blob: 123a064e7922781c81373dfa46d520aa0e9cf3fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class DiagnosticTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<void> test_afterDocumentEdits() async {
const initialContents = 'int a = 1;';
newFile(mainFilePath, content: initialContents);
final firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
final initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(0));
await openFile(mainFileUri, initialContents);
final secondDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await replaceFile(222, mainFileUri, 'String a = 1;');
final updatedDiagnostics = await secondDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(updatedDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
Future<void> test_contextMessage() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, content: '''
void f() {
x = 0;
int x;
final diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
final diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
final diagnostic = diagnostics.first;
expect(diagnostic.relatedInformation, hasLength(1));
Future<void> test_correction() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, content: '''
void f() {
x = 0;
final diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
final diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
final diagnostic = diagnostics.first;
expect(diagnostic.message, contains('\nTry'));
Future<void> test_deletedFile() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, content: 'String a = 1;');
final firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
final originalDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(originalDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
// Deleting the file should result in an update to remove the diagnostics.
final secondDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await deleteFile(mainFilePath);
final updatedDiagnostics = await secondDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(updatedDiagnostics, hasLength(0));
Future<void> test_dotFilesExcluded() async {
var dotFolderFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, '.dart_tool', 'tool_file.dart');
var dotFolderFileUri = Uri.file(dotFolderFilePath);
newFile(dotFolderFilePath, content: 'String a = 1;');
List<Diagnostic> diagnostics;
waitForDiagnostics(dotFolderFileUri).then((d) => diagnostics = d);
// Send a request for a hover.
await initialize();
await getHover(dotFolderFileUri, Position(0, 0));
// Ensure that as part of responding to getHover, diagnostics were not
// transmitted.
expect(diagnostics, isNull);
Future<void> test_initialAnalysis() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, content: 'String a = 1;');
final diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
final diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
final diagnostic = diagnostics.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('invalid_assignment'));
expect(diagnostic.range.start.line, equals(0));
expect(diagnostic.range.start.character, equals(11));
expect(diagnostic.range.end.line, equals(0));
expect(diagnostic.range.end.character, equals(12));
Future<void> test_todos() async {
// TODOs only show up if there's also some code in the file.
const initialContents = '''
// TODO: This
String a = "";
newFile(mainFilePath, content: initialContents);
final firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
final initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
// TODOs should not be sent by LSP.
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(0));