blob: 157d8d8e7cb8b05dc361f23427514308396a3037 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/context/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart' show CompilationUnitElement;
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_tracker.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/index.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/library_analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/library_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/search.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/status.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/top_level_declaration.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisContext, AnalysisEngine, AnalysisOptions;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/lint.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
* This class computes [AnalysisResult]s for Dart files.
* Let the set of "explicitly analyzed files" denote the set of paths that have
* been passed to [addFile] but not subsequently passed to [removeFile]. Let
* the "current analysis results" denote the map from the set of explicitly
* analyzed files to the most recent [AnalysisResult] delivered to [results]
* for each file. Let the "current file state" represent a map from file path
* to the file contents most recently read from that file, or fetched from the
* content cache (considering all possible possible file paths, regardless of
* whether they're in the set of explicitly analyzed files). Let the
* "analysis state" be either "analyzing" or "idle".
* (These are theoretical constructs; they may not necessarily reflect data
* structures maintained explicitly by the driver).
* Then we make the following guarantees:
* - Whenever the analysis state is idle, the current analysis results are
* consistent with the current file state.
* - A call to [addFile] or [changeFile] causes the analysis state to
* transition to "analyzing", and schedules the contents of the given
* files to be read into the current file state prior to the next time
* the analysis state transitions back to "idle".
* - If at any time the client stops making calls to [addFile], [changeFile],
* and [removeFile], the analysis state will eventually transition back to
* "idle" after a finite amount of processing.
* As a result of these guarantees, a client may ensure that the analysis
* results are "eventually consistent" with the file system by simply calling
* [changeFile] any time the contents of a file on the file system have changed.
* TODO(scheglov) Clean up the list of implicitly analyzed files.
class AnalysisDriver implements AnalysisDriverGeneric {
* The version of data format, should be incremented on every format change.
static const int DATA_VERSION = 28;
* The number of exception contexts allowed to write. Once this field is
* zero, we stop writing any new exception contexts in this process.
static int allowedNumberOfContextsToWrite = 10;
* The name of the driver, e.g. the name of the folder.
final String name;
* The scheduler that schedules analysis work in this, and possibly other
* analysis drivers.
final AnalysisDriverScheduler _scheduler;
* The logger to write performed operations and performance to.
final PerformanceLog _logger;
* The resource provider for working with files.
final ResourceProvider _resourceProvider;
* The byte storage to get and put serialized data.
* It can be shared with other [AnalysisDriver]s.
final ByteStore _byteStore;
* This [ContentCache] is consulted for a file content before reading
* the content from the file.
final FileContentOverlay _contentOverlay;
* The analysis options to analyze with.
AnalysisOptions _analysisOptions;
* The optional SDK bundle, used when the client cannot read SDK files.
final PackageBundle _sdkBundle;
* The [SourceFactory] is used to resolve URIs to paths and restore URIs
* from file paths.
SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
* The declared environment variables.
final DeclaredVariables declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables();
* If `true`, then analysis should be done without using tasks model.
final bool analyzeWithoutTasks;
* The salt to mix into all hashes used as keys for serialized data.
final Uint32List _salt = new Uint32List(1 + AnalysisOptions.signatureLength);
* The set of priority files, that should be analyzed sooner.
final _priorityFiles = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
* The mapping from the files for which analysis was requested using
* [getResult] to the [Completer]s to report the result.
final _requestedFiles = <String, List<Completer<AnalysisResult>>>{};
* The list of tasks to compute files defining a class member name.
final _definingClassMemberNameTasks = <_FilesDefiningClassMemberNameTask>[];
* The list of tasks to compute files referencing a name.
final _referencingNameTasks = <_FilesReferencingNameTask>[];
* The list of tasks to compute top-level declarations of a name.
final _topLevelNameDeclarationsTasks = <_TopLevelNameDeclarationsTask>[];
* The mapping from the files for which the index was requested using
* [getIndex] to the [Completer]s to report the result.
final _indexRequestedFiles =
<String, List<Completer<AnalysisDriverUnitIndex>>>{};
* The mapping from the files for which the unit element key was requested
* using [getUnitElementSignature] to the [Completer]s to report the result.
final _unitElementSignatureRequests = <String, List<Completer<String>>>{};
* The mapping from the files for which the unit element was requested using
* [getUnitElement] to the [Completer]s to report the result.
final _unitElementRequestedFiles =
<String, List<Completer<UnitElementResult>>>{};
* The mapping from the files for which analysis was requested using
* [getResult], and which were found to be parts without known libraries,
* to the [Completer]s to report the result.
final _requestedParts = <String, List<Completer<AnalysisResult>>>{};
* The set of part files that are currently scheduled for analysis.
final _partsToAnalyze = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
* The controller for the [results] stream.
final _resultController = new StreamController<AnalysisResult>();
* Resolution signatures of the most recently produced results for files.
final Map<String, String> _lastProducedSignatures = {};
* Cached results for [_priorityFiles].
final Map<String, AnalysisResult> _priorityResults = {};
* The controller for the [exceptions] stream.
final StreamController<ExceptionResult> _exceptionController =
new StreamController<ExceptionResult>();
* The instance of the [Search] helper.
Search _search;
AnalysisDriverTestView _testView;
* The [FileTracker] used by this driver.
FileTracker _fileTracker;
* Create a new instance of [AnalysisDriver].
* The given [SourceFactory] is cloned to ensure that it does not contain a
* reference to a [AnalysisContext] in which it could have been used.
PerformanceLog logger,
SourceFactory sourceFactory,
{PackageBundle sdkBundle,
this.analyzeWithoutTasks: true})
: _logger = logger,
_sourceFactory = sourceFactory.clone(),
_sdkBundle = sdkBundle {
_testView = new AnalysisDriverTestView(this);
_search = new Search(this);
* Return the set of files explicitly added to analysis using [addFile].
Set<String> get addedFiles => _fileTracker.addedFiles;
* Return the analysis options used to control analysis.
AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions => _analysisOptions;
* Return the stream that produces [ExceptionResult]s.
Stream<ExceptionResult> get exceptions =>;
* The current file system state.
FileSystemState get fsState => _fileTracker.fsState;
* Return `true` if the driver has a file to analyze.
bool get hasFilesToAnalyze {
return _fileTracker.hasChangedFiles ||
_requestedFiles.isNotEmpty ||
_requestedParts.isNotEmpty ||
_fileTracker.hasPendingFiles ||
* Return the set of files that are known at this moment. This set does not
* always include all added files or all implicitly used file. If a file has
* not been processed yet, it might be missing.
Set<String> get knownFiles => _fileTracker.fsState.knownFilePaths;
* Return the number of files scheduled for analysis.
int get numberOfFilesToAnalyze => _fileTracker.numberOfPendingFiles;
* Return the list of files that the driver should try to analyze sooner.
List<String> get priorityFiles => _priorityFiles.toList(growable: false);
* Set the list of files that the driver should try to analyze sooner.
* Every path in the list must be absolute and normalized.
* The driver will produce the results through the [results] stream. The
* exact order in which results are produced is not defined, neither
* between priority files, nor between priority and non-priority files.
void set priorityFiles(List<String> priorityPaths) {
* Return the [Stream] that produces [AnalysisResult]s for added files.
* Note that the stream supports only one single subscriber.
* Analysis starts when the [AnalysisDriverScheduler] is started and the
* driver is added to it. The analysis state transitions to "analyzing" and
* an analysis result is produced for every added file prior to the next time
* the analysis state transitions to "idle".
* At least one analysis result is produced for every file passed to
* [addFile] or [changeFile] prior to the next time the analysis state
* transitions to "idle", unless the file is later removed from analysis
* using [removeFile]. Analysis results for other files are produced only if
* the changes affect analysis results of other files.
* More than one result might be produced for the same file, even if the
* client does not change the state of the files.
* Results might be produced even for files that have never been added
* using [addFile], for example when [getResult] was called for a file.
Stream<AnalysisResult> get results =>;
* Return the search support for the driver.
Search get search => _search;
* Return the source factory used to resolve URIs to paths and restore URIs
* from file paths.
SourceFactory get sourceFactory => _sourceFactory;
AnalysisDriverTestView get test => _testView;
* Return the priority of work that the driver needs to perform.
AnalysisDriverPriority get workPriority {
if (_requestedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.interactive;
if (_definingClassMemberNameTasks.isNotEmpty ||
_referencingNameTasks.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.interactive;
if (_indexRequestedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.interactive;
if (_unitElementSignatureRequests.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.interactive;
if (_unitElementRequestedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.interactive;
if (_topLevelNameDeclarationsTasks.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.interactive;
if (_priorityFiles.isNotEmpty) {
for (String path in _priorityFiles) {
if (_fileTracker.isFilePending(path)) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.priority;
if (_fileTracker.hasPendingFiles) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.general;
if (_fileTracker.hasChangedFiles) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.general;
if (_requestedParts.isNotEmpty || _partsToAnalyze.isNotEmpty) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.general;
return AnalysisDriverPriority.nothing;
* Add the file with the given [path] to the set of files to analyze.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The results of analysis are eventually produced by the [results] stream.
void addFile(String path) {
if (!_fileTracker.fsState.hasUri(path)) {
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(path)) {
* The file with the given [path] might have changed - updated, added or
* removed. Or not, we don't know. Or it might have, but then changed back.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The [path] can be any file - explicitly or implicitly analyzed, or neither.
* Causes the analysis state to transition to "analyzing" (if it is not in
* that state already). Schedules the file contents for [path] to be read
* into the current file state prior to the next time the analysis state
* transitions to "idle".
* Invocation of this method will not prevent a [Future] returned from
* [getResult] from completing with a result, but the result is not
* guaranteed to be consistent with the new current file state after this
* [changeFile] invocation.
void changeFile(String path) {
* Some state on which analysis depends has changed, so the driver needs to be
* re-configured with the new state.
* At least one of the optional parameters should be provided, but only those
* that represent state that has actually changed need be provided.
void configure(
{AnalysisOptions analysisOptions, SourceFactory sourceFactory}) {
if (analysisOptions != null) {
_analysisOptions = analysisOptions;
if (sourceFactory != null) {
_sourceFactory = sourceFactory;
Iterable<String> addedFiles = _fileTracker.addedFiles;
* Notify the driver that the client is going to stop using it.
void dispose() {
* Return a [Future] that completes with the [ErrorsResult] for the Dart
* file with the given [path]. If the file is not a Dart file or cannot
* be analyzed, the [Future] completes with `null`.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* This method does not use analysis priorities, and must not be used in
* interactive analysis, such as Analysis Server or its plugins.
Future<ErrorsResult> getErrors(String path) async {
// Ask the analysis result without unit, so return cached errors.
// If no cached analysis result, it will be computed.
AnalysisResult analysisResult = _computeAnalysisResult(path);
// If not computed yet, because a part file without a known library,
// we have to compute the full analysis result, with the unit.
analysisResult ??= await getResult(path);
if (analysisResult == null) {
return null;
return new ErrorsResult(
* Return a [Future] that completes with the list of added files that
* define a class member with the given [name].
Future<List<String>> getFilesDefiningClassMemberName(String name) {
var task = new _FilesDefiningClassMemberNameTask(this, name);
return task.completer.future;
* Return a [Future] that completes with the list of added files that
* reference the given external [name].
Future<List<String>> getFilesReferencingName(String name) {
var task = new _FilesReferencingNameTask(this, name);
return task.completer.future;
* Return a [Future] that completes with the [AnalysisDriverUnitIndex] for
* the file with the given [path], or with `null` if the file cannot be
* analyzed.
Future<AnalysisDriverUnitIndex> getIndex(String path) {
if (!_fileTracker.fsState.hasUri(path)) {
return new Future.value();
var completer = new Completer<AnalysisDriverUnitIndex>();
.putIfAbsent(path, () => <Completer<AnalysisDriverUnitIndex>>[])
return completer.future;
ApiSignature getResolvedUnitKeyByPath(String path) {
ApiSignature signature = getUnitKeyByPath(path);
var file = fsState.getFileForPath(path);
return signature;
* Return a [Future] that completes with a [AnalysisResult] for the Dart
* file with the given [path]. If the file is not a Dart file or cannot
* be analyzed, the [Future] completes with `null`.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The [path] can be any file - explicitly or implicitly analyzed, or neither.
* If the driver has the cached analysis result for the file, it is returned.
* Otherwise causes the analysis state to transition to "analyzing" (if it is
* not in that state already), the driver will produce the analysis result for
* it, which is consistent with the current file state (including new states
* of the files previously reported using [changeFile]), prior to the next
* time the analysis state transitions to "idle".
Future<AnalysisResult> getResult(String path) {
if (!_fileTracker.fsState.hasUri(path)) {
return new Future.value();
// Return the cached result.
AnalysisResult result = _priorityResults[path];
if (result != null) {
return new Future.value(result);
// Schedule analysis.
var completer = new Completer<AnalysisResult>();
.putIfAbsent(path, () => <Completer<AnalysisResult>>[])
return completer.future;
* Return a [Future] that completes with the [SourceKind] for the Dart
* file with the given [path]. If the file is not a Dart file or cannot
* be analyzed, the [Future] completes with `null`.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
Future<SourceKind> getSourceKind(String path) async {
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(path)) {
FileState file = _fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
return file.isPart ? SourceKind.PART : SourceKind.LIBRARY;
return null;
* Return a [Future] that completes with top-level declarations with the
* given [name] in all known libraries.
Future<List<TopLevelDeclarationInSource>> getTopLevelNameDeclarations(
String name) {
var task = new _TopLevelNameDeclarationsTask(this, name);
return task.completer.future;
* Return a [Future] that completes with the [UnitElementResult] for the
* file with the given [path], or with `null` if the file cannot be analyzed.
Future<UnitElementResult> getUnitElement(String path) {
if (!_fileTracker.fsState.hasUri(path)) {
return new Future.value();
var completer = new Completer<UnitElementResult>();
.putIfAbsent(path, () => <Completer<UnitElementResult>>[])
return completer.future;
* Return a [Future] that completes with the signature for the
* [UnitElementResult] for the file with the given [path], or with `null` if
* the file cannot be analyzed.
* The signature is based the APIs of the files of the library (including
* the file itself) of the requested file and the transitive closure of files
* imported and exported by the the library.
Future<String> getUnitElementSignature(String path) {
if (!_fileTracker.fsState.hasUri(path)) {
return new Future.value();
var completer = new Completer<String>();
.putIfAbsent(path, () => <Completer<String>>[])
return completer.future;
ApiSignature getUnitKeyByPath(String path) {
var file = fsState.getFileForPath(path);
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
return signature;
* Return a [Future] that completes with a [ParseResult] for the file
* with the given [path].
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The [path] can be any file - explicitly or implicitly analyzed, or neither.
* The parsing is performed in the method itself, and the result is not
* produced through the [results] stream (just because it is not a fully
* resolved unit).
Future<ParseResult> parseFile(String path) async {
FileState file = _fileTracker.verifyApiSignature(path);
RecordingErrorListener listener = new RecordingErrorListener();
CompilationUnit unit = file.parse(listener);
return new ParseResult(file.path, file.uri, file.content, file.contentHash,
unit.lineInfo, unit, listener.errors);
* Perform a single chunk of work and produce [results].
Future<Null> performWork() async {
if (_fileTracker.verifyChangedFilesIfNeeded()) {
// Analyze a requested file.
if (_requestedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _requestedFiles.keys.first;
try {
AnalysisResult result = _computeAnalysisResult(path, withUnit: true);
// If a part without a library, delay its analysis.
if (result == null) {
.putIfAbsent(path, () => [])
// Notify the completers.
_requestedFiles.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
// Remove from to be analyzed and produce it now.
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_requestedFiles.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
completer.completeError(exception, stackTrace);
// Process an index request.
if (_indexRequestedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _indexRequestedFiles.keys.first;
AnalysisDriverUnitIndex index = _computeIndex(path);
_indexRequestedFiles.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
// Process a unit element key request.
if (_unitElementSignatureRequests.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _unitElementSignatureRequests.keys.first;
String signature = _computeUnitElementSignature(path);
_unitElementSignatureRequests.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
// Process a unit element request.
if (_unitElementRequestedFiles.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _unitElementRequestedFiles.keys.first;
UnitElementResult result = _computeUnitElement(path);
_unitElementRequestedFiles.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
// Compute files defining a name.
if (_definingClassMemberNameTasks.isNotEmpty) {
_FilesDefiningClassMemberNameTask task =
bool isDone = await task.perform();
if (isDone) {
// Compute files referencing a name.
if (_referencingNameTasks.isNotEmpty) {
_FilesReferencingNameTask task = _referencingNameTasks.first;
bool isDone = await task.perform();
if (isDone) {
// Compute top-level declarations.
if (_topLevelNameDeclarationsTasks.isNotEmpty) {
_TopLevelNameDeclarationsTask task = _topLevelNameDeclarationsTasks.first;
bool isDone = await task.perform();
if (isDone) {
// Analyze a priority file.
if (_priorityFiles.isNotEmpty) {
for (String path in _priorityFiles) {
if (_fileTracker.isFilePending(path)) {
try {
AnalysisResult result =
_computeAnalysisResult(path, withUnit: true);
if (result == null) {
} else {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_reportException(path, exception, stackTrace);
} finally {
// Analyze a general file.
if (_fileTracker.hasPendingFiles) {
String path = _fileTracker.anyPendingFile;
try {
AnalysisResult result = _computeAnalysisResult(path,
withUnit: false, skipIfSameSignature: true);
if (result == null) {
} else if (result == AnalysisResult._UNCHANGED) {
// We found that the set of errors is the same as we produced the
// last time, so we don't need to produce it again now.
} else {
_lastProducedSignatures[result.path] = result._signature;
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_reportException(path, exception, stackTrace);
} finally {
// Analyze a requested part file.
if (_requestedParts.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _requestedParts.keys.first;
try {
AnalysisResult result = _computeAnalysisResult(path,
withUnit: true, asIsIfPartWithoutLibrary: true);
// Notify the completers.
_requestedParts.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
// Remove from to be analyzed and produce it now.
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_requestedParts.remove(path).forEach((completer) {
completer.completeError(exception, stackTrace);
// Analyze a general part.
if (_partsToAnalyze.isNotEmpty) {
String path = _partsToAnalyze.first;
try {
AnalysisResult result = _computeAnalysisResult(path,
withUnit: _priorityFiles.contains(path),
asIsIfPartWithoutLibrary: true);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_reportException(path, exception, stackTrace);
* Remove the file with the given [path] from the list of files to analyze.
* The [path] must be absolute and normalized.
* The results of analysis of the file might still be produced by the
* [results] stream. The driver will try to stop producing these results,
* but does not guarantee this.
void removeFile(String path) {
* Handles a notification from the [FileTracker] that there has been a change
* of state.
void _changeHook() {
* Return the cached or newly computed analysis result of the file with the
* given [path].
* The result will have the fully resolved unit and will always be newly
* compute only if [withUnit] is `true`.
* Return `null` if the file is a part of an unknown library, so cannot be
* analyzed yet. But [asIsIfPartWithoutLibrary] is `true`, then the file is
* analyzed anyway, even without a library.
* Return [AnalysisResult._UNCHANGED] if [skipIfSameSignature] is `true` and
* the resolved signature of the file in its library is the same as the one
* that was the most recently produced to the client.
AnalysisResult _computeAnalysisResult(String path,
{bool withUnit: false,
bool asIsIfPartWithoutLibrary: false,
bool skipIfSameSignature: false}) {
FileState file = _fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
// Prepare the library - the file itself, or the known library.
FileState library = file.isPart ? file.library : file;
if (library == null) {
if (asIsIfPartWithoutLibrary) {
library = file;
} else {
return null;
// Prepare the signature and key.
String signature = _getResolvedUnitSignature(library, file);
String key = _getResolvedUnitKey(signature);
// Skip reading if the signature, so errors, are the same as the last time.
if (skipIfSameSignature) {
if (_lastProducedSignatures[path] == signature) {
return AnalysisResult._UNCHANGED;
// If we don't need the fully resolved unit, check for the cached result.
if (!withUnit) {
List<int> bytes = _byteStore.get(key);
if (bytes != null) {
return _getAnalysisResultFromBytes(file, signature, bytes);
// We need the fully resolved unit, or the result is not cached.
return'Compute analysis result for $path', () {
try {
LibraryContext libraryContext = _createLibraryContext(library);
try {
CompilationUnit resolvedUnit;
List<int> bytes;
if (analyzeWithoutTasks) {
LibraryAnalyzer analyzer = new LibraryAnalyzer(
Map<FileState, UnitAnalysisResult> results = analyzer.analyze();
for (FileState unitFile in results.keys) {
UnitAnalysisResult unitResult = results[unitFile];
List<int> unitBytes =
_serializeResolvedUnit(unitResult.unit, unitResult.errors);
String unitSignature =
_getResolvedUnitSignature(library, unitFile);
String unitKey = _getResolvedUnitKey(unitSignature);
_byteStore.put(unitKey, unitBytes);
if (unitFile == file) {
bytes = unitBytes;
resolvedUnit = unitResult.unit;
} else {
ResolutionResult resolutionResult =
libraryContext.resolveUnit(library.source, file.source);
resolvedUnit = resolutionResult.resolvedUnit;
List<AnalysisError> errors = resolutionResult.errors;
// Store the result into the cache.
bytes = _serializeResolvedUnit(resolvedUnit, errors);
_byteStore.put(key, bytes);
// Return the result, full or partial.
_logger.writeln('Computed new analysis result.');
AnalysisResult result = _getAnalysisResultFromBytes(
file, signature, bytes,
content: withUnit ? file.content : null,
resolvedUnit: withUnit ? resolvedUnit : null);
if (withUnit && _priorityFiles.contains(path)) {
_priorityResults[path] = result;
return result;
} finally {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
String contextKey =
_storeExceptionContext(path, library, exception, stackTrace);
throw new _ExceptionState(exception, stackTrace, contextKey);
AnalysisDriverUnitIndex _computeIndex(String path) {
AnalysisResult analysisResult = _computeAnalysisResult(path,
withUnit: false, asIsIfPartWithoutLibrary: true);
return analysisResult._index;
UnitElementResult _computeUnitElement(String path) {
FileState file = _fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
FileState library = file.library ?? file;
// Create the AnalysisContext to resynthesize elements in.
LibraryContext libraryContext = _createLibraryContext(library);
// Resynthesize the CompilationUnitElement in the context.
try {
CompilationUnitElement element =
libraryContext.computeUnitElement(library.source, file.source);
String signature = library.transitiveSignature;
return new UnitElementResult(path, file.contentHash, signature, element);
} finally {
String _computeUnitElementSignature(String path) {
FileState file = _fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
FileState library = file.library ?? file;
return library.transitiveSignature;
* Creates a new [FileTracker] object and stores it in [_fileTracker].
* This is used both on initial construction and whenever the configuration
* changes.
void _createFileTracker(PerformanceLog logger) {
_fileTracker = new FileTracker(logger, _byteStore, _contentOverlay,
_resourceProvider, sourceFactory, _analysisOptions, _salt, _changeHook);
* Return the context in which the [library] should be analyzed.
LibraryContext _createLibraryContext(FileState library) =>
new LibraryContext.forSingleLibrary(
* Fill [_salt] with data.
void _fillSalt() {
_salt[0] = DATA_VERSION;
List<int> crossContextOptions = _analysisOptions.signature;
assert(crossContextOptions.length == AnalysisOptions.signatureLength);
for (int i = 0; i < crossContextOptions.length; i++) {
_salt[i + 1] = crossContextOptions[i];
* Load the [AnalysisResult] for the given [file] from the [bytes]. Set
* optional [content] and [resolvedUnit].
AnalysisResult _getAnalysisResultFromBytes(
FileState file, String signature, List<int> bytes,
{String content, CompilationUnit resolvedUnit}) {
var unit = new AnalysisDriverResolvedUnit.fromBuffer(bytes);
List<AnalysisError> errors = _getErrorsFromSerialized(file, unit.errors);
return new AnalysisResult(
* Return [AnalysisError]s for the given [serialized] errors.
List<AnalysisError> _getErrorsFromSerialized(
FileState file, List<AnalysisDriverUnitError> serialized) {
return {
String errorName = error.uniqueName;
ErrorCode errorCode =
errorCodeByUniqueName(errorName) ?? _lintCodeByUniqueName(errorName);
if (errorCode == null) {
// This could fail because the error code is no longer defined, or, in
// the case of a lint rule, if the lint rule has been disabled since the
// errors were written.
throw new StateError('No ErrorCode for $errorName in $file');
return new AnalysisError.forValues(
error.correction.isEmpty ? null : error.correction);
* Return the key to store fully resolved results for the [signature].
String _getResolvedUnitKey(String signature) {
return '$signature.resolved';
* Return the signature that identifies fully resolved results for the [file]
* in the [library], e.g. element model, errors, index, etc.
String _getResolvedUnitSignature(FileState library, FileState file) {
ApiSignature signature = new ApiSignature();
return signature.toHex();
* Return the lint code with the given [errorName], or `null` if there is no
* lint registered with that name or the lint is not enabled in the analysis
* options.
ErrorCode _lintCodeByUniqueName(String errorName) {
if (errorName.startsWith('_LintCode.')) {
String lintName = errorName.substring(10);
List<Linter> lintRules = _analysisOptions.lintRules;
for (Linter linter in lintRules) {
if ( == lintName) {
return linter.lintCode;
return null;
void _reportException(String path, exception, StackTrace stackTrace) {
String contextKey = null;
if (exception is _ExceptionState) {
var state = exception as _ExceptionState;
exception = state.exception;
stackTrace = state.stackTrace;
contextKey = state.contextKey;
CaughtException caught = new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace);
_exceptionController.add(new ExceptionResult(path, caught, contextKey));
* Serialize the given [resolvedUnit] errors and index into bytes.
List<int> _serializeResolvedUnit(
CompilationUnit resolvedUnit, List<AnalysisError> errors) {
AnalysisDriverUnitIndexBuilder index = indexUnit(resolvedUnit);
return new AnalysisDriverResolvedUnitBuilder(
errors: errors
.map((error) => new AnalysisDriverUnitErrorBuilder(
offset: error.offset,
length: error.length,
uniqueName: error.errorCode.uniqueName,
message: error.message,
correction: error.correction))
index: index)
String _storeExceptionContext(
String path, FileState libraryFile, exception, StackTrace stackTrace) {
if (allowedNumberOfContextsToWrite <= 0) {
return null;
} else {
try {
List<AnalysisDriverExceptionFileBuilder> contextFiles = libraryFile
.map((file) => new AnalysisDriverExceptionFileBuilder(
path: file.path, content: file.content))
contextFiles.sort((a, b) => a.path.compareTo(b.path));
AnalysisDriverExceptionContextBuilder contextBuilder =
new AnalysisDriverExceptionContextBuilder(
path: path,
exception: exception.toString(),
stackTrace: stackTrace.toString(),
files: contextFiles);
List<int> bytes = contextBuilder.toBuffer();
String _twoDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 10) return '$n';
return '0$n';
String _threeDigits(int n) {
if (n >= 100) return '$n';
if (n >= 10) return '0$n';
return '00$n';
DateTime time = new;
String m = _twoDigits(time.month);
String d = _twoDigits(;
String h = _twoDigits(time.hour);
String min = _twoDigits(time.minute);
String sec = _twoDigits(time.second);
String ms = _threeDigits(time.millisecond);
String key = 'exception_${time.year}$m$d' '_$h$min$sec' + '_$ms';
_byteStore.put(key, bytes);
return key;
} catch (_) {
return null;
* A generic schedulable interface via the AnalysisDriverScheduler. Currently
* only implemented by [AnalysisDriver] and the angular plugin, at least as
* a temporary measure until the official plugin API is ready (and a different
* scheduler is used)
abstract class AnalysisDriverGeneric {
bool get hasFilesToAnalyze;
AnalysisDriverPriority get workPriority;
Future<Null> performWork();
* Priorities of [AnalysisDriver] work. The farther a priority to the beginning
* of the list, the earlier the corresponding [AnalysisDriver] should be asked
* to perform work.
enum AnalysisDriverPriority { nothing, general, priority, interactive }
* Instances of this class schedule work in multiple [AnalysisDriver]s so that
* work with the highest priority is performed first.
class AnalysisDriverScheduler {
* Time interval in milliseconds before pumping the event queue.
* Relinquishing execution flow and running the event loop after every task
* has too much overhead. Instead we use a fixed length of time, so we can
* spend less time overall and still respond quickly enough.
static const int _MS_BEFORE_PUMPING_EVENT_QUEUE = 2;
* Event queue pumping is required to allow IO and other asynchronous data
* processing while analysis is active. For example Analysis Server needs to
* be able to process `updateContent` or `setPriorityFiles` requests while
* background analysis is in progress.
* The number of pumpings is arbitrary, might be changed if we see that
* analysis or other data processing tasks are starving. Ideally we would
* need to run all asynchronous operations using a single global scheduler.
static const int _NUMBER_OF_EVENT_QUEUE_PUMPINGS = 128;
final PerformanceLog _logger;
final List<AnalysisDriverGeneric> _drivers = [];
final Monitor _hasWork = new Monitor();
final StatusSupport _statusSupport = new StatusSupport();
bool _started = false;
* Return `true` if we are currently analyzing code.
bool get isAnalyzing => _hasFilesToAnalyze;
* Return the stream that produces [AnalysisStatus] events.
Stream<AnalysisStatus> get status =>;
* Return `true` if there is a driver with a file to analyze.
bool get _hasFilesToAnalyze {
for (AnalysisDriverGeneric driver in _drivers) {
if (driver.hasFilesToAnalyze) {
return true;
return false;
* Add the given [driver] and schedule it to perform its work.
void add(AnalysisDriverGeneric driver) {
* Notify that there is a change to the [driver], it it might need to
* perform some work.
void notify(AnalysisDriverGeneric driver) {
* Start the scheduler, so that any [AnalysisDriver] created before or
* after will be asked to perform work.
void start() {
if (_started) {
throw new StateError('The scheduler has already been started.');
_started = true;
* Return a future that will be completed the next time the status is idle.
* If the status is currently idle, the returned future will be signaled
* immediately.
Future<Null> waitForIdle() => _statusSupport.waitForIdle();
* Remove the given [driver] from the scheduler, so that it will not be
* asked to perform any new work.
void _remove(AnalysisDriverGeneric driver) {
* Run infinitely analysis cycle, selecting the drivers with the highest
* priority first.
Future<Null> _run() async {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
PerformanceLogSection analysisSection;
while (true) {
// Pump the event queue.
if (timer.elapsedMilliseconds > _MS_BEFORE_PUMPING_EVENT_QUEUE) {
await _hasWork.signal;
// Transition to analyzing if there are files to analyze.
if (_hasFilesToAnalyze) {
analysisSection ??= _logger.enter('Analyzing');
// Find the driver with the highest priority.
AnalysisDriverGeneric bestDriver;
AnalysisDriverPriority bestPriority = AnalysisDriverPriority.nothing;
for (AnalysisDriver driver in _drivers) {
AnalysisDriverPriority priority = driver.workPriority;
if (priority.index > bestPriority.index) {
bestDriver = driver;
bestPriority = priority;
// Transition to idle if no files to analyze.
if (!_hasFilesToAnalyze) {
analysisSection = null;
// Continue to sleep if no work to do.
if (bestPriority == AnalysisDriverPriority.nothing) {
// Ask the driver to perform a chunk of work.
await bestDriver.performWork();
// Schedule one more cycle.
* Returns a [Future] that completes after performing [times] pumpings of
* the event queue.
static Future _pumpEventQueue(int times) {
if (times == 0) {
return new Future.value();
return new Future.delayed(Duration.ZERO, () => _pumpEventQueue(times - 1));
class AnalysisDriverTestView {
final AnalysisDriver driver;
FileTracker get fileTracker => driver._fileTracker;
Map<String, AnalysisResult> get priorityResults => driver._priorityResults;
* The result of analyzing of a single file.
* These results are self-consistent, i.e. [content], [contentHash], the
* resolved [unit] correspond to each other. All referenced elements, even
* external ones, are also self-consistent. But none of the results is
* guaranteed to be consistent with the state of the files.
* Every result is independent, and is not guaranteed to be consistent with
* any previously returned result, even inside of the same library.
class AnalysisResult {
static final _UNCHANGED = new AnalysisResult(
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
* The [AnalysisDriver] that produced this result.
final AnalysisDriver driver;
* The [SourceFactory] with which the file was analyzed.
final SourceFactory sourceFactory;
* The path of the analysed file, absolute and normalized.
final String path;
* The URI of the file that corresponded to the [path] in the used
* [SourceFactory] at some point. Is it not guaranteed to be still consistent
* to the [path], and provided as FYI.
final Uri uri;
* Return `true` if the file exists.
final bool exists;
* The content of the file that was scanned, parsed and resolved.
final String content;
* The MD5 hash of the [content].
final String contentHash;
* Information about lines in the [content].
final LineInfo lineInfo;
* The signature of the result based on the content of the file, and the
* transitive closure of files imported and exported by the the library of
* the requested file.
final String _signature;
* The fully resolved compilation unit for the [content].
final CompilationUnit unit;
* The full list of computed analysis errors, both syntactic and semantic.
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
* The index of the unit.
final AnalysisDriverUnitIndex _index;
* The errors in a single file.
* These results are self-consistent, i.e. [content], [contentHash], [errors]
* correspond to each other. But none of the results is guaranteed to be
* consistent with the state of the files.
class ErrorsResult {
* The path of the parsed file, absolute and normalized.
final String path;
* The URI of the file that corresponded to the [path].
final Uri uri;
* The MD5 hash of the [content].
final String contentHash;
* Information about lines in the [content].
final LineInfo lineInfo;
* The full list of computed analysis errors, both syntactic and semantic.
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
this.path, this.uri, this.contentHash, this.lineInfo, this.errors);
* Exception that happened during analysis.
class ExceptionResult {
* The path of the file being analyzed when the [exception] happened.
* Absolute and normalized.
final String path;
* The exception during analysis of the file with the [path].
final CaughtException exception;
* If the exception happened during a file analysis, and the context in which
* the exception happened was stored, this field is the key of the context
* in the byte store. May be `null` if the context is unknown, the maximum
* number of context to store was reached, etc.
final String contextKey;
ExceptionResult(this.path, this.exception, this.contextKey);
* The result of parsing of a single file.
* These results are self-consistent, i.e. [content], [contentHash], the
* resolved [unit] correspond to each other. But none of the results is
* guaranteed to be consistent with the state of the files.
class ParseResult {
* The path of the parsed file, absolute and normalized.
final String path;
* The URI of the file that corresponded to the [path].
final Uri uri;
* The content of the file that was scanned and parsed.
final String content;
* The MD5 hash of the [content].
final String contentHash;
* Information about lines in the [content].
final LineInfo lineInfo;
* The parsed, unresolved compilation unit for the [content].
final CompilationUnit unit;
* The scanning and parsing errors.
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
ParseResult(this.path, this.uri, this.content, this.contentHash,
this.lineInfo, this.unit, this.errors);
* This class is used to gather and print performance information.
class PerformanceLog {
final StringSink sink;
int _level = 0;
* Enter a new execution section, which starts at one point of code, runs
* some time, and then ends at the other point of code.
* The client must call [PerformanceLogSection.exit] for every [enter].
PerformanceLogSection enter(String msg) {
writeln('+++ $msg.');
return new PerformanceLogSection(this, msg);
* Return the result of the function [f] invocation and log the elapsed time.
* Each invocation of [run] creates a new enclosed section in the log,
* which begins with printing [msg], then any log output produced during
* [f] invocation, and ends with printing [msg] with the elapsed time.
/*=T*/ run/*<T>*/(String msg, /*=T*/ f()) {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
try {
writeln('+++ $msg.');
return f();
} finally {
int ms = timer.elapsedMilliseconds;
writeln('--- $msg in $ms ms.');
* Write a new line into the log.
void writeln(String msg) {
if (sink != null) {
String indent = '\t' * _level;
* The performance measurement section for operations that start and end
* at different place in code, so cannot be run using [].
* The client must call [exit] for every [PerformanceLog.enter].
class PerformanceLogSection {
final PerformanceLog _logger;
final String _msg;
final Stopwatch _timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
PerformanceLogSection(this._logger, this._msg);
* Stop the timer, log the time.
void exit() {
int ms = _timer.elapsedMilliseconds;
_logger.writeln('--- $_msg in $ms ms.');
* The result with the [CompilationUnitElement] of a single file.
* These results are self-consistent, i.e. all elements and types accessible
* through [element], including defined in other files, correspond to each
* other. But none of the results is guaranteed to be consistent with the state
* of the files.
* Every result is independent, and is not guaranteed to be consistent with
* any previously returned result, even inside of the same library.
class UnitElementResult {
* The path of the file, absolute and normalized.
final String path;
* The MD5 hash of the file content.
final String contentHash;
* The signature of the [element] is based the APIs of the files of the
* library (including the file itself) of the requested file and the
* transitive closure of files imported and exported by the the library.
final String signature;
* The element of the file.
final CompilationUnitElement element;
UnitElementResult(this.path, this.contentHash, this.signature, this.element);
* Information about an exception and its context.
class _ExceptionState {
final exception;
final StackTrace stackTrace;
* The key under which the context of the exception was stored, or `null`
* if unknown, the maximum number of context to store was reached, etc.
final String contextKey;
_ExceptionState(this.exception, this.stackTrace, this.contextKey);
String toString() => '$exception\n$stackTrace';
* Task that computes the list of files that were added to the driver and
* declare a class member with the given [name].
class _FilesDefiningClassMemberNameTask {
static const int _MS_WORK_INTERVAL = 5;
final AnalysisDriver driver;
final String name;
final Completer<List<String>> completer = new Completer<List<String>>();
final List<String> definingFiles = <String>[];
final Set<String> checkedFiles = new Set<String>();
final List<String> filesToCheck = <String>[];
* Perform work for a fixed length of time, and complete the [completer] to
* either return `true` to indicate that the task is done, or return `false`
* to indicate that the task should continue to be run.
* Each invocation of an asynchronous method has overhead, which looks as
* `_SyncCompleter.complete` invocation, we see as much as 62% in some
* scenarios. Instead we use a fixed length of time, so we can spend less time
* overall and keep quick enough response time.
Future<bool> perform() async {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
while (timer.elapsedMilliseconds < _MS_WORK_INTERVAL) {
// Prepare files to check.
if (filesToCheck.isEmpty) {
Set<String> newFiles = driver.addedFiles.difference(checkedFiles);
// If no more files to check, complete and done.
if (filesToCheck.isEmpty) {
return true;
// Check the next file.
String path = filesToCheck.removeLast();
FileState file = driver._fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
if (file.definedClassMemberNames.contains(name)) {
// We're not done yet.
return false;
* Task that computes the list of files that were added to the driver and
* have at least one reference to an identifier [name] defined outside of the
* file.
class _FilesReferencingNameTask {
static const int _MS_WORK_INTERVAL = 5;
final AnalysisDriver driver;
final String name;
final Completer<List<String>> completer = new Completer<List<String>>();
final List<String> referencingFiles = <String>[];
final Set<String> checkedFiles = new Set<String>();
final List<String> filesToCheck = <String>[];
* Perform work for a fixed length of time, and complete the [completer] to
* either return `true` to indicate that the task is done, or return `false`
* to indicate that the task should continue to be run.
* Each invocation of an asynchronous method has overhead, which looks as
* `_SyncCompleter.complete` invocation, we see as much as 62% in some
* scenarios. Instead we use a fixed length of time, so we can spend less time
* overall and keep quick enough response time.
Future<bool> perform() async {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
while (timer.elapsedMilliseconds < _MS_WORK_INTERVAL) {
// Prepare files to check.
if (filesToCheck.isEmpty) {
Set<String> newFiles = driver.addedFiles.difference(checkedFiles);
// If no more files to check, complete and done.
if (filesToCheck.isEmpty) {
return true;
// Check the next file.
String path = filesToCheck.removeLast();
FileState file = driver._fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
if (file.referencedNames.contains(name)) {
// We're not done yet.
return false;
* Task that computes top-level declarations for a certain name in all
* known libraries.
class _TopLevelNameDeclarationsTask {
final AnalysisDriver driver;
final String name;
final Completer<List<TopLevelDeclarationInSource>> completer =
new Completer<List<TopLevelDeclarationInSource>>();
final List<TopLevelDeclarationInSource> libraryDeclarations =
final Set<String> checkedFiles = new Set<String>();
final List<String> filesToCheck = <String>[];
* Perform a single piece of work, and either complete the [completer] and
* return `true` to indicate that the task is done, return `false` to indicate
* that the task should continue to be run.
Future<bool> perform() async {
// Prepare files to check.
if (filesToCheck.isEmpty) {
// If no more files to check, complete and done.
if (filesToCheck.isEmpty) {
return true;
// Check the next file.
String path = filesToCheck.removeLast();
if (checkedFiles.add(path)) {
FileState file = driver._fileTracker.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
if (!file.isPart) {
bool isExported = false;
TopLevelDeclaration declaration = file.topLevelDeclarations[name];
for (FileState part in file.partedFiles) {
declaration ??= part.topLevelDeclarations[name];
if (declaration == null) {
declaration = file.exportedTopLevelDeclarations[name];
isExported = true;
if (declaration != null) {
libraryDeclarations.add(new TopLevelDeclarationInSource(
file.source, declaration, isExported));
// We're not done yet.
return false;