blob: 04d33590e43284d4e810c0c09baf8162e1326e61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart'
show AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
* Return the [CompilationUnitElement] that should be used for [element].
* Throw [StateError] if the [element] is not linked into a unit.
CompilationUnitElement getUnitElement(Element element) {
for (Element e = element; e != null; e = e.enclosingElement) {
if (e is CompilationUnitElement) {
return e;
if (e is LibraryElement) {
return e.definingCompilationUnit;
throw new StateError('Element not contained in compilation unit: $element');
* Index the [unit] into a new [AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder].
AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder indexUnit(CompilationUnit unit) {
return new _IndexAssembler().assemble(unit);
* Information about an element that is actually put into index for some other
* related element. For example for a synthetic getter this is the corresponding
* non-synthetic field and [IndexSyntheticElementKind.getter] as the [kind].
class IndexElementInfo {
final Element element;
final IndexSyntheticElementKind kind;
factory IndexElementInfo(Element element) {
IndexSyntheticElementKind kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.notSynthetic;
ElementKind elementKind = element.kind;
if (elementKind == ElementKind.LIBRARY ||
elementKind == ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT) {
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.unit;
} else if (element.isSynthetic) {
if (elementKind == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR) {
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.constructor;
element = element.enclosingElement;
} else if (elementKind == ElementKind.FUNCTION && == 'loadLibrary') {
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.loadLibrary;
element = element.library;
} else if (elementKind == ElementKind.FIELD) {
FieldElement field = element;
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.field;
element = field.getter ?? field.setter;
} else if (elementKind == ElementKind.GETTER ||
elementKind == ElementKind.SETTER) {
PropertyAccessorElement accessor = element;
Element enclosing = element.enclosingElement;
bool isEnumGetter = enclosing is ClassElement && enclosing.isEnum;
if (isEnumGetter && == 'index') {
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.enumIndex;
element = enclosing;
} else if (isEnumGetter && == 'values') {
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.enumValues;
element = enclosing;
} else {
kind = accessor.isGetter
? IndexSyntheticElementKind.getter
: IndexSyntheticElementKind.setter;
element = accessor.variable;
} else if (elementKind == ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE) {
TopLevelVariableElement property = element;
kind = IndexSyntheticElementKind.topLevelVariable;
element = property.getter ?? property.setter;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Unsupported synthetic element ${element.runtimeType}');
return new IndexElementInfo._(element, kind);
IndexElementInfo._(this.element, this.kind);
* Information about an element referenced in index.
class _ElementInfo {
* The identifier of the [CompilationUnitElement] containing this element.
final int unitId;
* The identifier of the top-level name, or `null` if the element is a
* reference to the unit.
final _StringInfo nameIdUnitMember;
* The identifier of the class member name, or `null` if the element is not a
* class member or a named parameter of a class member.
final _StringInfo nameIdClassMember;
* The identifier of the named parameter name, or `null` if the element is not
* a named parameter.
final _StringInfo nameIdParameter;
* The kind of the element.
final IndexSyntheticElementKind kind;
* The unique id of the element. It is set after indexing of the whole
* package is done and we are assembling the full package index.
int id;
_ElementInfo(this.unitId, this.nameIdUnitMember, this.nameIdClassMember,
this.nameIdParameter, this.kind);
* Information about a single relation in a single compilation unit.
class _ElementRelationInfo {
final _ElementInfo elementInfo;
final IndexRelationKind kind;
final int offset;
final int length;
final bool isQualified;
this.elementInfo, this.kind, this.offset, this.length, this.isQualified);
* Assembler of a single [CompilationUnit] index.
* The intended usage sequence:
* - Call [addElementRelation] for each element relation found in the unit.
* - Call [addNameRelation] for each name relation found in the unit.
* - Assign ids to all the [_ElementInfo] in [elementRelations].
* - Call [assemble] to produce the final unit index.
class _IndexAssembler {
* The string to use in place of the `null` string.
static const NULL_STRING = '--nullString--';
* Map associating referenced elements with their [_ElementInfo]s.
final Map<Element, _ElementInfo> elementMap = {};
* Map associating [CompilationUnitElement]s with their identifiers, which
* are indices into [unitLibraryUris] and [unitUnitUris].
final Map<CompilationUnitElement, int> unitMap = {};
* The fields [unitLibraryUris] and [unitUnitUris] are used together to
* describe each unique [CompilationUnitElement].
* This field contains the library URI of a unit.
final List<_StringInfo> unitLibraryUris = [];
* The fields [unitLibraryUris] and [unitUnitUris] are used together to
* describe each unique [CompilationUnitElement].
* This field contains the unit URI of a unit, which might be the same as
* the library URI for the defining unit, or a different one for a part.
final List<_StringInfo> unitUnitUris = [];
* Map associating strings with their [_StringInfo]s.
final Map<String, _StringInfo> stringMap = {};
* All element relations.
final List<_ElementRelationInfo> elementRelations = [];
* All unresolved name relations.
final List<_NameRelationInfo> nameRelations = [];
* The [_StringInfo] to use for `null` strings.
_StringInfo nullString;
_IndexAssembler() {
nullString = _getStringInfo(NULL_STRING);
void addElementRelation(Element element, IndexRelationKind kind, int offset,
int length, bool isQualified) {
_ElementInfo elementInfo = _getElementInfo(element);
elementRelations.add(new _ElementRelationInfo(
elementInfo, kind, offset, length, isQualified));
void addNameRelation(
String name, IndexRelationKind kind, int offset, bool isQualified) {
_StringInfo nameId = _getStringInfo(name);
nameRelations.add(new _NameRelationInfo(nameId, kind, offset, isQualified));
* Index the [unit] and assemble a new [AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder].
AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder assemble(CompilationUnit unit) {
unit.accept(new _IndexContributor(this));
// sort strings end set IDs
List<_StringInfo> stringInfoList = stringMap.values.toList();
stringInfoList.sort((a, b) {
return a.value.compareTo(b.value);
for (int i = 0; i < stringInfoList.length; i++) {
stringInfoList[i].id = i;
// sort elements and set IDs
List<_ElementInfo> elementInfoList = elementMap.values.toList();
elementInfoList.sort((a, b) {
int delta;
delta = -;
if (delta != null) {
return delta;
delta = -;
if (delta != null) {
return delta;
return -;
for (int i = 0; i < elementInfoList.length; i++) {
elementInfoList[i].id = i;
// Sort element and name relations.
elementRelations.sort((a, b) {
return -;
nameRelations.sort((a, b) {
return -;
return new AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder(
strings: => s.value).toList(),
unitLibraryUris: =>,
unitUnitUris: =>,
elementKinds: => e.kind).toList(),
elementUnits: => e.unitId).toList(),
elementNameUnitMemberIds: =>,
elementNameClassMemberIds: =>,
elementNameParameterIds: =>,
usedElements: =>,
usedElementKinds: => r.kind).toList(),
usedElementOffsets: => r.offset).toList(),
usedElementLengths: => r.length).toList(),
usedElementIsQualifiedFlags: => r.isQualified).toList(),
usedNames: =>,
usedNameKinds: => r.kind).toList(),
usedNameOffsets: => r.offset).toList(),
usedNameIsQualifiedFlags: => r.isQualified).toList());
* Return the unique [_ElementInfo] corresponding the [element]. The field
* [] is filled by [assemble] during final sorting.
_ElementInfo _getElementInfo(Element element) {
if (element is Member) {
element = (element as Member).baseElement;
return elementMap.putIfAbsent(element, () {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = getUnitElement(element);
int unitId = _getUnitId(unitElement);
return _newElementInfo(unitId, element);
* Return the unique [_StringInfo] corresponding the given [string]. The
* field [] is filled by [assemble] during final sorting.
_StringInfo _getStringInfo(String string) {
return stringMap.putIfAbsent(string, () {
return new _StringInfo(string);
* Add information about [unitElement] to [unitUnitUris] and
* [unitLibraryUris] if necessary, and return the location in those
* arrays representing [unitElement].
int _getUnitId(CompilationUnitElement unitElement) {
return unitMap.putIfAbsent(unitElement, () {
assert(unitLibraryUris.length == unitUnitUris.length);
int id = unitUnitUris.length;
return id;
* Return the unique [_StringInfo] corresponding [uri]. The field
* [] is filled by [assemble] during final sorting.
_StringInfo _getUriInfo(Uri uri) {
String str = uri.toString();
return _getStringInfo(str);
* Return a new [_ElementInfo] for the given [element] in the given [unitId].
* This method is static, so it cannot add any information to the index.
_ElementInfo _newElementInfo(int unitId, Element element) {
IndexElementInfo info = new IndexElementInfo(element);
element = info.element;
// Prepare name identifiers.
_StringInfo nameIdParameter = nullString;
_StringInfo nameIdClassMember = nullString;
_StringInfo nameIdUnitMember = nullString;
if (element is ParameterElement) {
nameIdParameter = _getStringInfo(;
element = element.enclosingElement;
if (element?.enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
nameIdClassMember = _getStringInfo(;
element = element.enclosingElement;
if (element?.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
nameIdUnitMember = _getStringInfo(;
return new _ElementInfo(unitId, nameIdUnitMember, nameIdClassMember,
nameIdParameter, info.kind);
* Visits a resolved AST and adds relationships into the [assembler].
class _IndexContributor extends GeneralizingAstVisitor {
final _IndexAssembler assembler;
void recordIsAncestorOf(Element descendant) {
_recordIsAncestorOf(descendant, descendant, false, <ClassElement>[]);
* Record that the name [node] has a relation of the given [kind].
void recordNameRelation(
SimpleIdentifier node, IndexRelationKind kind, bool isQualified) {
if (node != null) {
assembler.addNameRelation(, kind, node.offset, isQualified);
* Record reference to the given operator [Element].
void recordOperatorReference(Token operator, Element element) {
recordRelationToken(element, IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY, operator);
* Record that [element] has a relation of the given [kind] at the location
* of the given [node]. The flag [isQualified] is `true` if [node] has an
* explicit or implicit qualifier, so cannot be shadowed by a local
* declaration.
void recordRelation(
Element element, IndexRelationKind kind, AstNode node, bool isQualified) {
if (element != null && node != null) {
element, kind, node.offset, node.length, isQualified);
* Record that [element] has a relation of the given [kind] at the given
* [offset] and [length]. The flag [isQualified] is `true` if the relation
* has an explicit or implicit qualifier, so [element] cannot be shadowed by
* a local declaration.
void recordRelationOffset(Element element, IndexRelationKind kind, int offset,
int length, bool isQualified) {
// Ignore elements that can't be referenced outside of the unit.
ElementKind elementKind = element?.kind;
if (elementKind == null ||
elementKind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC ||
elementKind == ElementKind.ERROR ||
elementKind == ElementKind.LABEL ||
elementKind == ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE ||
elementKind == ElementKind.PREFIX ||
elementKind == ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER ||
elementKind == ElementKind.FUNCTION &&
element is FunctionElement &&
element.enclosingElement is ExecutableElement ||
elementKind == ElementKind.PARAMETER &&
element is ParameterElement &&
element.parameterKind != ParameterKind.NAMED ||
false) {
// Ignore named parameters of synthetic functions, e.g. created for LUB.
// These functions are not bound to a source, we cannot index them.
if (elementKind == ElementKind.PARAMETER &&
element is ParameterElement &&
element.enclosingElement.isSynthetic) {
// Add the relation.
assembler.addElementRelation(element, kind, offset, length, isQualified);
* Record that [element] has a relation of the given [kind] at the location
* of the given [token].
void recordRelationToken(
Element element, IndexRelationKind kind, Token token) {
if (element != null && token != null) {
recordRelationOffset(element, kind, token.offset, token.length, true);
* Record a relation between a super [typeName] and its [Element].
void recordSuperType(TypeName typeName, IndexRelationKind kind) {
Identifier name = typeName?.name;
if (name != null) {
Element element = name.staticElement;
bool isQualified;
SimpleIdentifier relNode;
if (name is PrefixedIdentifier) {
isQualified = true;
relNode = name.identifier;
} else {
isQualified = false;
relNode = name;
recordRelation(element, kind, relNode, isQualified);
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, relNode, isQualified);
void recordUriReference(Element element, UriBasedDirective directive) {
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, directive.uri, true);
visitAssignmentExpression(AssignmentExpression node) {
recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitBinaryExpression(BinaryExpression node) {
recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
if (node.extendsClause == null) {
ClassElement objectElement = resolutionMap
recordRelationOffset(objectElement, IndexRelationKind.IS_EXTENDED_BY,, 0, true);
visitClassTypeAlias(ClassTypeAlias node) {
visitConstructorFieldInitializer(ConstructorFieldInitializer node) {
SimpleIdentifier fieldName = node.fieldName;
if (fieldName != null) {
Element element = fieldName.staticElement;
recordRelation(element, IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY, fieldName, true);
visitConstructorName(ConstructorName node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.staticElement;
element = _getActualConstructorElement(element);
// record relation
if ( != null) {
int offset = node.period.offset;
int length = - offset;
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, offset, length, true);
} else {
int offset = node.type.end;
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, offset, 0, true);
visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) {
ExportElement element = node.element;
recordUriReference(element?.exportedLibrary, node);
visitExtendsClause(ExtendsClause node) {
recordSuperType(node.superclass, IndexRelationKind.IS_EXTENDED_BY);
visitImplementsClause(ImplementsClause node) {
for (TypeName typeName in node.interfaces) {
recordSuperType(typeName, IndexRelationKind.IS_IMPLEMENTED_BY);
visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) {
ImportElement element = node.element;
recordUriReference(element?.importedLibrary, node);
visitIndexExpression(IndexExpression node) {
MethodElement element = node.bestElement;
if (element is MethodElement) {
Token operator = node.leftBracket;
recordRelationToken(element, IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY, operator);
visitLibraryIdentifier(LibraryIdentifier node) {}
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
SimpleIdentifier name = node.methodName;
Element element = name.bestElement;
// unresolved name invocation
bool isQualified = node.realTarget != null;
if (element == null) {
recordNameRelation(name, IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY, isQualified);
// element invocation
IndexRelationKind kind = element is ClassElement
? IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY
: IndexRelationKind.IS_INVOKED_BY;
recordRelation(element, kind, name, isQualified);;
visitPartDirective(PartDirective node) {
Element element = node.element;
recordUriReference(element, node);
visitPostfixExpression(PostfixExpression node) {
recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitPrefixExpression(PrefixExpression node) {
recordOperatorReference(node.operator, node.bestElement);
visitRedirectingConstructorInvocation(RedirectingConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.staticElement;
if (node.constructorName != null) {
int offset = node.period.offset;
int length = node.constructorName.end - offset;
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, offset, length, true);
} else {
int offset = node.thisKeyword.end;
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, offset, 0, true);
visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
// name in declaration
if (node.inDeclarationContext()) {
Element element = node.bestElement;
// record unresolved name reference
bool isQualified = _isQualified(node);
if (element == null) {
bool inGetterContext = node.inGetterContext();
bool inSetterContext = node.inSetterContext();
IndexRelationKind kind;
if (inGetterContext && inSetterContext) {
kind = IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_WRITTEN_BY;
} else if (inGetterContext) {
kind = IndexRelationKind.IS_READ_BY;
} else {
kind = IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY;
recordNameRelation(node, kind, isQualified);
// this.field parameter
if (element is FieldFormalParameterElement) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
IndexRelationKind kind =
parent is FieldFormalParameter && parent.identifier == node
? IndexRelationKind.IS_WRITTEN_BY
: IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY;
recordRelation(element.field, kind, node, true);
// ignore a local reference to a parameter
if (element is ParameterElement && node.parent is! Label) {
// record specific relations
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, node, isQualified);
visitSuperConstructorInvocation(SuperConstructorInvocation node) {
ConstructorElement element = node.staticElement;
if (node.constructorName != null) {
int offset = node.period.offset;
int length = node.constructorName.end - offset;
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, offset, length, true);
} else {
int offset = node.superKeyword.end;
element, IndexRelationKind.IS_REFERENCED_BY, offset, 0, true);
visitTypeName(TypeName node) {
AstNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is ClassTypeAlias && parent.superclass == node) {
recordSuperType(node, IndexRelationKind.IS_EXTENDED_BY);
} else {
visitWithClause(WithClause node) {
for (TypeName typeName in node.mixinTypes) {
recordSuperType(typeName, IndexRelationKind.IS_MIXED_IN_BY);
* If the given [constructor] is a synthetic constructor created for a
* [ClassTypeAlias], return the actual constructor of a [ClassDeclaration]
* which is invoked. Return `null` if a redirection cycle is detected.
ConstructorElement _getActualConstructorElement(
ConstructorElement constructor) {
Set<ConstructorElement> seenConstructors = new Set<ConstructorElement>();
while (constructor != null &&
constructor.isSynthetic &&
constructor.redirectedConstructor != null) {
constructor = constructor.redirectedConstructor;
// fail if a cycle is detected
if (!seenConstructors.add(constructor)) {
return null;
return constructor;
* Return `true` if [node] has an explicit or implicit qualifier, so that it
* cannot be shadowed by a local declaration.
bool _isQualified(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.isQualified) {
return true;
AstNode parent = node.parent;
return parent is Combinator || parent is Label;
void _recordIsAncestorOf(Element descendant, ClassElement ancestor,
bool includeThis, List<ClassElement> visitedElements) {
if (ancestor == null) {
if (visitedElements.contains(ancestor)) {
if (includeThis) {
int offset = descendant.nameOffset;
int length = descendant.nameLength;
ancestor, IndexRelationKind.IS_ANCESTOR_OF, offset, length, false);
InterfaceType superType = ancestor.supertype;
if (superType != null) {
descendant, superType.element, true, visitedElements);
for (InterfaceType mixinType in ancestor.mixins) {
_recordIsAncestorOf(descendant, mixinType.element, true, visitedElements);
for (InterfaceType implementedType in ancestor.interfaces) {
descendant, implementedType.element, true, visitedElements);
* Information about a single name relation in single compilation unit.
class _NameRelationInfo {
final _StringInfo nameInfo;
final IndexRelationKind kind;
final int offset;
final bool isQualified;
_NameRelationInfo(this.nameInfo, this.kind, this.offset, this.isQualified);
* Information about a string referenced in the index.
class _StringInfo {
* The value of the string.
final String value;
* The unique id of the string. It is set after indexing of the whole
* package is done and we are assembling the full package index.
int id;