blob: 338cba1c3c75d7009a1af35fb32ff6a1ddb91a69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library server.operation;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'driver.dart';
import 'input_converter.dart';
* A [CompletionRequestOperation] tracks response time along with
* the first and last completion notifications.
class CompletionRequestOperation extends RequestOperation {
Driver driver;
StreamSubscription<CompletionResultsParams> subscription;
String notificationId;
Stopwatch stopwatch;
bool firstNotification = true;
CommonInputConverter converter, Map<String, dynamic> json)
: super(converter, json);
Future perform(Driver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
subscription = driver.onCompletionResults.listen(processNotification);
return super.perform(driver);
void processNotification(CompletionResultsParams event) {
if ( == notificationId) {
Duration elapsed = stopwatch.elapsed;
if (firstNotification) {
firstNotification = false;
driver.results.record('completion notification first', elapsed,
notification: true);
if (event.isLast) {
driver.results.record('completion notification last', elapsed,
notification: true);
void processResult(
String id, Map<String, dynamic> result, Stopwatch stopwatch) {
notificationId = result['id'];
this.stopwatch = stopwatch;
super.processResult(id, result, stopwatch);
* An [Operation] represents an action such as sending a request to the server.
abstract class Operation {
Future perform(Driver driver);
* A [RequestOperation] sends a [JSON] request to the server.
class RequestOperation extends Operation {
final CommonInputConverter converter;
final Map<String, dynamic> json;
RequestOperation(this.converter, this.json);
Future perform(Driver driver) {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
String originalId = json['id'];
String method = json['method'];
json['clientRequestTime'] = new;
driver.logger.log(Level.FINE, 'Sending request: $method\n $json');
void recordResult(bool success, result) {
Duration elapsed = stopwatch.elapsed;
driver.results.record(method, elapsed, success: success);
.log(Level.FINE, 'Response received: $method : $elapsed\n $result');
.send(method, converter.asMap(json['params']))
.then((Map<String, dynamic> result) {
recordResult(true, result);
processResult(originalId, result, stopwatch);
}).catchError((exception) {
recordResult(false, exception);
converter.processErrorResponse(originalId, exception);
return null;
void processResult(
String id, Map<String, dynamic> result, Stopwatch stopwatch) {
converter.processResponseResult(id, result);
* A [ResponseOperation] waits for a [JSON] response from the server.
class ResponseOperation extends Operation {
static final Duration responseTimeout = new Duration(seconds: 60);
final CommonInputConverter converter;
final Map<String, dynamic> requestJson;
final Map<String, dynamic> responseJson;
final Completer completer = new Completer();
Driver driver;
ResponseOperation(this.converter, this.requestJson, this.responseJson) {
Future perform(Driver driver) {
this.driver = driver;
return converter.processExpectedResponse(responseJson['id'], completer);
bool _equal(expectedResult, actualResult) {
if (expectedResult is Map && actualResult is Map) {
if (expectedResult.length == actualResult.length) {
return expectedResult.keys.every((String key) {
return key ==
'fileStamp' || // fileStamp values will not be the same across runs
_equal(expectedResult[key], actualResult[key]);
} else if (expectedResult is List && actualResult is List) {
if (expectedResult.length == actualResult.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < expectedResult.length; ++i) {
if (!_equal(expectedResult[i], actualResult[i])) {
return false;
return true;
return expectedResult == actualResult;
* Compare the expected and actual server response result.
void _processResult(actualResult) {
var expectedResult = responseJson['result'];
if (!_equal(expectedResult, actualResult)) {
var expectedError = responseJson['error'];
String format(value) {
String text = '\n$value';
if (text.endsWith('\n')) {
text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1);
return text.replaceAll('\n', '\n ');
String message = 'Request:${format(requestJson)}\n'
'expected result:${format(expectedResult)}\n'
'expected error:${format(expectedError)}\n'
'but received:${format(actualResult)}';
if (expectedError == null) {
converter.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message);
} else {
throw message;
class StartServerOperation extends Operation {
Future perform(Driver driver) {
return driver.startServer();
class WaitForAnalysisCompleteOperation extends Operation {
Future perform(Driver driver) {
DateTime start = new;
driver.logger.log(Level.FINE, 'waiting for analysis to complete');
StreamSubscription<ServerStatusParams> subscription;
Timer timer;
Completer completer = new Completer();
bool isAnalyzing = false;
subscription = driver.onServerStatus.listen((ServerStatusParams params) {
if (params.analysis != null) {
if (params.analysis.isAnalyzing) {
isAnalyzing = true;
} else {
DateTime end = new;
Duration delta = end.difference(start);
driver.logger.log(Level.FINE, 'analysis complete after $delta');
driver.results.record('analysis complete', delta, notification: true);
timer = new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 20), (_) {
if (!isAnalyzing) {
// TODO (danrubel) revisit this once source change requests are implemented
driver.logger.log(Level.INFO, 'analysis never started');
// Timeout if no communcation received within the last 60 seconds.
double currentTime = driver.server.currentElapseTime;
double lastTime = driver.server.lastCommunicationTime;
if (currentTime - lastTime > 60) {
String message = 'gave up waiting for analysis to complete';
driver.logger.log(Level.WARNING, message);
return completer.future;