blob: aabc96849c6f9cb56cf3c8a9e600976d40a8b85b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--assert_initializer
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
bool assertsEnabled = false;
main() {
assert((assertsEnabled = true));
runtimeAsserts(); // //# none: ok
// Passing const expressions.
const c00 = const AssertArgument.constFirst(true, 0, 1);
const c01 = const AssertArgument.constLast(true, 0, 1);
const c02 = const AssertArgument.constMiddle(true, 0, 1);
const c03 = const AssertArgument.constMulti(true, 0, 1);
const c04 = const AssertArgument.constFirstSuper(true, 0, 1);
const c05 = const AssertArgument.constLastSuper(true, 0, 1);
const c06 = const AssertArgument.constMiddleSuper(true, 0, 1);
const c07 = const AssertArgument.constMultiSuper(true, 0, 1);
const c08 = const AssertCompare.constFirst(1, 2);
const c09 = const AssertCompare.constLast(1, 2);
const c10 = const AssertCompare.constMiddle(1, 2);
const c11 = const AssertCompare.constMulti(1, 2);
const c12 = const AssertCompare.constFirstSuper(1, 2);
const c13 = const AssertCompare.constLastSuper(1, 2);
const c14 = const AssertCompare.constMiddleSuper(1, 2);
const c15 = const AssertCompare.constMultiSuper(1, 2);
// Failing const expressions
const c = const AssertArgument.constFirst(false, 0, 1); // //# 01: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constLast(false, 0, 1); // //# 02: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMiddle(false, 0, 1); // //# 03: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMulti(false, 0, 1); // //# 04: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constFirstSuper(false, 0, 1); // //# 05: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constLastSuper(false, 0, 1); // //# 06: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMiddleSuper(false, 0, 1); // //# 07: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMultiSuper(false, 0, 1); // //# 08: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constFirst("str", 0, 1); // //# 11: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constLast("str", 0, 1); // //# 12: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMiddle("str", 0, 1); // //# 13: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMulti("str", 0, 1); // //# 14: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constFirstSuper("str", 0, 1); // //# 15: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constLastSuper("str", 0, 1); // //# 16: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMiddleSuper("str", 0, 1); // //# 17: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMultiSuper("str", 0, 1); // //# 18: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constFirst(3, 2); // //# 21: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constLast(3, 2); // //# 22: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMiddle(3, 2); // //# 23: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMulti(3, 2); // //# 24: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constFirstSuper(3, 2); // //# 25: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constLastSuper(3, 2); // //# 26: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMiddleSuper(3, 2); // //# 27: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMultiSuper(3, 2); // //# 28: compile-time error
// Functions not allowed in asserts in const execution.
const c = const AssertArgument.constFirst(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 31: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constLast(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 32: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMiddle(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 33: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMulti(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 34: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constFirstSuper(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 35: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constLastSuper(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 36: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMiddleSuper(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 37: compile-time error
const c = const AssertArgument.constMultiSuper(kTrue, 0, 1); // //# 38: compile-time error
const cTrue = const TrickCompare(true);
// Value must be integer for potential-const expression to be actually const.
const c = const AssertCompare.constFirst(cTrue, 2); // //# 41: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constLast(cTrue, 2); // //# 42: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMiddle(cTrue, 2); // //# 43: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMulti(cTrue, 2); // //# 44: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constFirstSuper(cTrue, 2); // //# 45: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constLastSuper(cTrue, 2); // //# 46: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMiddleSuper(cTrue, 2); // //# 47: compile-time error
const c = const AssertCompare.constMultiSuper(cTrue, 2); // //# 48: compile-time error
void runtimeAsserts() {
testAssertArgumentCombinations(value, test, [testConst]) {
test(() => new AssertArgument.first(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.last(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.middle(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.multi(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.firstSuper(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.lastSuper(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.middleSuper(value, 0, 1));
test(() => new AssertArgument.multiSuper(value, 0, 1));
testConst ??= test;
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constFirst(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constLast(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constMiddle(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constMulti(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constFirstSuper(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constLastSuper(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constMiddleSuper(value, 0, 1));
testConst(() => new AssertArgument.constMultiSuper(value, 0, 1));
testAssertCompareCombinations(v1, v2, test, [testConst]) {
test(() => new AssertCompare.first(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.last(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.middle(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.multi(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.firstSuper(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.lastSuper(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.middleSuper(v1, v2));
test(() => new AssertCompare.multiSuper(v1, v2));
testConst ??= test;
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constFirst(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constLast(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constMiddle(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constMulti(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constFirstSuper(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constLastSuper(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constMiddleSuper(v1, v2));
testConst(() => new AssertCompare.constMultiSuper(v1, v2));
testAssertArgumentCombinations(true, pass);
testAssertArgumentCombinations(kTrue, pass, failType);
testAssertArgumentCombinations(false, failAssert);
testAssertArgumentCombinations(kFalse, failAssert, failType);
testAssertArgumentCombinations(42, failType);
testAssertArgumentCombinations(null, failAssert);
testAssertCompareCombinations(1, 2, pass);
testAssertCompareCombinations(3, 2, failAssert);
var TrickCompareInt = const TrickCompare(42);
testAssertCompareCombinations(TrickCompareInt, 0, failType);
var TrickCompareTrueFun = const TrickCompare(kTrue);
testAssertCompareCombinations(TrickCompareTrueFun, 0, pass, failType);
var TrickCompareFalseFun = const TrickCompare(kFalse);
testAssertCompareCombinations(TrickCompareFalseFun, 0, failAssert, failType);
void pass(void action()) {
void failAssert(void action()) {
if (assertsEnabled) {
Expect.throws(action, (e) => e is AssertionError && e is! TypeError);
} else {
void failType(void action()) {
if (assertsEnabled) {
Expect.throws(action, (e) => e is TypeError);
} else {
bool kTrue() => true;
bool kFalse() => false;
class AssertArgument {
final y;
final z;
AssertArgument.first(x, y, z) : assert(x), y = y, z = z;
AssertArgument.last(x, y, z) : y = y, z = z, assert(x);
AssertArgument.middle(x, y, z) : y = y, assert(x), z = z;
AssertArgument.multi(x, y, z)
: assert(x), y = y, assert(x), z = z, assert(x);
AssertArgument.firstSuper(x, y, z) : assert(x), y = y, z = z, super();
AssertArgument.lastSuper(x, y, z) : y = y, z = z, assert(x), super();
AssertArgument.middleSuper(x, y, z) : y = y, assert(x), z = z, super();
AssertArgument.multiSuper(x, y, z)
: assert(x), y = y, assert(x), z = z, assert(x), super();
const AssertArgument.constFirst(x, y, z) : assert(x), y = y, z = z;
const AssertArgument.constLast(x, y, z) : y = y, z = z, assert(x);
const AssertArgument.constMiddle(x, y, z) : y = y, assert(x), z = z;
const AssertArgument.constMulti(x, y, z)
: assert(x), y = y, assert(x), z = z, assert(x);
const AssertArgument.constFirstSuper(x, y, z)
: assert(x), y = y, z = z, super();
const AssertArgument.constLastSuper(x, y, z)
: y = y, z = z, assert(x), super();
const AssertArgument.constMiddleSuper(x, y, z)
: y = y, assert(x), z = z, super();
const AssertArgument.constMultiSuper(x, y, z)
: assert(x), y = y, assert(x), z = z, assert(x), super();
class AssertCompare {
final y;
final z;
AssertCompare.first(y, z) : assert(y < z), y = y, z = z;
AssertCompare.last(y, z) : y = y, z = z, assert(y < z);
AssertCompare.middle(y, z) : y = y, assert(y < z), z = z;
AssertCompare.multi(y, z)
: assert(y < z), y = y, assert(y < z), z = z, assert(y < z);
AssertCompare.firstSuper(y, z) : assert(y < z), y = y, z = z, super();
AssertCompare.lastSuper(y, z) : y = y, z = z, assert(y < z), super();
AssertCompare.middleSuper(y, z) : y = y, assert(y < z), z = z, super();
AssertCompare.multiSuper(y, z)
: assert(y < z), y = y, assert(y < z), z = z, assert(y < z), super();
const AssertCompare.constFirst(y, z) : assert(y < z), y = y, z = z;
const AssertCompare.constLast(y, z) : y = y, z = z, assert(y < z);
const AssertCompare.constMiddle(y, z) : y = y, assert(y < z), z = z;
const AssertCompare.constMulti(y, z)
: assert(y < z), y = y, assert(y < z), z = z, assert(y < z);
const AssertCompare.constFirstSuper(y, z)
: assert(y < z), y = y, z = z, super();
const AssertCompare.constLastSuper(y, z)
: y = y, z = z, assert(y < z), super();
const AssertCompare.constMiddleSuper(y, z)
: y = y, assert(y < z), z = z, super();
const AssertCompare.constMultiSuper(y, z)
: assert(y < z), y = y, assert(y < z), z = z, assert(y < z), super();
class TrickCompare {
final result;
const TrickCompare(this.result);
operator<(other) => result; // Nyah-nyah!