blob: 1de253445cd45f4a274b9ca6c34e47cc4575f56e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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library analyzer.src.generated.incremental_logger;
* The shared instance of [Logger] used by several incremental resolution
* classes. It is initialized externally by the Analysis Engine client.
Logger logger = NULL_LOGGER;
* An instance of [Logger] that does not print anything.
final Logger NULL_LOGGER = new _NullLogger();
* An instance of [Logger] that uses `print` for output.
final Logger PRINT_LOGGER = new StringSinkLogger(new _PrintStringSink());
* A simple hierarchical logger.
abstract class Logger {
* Mark an enter to a new section with the given [name].
void enter(String name);
* Mark an exit from the current sections, logs the duration.
void exit();
* Logs the given [obj].
void log(Object obj);
* Logs the given [exception] and [stackTrace].
void logException(Object exception, [Object stackTrace]);
* Starts a new timer.
LoggingTimer startTimer();
* The handle of a timer.
class LoggingTimer {
final Logger _logger;
final Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
LoggingTimer(this._logger) {
* This methods stop the timer and logs the elapsed time.
void stop(String message) {
_logger.log('$message in ${_stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms');
* A [Logger] that writes to a [StringSink].
class StringSinkLogger implements Logger {
static const int _MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 512;
final StringSink _sink;
final List<_LoggerSection> _sectionStack = <_LoggerSection>[];
_LoggerSection _section = new _LoggerSection('', 'ROOT');
void enter(String name) {
log('+++ $name');
_section = new _LoggerSection(_section.indent + '\t', name);
void exit() {
DateTime now = new;
Duration duration = now.difference(_section.start);
String message = '--- ${} in ${duration.inMilliseconds} ms';
_section = _sectionStack.removeLast();
void log(Object obj) {
DateTime now = new;
String indent = _section.indent;
String objStr = _getObjectString(obj);
String line = '[$now] $indent$objStr';
void logException(Object exception, [Object stackTrace]) {
if (exception != null) {
if (stackTrace != null) {
LoggingTimer startTimer() {
return new LoggingTimer(this);
String _getObjectString(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return 'null';
if (obj is Function) {
obj = obj();
String str = obj.toString();
if (str.length < _MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
return str;
return str.split('\n').map((String line) {
if (line.length > _MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
line = line.substring(0, _MAX_LINE_LENGTH) + '...';
return line;
class _LoggerSection {
final DateTime start = new;
final String indent;
final String name;
* A [Logger] that does nothing.
class _NullLogger implements Logger {
void enter(String name) {}
void exit() {}
void log(Object obj) {}
void logException(Object exception, [Object stackTrace]) {}
LoggingTimer startTimer() {
return new LoggingTimer(this);
* A [StringSink] implementation that uses `print`.
class _PrintStringSink implements StringSink {
String _line = '';
void write(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
_line += 'null';
} else {
_line += obj.toString();
void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = '']) {
_line += objects.join(separator);
void writeCharCode(int charCode) {
_line += new String.fromCharCode(charCode);
void writeln([Object obj = '']) {
_line += obj;
_line = '';