
A<int, String> a0 = new B("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a1 = new B.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a2 = new B<String, int>("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a3 = new B<String, int>.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a4 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B<String, dynamic>("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a5 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B<dynamic, dynamic>.named("hello", 3);
A<int, String> a0 = new B(
A<int, String> a1 = new B.named(
A<int, int> a0 = new C(3);
A<int, int> a1 = new C.named(3);
A<int, int> a2 = new C<int>(3);
A<int, int> a3 = new C<int>.named(3);
A<int, int> a4 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new C<dynamic>(3);
A<int, int> a5 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new C<dynamic>.named(3);
A<int, int> a0 = new C(
A<int, int> a1 = new C.named(
A<int, String> a0 = new D("hello");
A<int, String> a1 = new D.named("hello");
A<int, String> a2 = new D<int, String>("hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new D<String, String>.named("hello");
A<int, String> a4 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new D<num, dynamic>("hello");
A<int, String> a5 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new D<dynamic, dynamic>.named("hello");
A<int, String> a0 = new D(
A<int, String> a1 = new D.named(
A<C<int>, String> a0 = new E("hello");
{ // Check named and optional arguments
A<int, String> a0 = new F(3, "hello",
a: [3],
b: ["hello"]);
A<int, String> a1 = new F(3, "hello",
A<int, String> a2 = new F.named(3, "hello", 3, "hello");
A<int, String> a3 = new F.named(3, "hello");
A<int, String> a4 = new F.named(3, "hello",
A<int, String> a5 = new F.named(3, "hello",
test_downwardsInferenceOnListLiterals_inferDownwards() async {
await checkFileElement('''
void foo([List<String> list1 = const [],
List<String> list2 = const [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/42]]) {
void main() {
List<int> l0 = [];
List<int> l1 = [3];
List<int> l2 = [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"];
List<int> l3 = [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3];
List<dynamic> l0 = [];
List<dynamic> l1 = [3];
List<dynamic> l2 = ["hello"];
List<dynamic> l3 = ["hello", 3];
List<int> l0 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/<num>[];
List<int> l1 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/<num>[3];
List<int> l2 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/<num>[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"];
List<int> l3 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_LIST*/<num>[/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3];
Iterable<int> i0 = [];
Iterable<int> i1 = [3];
Iterable<int> i2 = [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"];
Iterable<int> i3 = [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3];
const List<int> c0 = const [];
const List<int> c1 = const [3];
const List<int> c2 = const [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello"];
const List<int> c3 = const [/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello", 3];
test_downwardsInferenceOnListLiterals_inferIfValueTypesMatchContext() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class DartType {}
typedef void Asserter<T>(T type);
typedef Asserter<T> AsserterBuilder<S, T>(S arg);
Asserter<DartType> _isInt;
Asserter<DartType> _isString;
abstract class C {
static AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertBOf;
static AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> get assertCOf => null;
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertAOf;
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> get assertDOf;
method(AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertEOf) {
assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertBOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertCOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertDOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertEOf([_isInt, _isString]);
abstract class G<T> {
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertAOf;
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> get assertDOf;
method(AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertEOf) {
assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]);
this.assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]);
this.assertDOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertEOf([_isInt, _isString]);
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertBOf;
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> get assertCOf => null;
main() {
AsserterBuilder<List<Asserter<DartType>>, DartType> assertAOf;
assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertBOf([_isInt, _isString]);
assertCOf([_isInt, _isString]);
C.assertBOf([_isInt, _isString]);
C.assertCOf([_isInt, _isString]);
C c;
c.assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]);
c.assertDOf([_isInt, _isString]);
G<int> g;
g.assertAOf([_isInt, _isString]);
g.assertDOf([_isInt, _isString]);
test_downwardsInferenceOnMapLiterals() async {
await checkFileElement('''
void foo([Map<int, String> m1 = const {1: "hello"},
Map<int, String> m2 = const {
// One error is from type checking and the other is from const evaluation.
}]) {
void main() {
Map<int, String> l0 = {};
Map<int, String> l1 = {3: "hello"};
Map<int, String> l2 = {
/*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello": "hello"
Map<int, String> l3 = {
Map<int, String> l4 = {
3: "hello",
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l0 = {};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l1 = {3: "hello"};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l2 = {"hello": "hello"};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l3 = {3: 3};
Map<dynamic, dynamic> l4 = {3:"hello", "hello": 3};
Map<dynamic, String> l0 = {};
Map<dynamic, String> l1 = {3: "hello"};
Map<dynamic, String> l2 = {"hello": "hello"};
Map<dynamic, String> l3 = {
Map<dynamic, String> l4 = {
3: "hello",
Map<int, dynamic> l0 = {};
Map<int, dynamic> l1 = {3: "hello"};
Map<int, dynamic> l2 = {
/*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello": "hello"
Map<int, dynamic> l3 = {3: 3};
Map<int, dynamic> l4 = {
/*error:MAP_KEY_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/"hello": 3
Map<int, String> l0 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_MAP*/<num, dynamic>{};
Map<int, String> l1 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_MAP*/<num, dynamic>{3: "hello"};
Map<int, String> l3 = /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL_MAP*/<num, dynamic>{3: 3};
const Map<int, String> l0 = const {};
const Map<int, String> l1 = const {3: "hello"};
const Map<int, String> l2 = const {
const Map<int, String> l3 = const {
const Map<int, String> l4 = const {
test_fieldRefersToStaticGetter() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
final x = _x;
static int get _x => null;
var x = mainUnit.types[0].fields[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'int');
test_fieldRefersToTopLevelGetter() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
final x = y;
int get y => null;
var x = mainUnit.types[0].fields[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'int');
test_futureOr_subtyping() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:async';
void add(int x) {}
add2(int y) {}
main() {
Future<int> f;
var a = f.then(add);
var b = f.then(add2);
test_futureThen() async {
String build({String declared, String downwards, String upwards}) => '''
import 'dart:async';
class MyFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
MyFuture() {}
MyFuture.value(T x) {}
dynamic noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
MyFuture<S> then<S>(FutureOr<S> f(T x), {Function onError}) => null;
void main() {
$declared f;
$downwards<int> t1 = f.then((_) async => await new $upwards<int>.value(1));
$downwards<int> t2 = f.then((_) async {
return await new $upwards<int>.value(2);});
$downwards<int> t3 = f.then((_) async => 3);
$downwards<int> t4 = f.then((_) async {
return 4;});
$downwards<int> t5 = f.then((_) => new $upwards<int>.value(5));
$downwards<int> t6 = f.then((_) {return new $upwards<int>.value(6);});
$downwards<int> t7 = f.then((_) async => new $upwards<int>.value(7));
$downwards<int> t8 = f.then((_) async {
return new $upwards<int>.value(8);});
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "MyFuture", upwards: "Future"));
await checkFileElement(build(
declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "MyFuture", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "Future", downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "Future", downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future"));
test_futureThen_conditional() async {
String build({String declared, String downwards, String upwards}) => '''
import 'dart:async';
class MyFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
MyFuture() {}
MyFuture.value(T x) {}
dynamic noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
MyFuture<S> then<S>(FutureOr<S> f(T x), {Function onError}) => null;
void main() {
$declared<bool> f;
$downwards<int> t1 = f.then(
(x) async => x ? 2 : await new $upwards<int>.value(3));
$downwards<int> t2 = f.then((x) async { // TODO(leafp): Why the duplicate here?
return await x ? 2 : new $upwards<int>.value(3);});
$downwards<int> t5 = f.then(
(x) => x ? 2 : new $upwards<int>.value(3));
$downwards<int> t6 = f.then(
(x) {return x ? 2 : new $upwards<int>.value(3);});
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "MyFuture", upwards: "Future"));
await checkFileElement(build(
declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "MyFuture", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "Future", downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "Future", downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future"));
test_futureThen_downwardsMethodTarget() async {
// Not working yet, see:
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
Future<int> f;
Future<List<int>> b = f
.then((x) => [])
.whenComplete(() {});
b = f.then((x) => []);
test_futureThen_explicitFuture() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
import "dart:async";
m1() {
Future<int> f;
var x = f.then<Future<List<int>>>(
Future<List<int>> y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/x;
m2() {
Future<int> f;
var x = f.then<List<int>>((x) => []);
Future<List<int>> y = x;
test_futureThen_upwards() async {
// Regression test for
String build({String declared, String downwards, String upwards}) => '''
import 'dart:async';
class MyFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
MyFuture() {}
MyFuture.value(T x) {}
dynamic noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
MyFuture<S> then<S>(FutureOr<S> f(T x), {Function onError}) => null;
void main() {
var f = foo().then((_) => 2.3);
$downwards<int> f2 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/f;
// The unnecessary cast is to illustrate that we inferred <double> for
// the generic type args, even though we had a return type context.
$downwards<num> f3 = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/foo().then(
(_) => 2.3) as $upwards<double>;
$declared foo() => new $declared<int>.value(1);
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future"));
await checkFileElement(build(
declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "MyFuture", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "Future", downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future"));
test_futureThen_upwardsFromBlock() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() {
Future<int> base;
var f = base.then((x) { return x == 0; });
var g = base.then((x) => x == 0);
Future<bool> b = f;
b = g;
test_futureUnion_asyncConditional() async {
String build(
{String declared,
String downwards,
String upwards,
String expectedInfo = ''}) =>
import 'dart:async';
class MyFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
MyFuture() {}
MyFuture.value(x) {}
dynamic noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
MyFuture<S> then<S>(FutureOr<S> f(T x), {Function onError}) => null;
$downwards<int> g1(bool x) async {
return x ? 42 : new $upwards.value(42); }
$downwards<int> g2(bool x) async =>
x ? 42 : new $upwards.value(42);
$downwards<int> g3(bool x) async {
var y = x ? 42 : ${expectedInfo}new $upwards.value(42);
return y;
await checkFileElement(
build(downwards: "Future", upwards: "Future", expectedInfo: ''));
await checkFileElement(build(downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
test_futureUnion_downwards() async {
String build(
{String declared,
String downwards,
String upwards,
String expectedError = ''}) {
return '''
import 'dart:async';
class MyFuture<T> implements Future<T> {
MyFuture() {}
MyFuture.value([x]) {}
dynamic noSuchMethod(invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
MyFuture<S> then<S>(FutureOr<S> f(T x), {Function onError}) => null;
$declared f;
// Instantiates Future<int>
$downwards<int> t1 = f.then((_) =>
new $upwards.value($expectedError'hi'));
// Instantiates List<int>
$downwards<List<int>> t2 = f.then((_) => [3]);
$downwards<List<int>> g2() async { return [3]; }
$downwards<List<int>> g3() async {
return new $upwards.value(
[3]); }
await checkFileElement(build(
declared: "MyFuture",
downwards: "Future",
upwards: "Future",
expectedError: '/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "MyFuture", downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
await checkFileElement(build(
declared: "Future",
downwards: "Future",
upwards: "Future",
expectedError: '/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'));
await checkFileElement(
build(declared: "Future", downwards: "Future", upwards: "MyFuture"));
test_futureUnion_downwardsGenericMethodWithFutureReturn() async {
// Regression test for
// We need to take a future union into account for both directions of
// generic method inference.
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:async';
foo() async {
Future<List<A>> f1 = null;
Future<List<A>> f2 = null;
List<List<A>> merged = await Future.wait([f1, f2]);
class A {}
test_futureUnion_downwardsGenericMethodWithGenericReturn() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:async';
T id<T>(T x) => x;
main() async {
Future<String> f;
String s = await id(f);
test_futureUnion_upwardsGenericMethods() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:async';
main() async {
var b = new Future<B>.value(new B());
var c = new Future<C>.value(new C());
var lll = [b, c];
var result = await Future.wait(lll);
var result2 = await Future.wait([b, c]);
List<A> list = result;
list = result2;
class A {}
class B extends A {}
class C extends A {}
test_genericFunctions_returnTypedef() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
typedef void ToValue<T>(T value);
main() {
ToValue<T> f<T>(T x) => null;
var x = f<int>(42);
var y = f(42);
ToValue<int> takesInt = x;
takesInt = y;
test_genericMethods_basicDownwardInference() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
T f<S, T>(S s) => null;
main() {
String x = f(42);
String y = (f)(42);
test_genericMethods_correctlyRecognizeGenericUpperBound() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
class Foo<T extends Pattern> {
U method<U extends T>(U u) => u;
main() {
new Foo<String>()./*error:COULD_NOT_INFER*/method(42);
test_genericMethods_dartMathMinMax() async {
await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:math';
void printInt(int x) => print(x);
void printDouble(double x) => print(x);
num myMax(num x, num y) => max(x, y);
main() {
// Okay if static types match.
printInt(max(1, 2));
printInt(min(1, 2));
printDouble(max(1.0, 2.0));
printDouble(min(1.0, 2.0));
// No help for user-defined functions from num->num->num.
printInt(myMax(1, 2));
printInt(myMax(1, 2) as int);
// An int context means doubles are rejected
printInt(max(1, /*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/2.0));
printInt(min(1, /*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/2.0));
// A double context means ints are accepted as doubles
printDouble(max(1, 2.0));
printDouble(min(1, 2.0));
// Types other than int and double are not accepted.
test_genericMethods_doNotInferInvalidOverrideOfGenericMethod() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class C {
T m<T>(T x) => x;
class D extends C {
/*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m(x) => x;
main() {
int y = new D().m/*error:WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS_METHOD*/<int>(42);
test_genericMethods_downwardsInferenceAffectsArguments() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
T f<T>(List<T> s) => null;
main() {
String x = f(['hi']);
String y = f([/*error:LIST_ELEMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/42]);
test_genericMethods_downwardsInferenceFold() async {
// Regression from
// The first example works now, but the latter requires a full solution to
await checkFileElement(r'''
void main() {
List<int> o;
int y = o.fold(0, (x, y) => x + y);
var z = o.fold(0, (x, y) => x + y);
y = z;
void functionExpressionInvocation() {
List<int> o;
int y = (o.fold)(0, (x, y) => x + y);
var z = (o.fold)(0, (x, y) => x + y);
y = z;
test_genericMethods_handleOverrideOfNonGenericWithGeneric() async {
// Regression test for crash when adding genericity
await checkFileElement('''
class C {
m(x) => x;
dynamic g(int x) => x;
class D extends C {
T /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/m<T>(T x) => x;
T /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/g<T>(T x) => x;
main() {
int y = (/*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/new D() as C).m(42);
test_genericMethods_inferenceError() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
main() {
List<String> y;
Iterable<String> x = z) => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE_FROM_CLOSURE*/1.0);
test_genericMethods_inferGenericFunctionParameterType() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T> extends D<T> {
f<U>(x) { return null; }
class D<T> {
F<U> f<U>(U u) => null;
typedef void F<V>(V v);
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').methods[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'void Function(U) Function<U>(U)');
test_genericMethods_inferGenericFunctionParameterType2() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T> extends D<T> {
f<U>(g) => null;
abstract class D<T> {
void f<U>(G<U> g);
typedef List<V> G<V>();
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').methods[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'void Function<U>(List<U> Function())');
test_genericMethods_inferGenericFunctionReturnType() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T> extends D<T> {
f<U>(x) { return null; }
class D<T> {
F<U> f<U>(U u) => null;
typedef V F<V>();
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').methods[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'U Function() Function<U>(U)');
test_genericMethods_inferGenericInstantiation() async {
await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:math' show min;
class C {
T m<T extends num>(T x, T y) => null;
main() {
// Also test SimpleIdentifier
// Also PropertyAccess
takeIII(new C().m);
takeDDD(new C().m);
takeNNN(new C().m);
takeIDN(new C().m);
takeDIN(new C().m);
takeIIN(new C().m);
takeDDN(new C().m);
takeIIO(new C().m);
takeDDO(new C().m);
// Note: this is a warning because a downcast of a method tear-off could work
// (derived method can be a subtype):
// class D extends C {
// S m<S extends num>(Object x, Object y);
// }
// That's legal because we're loosening parameter types.
// We do issue the inference error though, similar to generic function calls.
takeOON(/*error:COULD_NOT_INFER*/new C().m);
takeOOO(/*error:COULD_NOT_INFER*/new C().m);
// Note: this is a warning because a downcast of a method tear-off could work
// in "normal" Dart, due to bivariance.
// We do issue the inference error though, similar to generic function calls.
takeOOI(/*error:COULD_NOT_INFER*/new C().m);
void takeIII(int fn(int a, int b)) {}
void takeDDD(double fn(double a, double b)) {}
void takeIDI(int fn(double a, int b)) {}
void takeDID(double fn(int a, double b)) {}
void takeIDN(num fn(double a, int b)) {}
void takeDIN(num fn(int a, double b)) {}
void takeIIN(num fn(int a, int b)) {}
void takeDDN(num fn(double a, double b)) {}
void takeNNN(num fn(num a, num b)) {}
void takeOON(num fn(Object a, Object b)) {}
void takeOOO(num fn(Object a, Object b)) {}
void takeOOI(int fn(Object a, Object b)) {}
void takeIIO(Object fn(int a, int b)) {}
void takeDDO(Object fn(double a, double b)) {}
test_genericMethods_inferGenericMethodType() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement('''
class C {
T m<T>(T x) => x;
class D extends C {
m<S>(x) => x;
main() {
int y = new D().m<int>(42);
test_genericMethods_IterableAndFuture() async {
await checkFileElement('''
import 'dart:async';
Future<int> make(int x) => (new Future(() => x));
main() {
Iterable<Future<int>> list = <int>[1, 2, 3].map(make);
Future<List<int>> results = Future.wait(list);
Future<String> results2 = results.then((List<int> list)
=> list.fold('', (x, y) => x /*error:UNDEFINED_OPERATOR*/+ y.toString()));
Future<String> results3 = results.then((List<int> list)
=> list.fold('', /*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/(String x, y) => x + y.toString()));
Future<String> results4 = results.then((List<int> list)
=> list.fold<String>('', (x, y) => x + y.toString()));
test_genericMethods_nestedGenericInstantiation() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
import 'dart:math' as math;
class Trace {
List<Frame> frames = [];
class Frame {
String location = '';
main() {
List<Trace> traces = [];
var longest = {
return => frame.location.length)
.fold(0, math.max);
}).fold(0, math.max);
test_genericMethods_usesGreatestLowerBound() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
typedef Iterable<num> F(int x);
typedef List<int> G(double x);
T generic<T>(a(T _), b(T _)) => null;
main() {
var v = generic((F f) => null, (G g) => null);
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int> Function(num)');
test_genericMethods_usesGreatestLowerBound_topLevel() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement(r'''
typedef Iterable<num> F(int x);
typedef List<int> G(double x);
T generic<T>(a(T _), b(T _)) => null;
var v = generic((F f) => null, (G g) => null);
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int> Function(num)');
test_infer_assignToIndex() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
List<double> a = <double>[];
var b = (a[0] = 1.0);
test_infer_assignToProperty() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {
int f;
var v_assign = (new A().f = 1);
var v_plus = (new A().f += 1);
var v_minus = (new A().f -= 1);
var v_multiply = (new A().f *= 1);
var v_prefix_pp = (++new A().f);
var v_prefix_mm = (--new A().f);
var v_postfix_pp = (new A().f++);
var v_postfix_mm = (new A().f--);
test_infer_assignToProperty_custom() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {
A operator +(other) => this;
A operator -(other) => this;
class B {
A a;
var v_prefix_pp = (++new B().a);
var v_prefix_mm = (--new B().a);
var v_postfix_pp = (new B().a++);
var v_postfix_mm = (new B().a--);
test_infer_assignToRef() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {
int f;
A a = new A();
var b = (a.f = 1);
var c = 0;
var d = (c = 1);
test_infer_binary_custom() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {
int operator +(other) => 1;
double operator -(other) => 2.0;
var v_add = new A() + 'foo';
var v_minus = new A() - 'bar';
test_infer_binary_doubleDouble() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a_equal = 1.0 == 2.0;
var a_notEqual = 1.0 != 2.0;
var a_add = 1.0 + 2.0;
var a_subtract = 1.0 - 2.0;
var a_multiply = 1.0 * 2.0;
var a_divide = 1.0 / 2.0;
var a_floorDivide = 1.0 ~/ 2.0;
var a_greater = 1.0 > 2.0;
var a_less = 1.0 < 2.0;
var a_greaterEqual = 1.0 >= 2.0;
var a_lessEqual = 1.0 <= 2.0;
var a_modulo = 1.0 % 2.0;
test_infer_binary_doubleInt() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a_equal = 1.0 == 2;
var a_notEqual = 1.0 != 2;
var a_add = 1.0 + 2;
var a_subtract = 1.0 - 2;
var a_multiply = 1.0 * 2;
var a_divide = 1.0 / 2;
var a_floorDivide = 1.0 ~/ 2;
var a_greater = 1.0 > 2;
var a_less = 1.0 < 2;
var a_greaterEqual = 1.0 >= 2;
var a_lessEqual = 1.0 <= 2;
var a_modulo = 1.0 % 2;
test_infer_binary_intDouble() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a_equal = 1 == 2.0;
var a_notEqual = 1 != 2.0;
var a_add = 1 + 2.0;
var a_subtract = 1 - 2.0;
var a_multiply = 1 * 2.0;
var a_divide = 1 / 2.0;
var a_floorDivide = 1 ~/ 2.0;
var a_greater = 1 > 2.0;
var a_less = 1 < 2.0;
var a_greaterEqual = 1 >= 2.0;
var a_lessEqual = 1 <= 2.0;
var a_modulo = 1 % 2.0;
test_infer_binary_intInt() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a_equal = 1 == 2;
var a_notEqual = 1 != 2;
var a_bitXor = 1 ^ 2;
var a_bitAnd = 1 & 2;
var a_bitOr = 1 | 2;
var a_bitShiftRight = 1 >> 2;
var a_bitShiftLeft = 1 << 2;
var a_add = 1 + 2;
var a_subtract = 1 - 2;
var a_multiply = 1 * 2;
var a_divide = 1 / 2;
var a_floorDivide = 1 ~/ 2;
var a_greater = 1 > 2;
var a_less = 1 < 2;
var a_greaterEqual = 1 >= 2;
var a_lessEqual = 1 <= 2;
var a_modulo = 1 % 2;
test_infer_conditional() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a = 1 == 2 ? 1 : 2.0;
var b = 1 == 2 ? 1.0 : 2;
test_infer_prefixExpression() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a_not = !true;
var a_complement = ~1;
var a_negate = -1;
test_infer_prefixExpression_custom() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {
int operator ~() => 1;
double operator -() => 2.0;
var a = new A();
var v_complement = ~a;
var v_negate = -a;
test_infer_throw() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var t = true;
var a = (throw 0);
var b = (throw 0) ? 1 : 2;
var c = t ? (throw 1) : 2;
var d = t ? 1 : (throw 2);
test_infer_typeCast() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T> {}
class B<T> extends A<T> {
foo() {}
A<num> a = new B<int>();
var b = (a as B<int>);
main() {;
test_infer_typedListLiteral() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a = <int>[];
var b = <double>[1.0, 2.0, 3.0];
var c = <List<int>>[];
var d = <dynamic>[1, 2.0, false];
test_infer_typedMapLiteral() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var a = <int, String>{0: 'aaa', 1: 'bbb'};
var b = <double, int>{1.1: 1, 2.2: 2};
var c = <List<int>, Map<String, double>>{};
var d = <int, dynamic>{};
var e = <dynamic, int>{};
var f = <dynamic, dynamic>{};
test_infer_use_of_void() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class B {
void f() {}
class C extends B {
f() {}
var x = /*error:TOP_LEVEL_INSTANCE_METHOD*/new C().f();
test_inferConstsTransitively() async {
const b1 = 2;
''', name: '/b.dart');
import 'main.dart';
import 'b.dart';
const a1 = m2;
const a2 = b1;
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
const m1 = a1;
const m2 = a2;
foo() {
int i;
i = m1;
test_inferCorrectlyOnMultipleVariablesDeclaredTogether() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
var x, y = 2, z = "hi";
class B implements A {
var x = 2, y = 3, z, w = 2;
foo() {
String s;
int i;
s = new B().x;
s = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().y;
s = new B().z;
s = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().w;
i = new B().x;
i = new B().y;
i = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().z;
i = new B().w;
test_inferFromComplexExpressionsIfOuterMostValueIsPrecise() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A { int x; B operator+(other) => null; }
class B extends A { B(ignore); }
var a = new A();
// Note: it doesn't matter that some of these refer to 'x'.
var b = new B(/*error:UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER*/x); // allocations
var c1 = [/*error:UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER*/x]; // list literals
var c2 = const [];
var d = <dynamic, dynamic>{'a': 'b'}; // map literals
var e = new A()..x = 3; // cascades
var f = 2 + 3; // binary expressions are OK if the left operand
// is from a library in a different strongest
// connected component.
var g = -3;
var h = new A() + 3;
var i = /*error:UNDEFINED_OPERATOR*/- new A();
var j = /*info:UNNECESSARY_CAST*/null as B;
test1() {
a = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
a = new B(3);
b = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
b = new B(3);
c1 = [];
c1 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/{};
c2 = [];
c2 = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/{};
d = {};
d = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/3;
e = new A();
e = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/{};
f = 3;
f = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/false;
g = 1;
g = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/false;
h = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/false;
h = new B('b');
i = false;
j = new B('b');
j = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/false;
j = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/[];
test_inferFromRhsOnlyIfItWontConflictWithOverriddenFields() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
var x;
class B implements A {
var x = 2;
foo() {
String y = new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_inferFromRhsOnlyIfItWontConflictWithOverriddenFields2() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
final x = null;
class B implements A {
final x = 2;
foo() {
String y = new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_inferFromVariablesInCycleLibsWhenFlagIsOn() async {
import 'main.dart';
var x = 2; // ok to infer
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
var y = x; // now ok :)
test1() {
int t = 3;
t = x;
t = y;
test_inferFromVariablesInCycleLibsWhenFlagIsOn2() async {
import 'main.dart';
class A { static var x = 2; }
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
class B { static var y = A.x; }
test1() {
int t = 3;
t = A.x;
t = B.y;
test_inferFromVariablesInNonCycleImportsWithFlag() async {
var x = 2;
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
var y = x;
test1() {
x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
test_inferFromVariablesInNonCycleImportsWithFlag2() async {
class A { static var x = 2; }
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
class B { static var y = A.x; }
test1() {
A.x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
B.y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
test_inferGenericMethodType_named() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
T m<T>(int a, {String b, T c}) => null;
main() {
var y = new C().m(1, b: 'bbb', c: 2.0);
var y = findLocalVariable(unit, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'double');
test_inferGenericMethodType_positional() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
T m<T>(int a, [T b]) => null;
main() {
var y = new C().m(1, 2.0);
var y = findLocalVariable(unit, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'double');
test_inferGenericMethodType_positional2() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
T m<T>(int a, [String b, T c]) => null;
main() {
var y = new C().m(1, 'bbb', 2.0);
var y = findLocalVariable(unit, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'double');
test_inferGenericMethodType_required() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
T m<T>(T x) => x;
main() {
var y = new C().m(42);
var y = findLocalVariable(unit, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'int');
test_inferListLiteralNestedInMapLiteral() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
class Resource {}
class Folder extends Resource {}
Resource getResource(String str) => null;
class Foo<T> {
Foo(T t);
main() {
// List inside map
var map = <String, List<Folder>>{
'pkgA': [getResource('/pkgA/lib/')],
'pkgB': [getResource('/pkgB/lib/')]
// Also try map inside list
var list = <Map<String, Folder>>[
{ 'pkgA': getResource('/pkgA/lib/') },
{ 'pkgB': getResource('/pkgB/lib/') },
// Instance creation too
var foo = new Foo<List<Folder>>(
test_inferLocalFunctionReturnType() async {
// Regression test for
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
main() {
f0 () => 42;
f1 () async => 42;
f2 () { return 42; }
f3 () async { return 42; }
f4 () sync* { yield 42; }
f5 () async* { yield 42; }
num f6() => 42;
f7 () => f7();
f9 () => f5();
_assertTypeStr(findLocalFunction(unit, 'f0').type, 'int Function()');
findLocalFunction(unit, 'f1').type, 'Future<int> Function()');
_assertTypeStr(findLocalFunction(unit, 'f2').type, 'int Function()');
findLocalFunction(unit, 'f3').type, 'Future<int> Function()');
findLocalFunction(unit, 'f4').type, 'Iterable<int> Function()');
findLocalFunction(unit, 'f5').type, 'Stream<int> Function()');
_assertTypeStr(findLocalFunction(unit, 'f6').type, 'num Function()');
// Recursive cases: these infer in declaration order.
_assertTypeStr(findLocalFunction(unit, 'f7').type, 'dynamic Function()');
_assertTypeStr(findLocalFunction(unit, 'f8').type, 'dynamic Function()');
findLocalFunction(unit, 'f9').type, 'Stream<int> Function()');
test_inferParameterType_setter_fromField() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C extends D {
set foo(x) {}
class D {
int foo;
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').accessors[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'void Function(int)');
test_inferParameterType_setter_fromSetter() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C extends D {
set foo(x) {}
class D {
set foo(int x) {}
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').accessors[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'void Function(int)');
test_inferred_nonstatic_field_depends_on_static_field_complex() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
static var x = 'x';
var y = {
'a': {'b': 'c'},
'd': {'e': x}
var x = mainUnit.getType('C').fields[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'String');
var y = mainUnit.getType('C').fields[1];
expect(, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'Map<String, Map<String, String>>');
test_inferred_nonstatic_field_depends_on_toplevel_var_simple() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var x = 'x';
class C {
var y = x;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'String');
var y = mainUnit.getType('C').fields[0];
expect(, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'String');
test_inferredInitializingFormalChecksDefaultValue() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class Foo {
var x = 1;
Foo([this.x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"1"]);
test_inferredType_blockClosure_noArgs_noReturn() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var f = () {};
var f = findLocalVariable(unit, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Null Function()');
test_inferredType_cascade() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int a;
List<int> b;
void m() {}
var v = new A()..a = 1..b.add(2)..m();
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'A');
test_inferredType_customBinaryOp() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
bool operator*(C other) => true;
C c;
var x = c*c;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_customBinaryOp_viaInterface() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class I {
bool operator*(C other) => true;
abstract class C implements I {}
C c;
var x = c*c;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_customIndexOp() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
bool operator[](int index) => true;
main() {
C c;
var x = c[0];
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_customIndexOp_viaInterface() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class I {
bool operator[](int index) => true;
abstract class C implements I {}
main() {
C c;
var x = c[0];
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_customUnaryOp() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
bool operator-() => true;
C c;
var x = -c;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_customUnaryOp_viaInterface() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class I {
bool operator-() => true;
abstract class C implements I {}
C c;
var x = -c;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_extractMethodTearOff() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
bool g() => true;
C f() => null;
var x = f().g;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool Function()');
test_inferredType_extractMethodTearOff_viaInterface() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class I {
bool g() => true;
abstract class C implements I {}
C f() => null;
var x = f().g;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool Function()');
test_inferredType_fromTopLevelExecutableTearoff() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
var v = print;
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'void Function(Object)');
test_inferredType_invokeMethod() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
bool g() => true;
C f() => null;
var x = f().g();
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_invokeMethod_viaInterface() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class I {
bool g() => true;
abstract class C implements I {}
C f() => null;
var x = f().g();
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'bool');
test_inferredType_isEnum() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
enum E { v1 }
final x = E.v1;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'E');
test_inferredType_isEnumValues() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
enum E { v1 }
final x = E.values;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'List<E>');
test_inferredType_isTypedef() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
typedef void F();
final x = <String, F>{};
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'Map<String, void Function()>');
test_inferredType_isTypedef_parameterized() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
typedef T F<T>();
final x = <String, F<int>>{};
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'Map<String, int Function()>');
test_inferredType_usesSyntheticFunctionType() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
int f() => null;
String g() => null;
var v = [f, g];
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<Object Function()>');
test_inferredType_usesSyntheticFunctionType_functionTypedParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
int f(int x(String y)) => null;
String g(int x(String y)) => null;
var v = [f, g];
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<Object Function(int Function(String))>');
test_inferredType_usesSyntheticFunctionType_namedParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
int f({int x}) => null;
String g({int x}) => null;
var v = [f, g];
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<Object Function({int x})>');
test_inferredType_usesSyntheticFunctionType_positionalParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
int f([int x]) => null;
String g([int x]) => null;
var v = [f, g];
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<Object Function([int])>');
test_inferredType_usesSyntheticFunctionType_requiredParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
int f(int x) => null;
String g(int x) => null;
var v = [f, g];
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<Object Function(int)>');
test_inferredType_viaClosure_multipleLevelsOfNesting() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
static final f = (bool b) =>
(int i) => {i: b};
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').fields[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'Map<int, bool> Function(int) Function(bool)');
test_inferredType_viaClosure_typeDependsOnArgs() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
static final f = (bool b) => b;
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').fields[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'bool Function(bool)');
test_inferredType_viaClosure_typeIndependentOfArgs_field() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
static final f = (bool b) => 1;
var f = mainUnit.getType('C').fields[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'int Function(bool)');
test_inferredType_viaClosure_typeIndependentOfArgs_topLevel() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
final f = (bool b) => 1;
var f = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(f.type, 'int Function(bool)');
test_inferReturnOfStatementLambda() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
List<String> strings() {
var stuff = [].expand((i) {
return <String>[];
return stuff.toList();
test_inferStaticsTransitively() async {
final b1 = 2;
''', name: '/b.dart');
import 'main.dart';
import 'b.dart';
final a1 = m2;
class A {
static final a2 = b1;
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
final m1 = a1;
final m2 = A.a2;
foo() {
int i;
i = m1;
test_inferStaticsTransitively2() async {
await checkFileElement('''
const x1 = 1;
final x2 = 1;
final y1 = x1;
final y2 = x2;
foo() {
int i;
i = y1;
i = y2;
test_inferStaticsTransitively3() async {
const a1 = 3;
const a2 = 4;
class A {
static const a3 = null;
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart' show a1, A;
import 'a.dart' as p show a2, A;
const t1 = 1;
const t2 = t1;
const t3 = a1;
const t4 = p.a2;
const t5 = A.a3;
const t6 = p.A.a3;
foo() {
int i;
i = t1;
i = t2;
i = t3;
i = t4;
test_inferStaticsWithMethodInvocations() async {
m3(String a, String b, [a1,a2]) {}
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
class T {
static final T foo = m1(m2(m3('', '')));
static T m1(String m) { return null; }
static String m2(e) { return ''; }
test_inferTypeOnOverriddenFields2() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int x = 2;
class B extends A {
get x => 3;
foo() {
String y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_inferTypeOnOverriddenFields4() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
final int x = 2;
class B implements A {
get x => 3;
foo() {
String y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_inferTypeOnVar() async {
// Error also expected when declared type is `int`.
await checkFileElement('''
test1() {
int x = 3;
x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
test_inferTypeOnVar2() async {
await checkFileElement('''
test2() {
var x = 3;
x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
test_inferTypeOnVarFromField() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int x = 0;
test1() {
var a = x;
a = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
a = 3;
var b = y;
b = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
b = 4;
var c = z;
c = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
c = 4;
int y; // field def after use
final z = 42; // should infer `int`
test_inferTypeOnVarFromTopLevel() async {
await checkFileElement('''
int x = 0;
test1() {
var a = x;
a = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
a = 3;
var b = y;
b = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
b = 4;
var c = z;
c = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
c = 4;
int y = 0; // field def after use
final z = 42; // should infer `int`
test_inferTypeRegardlessOfDeclarationOrderOrCycles() async {
import 'main.dart';
class B extends A { }
''', name: '/b.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'b.dart';
class C extends B {
get x => null;
class A {
int get x => 0;
foo() {
int y = new C().x;
String z = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new C().x;
test_inferTypesOnGenericInstantiations_3() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A<T> {
final T x = null;
final T w = null;
class B implements A<int> {
get x => 3;
get w => /*error:RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/"hello";
foo() {
String y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_inferTypesOnGenericInstantiations_4() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A<T> {
T x;
class B<E> extends A<E> {
E y;
get x => y;
foo() {
int y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B<String>().x;
String z = new B<String>().x;
test_inferTypesOnGenericInstantiations_5() async {
await checkFileElement('''
abstract class I<E> {
String m(a, String f(v, E e));
abstract class A<E> implements I<E> {
const A();
String m(a, String f(v, E e));
abstract class M {
final int y = 0;
class B<E> extends A<E> implements M {
const B();
int get y => 0;
m(a, f(v, E e)) { return null; }
foo () {
int y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B().m(null, null);
String z = new B().m(null, null);
test_inferTypesOnGenericInstantiations_infer() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A<T> {
final T x = null;
class B implements A<int> {
dynamic get /*error:INVALID_OVERRIDE*/x => 3;
foo() {
String y = new B().x;
int z = new B().x;
test_inferTypesOnGenericInstantiationsInLibraryCycle() async {
// Note: this is a regression test for bug #48.
import 'main.dart';
abstract class I<E> {
A<E> m(a, String f(v, int e));
''', name: '/a.dart');
await checkFileElement('''
import 'a.dart';
abstract class A<E> implements I<E> {
const A();
final E value = null;
abstract class M {
final int y = 0;
class B<E> extends A<E> implements M {
const B();
int get y => 0;
m(a, f(v, int e)) { return null; }
foo () {
int y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/new B<String>().m(null, null).value;
String z = new B<String>().m(null, null).value;
test_inferTypesOnLoopIndices_forEachLoop() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class Foo {
int bar = 42;
class Bar<T extends Iterable<String>> {
void foo(T t) {
for (var i in t) {
int x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/i;
class Baz<T, E extends Iterable<T>, S extends E> {
void foo(S t) {
for (var i in t) {
int x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/i;
T y = i;
test() {
var list = <Foo>[];
for (var x in list) {
String y = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/x;
for (dynamic x in list) {
String y = x;
for (String x in /*error:FOR_IN_OF_INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPE*/list) {
String y = x;
var z;
for(z in list) {
String y = z;
Iterable iter = list;
for (Foo x in iter) {
var y = x;
dynamic iter2 = list;
for (Foo x in iter2) {
var y = x;
var map = <String, Foo>{};
// Error: map must be an Iterable.
for (var x in /*error:FOR_IN_OF_INVALID_TYPE*/map) {
String y = x;
// We're not properly inferring that map.keys is an Iterable<String>
// and that x is a String.
for (var x in map.keys) {
String y = x;
test_inferTypesOnLoopIndices_forLoopWithInference() async {
await checkFileElement('''
test() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
int j = i + 1;
test_inferVariableVoid() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
void f() {}
var x = f();
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'void');
test_instantiateToBounds_invokeConstructor_noBound() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T> {}
var x = new C();
_assertTypeStr(unit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'C<dynamic>');
test_instantiateToBounds_invokeConstructor_typeArgsExact() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T extends num> {}
var x = new C<int>();
_assertTypeStr(unit.topLevelVariables[0].type, 'C<int>');
test_instantiateToBounds_notGeneric() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A {}
class B<T extends A> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
class A {
class B<T extends A> {
B<A> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_error1() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T1 extends int, T2 extends T1> {}
class B<T extends /*error:NOT_INSTANTIATED_BOUND*/A> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class A<T1 extends int, T2 extends T1> {
notSimplyBounded class B<T extends A<int, int>> {
B<A<int, int>> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_error2() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T1 extends T2, T2 extends int> {}
class B<T extends /*error:NOT_INSTANTIATED_BOUND*/A> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class A<T1 extends T2, T2 extends int> {
notSimplyBounded class B<T extends A<int, int>> {
B<A<int, int>> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_error3() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T1 extends int, T2 extends List<T1>> {}
class B<T extends /*error:NOT_INSTANTIATED_BOUND*/A> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
notSimplyBounded class A<T1 extends int, T2 extends List<T1>> {
notSimplyBounded class B<T extends A<int, List<int>>> {
B<A<int, List<int>>> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_OK_hasBound_definedAfter() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class B<T extends A> {}
class A<T extends int> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
class B<T extends A<int>> {
class A<T extends int> {
B<A<int>> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_OK_hasBound_definedBefore() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T extends int> {}
class B<T extends A> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
class A<T extends int> {
class B<T extends A<int>> {
B<A<int>> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_OK_inBound_hasBound_definedAfter() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
A v = null;
class A<T extends int> {}
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
class A<T extends int> {
A<int> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_OK_inBound_hasBound_definedBefore() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T extends int> {}
A v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
class A<T extends int> {
A<int> v;
test_instantiateToBounds_typeName_OK_noBound() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
class A<T> {}
class B<T extends A> {}
B v = null;
checkElementText(unit.library, r'''
class A<T> {
class B<T extends A<dynamic>> {
B<A<dynamic>> v;
test_lambdaDoesNotHavePropagatedTypeHint() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
List<String> getListOfString() => const <String>[];
void foo() {
List myList = getListOfString(); => 42);
void bar() {
var list;
try {
list = <String>[];
} catch (_) {
} => '$value');
test_listLiterals() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
test1() {
var x = [1, 2, 3];
List<num> y = x;
test2() {
var x = [1, 2.0, 3];
List<int> y = x;
test_listLiterals_topLevel() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var x1 = [1, 2, 3];
test1() {
List<num> y = x1;
var x2 = [1, 2.0, 3];
test2() {
List<int> y = x2;
test_listLiteralsCanInferNull_topLevel() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
var x = [null];
var x = unit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'List<Null>');
test_listLiteralsCanInferNullBottom() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
test1() {
var x = [null];
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'List<Null>');
test_mapLiterals() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
test1() {
var x = { 1: 'x', 2: 'y' };
x[3] = 'z';
x[/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'hi'] = 'w';
x[/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/4.0] = 'u';
x[3] = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/42;
Map<num, String> y = x;
test2() {
var x = { 1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3.0: new RegExp('.') };
x[3] = 'z';
x[/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'hi'] = 'w';
x[4.0] = 'u';
x[3] = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/42;
Pattern p = null;
x[2] = p;
Map<int, String> y = x;
test_mapLiterals_topLevel() async {
await checkFileElement(r'''
var x1 = { 1: 'x', 2: 'y' };
test1() {
x1[3] = 'z';
x1[/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'hi'] = 'w';
x1[/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/4.0] = 'u';
x1[3] = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/42;
Map<num, String> y = x1;
var x2 = { 1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3.0: new RegExp('.') };
test2() {
x2[3] = 'z';
x2[/*error:ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE*/'hi'] = 'w';
x2[4.0] = 'u';
x2[3] = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/42;
Pattern p = null;
x2[2] = p;
Map<int, String> y = x2;
test_mapLiteralsCanInferNull() async {
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
test1() {
var x = { null: null };
var x = findLocalVariable(unit, 'x');
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'Map<Null, Null>');
test_mapLiteralsCanInferNull_topLevel() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
var x = { null: null };
var x = unit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'Map<Null, Null>');
test_methodCall_withTypeArguments_instanceMethod() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
D<T> f<T>() => null;
class D<T> {}
var f = new C().f<int>();
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'D<int>');
test_methodCall_withTypeArguments_instanceMethod_identifierSequence() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
D<T> f<T>() => null;
class D<T> {}
C c;
var f = c.f<int>();
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[1];
expect(, 'f');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'D<int>');
test_methodCall_withTypeArguments_staticMethod() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
static D<T> f<T>() => null;
class D<T> {}
var f = C.f<int>();
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'D<int>');
test_methodCall_withTypeArguments_topLevelFunction() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
D<T> f<T>() => null;
class D<T> {}
var g = f<int>();
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'D<int>');
test_noErrorWhenDeclaredTypeIsNumAndAssignedNull() async {
await checkFileElement('''
test1() {
num x = 3;
x = null;
test_nullCoalescingOperator() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
main() {
List<int> x;
var y = x ?? [];
List<int> z = y;
// Don't do anything if we already have a context type.
var unit = await checkFile(r'''
main() {
List<int> x;
List<num> y = x ?? [];
var y = findLocalVariable(unit, 'y');
_assertTypeStr(y.initializer.returnType, 'List<num>');
test_nullLiteralShouldNotInferAsBottom() async {
// Regression test for
await checkFileElement(r'''
var h = null;
void foo(int f(Object _)) {}
main() {
var f = (Object x) => null;
String y = f(42);
f = (x) => /*error:INVALID_CAST_LITERAL*/'hello';
var g = null;
g = 'hello';
h = 'hello';
foo((x) => null);
foo((x) => throw "not implemented");
test_propagateInferenceToFieldInClass() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int x = 2;
test() {
var a = new A();
A b = a; // doesn't require down cast
print(a.x); // doesn't require dynamic invoke
print(a.x + 2); // ok to use in bigger expression
test_propagateInferenceToFieldInClassDynamicWarnings() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int x = 2;
test() {
dynamic a = new A();
A b = a;
print((a.x) + 2);
test_propagateInferenceTransitively() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int x = 2;
test5() {
var a1 = new A();
a1.x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
A a2 = new A();
a2.x = /*error:INVALID_ASSIGNMENT*/"hi";
test_propagateInferenceTransitively2() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class A {
int x = 42;
class B {
A a = new A();
class C {
B b = new B();
class D {
C c = new C();
void main() {
var d1 = new D();
D d2 = new D();
test_referenceToTypedef() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
typedef void F();
final x = F;
var x = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'Type');
test_refineBinaryExpressionType_typeParameter_T_double() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class C<T extends num> {
T a;
void op(double b) {
double r1 = a + b;
double r2 = a - b;
double r3 = a * b;
double r4 = a / b;
test_refineBinaryExpressionType_typeParameter_T_int() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class C<T extends num> {
T a;
void op(int b) {
T r1 = a + b;
T r2 = a - b;
T r3 = a * b;
void opEq(int b) {
a += b;
a -= b;
a *= b;
test_refineBinaryExpressionType_typeParameter_T_T() async {
await checkFileElement('''
class C<T extends num> {
T a;
void op(T b) {
T r1 = a + b;
T r2 = a - b;
T r3 = a * b;
void opEq(T b) {
a += b;
a -= b;
a *= b;
test_staticMethod_tearoff() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
const v = C.f;
class C {
static int f(String s) => null;
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'int Function(String)');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_closureCall() async {
// Regression test for
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = ((x) => 1.0)(() { return 1; });
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'double');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_constructorCall_explicitDynamicParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T> {
C(T x());
var v = new C<dynamic>(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'C<dynamic>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_constructorCall_explicitTypeParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C<T> {
C(T x());
var v = new C<int>(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'C<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_constructorCall_implicitTypeParam() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C<T> {
C(T x());
main() {
var v = new C(
() {
return 1;
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'C<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_constructorCall_noTypeParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
var v = new C(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'C');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_explicitDynamicParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = f<dynamic>(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<dynamic>');
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_explicitDynamicParam_viaExpr1() async {
// Note: (f<dynamic>) is not a valid syntax.
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = (f<dynamic>)(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<dynamic>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_explicitDynamicParam_viaExpr2() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = (f)<dynamic>(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<dynamic>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_explicitTypeParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = f<int>(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
@FailingTest(issue: '')
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_explicitTypeParam_viaExpr1() async {
// Note: (f<int>) is not a valid syntax.
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = (f<int>)(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_explicitTypeParam_viaExpr2() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = (f)<int>(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_implicitTypeParam() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = f(
() {
return 1;
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_implicitTypeParam_viaExpr() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = (f)(
() {
return 1;
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_noTypeParam() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = f(() { return 1; });
double f(x) => 1.0;
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'double');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_functionCall_noTypeParam_viaExpr() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = (f)(() { return 1; });
double f(x) => 1.0;
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'double');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_inList_dynamic() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = <dynamic>[() { return 1; }];
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<dynamic>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_inList_typed() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
typedef int F();
main() {
var v = <F>[() { return 1; }];
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int Function()>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_inList_untyped() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = [
() {
return 1;
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int Function()>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_inMap_dynamic() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = <int, dynamic>{1: () { return 1; }};
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'Map<int, dynamic>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_inMap_typed() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
typedef int F();
main() {
var v = <int, F>{1: () { return 1; }};
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'Map<int, int Function()>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_inMap_untyped() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
main() {
var v = {
1: () {
return 1;
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'Map<int, int Function()>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_methodCall_explicitDynamicParam() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
main() {
var v = new C().f<dynamic>(() { return 1; });
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<dynamic>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_methodCall_explicitTypeParam() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
main() {
var v = new C().f<int>(() { return 1; });
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_methodCall_implicitTypeParam() async {
var unit = await checkFile('''
class C {
List<T> f<T>(T g()) => <T>[g()];
main() {
var v = new C().f(
() {
return 1;
var v = findLocalVariable(unit, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'List<int>');
test_unsafeBlockClosureInference_methodCall_noTypeParam() async {
var mainUnit = await checkFileElement('''
class C {
double f(x) => 1.0;
var v = new C().f(() { return 1; });
var v = mainUnit.topLevelVariables[0];
expect(, 'v');
_assertTypeStr(v.type, 'double');
test_voidReturnTypeEquivalentToDynamic() async {
var unit = await checkFileElement(r'''
T run<T>(T f()) {
var t = f();
print("done running");
return t;
void printRunning() { print("running"); }
var x = run<dynamic>(printRunning);
var y = run(printRunning);
main() {
void printRunning() { print("running"); }
var x = run<dynamic>(printRunning);
var y = run(printRunning);
x = 123;
x = 'hi';
y = 123;
y = 'hi';
var x = unit.topLevelVariables[0];
var y = unit.topLevelVariables[1];
_assertTypeStr(x.type, 'dynamic');
_assertTypeStr(y.type, 'void');
void _assertTypeStr(DartType type, String expected) {
var typeStr = type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false);
expect(typeStr, expected);