blob: 5c20e0bf5d3c36f14502cf2fda5d90e79c48979d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.context.context;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_resolution_map.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/exception/exception.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/plugin/resolver_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/plugin/task.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/cancelable_future.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart' show EmbedderYamlLocator;
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/incremental_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/dart_work_manager.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/incremental_element_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/manager.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/general.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/html.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/task/model.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' show Document;
* Type of callback functions used by PendingFuture. Functions of this type
* should perform a computation based on the data in [entry] and return it. If
* the computation can't be performed yet because more analysis is needed,
* `null` should be returned.
* The function may also throw an exception, in which case the corresponding
* future will be completed with failure.
* Because this function is called while the state of analysis is being updated,
* it should be free of side effects so that it doesn't cause reentrant changes
* to the analysis state.
typedef T PendingFutureComputer<T>(CacheEntry entry);
* An [AnalysisContext] in which analysis can be performed.
class AnalysisContextImpl implements InternalAnalysisContext {
* The next context identifier.
static int _NEXT_ID = 0;
* The unique identifier of this context.
final int _id = _NEXT_ID++;
* The flag that is `true` if the context is being analyzed.
bool _isActive = false;
* A client-provided name used to identify this context, or `null` if the
* client has not provided a name.
String name;
* The set of analysis options controlling the behavior of this context.
AnalysisOptionsImpl _options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
* The embedder yaml locator for this context.
EmbedderYamlLocator _embedderYamlLocator = new EmbedderYamlLocator(null);
* A flag indicating whether this context is disposed.
bool _disposed = false;
* A cache of content used to override the default content of a source.
ContentCache _contentCache = new ContentCache();
* The source factory used to create the sources that can be analyzed in this
* context.
SourceFactory _sourceFactory;
* The set of declared variables used when computing constant values.
DeclaredVariables _declaredVariables = new DeclaredVariables();
* The partition that contains analysis results that are not shared with other
* contexts.
CachePartition _privatePartition;
* The cache in which information about the results associated with targets
* are stored.
AnalysisCache _cache;
final ReentrantSynchronousStream<InvalidatedResult> onResultInvalidated =
new ReentrantSynchronousStream<InvalidatedResult>();
ReentrantSynchronousStreamSubscription onResultInvalidatedSubscription = null;
* Configuration data associated with this context.
final HashMap<ResultDescriptor, Object> _configurationData =
new HashMap<ResultDescriptor, Object>();
* The task manager used to manage the tasks used to analyze code.
TaskManager _taskManager;
* A list of all [WorkManager]s used by this context.
final List<WorkManager> workManagers = <WorkManager>[];
* The [DartWorkManager] instance that performs Dart specific scheduling.
DartWorkManager dartWorkManager;
* The analysis driver used to perform analysis.
AnalysisDriver driver;
* A list containing sources for which data should not be flushed.
List<Source> _priorityOrder = <Source>[];
CacheConsistencyValidatorImpl _cacheConsistencyValidator;
* A map from all sources for which there are futures pending to a list of
* the corresponding PendingFuture objects. These sources will be analyzed
* in the same way as priority sources, except with higher priority.
HashMap<AnalysisTarget, List<PendingFuture>> _pendingFutureTargets =
new HashMap<AnalysisTarget, List<PendingFuture>>();
* A table mapping sources to the change notices that are waiting to be
* returned related to that source.
HashMap<Source, ChangeNoticeImpl> _pendingNotices =
new HashMap<Source, ChangeNoticeImpl>();
* The [TypeProvider] for this context, `null` if not yet created.
TypeProvider _typeProvider;
* The [TypeSystem] for this context, `null` if not yet created.
TypeSystem _typeSystem;
* The controller for sending [SourcesChangedEvent]s.
StreamController<SourcesChangedEvent> _onSourcesChangedController;
* A subscription for a stream of events indicating when files are (and are
* not) being implicitly analyzed.
StreamController<ImplicitAnalysisEvent> _implicitAnalysisEventsController;
* The listeners that are to be notified when various analysis results are
* produced in this context.
List<AnalysisListener> _listeners = new List<AnalysisListener>();
* Determines whether this context should attempt to make use of the global
* SDK cache partition. Note that if this context is responsible for
* resynthesizing the SDK element model, this flag should be set to `false`,
* so that resynthesized elements belonging to this context won't leak into
* the global SDK cache partition.
bool useSdkCachePartition = true;
ResultProvider resultProvider;
* The map of [ResultChangedEvent] controllers.
final Map<ResultDescriptor, StreamController<ResultChangedEvent>>
_resultChangedControllers =
<ResultDescriptor, StreamController<ResultChangedEvent>>{};
* The most recently incrementally resolved source, or `null` when it was
* already validated, or the most recent change was not incrementally resolved.
Source incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnitSource;
* The most recently incrementally resolved library source, or `null` when it
* was already validated, or the most recent change was not incrementally
* resolved.
Source incrementalResolutionValidation_lastLibrarySource;
* The result of incremental resolution result of
* [incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnitSource].
CompilationUnit incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnit;
ResolverProvider fileResolverProvider;
* Initialize a newly created analysis context.
AnalysisContextImpl() {
_privatePartition = new UniversalCachePartition(this);
_cache = createCacheFromSourceFactory(null);
_taskManager = AnalysisEngine.instance.taskManager;
for (WorkManagerFactory factory
in AnalysisEngine.instance.enginePlugin.workManagerFactories) {
WorkManager workManager = factory(this);
if (workManager != null) {
if (workManager is DartWorkManager) {
dartWorkManager = workManager;
driver = new AnalysisDriver(_taskManager, workManagers, this);
_onSourcesChangedController =
new StreamController<SourcesChangedEvent>.broadcast();
_implicitAnalysisEventsController =
new StreamController<ImplicitAnalysisEvent>.broadcast();
AnalysisCache get analysisCache => _cache;
AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions => _options;
void set analysisOptions(AnalysisOptions options) {
bool needsRecompute = this._options.analyzeFunctionBodiesPredicate !=
options.analyzeFunctionBodiesPredicate ||
this._options.generateImplicitErrors !=
options.generateImplicitErrors ||
this._options.generateSdkErrors != options.generateSdkErrors ||
this._options.dart2jsHint != options.dart2jsHint ||
_notEqual(this._options.errorProcessors, options.errorProcessors) ||
_notEqual(this._options.excludePatterns, options.excludePatterns) ||
(this._options.hint && !options.hint) ||
(this._options.lint && !options.lint) ||
_notEqual(this._options.lintRules, options.lintRules) ||
this._options.preserveComments != options.preserveComments ||
this._options.strongMode != options.strongMode ||
this._options.enableAssertInitializer !=
options.enableAssertInitializer ||
this._options.enableLazyAssignmentOperators !=
options.enableLazyAssignmentOperators ||
((options is AnalysisOptionsImpl)
? this._options.strongModeHints != options.strongModeHints
: false) ||
((options is AnalysisOptionsImpl)
? this._options.implicitCasts != options.implicitCasts
: false) ||
((options is AnalysisOptionsImpl)
? this._options.nonnullableTypes != options.nonnullableTypes
: false) ||
((options is AnalysisOptionsImpl)
? this._options.implicitDynamic != options.implicitDynamic
: false) ||
this._options.enableStrictCallChecks !=
options.enableStrictCallChecks ||
this._options.enableSuperMixins != options.enableSuperMixins ||
!_samePatchPaths(this._options.patchPaths, options.patchPaths);
this._options.analyzeFunctionBodiesPredicate =
this._options.generateImplicitErrors = options.generateImplicitErrors;
this._options.generateSdkErrors = options.generateSdkErrors;
this._options.dart2jsHint = options.dart2jsHint;
this._options.enableAssertInitializer = options.enableAssertInitializer;
this._options.enableStrictCallChecks = options.enableStrictCallChecks;
this._options.enableLazyAssignmentOperators =
this._options.enableSuperMixins = options.enableSuperMixins;
this._options.enableTiming = options.enableTiming;
this._options.errorProcessors = options.errorProcessors;
this._options.excludePatterns = options.excludePatterns;
this._options.hint = options.hint;
this._options.incremental = options.incremental;
this._options.incrementalApi = options.incrementalApi;
this._options.incrementalValidation = options.incrementalValidation;
this._options.lint = options.lint;
this._options.lintRules = options.lintRules;
this._options.preserveComments = options.preserveComments;
if (this._options.strongMode != options.strongMode) {
_typeSystem = null;
this._options.strongMode = options.strongMode;
this._options.trackCacheDependencies = options.trackCacheDependencies;
this._options.disableCacheFlushing = options.disableCacheFlushing;
this._options.finerGrainedInvalidation = options.finerGrainedInvalidation;
this._options.patchPaths = options.patchPaths;
if (options is AnalysisOptionsImpl) {
this._options.strongModeHints = options.strongModeHints;
this._options.implicitCasts = options.implicitCasts;
this._options.nonnullableTypes = options.nonnullableTypes;
this._options.implicitDynamic = options.implicitDynamic;
if (needsRecompute) {
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
void set analysisPriorityOrder(List<Source> sources) {
if (sources == null || sources.isEmpty) {
_priorityOrder = Source.EMPTY_LIST;
} else {
while (sources.remove(null)) {
// Nothing else to do.
if (sources.isEmpty) {
_priorityOrder = Source.EMPTY_LIST;
} else {
_priorityOrder = sources;
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
CacheConsistencyValidator get cacheConsistencyValidator =>
_cacheConsistencyValidator ??= new CacheConsistencyValidatorImpl(this);
set contentCache(ContentCache value) {
_contentCache = value;
DeclaredVariables get declaredVariables => _declaredVariables;
EmbedderYamlLocator get embedderYamlLocator => _embedderYamlLocator;
List<AnalysisTarget> get explicitTargets {
List<AnalysisTarget> targets = <AnalysisTarget>[];
MapIterator<AnalysisTarget, CacheEntry> iterator = _cache.iterator();
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
if (iterator.value.explicitlyAdded) {
return targets;
List<Source> get htmlSources => _getSources(SourceKind.HTML);
Stream<ImplicitAnalysisEvent> get implicitAnalysisEvents =>;
bool get isActive => _isActive;
set isActive(bool active) {
if (active != _isActive) {
_isActive = active;
_privatePartition.isActive = active;
bool get isDisposed => _disposed;
List<Source> get launchableClientLibrarySources {
List<Source> sources = <Source>[];
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry.getValue(SOURCE_KIND) == SourceKind.LIBRARY &&
!source.isInSystemLibrary &&
isClientLibrary(source)) {
return sources;
List<Source> get launchableServerLibrarySources {
List<Source> sources = <Source>[];
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry.getValue(SOURCE_KIND) == SourceKind.LIBRARY &&
!source.isInSystemLibrary &&
isServerLibrary(source)) {
return sources;
List<Source> get librarySources => _getSources(SourceKind.LIBRARY);
Stream<SourcesChangedEvent> get onSourcesChanged =>;
* Make _pendingFutureSources available to unit tests.
HashMap<AnalysisTarget, List<PendingFuture>>
get pendingFutureSources_forTesting => _pendingFutureTargets;
List<Source> get prioritySources => _priorityOrder;
List<AnalysisTarget> get priorityTargets => prioritySources;
CachePartition get privateAnalysisCachePartition => _privatePartition;
SourceFactory get sourceFactory => _sourceFactory;
void set sourceFactory(SourceFactory factory) {
if (identical(_sourceFactory, factory)) {
} else if (factory.context != null) {
throw new StateError(
"Source factories cannot be shared between contexts");
if (_sourceFactory != null) {
_sourceFactory.context = null;
factory.context = this;
_sourceFactory = factory;
_cache = createCacheFromSourceFactory(factory);
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
List<Source> get sources {
return _cache.sources.toList();
* Return a list of the sources that would be processed by
* [performAnalysisTask]. This method duplicates, and must therefore be kept
* in sync with, [getNextAnalysisTask]. This method is intended to be used for
* testing purposes only.
List<Source> get sourcesNeedingProcessing {
HashSet<Source> sources = new HashSet<Source>();
bool hintsEnabled = _options.hint;
bool lintsEnabled = _options.lint;
MapIterator<AnalysisTarget, CacheEntry> iterator =
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
AnalysisTarget target = iterator.key;
if (target is Source) {
target, iterator.value, false, hintsEnabled, lintsEnabled, sources);
return new List<Source>.from(sources);
List<Source> get test_priorityOrder => _priorityOrder;
TypeProvider get typeProvider {
// The `AnalysisContextTarget.request` results go into the SDK partition,
// and the TYPE_PROVIDER result is computed and put into the SDK partition
// only by the first non-SDK analysis context. So, in order to reuse it
// in other analysis contexts, we need to ask for it from the cache.
_typeProvider ??= getResult(AnalysisContextTarget.request, TYPE_PROVIDER);
if (_typeProvider != null) {
return _typeProvider;
// Make sure a task didn't accidentally try to call back into the context
// to retrieve the type provider.
Source coreSource = sourceFactory.forUri(DartSdk.DART_CORE);
if (coreSource == null) {
throw new AnalysisException("Could not create a source for dart:core");
LibraryElement coreElement = computeLibraryElement(coreSource);
if (coreElement == null) {
throw new AnalysisException("Could not create an element for dart:core");
Source asyncSource = sourceFactory.forUri(DartSdk.DART_ASYNC);
if (asyncSource == null) {
throw new AnalysisException("Could not create a source for dart:async");
LibraryElement asyncElement = computeLibraryElement(asyncSource);
if (asyncElement == null) {
throw new AnalysisException("Could not create an element for dart:async");
_typeProvider = new TypeProviderImpl(coreElement, asyncElement);
return _typeProvider;
* Sets the [TypeProvider] for this context.
void set typeProvider(TypeProvider typeProvider) {
_typeProvider = typeProvider;
TypeSystem get typeSystem {
if (_typeSystem == null) {
_typeSystem = TypeSystem.create(this);
return _typeSystem;
bool aboutToComputeResult(CacheEntry entry, ResultDescriptor result) {
return PerformanceStatistics.summary.makeCurrentWhile(() {
// Use this helper if it is set.
if (resultProvider != null && resultProvider.compute(entry, result)) {
return true;
// Ask the SDK.
DartSdk dartSdk = sourceFactory.dartSdk;
if (dartSdk != null) {
AnalysisContext sdkContext = dartSdk.context;
if (!identical(sdkContext, this) &&
sdkContext is InternalAnalysisContext) {
return sdkContext.aboutToComputeResult(entry, result);
// Cannot provide the result.
return false;
void addListener(AnalysisListener listener) {
if (!_listeners.contains(listener)) {
void applyAnalysisDelta(AnalysisDelta delta) {
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet();
delta.analysisLevels.forEach((Source source, AnalysisLevel level) {
if (level == AnalysisLevel.NONE) {
} else {
void applyChanges(ChangeSet changeSet) {
if (changeSet.isEmpty) {
// First, compute the list of sources that have been removed.
List<Source> removedSources = changeSet.removedSources.toList();
for (SourceContainer container in changeSet.removedContainers) {
_addSourcesInContainer(removedSources, container);
// Then determine which cached results are no longer valid.
for (Source source in changeSet.addedSources) {
// Exclude sources that are overridden in the content cache, so the change
// will have no effect. Just ignore it to avoid wasting time doing
// re-analysis.
List<Source> changedSources = changeSet.changedSources
.where((s) => _contentCache.getContents(s) == null)
for (Source source in changedSources) {
changeSet.changedContents.forEach((Source key, String value) {
_contentsChanged(key, value, false);
.forEach((Source source, ChangeSet_ContentChange change) {
_contentRangeChanged(source, change.contents, change.offset,
change.oldLength, change.newLength);
for (Source source in removedSources) {
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
changeSet.addedSources, changedSources, removedSources);
_onSourcesChangedController.add(new SourcesChangedEvent(changeSet));
String computeDocumentationComment(Element element) =>
List<AnalysisError> computeErrors(Source source) {
String name = source.shortName;
if (AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(name)) {
return computeResult(source, HTML_ERRORS);
return computeResult(source, DART_ERRORS);
List<Source> computeExportedLibraries(Source source) =>
computeResult(source, EXPORTED_LIBRARIES);
List<Source> computeImportedLibraries(Source source) =>
SourceKind computeKindOf(Source source) {
String name = source.shortName;
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(name)) {
return computeResult(source, SOURCE_KIND);
} else if (AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(name)) {
return SourceKind.HTML;
return SourceKind.UNKNOWN;
LibraryElement computeLibraryElement(Source source) {
//_computeResult(source, HtmlEntry.ELEMENT);
return computeResult(source, LIBRARY_ELEMENT);
LineInfo computeLineInfo(Source source) => computeResult(source, LINE_INFO);
CancelableFuture<CompilationUnit> computeResolvedCompilationUnitAsync(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
if (!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(unitSource.shortName) ||
!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(librarySource.shortName)) {
return new CancelableFuture.error(new AnalysisNotScheduledError());
return new AnalysisFutureHelper<CompilationUnit>(this,
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource), RESOLVED_UNIT)
Object/*=V*/ computeResult/*<V>*/(
AnalysisTarget target, ResultDescriptor/*<V>*/ descriptor) {
// Make sure we are not trying to invoke the task model in a reentrant
// fashion.
CacheEntry entry = getCacheEntry(target);
CacheState state = entry.getState(descriptor);
if (state == CacheState.FLUSHED || state == CacheState.INVALID) {
// Check the result provider.
bool success = aboutToComputeResult(entry, descriptor);
if (success) {
return entry.getValue(descriptor);
// Compute the result.
driver.computeResult(target, descriptor);
entry = getCacheEntry(target);
state = entry.getState(descriptor);
if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
throw new AnalysisException(
'Cannot compute $descriptor for $target', entry.exception);
return entry.getValue(descriptor);
* Create an analysis cache based on the given source [factory].
AnalysisCache createCacheFromSourceFactory(SourceFactory factory) {
AnalysisCache createCache() {
if (factory == null) {
return new AnalysisCache(<CachePartition>[_privatePartition]);
if (!useSdkCachePartition) {
return new AnalysisCache(<CachePartition>[_privatePartition]);
DartSdk sdk = factory.dartSdk;
if (sdk == null) {
return new AnalysisCache(<CachePartition>[_privatePartition]);
return new AnalysisCache(<CachePartition>[
AnalysisCache cache = createCache();
onResultInvalidatedSubscription =
cache.onResultInvalidated.listen((InvalidatedResult event) {
StreamController<ResultChangedEvent> controller =
if (controller != null) {
controller.add(new ResultChangedEvent(
this,, event.descriptor, event.value, false));
return cache;
void dispose() {
_disposed = true;
for (List<PendingFuture> pendingFutures in _pendingFutureTargets.values) {
for (PendingFuture pendingFuture in pendingFutures) {
List<CompilationUnit> ensureResolvedDartUnits(Source unitSource) {
// Check every library.
List<CompilationUnit> units = <CompilationUnit>[];
List<Source> containingLibraries = getLibrariesContaining(unitSource);
for (Source librarySource in containingLibraries) {
LibrarySpecificUnit target =
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource);
CompilationUnit unit = getResult(target, RESOLVED_UNIT);
if (unit == null) {
units = null;
// If we have results, then we're done.
if (units != null) {
return units;
// Schedule computing of RESOLVED_UNIT results.
for (Source librarySource in containingLibraries) {
LibrarySpecificUnit target =
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource);
dartWorkManager.addPriorityResult(target, RESOLVED_UNIT);
return null;
bool exists(Source source) {
if (source == null) {
return false;
bool overriddenExists = _contentCache.getExists(source);
if (overriddenExists != null) {
return overriddenExists;
return source.exists();
CacheEntry getCacheEntry(AnalysisTarget target) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(target);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new CacheEntry(target);
ImplicitAnalysisEvent event = null;
if (target is Source) {
entry.modificationTime = getModificationStamp(target);
event = new ImplicitAnalysisEvent(target, true);
if (event != null) {
return entry;
CompilationUnitElement getCompilationUnitElement(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
AnalysisTarget target = new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource);
return getResult(target, COMPILATION_UNIT_ELEMENT);
Object/*=V*/ getConfigurationData/*<V>*/(ResultDescriptor/*<V>*/ key) =>
(_configurationData[key] ?? key?.defaultValue) as Object/*=V*/;
TimestampedData<String> getContents(Source source) {
String contents = _contentCache.getContents(source);
if (contents != null) {
return new TimestampedData<String>(
_contentCache.getModificationStamp(source), contents);
return source.contents;
InternalAnalysisContext getContextFor(Source source) =>
_cache.getContextFor(source) ?? this;
Element getElement(ElementLocation location) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This should not be a "get" method.
try {
List<String> components = location.components;
Source source = _computeSourceFromEncoding(components[0]);
String sourceName = source.shortName;
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(sourceName)) {
ElementImpl element = computeLibraryElement(source) as ElementImpl;
for (int i = 1; i < components.length; i++) {
if (element == null) {
return null;
element = element.getChild(components[i]);
return element;
} catch (exception) {
// If the location cannot be decoded for some reason then the underlying
// cause should have been logged already and we can fall though to return
// null.
return null;
AnalysisErrorInfo getErrors(Source source) {
List<AnalysisError> allErrors = <AnalysisError>[];
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
List<AnalysisError> errors = workManager.getErrors(source);
LineInfo lineInfo = getLineInfo(source);
return new AnalysisErrorInfoImpl(allErrors, lineInfo);
List<Source> getHtmlFilesReferencing(Source source) {
if (!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(source.shortName)) {
return Source.EMPTY_LIST;
List<Source> htmlSources = <Source>[];
List<Source> librarySources = getLibrariesContaining(source);
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
if (AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(source.shortName)) {
List<Source> referencedLibraries =
getResult(source, REFERENCED_LIBRARIES);
if (_containsAny(referencedLibraries, librarySources)) {
if (htmlSources.isEmpty) {
return Source.EMPTY_LIST;
return htmlSources;
SourceKind getKindOf(Source source) {
String name = source.shortName;
if (AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(name)) {
return getResult(source, SOURCE_KIND);
} else if (AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(name)) {
return SourceKind.HTML;
return SourceKind.UNKNOWN;
List<Source> getLibrariesContaining(Source source) {
SourceKind kind = getKindOf(source);
if (kind == SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
return <Source>[source];
return dartWorkManager.getLibrariesContainingPart(source);
List<Source> getLibrariesDependingOn(Source librarySource) {
List<Source> dependentLibraries = <Source>[];
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry.getValue(SOURCE_KIND) == SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
if (_contains(entry.getValue(EXPORTED_LIBRARIES), librarySource)) {
if (_contains(entry.getValue(IMPORTED_LIBRARIES), librarySource)) {
if (dependentLibraries.isEmpty) {
return Source.EMPTY_LIST;
return dependentLibraries;
List<Source> getLibrariesReferencedFromHtml(Source htmlSource) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(htmlSource);
if (entry != null) {
return entry.getValue(REFERENCED_LIBRARIES);
return Source.EMPTY_LIST;
LibraryElement getLibraryElement(Source source) =>
getResult(source, LIBRARY_ELEMENT);
LineInfo getLineInfo(Source source) => getResult(source, LINE_INFO);
int getModificationStamp(Source source) {
int stamp = _contentCache.getModificationStamp(source);
if (stamp != null) {
return stamp;
return source.modificationStamp;
ChangeNoticeImpl getNotice(Source source) {
ChangeNoticeImpl notice = _pendingNotices[source];
if (notice == null) {
notice = new ChangeNoticeImpl(source);
_pendingNotices[source] = notice;
return notice;
Namespace getPublicNamespace(LibraryElement library) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Rename this to not start with 'get'.
// Note that this is not part of the API of the interface.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) The public namespace used to be cached, but no
// longer is. Konstantin adds:
// The only client of this method is NamespaceBuilder._createExportMapping(),
// and it is not used with tasks - instead we compute export namespace once
// using BuildExportNamespaceTask and reuse in scopes.
NamespaceBuilder builder = new NamespaceBuilder();
return builder.createPublicNamespaceForLibrary(library);
CompilationUnit getResolvedCompilationUnit(
Source unitSource, LibraryElement library) {
if (library == null ||
!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(unitSource.shortName)) {
return null;
return getResolvedCompilationUnit2(unitSource, library.source);
CompilationUnit getResolvedCompilationUnit2(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
if (!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(unitSource.shortName) ||
!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(librarySource.shortName)) {
return null;
return getResult(
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource), RESOLVED_UNIT);
Object/*=V*/ getResult/*<V>*/(
AnalysisTarget target, ResultDescriptor/*<V>*/ result) {
return _cache.getValue(target, result);
List<Source> getSourcesWithFullName(String path) {
return analysisCache.getSourcesWithFullName(path);
bool handleContentsChanged(
Source source, String originalContents, String newContents, bool notify) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry == null) {
return false;
// If there were no "originalContents" in the content cache,
// use the contents of the file instead.
if (originalContents == null) {
try {
TimestampedData<String> fileContents = source.contents;
if (fileContents.modificationTime == entry.modificationTime) {
originalContents =;
} catch (e) {}
bool changed = newContents != originalContents;
if (newContents != null) {
if (changed) {
entry.modificationTime = _contentCache.getModificationStamp(source);
if (!analysisOptions.incremental ||
!_tryPoorMansIncrementalResolution(source, newContents)) {
// Don't compare with old contents because the cache has already been
// updated, and we know at this point that it changed.
_sourceChanged(source, compareWithOld: false);
entry.setValue(CONTENT, newContents, TargetedResult.EMPTY_LIST);
} else {
entry.modificationTime = _contentCache.getModificationStamp(source);
} else if (originalContents != null) {
// We are removing the overlay for the file, check if the file's
// contents is the same as it was in the overlay.
try {
TimestampedData<String> fileContents = getContents(source);
newContents =;
entry.modificationTime = fileContents.modificationTime;
if (newContents == originalContents) {
entry.setValue(CONTENT, newContents, TargetedResult.EMPTY_LIST);
changed = false;
} catch (e) {}
// If not the same content (e.g. the file is being closed without save),
// then force analysis.
if (changed) {
if (newContents == null ||
!analysisOptions.incremental ||
!_tryPoorMansIncrementalResolution(source, newContents)) {
if (notify && changed) {
.add(new SourcesChangedEvent.changedContent(source, newContents));
return changed;
* Invalidate analysis cache and notify work managers that they have work
* to do.
void invalidateCachedResults() {
_cache = createCacheFromSourceFactory(_sourceFactory);
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
void invalidateLibraryHints(Source librarySource) {
List<Source> sources = getResult(librarySource, UNITS);
if (sources != null) {
for (Source source in sources) {
getCacheEntry(source).setState(HINTS, CacheState.INVALID);
bool isClientLibrary(Source librarySource) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(librarySource);
return entry != null &&
_referencesDartHtml(librarySource) &&
bool isServerLibrary(Source librarySource) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(librarySource);
return entry != null &&
!_referencesDartHtml(librarySource) &&
Stream<ResultChangedEvent> onResultChanged(ResultDescriptor descriptor) {
driver.onResultComputed(descriptor).listen((ResultChangedEvent event) {
return _resultChangedControllers.putIfAbsent(descriptor, () {
return new StreamController<ResultChangedEvent>.broadcast(sync: true);
Stream<ComputedResult> onResultComputed(ResultDescriptor descriptor) {
return onResultChanged(descriptor)
.where((event) => event.wasComputed)
.map((event) {
return new ComputedResult(
event.context, event.descriptor,, event.value);
CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(Source source) {
if (!AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(source.shortName)) {
return null;
try {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
throw new AnalysisException('Could not get contents of $source',
new CaughtException(exception, stackTrace));
return computeResult(source, PARSED_UNIT);
Document parseHtmlDocument(Source source) {
if (!AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(source.shortName)) {
return null;
return computeResult(source, HTML_DOCUMENT);
AnalysisResult performAnalysisTask() {
return PerformanceStatistics.performAnalysis.makeCurrentWhile(() {
bool done = !driver.performAnalysisTask();
List<ChangeNotice> notices = _getChangeNotices(done);
if (notices != null) {
int noticeCount = notices.length;
for (int i = 0; i < noticeCount; i++) {
ChangeNotice notice = notices[i];
_notifyErrors(notice.source, notice.errors, notice.lineInfo);
return new AnalysisResult(notices, -1, '', -1);
void recordLibraryElements(Map<Source, LibraryElement> elementMap) {
elementMap.forEach((Source librarySource, LibraryElement library) {
// Cache the element in the library's info.
CacheEntry entry = getCacheEntry(librarySource);
setValue(ResultDescriptor result, value) {
entry.setValue(result, value, TargetedResult.EMPTY_LIST);
setValue(COMPILATION_UNIT_ELEMENT, library.definingCompilationUnit);
entry.setState(CONTENT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
setValue(IS_LAUNCHABLE, false);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT1, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT2, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT3, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT4, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT5, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT6, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT7, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT8, library);
setValue(LIBRARY_ELEMENT9, library);
setValue(LINE_INFO, new LineInfo(<int>[0]));
setValue(PARSE_ERRORS, AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
entry.setState(PARSED_UNIT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
setValue(SCAN_ERRORS, AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
setValue(SOURCE_KIND, SourceKind.LIBRARY);
entry.setState(TOKEN_STREAM, CacheState.FLUSHED);
setValue(UNITS, <Source>[librarySource]);
LibrarySpecificUnit unit =
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, librarySource);
entry = getCacheEntry(unit);
setValue(HINTS, AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
setValue(LINTS, AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT1, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT2, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT3, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT4, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT5, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT6, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT7, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT8, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT9, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT10, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT11, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT12, CacheState.FLUSHED);
setValue(STRONG_MODE_ERRORS, AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
setValue(VERIFY_ERRORS, AnalysisError.NO_ERRORS);
CacheEntry entry = getCacheEntry(AnalysisContextTarget.request);
entry.setValue(TYPE_PROVIDER, typeProvider, TargetedResult.EMPTY_LIST);
void removeListener(AnalysisListener listener) {
CompilationUnit resolveCompilationUnit(
Source unitSource, LibraryElement library) {
if (library == null) {
return null;
return resolveCompilationUnit2(unitSource, library.source);
CompilationUnit resolveCompilationUnit2(
Source unitSource, Source librarySource) {
return computeResult(
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource), RESOLVED_UNIT);
void setChangedContents(Source source, String contents, int offset,
int oldLength, int newLength) {
if (_contentRangeChanged(source, contents, offset, oldLength, newLength)) {
_onSourcesChangedController.add(new SourcesChangedEvent.changedRange(
source, contents, offset, oldLength, newLength));
void setConfigurationData(ResultDescriptor key, Object data) {
_configurationData[key] = data;
void setContents(Source source, String contents) {
_contentsChanged(source, contents, true);
bool shouldErrorsBeAnalyzed(Source source) {
CacheEntry entry = analysisCache.get(source);
if (source.isInSystemLibrary) {
return _options.generateSdkErrors;
} else if (!entry.explicitlyAdded) {
return _options.generateImplicitErrors;
} else {
return true;
void test_flushAstStructures(Source source) {
CacheEntry entry = getCacheEntry(source);
entry.setState(PARSED_UNIT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT1, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT2, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT3, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT4, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT5, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT6, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT7, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT8, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT9, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT10, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT11, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT12, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(RESOLVED_UNIT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
void visitContentCache(ContentCacheVisitor visitor) {
* Add all of the sources contained in the given source [container] to the
* given list of [sources].
void _addSourcesInContainer(List<Source> sources, SourceContainer container) {
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
if (container.contains(source)) {
* Remove the given [pendingFuture] from [_pendingFutureTargets], since the
* client has indicated its computation is not needed anymore.
void _cancelFuture(PendingFuture pendingFuture) {
List<PendingFuture> pendingFutures =
if (pendingFutures != null) {
if (pendingFutures.isEmpty) {
* Given the encoded form of a source ([encoding]), use the source factory to
* reconstitute the original source.
Source _computeSourceFromEncoding(String encoding) =>
* Return `true` if the given list of [sources] contains the given
* [targetSource].
bool _contains(List<Source> sources, Source targetSource) {
for (Source source in sources) {
if (source == targetSource) {
return true;
return false;
* Return `true` if the given list of [sources] contains any of the given
* [targetSources].
bool _containsAny(List<Source> sources, List<Source> targetSources) {
for (Source targetSource in targetSources) {
if (_contains(sources, targetSource)) {
return true;
return false;
* Set the contents of the given [source] to the given [contents] and mark the
* source as having changed. The additional [offset], [oldLength] and
* [newLength] information is used by the context to determine what reanalysis
* is necessary. The method [setChangedContents] triggers a source changed
* event where as this method does not.
bool _contentRangeChanged(Source source, String contents, int offset,
int oldLength, int newLength) {
bool changed = false;
String originalContents = _contentCache.setContents(source, contents);
if (contents != null) {
if (contents != originalContents) {
changed = true;
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry != null) {
entry.modificationTime = _contentCache.getModificationStamp(source);
entry.setValue(CONTENT, contents, TargetedResult.EMPTY_LIST);
} else if (originalContents != null) {
changed = true;
return changed;
* Set the contents of the given [source] to the given [contents] and mark the
* source as having changed. This has the effect of overriding the default
* contents of the source. If the contents are `null` the override is removed
* so that the default contents will be returned. If [notify] is true, a
* source changed event is triggered.
void _contentsChanged(Source source, String contents, bool notify) {
String originalContents = _contentCache.setContents(source, contents);
handleContentsChanged(source, originalContents, contents, notify);
* Create a cache entry for the given [source]. The source was explicitly
* added to this context if [explicitlyAdded] is `true`. Return the cache
* entry that was created.
CacheEntry _createCacheEntry(Source source, bool explicitlyAdded) {
CacheEntry entry = new CacheEntry(source);
entry.modificationTime = getModificationStamp(source);
entry.explicitlyAdded = explicitlyAdded;
if (!explicitlyAdded) {
.add(new ImplicitAnalysisEvent(source, true));
return entry;
* Return a list containing all of the cache entries for targets associated
* with the given [source].
List<CacheEntry> _entriesFor(Source source) {
List<CacheEntry> entries = <CacheEntry>[];
MapIterator<AnalysisTarget, CacheEntry> iterator = _cache.iterator();
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
if (iterator.key.source == source) {
return entries;
void _evaluatePendingFutures() {
for (AnalysisTarget target in _pendingFutureTargets.keys) {
CacheEntry cacheEntry = _cache.get(target);
List<PendingFuture> pendingFutures = _pendingFutureTargets[target];
for (int i = 0; i < pendingFutures.length;) {
if (cacheEntry == null) {
} else if (pendingFutures[i].evaluate(cacheEntry)) {
} else {
* Return a list containing all of the change notices that are waiting to be
* returned. If there are no notices, then return either `null` or an empty
* list, depending on the value of [nullIfEmpty].
List<ChangeNotice> _getChangeNotices(bool nullIfEmpty) {
if (_pendingNotices.isEmpty) {
if (nullIfEmpty) {
return null;
return ChangeNoticeImpl.EMPTY_LIST;
List<ChangeNotice> notices = new List.from(_pendingNotices.values);
return notices;
* Return a [CompilationUnit] for the given library and unit sources, which
* can be incrementally resolved.
CompilationUnit _getIncrementallyResolvableUnit(
Source librarySource, Source unitSource) {
LibrarySpecificUnit target =
new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource);
for (ResultDescriptor<CompilationUnit> result in [
]) {
CompilationUnit unit = getResult(target, result);
if (unit != null) {
return unit;
return null;
* Return a list containing all of the sources known to this context that have
* the given [kind].
List<Source> _getSources(SourceKind kind) {
List<Source> sources = <Source>[];
if (kind == SourceKind.LIBRARY || kind == SourceKind.PART) {
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry.getValue(SOURCE_KIND) == kind) {
} else if (kind == SourceKind.HTML) {
for (Source source in _cache.sources) {
if (AnalysisEngine.isHtmlFileName(source.shortName)) {
if (sources.isEmpty) {
return Source.EMPTY_LIST;
return sources;
* Look at the given [source] to see whether a task needs to be performed
* related to it. If so, add the source to the set of sources that need to be
* processed. This method is intended to be used for testing purposes only.
void _getSourcesNeedingProcessing(
Source source,
CacheEntry entry,
bool isPriority,
bool hintsEnabled,
bool lintsEnabled,
HashSet<Source> sources) {
CacheState state = entry.getState(CONTENT);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
state = entry.getState(SOURCE_KIND);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
SourceKind kind = entry.getValue(SOURCE_KIND);
if (kind == SourceKind.LIBRARY || kind == SourceKind.PART) {
state = entry.getState(SCAN_ERRORS);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
state = entry.getState(PARSE_ERRORS);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
// if (isPriority) {
// if (!entry.hasResolvableCompilationUnit) {
// sources.add(source);
// return;
// }
// }
for (Source librarySource in getLibrariesContaining(source)) {
CacheEntry libraryEntry = _cache.get(librarySource);
state = libraryEntry.getState(LIBRARY_ELEMENT);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
CacheEntry unitEntry =
_cache.get(new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, source));
state = unitEntry.getState(RESOLVED_UNIT);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
if (shouldErrorsBeAnalyzed(source)) {
state = unitEntry.getState(VERIFY_ERRORS);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
if (hintsEnabled) {
state = unitEntry.getState(HINTS);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
if (lintsEnabled) {
state = unitEntry.getState(LINTS);
if (state == CacheState.INVALID ||
(isPriority && state == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
} else if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
// } else if (kind == SourceKind.HTML) {
// CacheState parsedUnitState = entry.getState(HtmlEntry.PARSED_UNIT);
// if (parsedUnitState == CacheState.INVALID ||
// (isPriority && parsedUnitState == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
// sources.add(source);
// return;
// }
// CacheState resolvedUnitState =
// entry.getState(HtmlEntry.RESOLVED_UNIT);
// if (resolvedUnitState == CacheState.INVALID ||
// (isPriority && resolvedUnitState == CacheState.FLUSHED)) {
// sources.add(source);
// return;
// }
* Log the given debugging [message].
void _logInformation(String message) {
bool _notEqual/*<T>*/(List/*<T>*/ first, List/*<T>*/ second) {
int length = first.length;
if (length != second.length) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (first[i] != second[i]) {
return true;
return false;
* Notify all of the analysis listeners that the errors associated with the
* given [source] has been updated to the given [errors].
void _notifyErrors(
Source source, List<AnalysisError> errors, LineInfo lineInfo) {
int count = _listeners.length;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
_listeners[i].computedErrors(this, source, errors, lineInfo);
bool _referencesDartHtml(Source librarySource) {
Source htmlSource = sourceFactory.forUri(DartSdk.DART_HTML);
Set<Source> checkedSources = new Set<Source>();
bool _refHtml(Source source) {
if (!checkedSources.add(source)) {
return false;
if (source == htmlSource) {
return true;
LibraryElement library = _cache.getValue(source, LIBRARY_ELEMENT);
if (library != null) {
return library.importedLibraries.any((x) => _refHtml(x.source)) ||
library.exportedLibraries.any((x) => _refHtml(x.source));
return false;
return _refHtml(librarySource);
void _removeFromCache(Source source) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.remove(source);
if (entry != null && !entry.explicitlyAdded) {
.add(new ImplicitAnalysisEvent(source, false));
* Remove the given [source] from the priority order if it is in the list.
void _removeFromPriorityOrder(Source source) {
int count = _priorityOrder.length;
List<Source> newOrder = <Source>[];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (_priorityOrder[i] != source) {
if (newOrder.length < count) {
analysisPriorityOrder = newOrder;
* Create an entry for the newly added [source] and invalidate any sources
* that referenced the source before it existed.
void _sourceAvailable(Source source) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This method needs to check whether the source was
// previously being implicitly analyzed. If so, the cache entry needs to be
// update to reflect the new status and an event needs to be generated to
// inform clients that it is no longer being implicitly analyzed.
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
if (entry == null) {
_createCacheEntry(source, true);
} else {
entry.explicitlyAdded = true;
entry.modificationTime = getModificationStamp(source);
entry.setState(CONTENT, CacheState.INVALID);
entry.setState(MODIFICATION_TIME, CacheState.INVALID);
* Invalidate the [source] that was changed and any sources that referenced
* the source before it existed.
* Note: source may be considered "changed" if it was previously missing,
* but pointed to by an import or export directive.
void _sourceChanged(Source source, {bool compareWithOld: true}) {
CacheEntry entry = _cache.get(source);
// If the source has no cache entry, there is nothing to invalidate.
if (entry == null) {
String oldContents = compareWithOld ? entry.getValue(CONTENT) : null;
// Flush so that from now on we will get new contents.
// (For example, in getLibrariesContaining.)
entry.setState(CONTENT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
// Prepare the new contents.
TimestampedData<String> fileContents;
try {
fileContents = getContents(source);
} catch (e) {}
// Update 'modificationTime' - we are going to update the entry.
int time = fileContents?.modificationTime ?? -1;
for (CacheEntry entry in _entriesFor(source)) {
entry.modificationTime = time;
// Fast path if the contents is the same as it was last time.
if (oldContents != null && fileContents?.data == oldContents) {
// We're going to update the cache, so reset the driver.
// We need to invalidate the cache.
if (analysisOptions.finerGrainedInvalidation &&
AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(source.fullName)) {
// TODO(scheglov) Incorrect implementation in general.
entry.setState(TOKEN_STREAM, CacheState.FLUSHED);
entry.setState(PARSED_UNIT, CacheState.FLUSHED);
SourceKind sourceKind = getKindOf(source);
List<Source> partSources = getResult(source, INCLUDED_PARTS);
if (sourceKind == SourceKind.LIBRARY && partSources.isEmpty) {
Source librarySource = source;
// Try to find an old unit which has element model.
CacheEntry unitEntry =
getCacheEntry(new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, source));
CompilationUnit oldUnit = RESOLVED_UNIT_RESULTS
.skipWhile((result) => result != RESOLVED_UNIT2)
.firstWhere((unit) => unit != null, orElse: () => null);
// If we have the old unit, we can try to update it.
if (oldUnit != null) {
// Safely parse the source.
CompilationUnit newUnit;
try {
newUnit = parseCompilationUnit(source);
} catch (_) {
// The source might have been removed by this time.
// We cannot perform incremental invalidation.
// If the new unit was parsed successfully, continue.
if (newUnit != null) {
IncrementalCompilationUnitElementBuilder builder =
new IncrementalCompilationUnitElementBuilder(
oldUnit, newUnit);;
CompilationUnitElementDelta unitDelta = builder.unitDelta;
if (!unitDelta.hasDirectiveChange) {
COMPILATION_UNIT_CONSTANTS, builder.unitConstants, false);
DartDelta dartDelta = new DartDelta(source);
entry.setState(CONTENT, CacheState.INVALID, delta: dartDelta);
entry.setState(CONTENT, CacheState.INVALID);
entry.setState(MODIFICATION_TIME, CacheState.INVALID);
entry.setState(SOURCE_KIND, CacheState.INVALID);
for (WorkManager workManager in workManagers) {
Source.EMPTY_LIST, <Source>[source], Source.EMPTY_LIST);
* Record that the given [source] has been removed.
void _sourceRemoved(Source source) {
* TODO(scheglov) A hackish, limited incremental resolution implementation.
bool _tryPoorMansIncrementalResolution(Source unitSource, String newCode) {
return PerformanceStatistics.incrementalAnalysis.makeCurrentWhile(() {
incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnitSource = null;
incrementalResolutionValidation_lastLibrarySource = null;
incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnit = null;
// prepare the source entry
CacheEntry sourceEntry = _cache.get(unitSource);
if (sourceEntry == null) {
return false;
// prepare the (only) library source
List<Source> librarySources = getLibrariesContaining(unitSource);
if (librarySources.length != 1) {
return false;
Source librarySource = librarySources[0];
// prepare the unit entry
CacheEntry unitEntry =
_cache.get(new LibrarySpecificUnit(librarySource, unitSource));
if (unitEntry == null) {
return false;
// prepare the existing unit
CompilationUnit oldUnit =
_getIncrementallyResolvableUnit(librarySource, unitSource);
if (oldUnit == null) {
return false;
// do resolution
Stopwatch perfCounter = new Stopwatch()..start();
PoorMansIncrementalResolver resolver = new PoorMansIncrementalResolver(
bool success = resolver.resolve(newCode);
if (!success) {
return false;
// if validation, remember the result, but throw it away
if (analysisOptions.incrementalValidation) {
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnitElement =
incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnitSource =
incrementalResolutionValidation_lastLibrarySource =
incrementalResolutionValidation_lastUnit = oldUnit;
return false;
// prepare notice
ChangeNoticeImpl notice = getNotice(unitSource);
notice.resolvedDartUnit = oldUnit;
AnalysisErrorInfo errorInfo = getErrors(unitSource);
notice.setErrors(errorInfo.errors, errorInfo.lineInfo);
// schedule
dartWorkManager.unitIncrementallyResolved(librarySource, unitSource);
// OK
return true;
static bool _samePatchPaths(
Map<String, List<String>> a, Map<String, List<String>> b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (var key in a.keys) {
if (!b.containsKey(key)) return false;
var aValue = a[key];
var bValue = b[key];
if (aValue.length != bValue.length) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < aValue.length; i++) {
if (aValue[i] != bValue[i]) return false;
return true;
* A helper class used to create futures for [AnalysisContextImpl].
* Using a helper class allows us to preserve the generic parameter T.
class AnalysisFutureHelper<T> {
final AnalysisContextImpl _context;
final AnalysisTarget _target;
final ResultDescriptor<T> _descriptor;
AnalysisFutureHelper(this._context, this._target, this._descriptor);
* Return a future that will be completed with the result specified
* in the constructor. If the result is cached, the future will be
* completed immediately with the resulting value. If not, then
* analysis is scheduled that will produce the required result.
* If the result cannot be generated, then the future will be completed with
* the error AnalysisNotScheduledError.
CancelableFuture<T> computeAsync() {
if (_context.isDisposed) {
// No further analysis is expected, so return a future that completes
// immediately with AnalysisNotScheduledError.
return new CancelableFuture.error(new AnalysisNotScheduledError());
CacheEntry entry = _context.getCacheEntry(_target);
PendingFuture<T> pendingFuture =
new PendingFuture<T>(_context, _target, (CacheEntry entry) {
CacheState state = entry.getState(_descriptor);
if (state == CacheState.ERROR) {
throw entry.exception;
} else if (state == CacheState.INVALID) {
return null;
return entry.getValue(_descriptor);
if (!pendingFuture.evaluate(entry)) {
.putIfAbsent(_target, () => <PendingFuture>[])
_context.dartWorkManager.addPriorityResult(_target, _descriptor);
return pendingFuture.future;
class CacheConsistencyValidatorImpl implements CacheConsistencyValidator {
final AnalysisContextImpl context;
List<Source> getSourcesToComputeModificationTimes() {
return context._privatePartition.sources.toList();
bool sourceModificationTimesComputed(List<Source> sources, List<int> times) {
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch()..start();
HashSet<Source> changedSources = new HashSet<Source>();
HashSet<Source> removedSources = new HashSet<Source>();
for (int i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
Source source = sources[i];
// When a source is in the content cache,
// its modification time in the file system does not matter.
if (context._contentCache.getModificationStamp(source) != null) {
// When we were not able to compute the modification time in the
// file system, there is nothing to compare with, so skip the source.
int sourceTime = times[i];
if (sourceTime == null) {
// Compare with the modification time in the cache entry.
CacheEntry entry = context._privatePartition.get(source);
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.modificationTime != sourceTime) {
if (sourceTime == -1) {
} else {
for (Source source in changedSources) {
for (Source source in removedSources) {
if (changedSources.length > 0 || removedSources.length > 0) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.write("Consistency check took ");
buffer.writeln(" ms and found");
buffer.write(" ");
buffer.writeln(" changed sources");
buffer.write(" ");
buffer.write(" removed sources.");
return changedSources.isNotEmpty || removedSources.isNotEmpty;
* An object that manages the partitions that can be shared between analysis
* contexts.
class PartitionManager {
* A table mapping SDK's to the partitions used for those SDK's.
HashMap<DartSdk, SdkCachePartition> _sdkPartitions =
new HashMap<DartSdk, SdkCachePartition>();
* Clear any cached data being maintained by this manager.
void clearCache() {
* Return the partition being used for the given [sdk], creating the partition
* if necessary.
SdkCachePartition forSdk(DartSdk sdk) {
// Call sdk.context now, because when it creates a new
// InternalAnalysisContext instance, it calls forSdk() again, so creates an
// SdkCachePartition instance.
// So, if we initialize context after "partition == null", we end up
// with two SdkCachePartition instances.
InternalAnalysisContext sdkContext = sdk.context;
// Check cache for an existing partition.
SdkCachePartition partition = _sdkPartitions[sdk];
if (partition == null) {
partition = new SdkCachePartition(sdkContext);
_sdkPartitions[sdk] = partition;
return partition;
* Representation of a pending computation which is based on the results of
* analysis that may or may not have been completed.
class PendingFuture<T> {
* The context in which this computation runs.
final AnalysisContextImpl _context;
* The target used by this computation to compute its value.
final AnalysisTarget target;
* The function which implements the computation.
final PendingFutureComputer<T> _computeValue;
* The completer that should be completed once the computation has succeeded.
CancelableCompleter<T> _completer;
PendingFuture(this._context,, this._computeValue) {
_completer = new CancelableCompleter<T>(_onCancel);
* Retrieve the future which will be completed when this object is
* successfully evaluated.
CancelableFuture<T> get future => _completer.future;
* Execute [_computeValue], passing it the given [entry], and complete
* the pending future if it's appropriate to do so. If the pending future is
* completed by this call, true is returned; otherwise false is returned.
* Once this function has returned true, it should not be called again.
* Other than completing the future, this method is free of side effects.
* Note that any code the client has attached to the future will be executed
* in a microtask, so there is no danger of side effects occurring due to
* client callbacks.
bool evaluate(CacheEntry entry) {
try {
T result = _computeValue(entry);
if (result == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_completer.completeError(exception, stackTrace);
return true;
* No further analysis updates are expected which affect this future, so
* complete it with an AnalysisNotScheduledError in order to avoid
* deadlocking the client.
void forciblyComplete() {
try {
throw new AnalysisNotScheduledError();
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
_completer.completeError(exception, stackTrace);
void _onCancel() {
* Provider for analysis results.
abstract class ResultProvider {
* This method is invoked by an [InternalAnalysisContext] when the state of
* the [result] of the [entry] is [CacheState.INVALID], so it is about to be
* computed.
* If the provider knows how to provide the value, it sets the value into
* the [entry] with all required dependencies, and returns `true`.
* Otherwise, it returns `false` to indicate that the result should be
* computed as usually.
bool compute(CacheEntry entry, ResultDescriptor result);
* An [AnalysisContext] that only contains sources for a Dart SDK.
class SdkAnalysisContext extends AnalysisContextImpl {
* Initialize a newly created SDK analysis context with the given [options].
* Analysis options cannot be changed afterwards. If the given [options] are
* `null`, then default options are used.
SdkAnalysisContext(AnalysisOptions options) {
if (options != null) {
super.analysisOptions = options;
void set analysisOptions(AnalysisOptions options) {
throw new StateError('AnalysisOptions of SDK context cannot be changed.');
AnalysisCache createCacheFromSourceFactory(SourceFactory factory) {
if (factory == null) {
return super.createCacheFromSourceFactory(factory);
DartSdk sdk = factory.dartSdk;
if (sdk == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"The source factory for an SDK analysis context must have a DartUriResolver");
return new AnalysisCache(