blob: e240504436e2fd52b19de6186c9e712f313a115c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.generated.declaration_resolver;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
* A visitor that resolves declarations in an AST structure to already built
* elements.
* The resulting AST must have everything resolved that would have been resolved
* by a [CompilationUnitBuilder] (that is, must be a valid [RESOLVED_UNIT1]).
* This class must not assume that the [CompilationUnitElement] passed to it is
* any more complete than a [COMPILATION_UNIT_ELEMENT].
class DeclarationResolver extends RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
* The compilation unit containing the AST nodes being visited.
CompilationUnitElementImpl _enclosingUnit;
* The [ElementWalker] we are using to keep track of progress through the
* element model.
ElementWalker _walker;
* Resolve the declarations within the given compilation [unit] to the
* elements rooted at the given [element]. Throw an [ElementMismatchException]
* if the element model and compilation unit do not match each other.
void resolve(CompilationUnit unit, CompilationUnitElement element) {
_enclosingUnit = element;
_walker = new ElementWalker.forCompilationUnit(element);
unit.element = element;
try {
} on Error catch (e, st) {
throw new _ElementMismatchException(
element, _walker.element, new CaughtException(e, st));
Object visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
// Annotations can only contain elements in certain erroneous situations,
// in which case the elements are disconnected from the rest of the element
// model, thus we can't reconnect to them. To avoid crashes, just create
// fresh elements.
ElementHolder elementHolder = new ElementHolder();
new ElementBuilder(elementHolder, _enclosingUnit).visitAnnotation(node);
return null;
Object visitBlockFunctionBody(BlockFunctionBody node) {
if (_isBodyToCreateElementsFor(node)) {
return null;
} else {
return super.visitBlockFunctionBody(node);
Object visitCatchClause(CatchClause node) {
return super.visitCatchClause(node);
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
ClassElement element = _match(, _walker.getClass());
_walk(new ElementWalker.forClass(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
ClassElement element = _match(, _walker.getClass());
_walk(new ElementWalker.forClass(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitConstructorDeclaration(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
ConstructorElement element = _match(, _walker.getConstructor(),
offset: ?? node.returnType.offset);
_walk(new ElementWalker.forExecutable(element, _enclosingUnit), () {
node.element = element;
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitDeclaredIdentifier(DeclaredIdentifier node) {
// Declared identifiers can only occur inside executable elements.
return null;
Object visitDefaultFormalParameter(DefaultFormalParameter node) {
NormalFormalParameter normalParameter = node.parameter;
ParameterElement element =
_match(normalParameter.identifier, _walker.getParameter());
if (normalParameter is SimpleFormalParameterImpl) {
normalParameter.element = element;
Expression defaultValue = node.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) {
new ElementWalker.forExecutable(element.initializer, _enclosingUnit),
() {
_walk(new ElementWalker.forParameter(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitEnumDeclaration(EnumDeclaration node) {
ClassElement element = _match(, _walker.getEnum());
_walk(new ElementWalker.forClass(element), () {
for (EnumConstantDeclaration constant in node.constants) {
_match(, _walker.getVariable());
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
List<ElementAnnotation> annotations =
if (annotations.isEmpty && node.metadata.isNotEmpty) {
int index = (node.parent as CompilationUnit)
.where((directive) => directive is ExportDirective)
annotations = _walker.element.library.exports[index].metadata;
_resolveAnnotations(node, node.metadata, annotations);
return null;
Object visitExpressionFunctionBody(ExpressionFunctionBody node) {
if (_isBodyToCreateElementsFor(node)) {
return null;
} else {
return super.visitExpressionFunctionBody(node);
Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, node.fields.variables[0].element);
return null;
Object visitFieldFormalParameter(FieldFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
ParameterElement element =
_match(node.identifier, _walker.getParameter());
_walk(new ElementWalker.forParameter(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
} else {
return super.visitFieldFormalParameter(node);
Object visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration node) {
SimpleIdentifier functionName =;
Token property = node.propertyKeyword;
ExecutableElement element;
if (property == null) {
element = _match(functionName, _walker.getFunction());
} else {
if (_walker.element is ExecutableElement) {
element = _match(functionName, _walker.getFunction());
} else if (property.keyword == Keyword.GET) {
element = _match(functionName, _walker.getAccessor());
} else {
assert(property.keyword == Keyword.SET);
element = _match(functionName, _walker.getAccessor(),
elementName: + '=');
node.functionExpression.element = element;
_walk(new ElementWalker.forExecutable(element, _enclosingUnit), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
if (node.parent is! FunctionDeclaration) {
FunctionElement element = _walker.getFunction();
_matchOffset(element, node.offset);
node.element = element;
_walk(new ElementWalker.forExecutable(element, _enclosingUnit), () {
return null;
} else {
return super.visitFunctionExpression(node);
Object visitFunctionTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAlias node) {
FunctionTypeAliasElement element = _match(, _walker.getTypedef());
_walk(new ElementWalker.forTypedef(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(FunctionTypedFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
ParameterElement element =
_match(node.identifier, _walker.getParameter());
_walk(new ElementWalker.forParameter(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
} else {
return super.visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter(node);
Object visitGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionType node) {
GenericFunctionTypeElement element = node.type.element;
_walk(new ElementWalker.forGenericFunctionType(element), () {
return null;
Object visitGenericTypeAlias(GenericTypeAlias node) {
GenericTypeAliasElementImpl element =
_match(, _walker.getTypedef());
(node.functionType as GenericFunctionTypeImpl)?.type =
_walk(new ElementWalker.forGenericTypeAlias(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
List<ElementAnnotation> annotations =
if (annotations.isEmpty && node.metadata.isNotEmpty) {
int index = (node.parent as CompilationUnit)
.where((directive) => directive is ImportDirective)
annotations = _walker.element.library.imports[index].metadata;
_resolveAnnotations(node, node.metadata, annotations);
return null;
Object visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
bool onSwitchStatement = node.statement is SwitchStatement;
.buildLabelElements(node.labels, onSwitchStatement, false);
return super.visitLabeledStatement(node);
Object visitLibraryDirective(LibraryDirective node) {
List<ElementAnnotation> annotations =
if (annotations.isEmpty && node.metadata.isNotEmpty) {
annotations = _walker.element.library.metadata;
_resolveAnnotations(node, node.metadata, annotations);
return null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) {
Token property = node.propertyKeyword;
SimpleIdentifier methodName =;
String nameOfMethod =;
ExecutableElement element;
if (property == null) {
String elementName = nameOfMethod == '-' &&
node.parameters != null &&
? 'unary-'
: nameOfMethod;
element =
_match(methodName, _walker.getFunction(), elementName: elementName);
} else {
if (property.keyword == Keyword.GET) {
element = _match(methodName, _walker.getAccessor());
} else {
assert(property.keyword == Keyword.SET);
element = _match(methodName, _walker.getAccessor(),
elementName: nameOfMethod + '=');
_walk(new ElementWalker.forExecutable(element, _enclosingUnit), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitPartDirective(PartDirective node) {
List<ElementAnnotation> annotations =
if (annotations.isEmpty && node.metadata.isNotEmpty) {
int index = (node.parent as CompilationUnit)
.where((directive) => directive is PartDirective)
annotations =[index].metadata;
_resolveAnnotations(node, node.metadata, annotations);
return null;
Object visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) {
node.element = _enclosingUnit.library;
return super.visitPartOfDirective(node);
Object visitSimpleFormalParameter(SimpleFormalParameter node) {
if (node.parent is! DefaultFormalParameter) {
ParameterElement element =
_match(node.identifier, _walker.getParameter());
(node as SimpleFormalParameterImpl).element = element;
TypeAnnotation type = node.type;
if (type is GenericFunctionTypeImpl) {
type.type = element.type;
_walk(new ElementWalker.forParameter(element), () {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
} else {
return super.visitSimpleFormalParameter(node);
Object visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
_walker.elementBuilder.buildLabelElements(node.labels, false, true);
return super.visitSwitchCase(node);
Object visitSwitchDefault(SwitchDefault node) {
_walker.elementBuilder.buildLabelElements(node.labels, false, true);
return super.visitSwitchDefault(node);
Object visitTopLevelVariableDeclaration(TopLevelVariableDeclaration node) {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, node.variables.variables[0].element);
return null;
Object visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
if (node.parent.parent is FunctionTypedFormalParameter) {
// Work around
// TODO(paulberry): remove this once is fixed.
var element = new TypeParameterElementImpl.forNode(;
element.type = new TypeParameterTypeImpl(element); = element;
return null;
Element element = _match(, _walker.getTypeParameter());
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, element);
return null;
Object visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
VariableElement element = _match(, _walker.getVariable());
Expression initializer = node.initializer;
if (initializer != null) {
new ElementWalker.forExecutable(element.initializer, _enclosingUnit),
() {
return null;
} else {
return super.visitVariableDeclaration(node);
Object visitVariableDeclarationList(VariableDeclarationList node) {
if (_walker.elementBuilder != null) {
return _walker.elementBuilder.visitVariableDeclarationList(node);
} else {
if (node.parent is! FieldDeclaration &&
node.parent is! TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
_resolveMetadata(node, node.metadata, node.variables[0].element);
return null;
* Updates [identifier] to point to [element], after ensuring that the
* element has the expected name.
* If no [elementName] is given, it defaults to the name of the [identifier]
* (or the empty string if [identifier] is `null`).
* If [identifier] is `null`, nothing is updated, but the element name is
* still checked.
Element/*=E*/ _match/*<E extends Element>*/(
SimpleIdentifier identifier, Element/*=E*/ element,
{String elementName, int offset}) {
elementName ??= identifier?.name ?? '';
offset ??= identifier?.offset ?? -1;
if ( != elementName) {
throw new StateError(
'Expected an element matching `$elementName`, got `${}`');
identifier?.staticElement = element;
_matchOffset(element, offset);
return element;
void _matchOffset(Element element, int offset) {
if (element.nameOffset != 0 && element.nameOffset != offset) {
throw new StateError('Element offset mismatch');
} else {
(element as ElementImpl).nameOffset = offset;
* Associate each of the annotation [nodes] with the corresponding
* [ElementAnnotation] in [annotations]. If there is a problem, report it
* against the given [parent] node.
void _resolveAnnotations(AstNode parent, NodeList<Annotation> nodes,
List<ElementAnnotation> annotations) {
int nodeCount = nodes.length;
if (nodeCount != annotations.length) {
throw new StateError('Found $nodeCount annotation nodes and '
'${annotations.length} element annotations');
for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) {
nodes[i].elementAnnotation = annotations[i];
* If [element] is not `null`, associate each of the annotation [nodes] with
* the corresponding [ElementAnnotation] in [element.metadata]. If there is a
* problem, report it against the given [parent] node.
* If [element] is `null`, do nothing--this allows us to be robust in the
* case where we are operating on an element model that hasn't been fully
* built.
void _resolveMetadata(
AstNode parent, NodeList<Annotation> nodes, Element element) {
if (element != null) {
_resolveAnnotations(parent, nodes, element.metadata);
* Recurses through the element model and AST, verifying that all elements are
* matched.
* Executes [callback] with [_walker] pointing to the given [walker] (which
* should be a new instance of [ElementWalker]). Once [callback] returns,
* uses [ElementWalker.validate] to verify that all expected elements have
* been matched.
void _walk(ElementWalker walker, void callback()) {
ElementWalker outerWalker = _walker;
_walker = walker;
_walker = outerWalker;
static bool _isBodyToCreateElementsFor(FunctionBody node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
return parent is ConstructorDeclaration ||
parent is MethodDeclaration ||
parent.parent is FunctionDeclaration &&
parent.parent.parent is CompilationUnit;
* Keeps track of the set of non-synthetic child elements of an element,
* yielding them one at a time in response to "get" method calls.
class ElementWalker {
* The element whose child elements are being walked.
final Element element;
* If [element] is an executable element, an element builder which is
* accumulating the executable element's local variables and labels.
* Otherwise `null`.
LocalElementBuilder elementBuilder;
* If [element] is an executable element, the element holder associated with
* [elementBuilder]. Otherwise `null`.
ElementHolder _elementHolder;
List<PropertyAccessorElement> _accessors;
int _accessorIndex = 0;
List<ClassElement> _classes;
int _classIndex = 0;
List<ConstructorElement> _constructors;
int _constructorIndex = 0;
List<ClassElement> _enums;
int _enumIndex = 0;
List<ExecutableElement> _functions;
int _functionIndex = 0;
List<ParameterElement> _parameters;
int _parameterIndex = 0;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElement> _typedefs;
int _typedefIndex = 0;
List<TypeParameterElement> _typeParameters;
int _typeParameterIndex = 0;
List<VariableElement> _variables;
int _variableIndex = 0;
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a class
* element.
ElementWalker.forClass(ClassElement element)
: element = element,
_accessors = element.accessors.where(_isNotSynthetic).toList(),
_constructors = element.isMixinApplication
? null
: element.constructors.where(_isNotSynthetic).toList(),
_functions = element.methods,
_typeParameters = element.typeParameters,
_variables = element.fields.where(_isNotSynthetic).toList();
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a compilation
* unit element.
ElementWalker.forCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit)
: element = compilationUnit,
_accessors = compilationUnit.accessors.where(_isNotSynthetic).toList(),
_classes = compilationUnit.types,
_enums = compilationUnit.enums,
_functions = compilationUnit.functions,
_typedefs = compilationUnit.functionTypeAliases,
_variables =
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a compilation
* unit element.
ExecutableElement element, CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit)
: this._forExecutable(element, compilationUnit, new ElementHolder());
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a typedef
* element.
ElementWalker.forGenericFunctionType(GenericFunctionTypeElement element)
: element = element,
_parameters = element.parameters,
_typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a typedef
* element defined using a generic function type.
ElementWalker.forGenericTypeAlias(FunctionTypeAliasElement element)
: element = element,
_typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a parameter
* element.
ElementWalker.forParameter(ParameterElement element)
: element = element,
_parameters = element.parameters,
_typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
* Creates an [ElementWalker] which walks the child elements of a typedef
* element.
ElementWalker.forTypedef(FunctionTypeAliasElement element)
: element = element,
_parameters = element.parameters,
_typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
ElementWalker._forExecutable(ExecutableElement element,
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit, ElementHolder elementHolder)
: element = element,
elementBuilder =
new LocalElementBuilder(elementHolder, compilationUnit),
_elementHolder = elementHolder,
_functions = element.functions,
_parameters = element.parameters,
_typeParameters = element.typeParameters;
void consumeLocalElements() {
_functionIndex = _functions.length;
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is an accessor;
* throws an [IndexError] if there are no more.
PropertyAccessorElement getAccessor() => _accessors[_accessorIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a class; throws
* an [IndexError] if there are no more.
ClassElement getClass() => _classes[_classIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a constructor;
* throws an [IndexError] if there are no more.
ConstructorElement getConstructor() => _constructors[_constructorIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is an enum; throws
* an [IndexError] if there are no more.
ClassElement getEnum() => _enums[_enumIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a top level
* function, method, or local function; throws an [IndexError] if there are no
* more.
ExecutableElement getFunction() => _functions[_functionIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a parameter;
* throws an [IndexError] if there are no more.
ParameterElement getParameter() => _parameters[_parameterIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a typedef;
* throws an [IndexError] if there are no more.
FunctionTypeAliasElement getTypedef() => _typedefs[_typedefIndex++];
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a type
* parameter; throws an [IndexError] if there are no more.
TypeParameterElement getTypeParameter() =>
* Returns the next non-synthetic child of [element] which is a top level
* variable, field, or local variable; throws an [IndexError] if there are no
* more.
VariableElement getVariable() => _variables[_variableIndex++];
* Verifies that all non-synthetic children of [element] have been obtained
* from their corresponding "get" method calls; if not, throws a [StateError].
void validate() {
void check(List<Element> elements, int index) {
if (elements != null && elements.length != index) {
throw new StateError(
'Unmatched ${elements[index].runtimeType} ${elements[index]}');
check(_accessors, _accessorIndex);
check(_classes, _classIndex);
check(_constructors, _constructorIndex);
check(_enums, _enumIndex);
check(_functions, _functionIndex);
check(_parameters, _parameterIndex);
check(_typedefs, _typedefIndex);
check(_typeParameters, _typeParameterIndex);
check(_variables, _variableIndex);
Element element = this.element;
if (element is ExecutableElementImpl) {
element.functions = _elementHolder.functions;
element.labels = _elementHolder.labels;
element.localVariables = _elementHolder.localVariables;
static bool _isNotSynthetic(Element e) => !e.isSynthetic;
class _ElementMismatchException extends AnalysisException {
* Creates an exception to refer to the given [compilationUnit], [element],
* and [cause].
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit, Element element,
[CaughtException cause = null])
: super('Element mismatch in $compilationUnit at $element', cause);