blob: af42f140df8871f8359a5987a63c497555222cd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart'
show DartType, Expression, TypeParameterType, VariableDeclaration;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart' show SubtypeCheckMode;
import '../fasta_codes.dart' show templateInternalProblemStackNotEmpty;
import '../problems.dart' show internalProblem;
import '../kernel/internal_ast.dart' show ShadowTypePromoter;
import 'type_schema_environment.dart' show TypeSchemaEnvironment;
/// Keeps track of the state necessary to perform type promotion.
/// Theory of operation: during parsing, the BodyBuilder calls methods in this
/// class to inform it of syntactic constructs that are encountered. Those
/// methods maintain a linked list of [TypePromotionFact] objects tracking what
/// is known about the state of each variable at the current point in the code,
/// as well as a linked list of [TypePromotionScope] objects tracking the
/// component's nesting structure. Whenever a variable is read, the current
/// [TypePromotionFact] and [TypePromotionScope] are recorded for later use.
/// During type inference, the [TypeInferrer] calls back into this class to ask
/// whether each variable read is a promoted read. This is determined by
/// examining the [TypePromotionScope] and [TypePromotionFact] objects that were
/// recorded at the time the variable read was parsed, as well as other state
/// that may have been updated later during the parsing process.
/// This class abstracts away the representation of the underlying AST using
/// generic parameters. Derived classes should set E and V to the class they
/// use to represent expressions and variable declarations, respectively.
abstract class TypePromoter {
factory TypePromoter(TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment) =
factory TypePromoter.disabled() = TypePromoterDisabled.private;
/// Returns the current type promotion scope.
TypePromotionScope get currentScope;
/// Computes the promoted type of a variable read having the given [fact] and
/// [scope]. Returns `null` if there is no promotion.
/// [mutatedInClosure] indicates whether the variable was mutated in a closure
/// somewhere in the method.
DartType computePromotedType(
TypePromotionFact fact, TypePromotionScope scope, bool mutatedInClosure);
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that we are entering an "else"
/// branch.
void enterElse();
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that the LHS of an "&&" or "||"
/// expression has just been parsed, and we are entering the RHS.
void enterLogicalExpression(Expression lhs, String operator);
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that the "condition" part of an "if"
/// statement or conditional expression has just been parsed, and we are
/// entering the "then" branch.
void enterThen(Expression condition);
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that we have exited the "else"
/// branch of an "if" statement or conditional expression.
void exitConditional();
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that we have exited the RHS of an
/// "&&" or "||" expression.
void exitLogicalExpression(Expression rhs, Expression logicalExpression);
/// Verifies that enter/exit calls were properly nested.
void finished();
/// Records that the given [variable] was accessed for reading, and returns a
/// [TypePromotionFact] describing the variable's current type promotion
/// state.
/// [functionNestingLevel] should be the current nesting level of closures.
/// This is used to determine if the variable was accessed in a closure.
TypePromotionFact getFactForAccess(
VariableDeclaration variable, int functionNestingLevel);
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that an "is" check of a local
/// variable was just parsed.
void handleIsCheck(Expression isExpression, bool isInverted,
VariableDeclaration variable, DartType type, int functionNestingLevel);
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that the given [variable] was
/// mutated.
void mutateVariable(VariableDeclaration variable, int functionNestingLevel);
/// Implementation of [TypePromoter] which doesn't do any type promotion.
/// This is intended for profiling, to ensure that type inference and type
/// promotion do not slow down compilation too much.
class TypePromoterDisabled extends TypePromoter {
TypePromoterDisabled.private() : super.private();
TypePromotionScope get currentScope => null;
DartType computePromotedType(TypePromotionFact fact, TypePromotionScope scope,
bool mutatedInClosure) =>
void enterElse() {}
void enterLogicalExpression(Expression lhs, String operator) {}
void enterThen(Expression condition) {}
void exitConditional() {}
void exitLogicalExpression(Expression rhs, Expression logicalExpression) {}
void finished() {}
TypePromotionFact getFactForAccess(
VariableDeclaration variable, int functionNestingLevel) =>
void handleIsCheck(Expression isExpression, bool isInverted,
VariableDeclaration variable, DartType type, int functionNestingLevel) {}
void mutateVariable(VariableDeclaration variable, int functionNestingLevel) {}
/// Derived class containing generic implementations of [TypePromoter].
/// This class contains as much of the implementation of type promotion as
/// possible without needing access to private members of shadow objects. It
/// defers to abstract methods for everything else.
abstract class TypePromoterImpl extends TypePromoter {
final TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment;
/// [TypePromotionFact] representing the initial state (no facts have been
/// determined yet).
/// All linked lists of facts terminate in this object.
final _NullFact _nullFacts;
/// Map from variable declaration to the most recent [TypePromotionFact]
/// associated with the variable.
/// [TypePromotionFact]s that are not associated with any variable show up in
/// this map under the key `null`.
final _factCache = <VariableDeclaration, TypePromotionFact>{};
/// Linked list of [TypePromotionFact]s that was current at the time the
/// [_factCache] was last updated.
TypePromotionFact _factCacheState;
/// Linked list of [TypePromotionFact]s describing what is known to be true
/// after execution of the expression or statement that was most recently
/// parsed.
TypePromotionFact _currentFacts;
/// The most recently parsed expression whose outcome potentially affects what
/// is known to be true (e.g. an "is" check or a logical expression). May be
/// `null` if no such expression has been encountered yet.
Expression _promotionExpression;
/// Linked list of [TypePromotionFact]s describing what is known to be true
/// after execution of [_promotionExpression], assuming that
/// [_promotionExpression] evaluates to `true`.
TypePromotionFact _trueFactsForPromotionExpression;
/// Linked list of [TypePromotionScope]s describing the nesting structure that
/// contains the expression or statement that was most recently parsed.
TypePromotionScope _currentScope = const _TopLevelScope();
/// The sequence number of the [TypePromotionFact] that was most recently
/// created.
int _lastFactSequenceNumber = 0;
/// Map from variables to the set of scopes in which the variable is mutated.
/// If a variable is missing from the map, it is not mutated anywhere.
Map<VariableDeclaration, Set<TypePromotionScope>> _variableMutationScopes =
new Map<VariableDeclaration, Set<TypePromotionScope>>.identity();
TypePromoterImpl.private(TypeSchemaEnvironment typeSchemaEnvironment)
: this._(typeSchemaEnvironment, new _NullFact());
TypePromoterImpl._(this.typeSchemaEnvironment, _NullFact this._nullFacts)
: _factCacheState = _nullFacts,
_currentFacts = _nullFacts,
super.private() {
_factCache[null] = _nullFacts;
TypePromotionScope get currentScope => _currentScope;
DartType computePromotedType(
TypePromotionFact fact, TypePromotionScope scope, bool mutatedInClosure) {
if (mutatedInClosure) return null;
return fact?._computePromotedType(
this, scope, _variableMutationScopes[fact.variable]);
/// For internal debugging use, optionally prints the current state followed
/// by the event name. Uncomment the call to [_printEvent] to see the
/// sequence of calls into the type promoter and the corresponding states.
void debugEvent(String name) {
// _printEvent(name);
void enterElse() {
// Pop the scope and restore the facts to the state they were in before we
// entered the conditional. No promotion happens in the "else" branch.
_ConditionalScope scope = _currentScope;
_currentScope = _currentScope._enclosing;
_currentFacts = scope.beforeElse;
void enterLogicalExpression(Expression lhs, String operator) {
if (!identical(operator, '&&')) {
// We don't promote for `||`.
_currentScope = new _LogicalScope(_currentScope, false, _currentFacts);
} else {
// Figure out what the facts are based on possible LHS outcomes.
TypePromotionFact trueFacts = _factsWhenTrue(lhs);
// Record the fact that we are entering a new scope, and save the
// appropriate facts for the case where the expression gets short-cut.
_currentScope = new _LogicalScope(_currentScope, true, _currentFacts);
// While processing the RHS, assume the condition was true.
_currentFacts = _addBlockingScopeToFacts(trueFacts);
void enterThen(Expression condition) {
// Figure out what the facts are based on possible condition outcomes.
TypePromotionFact trueFacts = _factsWhenTrue(condition);
// Record the fact that we are entering a new scope, and save the current
// facts for when we enter the "else" branch.
_currentScope = new _ConditionalScope(_currentScope, _currentFacts);
// While processing the "then" block, assume the condition was true.
_currentFacts = _addBlockingScopeToFacts(trueFacts);
void exitConditional() {
void exitLogicalExpression(Expression rhs, Expression logicalExpression) {
_LogicalScope scope = _currentScope;
if (scope.isAnd) {
TypePromotionFact factsWhenTrue = _factsWhenTrue(rhs);
_currentFacts = scope.shortcutFacts;
logicalExpression, _addBlockingScopeToFacts(factsWhenTrue));
_currentScope = _currentScope._enclosing;
void finished() {
if (_currentScope is! _TopLevelScope) {
"$runtimeType", "$_currentScope"),
TypePromotionFact getFactForAccess(
VariableDeclaration variable, int functionNestingLevel) {
TypePromotionFact fact = _computeCurrentFactMap()[variable];
fact, _currentScope, functionNestingLevel);
return fact;
/// Returns the nesting level that was in effect when [variable] was declared.
int getVariableFunctionNestingLevel(VariableDeclaration variable);
void handleIsCheck(Expression isExpression, bool isInverted,
VariableDeclaration variable, DartType type, int functionNestingLevel) {
if (!isPromotionCandidate(variable)) return;
_IsCheck isCheck = new _IsCheck(
type, []);
if (!isInverted) {
_recordPromotionExpression(isExpression, isCheck);
/// Determines whether the given variable should be considered for promotion
/// at all.
/// This is needed because in kernel, [VariableDeclaration] objects are
/// sometimes used to represent local functions, which are not subject to
/// promotion.
bool isPromotionCandidate(VariableDeclaration variable);
/// Updates the state to reflect the fact that the given [variable] was
/// mutated.
void mutateVariable(VariableDeclaration variable, int functionNestingLevel) {
(_variableMutationScopes[variable] ??=
new Set<TypePromotionScope>.identity())
if (getVariableFunctionNestingLevel(variable) < functionNestingLevel) {
/// Determines whether [a] and [b] represent the same expression, after
/// dropping redundant enclosing parentheses.
bool sameExpressions(Expression a, Expression b);
/// Records that the given variable was mutated inside a closure.
void setVariableMutatedInClosure(VariableDeclaration variable);
/// Updates any facts that are present in [facts] but not in [_currentFacts]
/// so that they include [_currentScope] in their list of blocking scopes, and
/// returns the resulting new linked list of facts.
/// This is used when entering the body of a conditional, or the RHS of a
/// logical "and", to ensure that promotions are blocked if the construct
/// being entered contains any modifications of the corresponding variables.
/// It is also used when leaving the RHS of a logical "and", to ensure that
/// any promotions induced by the RHS of the "and" are blocked if the RHS of
/// the "and" contains any modifications of the corresponding variables.
TypePromotionFact _addBlockingScopeToFacts(TypePromotionFact facts) {
List<TypePromotionFact> factsToUpdate = [];
while (facts != _currentFacts) {
facts = facts.previous;
Map<VariableDeclaration, TypePromotionFact> factMap =
for (TypePromotionFact fact in factsToUpdate.reversed) {
_IsCheck isCheck = fact as _IsCheck;
VariableDeclaration variable = isCheck.variable;
facts = new _IsCheck(
factMap[variable] = facts;
_factCacheState = facts;
return facts;
/// Returns a map from variable declaration to the most recent
/// [TypePromotionFact] associated with the variable.
Map<VariableDeclaration, TypePromotionFact> _computeCurrentFactMap() {
// Roll back any map entries associated with facts that are no longer in
// effect, and set [commonAncestor] to the fact that is an ancestor of
// the current state and the previously cached state. To do this, we set a
// variable pointing to [_currentFacts], and then walk both it and
// [_factCacheState] back to their common ancestor, updating [_factCache] as
// we go.
TypePromotionFact commonAncestor = _currentFacts;
while (commonAncestor.sequenceNumber != _factCacheState.sequenceNumber) {
if (commonAncestor.sequenceNumber > _factCacheState.sequenceNumber) {
// The currently cached state is older than the common ancestor guess,
// so the common ancestor guess needs to be walked back.
commonAncestor = commonAncestor.previous;
} else {
// The common ancestor guess is older than the currently cached state,
// so we need to roll back the map entry associated with the currently
// cached state.
_factCache[_factCacheState.variable] =
_factCacheState = _factCacheState.previous;
assert(identical(commonAncestor, _factCacheState));
// Roll forward any map entries associated with facts that are newly in
// effect. Since newer facts link to older ones, it is easiest to do roll
// forward the most recent facts first.
for (TypePromotionFact newState = _currentFacts;
!identical(newState, commonAncestor);
newState = newState.previous) {
TypePromotionFact currentlyCached = _factCache[newState.variable];
// Note: Since we roll forward the most recent facts first, we need to be
// careful not write an older fact over a newer one.
if (currentlyCached == null ||
newState.sequenceNumber > currentlyCached.sequenceNumber) {
_factCache[newState.variable] = newState;
_factCacheState = _currentFacts;
return _factCache;
/// Returns the set of facts known to be true after the execution of [e]
/// assuming it evaluates to `true`.
/// [e] must be the most recently parsed expression or statement.
TypePromotionFact _factsWhenTrue(Expression e) =>
sameExpressions(_promotionExpression, e)
? _trueFactsForPromotionExpression
: _currentFacts;
/// For internal debugging use, prints the current state followed by the event
/// name.
// ignore: unused_element
void _printEvent(String name) {
Iterable<TypePromotionFact> factChain(TypePromotionFact fact) sync* {
while (fact != null) {
yield fact;
fact = fact.previousForVariable;
_computeCurrentFactMap().forEach((variable, fact) {
if (fact == null) return;
print(' ${variable ?? '(null)'}: ${factChain(fact).join(' -> ')}');
if (_promotionExpression != null) {
print(' _promotionExpression: $_promotionExpression');
if (!identical(_trueFactsForPromotionExpression, _currentFacts)) {
print(' if true: '
'${factChain(_trueFactsForPromotionExpression).join(' -> ')}');
/// Records that after the evaluation of [expression], the facts will be
/// [ifTrue] on a branch where the expression evaluated to `true`.
void _recordPromotionExpression(
Expression expression, TypePromotionFact ifTrue) {
_promotionExpression = expression;
_trueFactsForPromotionExpression = ifTrue;
/// A single fact which is known to the type promotion engine about the state of
/// a variable (or about the flow control of the component).
/// The type argument V represents is the class which represents local variable
/// declarations.
/// Facts are linked together into linked lists via the [previous] pointer into
/// a data structure called a "fact chain" (or sometimes a "fact state"), which
/// represents all facts that are known to hold at a certain point in the
/// component.
/// The fact is said to "apply" to a given point in the execution of the
/// component if the fact is part of the current fact state at the point the
/// parser reaches that point in the component.
/// Note: just because a fact "applies" to a given point in the execution of
/// the component doesn't mean a type will be promoted--it simply means that
/// the fact was deduced at a previous point in the straight line execution of
/// the code. It's possible that the fact will be overshadowed by a later
/// fact, or its effect will be cancelled by a later assignment. The final
/// determination of whether promotion occurs is left to [_computePromotedType].
abstract class TypePromotionFact {
/// The variable this fact records information about, or `null` if this fact
/// records information about general flow control.
final VariableDeclaration variable;
/// The fact chain that was in effect prior to execution of the statement or
/// expression that caused this fact to be true.
final TypePromotionFact previous;
/// Integer associated with this fact. Each time a fact is created it is
/// given a sequence number one greater than the previously generated fact.
/// This simplifies the algorithm for finding the common ancestor of two
/// facts; we repeatedly walk backward the fact with the larger sequence
/// number until the sequence numbers are the same.
final int sequenceNumber;
/// The most recent fact appearing in the fact chain [previous] whose
/// [variable] matches this one, or `null` if there is no such fact.
final TypePromotionFact previousForVariable;
/// The function nesting level of the expression that led to this fact.
final int functionNestingLevel;
/// Indicates whether this fact's variable was accessed inside a closure
/// within the scope the fact applies to.
bool _accessedInClosureInScope = false;
TypePromotionFact(this.sequenceNumber, this.variable, this.previous,
this.previousForVariable, this.functionNestingLevel);
/// Computes the promoted type for [variable] at a location in the code where
/// this fact applies.
/// [scope] is the scope containing the read that might be promoted, and
/// [mutationScopes] is the set of scopes in which the variable is mutated, or
/// `null` if the variable isn't mutated anywhere.
/// Should not be called until after parsing of the entire method is complete.
DartType _computePromotedType(TypePromoterImpl promoter,
TypePromotionScope scope, Iterable<TypePromotionScope> mutationScopes);
/// Records the fact that the variable referenced by [fact] was accessed
/// within the given scope, at the given function nesting level.
/// If `null` is passed in for [fact], there is no effect.
static void _recordAccessedInScope(TypePromotionFact fact,
TypePromotionScope scope, int functionNestingLevel) {
// TODO(paulberry): make some integration test cases that exercise the
// behaviors of this function. In particular verify that it's correct to
// test functionNestingLevel against fact.functionNestingLevel (as opposed
// to testing it against getVariableFunctionNestingLevel(variable)).
while (fact != null) {
if (functionNestingLevel > fact.functionNestingLevel) {
if (fact._accessedInClosureInScope) {
// The variable has already been accessed in a closure in the scope of
// the current promotion (and this, any enclosing promotions), so
// no further information needs to be updated.
fact._accessedInClosureInScope = true;
fact = fact.previousForVariable;
/// Represents a contiguous block of program text in which variables may or may
/// not be promoted. Also used as a stack to keep track of state while the
/// method is being parsed.
class TypePromotionScope {
/// The nesting depth of this scope. The outermost scope (representing the
/// whole method body) has a depth of 0.
final int _depth;
/// The [TypePromotionScope] representing the scope enclosing this one.
final TypePromotionScope _enclosing;
TypePromotionScope(this._enclosing) : _depth = _enclosing._depth + 1;
const TypePromotionScope._topLevel()
: _enclosing = null,
_depth = 0;
/// Determines whether this scope completely encloses (or is the same as)
/// [other].
bool containsScope(TypePromotionScope other) {
if (this._depth > other._depth) {
// We can't possibly contain a scope if we are at greater nesting depth
// than it is.
return false;
while (this._depth < other._depth) {
other = other._enclosing;
return identical(this, other);
/// [TypePromotionScope] representing the "then" and "else" bodies of an "if"
/// statement or conditional expression.
class _ConditionalScope extends TypePromotionScope {
/// The fact state in effect at the top of the "else" block.
final TypePromotionFact beforeElse;
_ConditionalScope(TypePromotionScope enclosing, this.beforeElse)
: super(enclosing);
/// [TypePromotionFact] representing an "is" check which succeeded.
class _IsCheck extends TypePromotionFact {
/// The type appearing on the right hand side of "is".
final DartType checkedType;
/// List of the scopes in which a mutation to the variable would block
/// promotion.
final List<TypePromotionScope> _blockingScopes;
int sequenceNumber,
VariableDeclaration variable,
TypePromotionFact previous,
TypePromotionFact previousForVariable,
int functionNestingLevel,
: super(sequenceNumber, variable, previous, previousForVariable,
String toString() => 'isCheck($checkedType)';
DartType _computePromotedType(TypePromoterImpl promoter,
TypePromotionScope scope, Iterable<TypePromotionScope> mutationScopes) {
DartType previousPromotedType = previousForVariable?._computePromotedType(
promoter, scope, mutationScopes);
if (mutationScopes != null) {
// If the variable was mutated somewhere in a that blocks the promotion,
// promotion does not occur.
for (TypePromotionScope blockingScope in _blockingScopes) {
for (TypePromotionScope mutationScope in mutationScopes) {
if (blockingScope.containsScope(mutationScope)) {
return previousPromotedType;
// If the variable was mutated anywhere, and it was accessed inside a
// closure somewhere in the scope of the potential promotion, promotion
// does not occur.
if (_accessedInClosureInScope) {
return previousPromotedType;
// What we do now depends on the relationship between the previous type of
// the variable and the type we are checking against.
DartType previousType = previousPromotedType ?? variable.type;
if (promoter.typeSchemaEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(
checkedType, previousType, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// The type we are checking against is a subtype of the previous type of
// the variable, so this is a refinement; we can promote.
return checkedType;
} else if (previousType is TypeParameterType &&
previousType.bound, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// The type we are checking against is a subtype of the bound of the
// previous type of the variable; we can promote the bound.
return new TypeParameterType.intersection(
previousType.parameter, previousType.nullability, checkedType);
} else {
// The types aren't sufficiently related; we can't promote.
return previousPromotedType;
/// [TypePromotionScope] representing the RHS of a logical expression.
class _LogicalScope extends TypePromotionScope {
/// Indicates whether the logical operation is an `&&` or an `||`.
final bool isAnd;
/// The fact state in effect if the logical expression gets short-cut.
final TypePromotionFact shortcutFacts;
_LogicalScope(TypePromotionScope enclosing, this.isAnd, this.shortcutFacts)
: super(enclosing);
/// Instance of [TypePromotionFact] representing the facts which are known on
/// entry to the method (i.e. nothing).
class _NullFact extends TypePromotionFact {
_NullFact() : super(0, null, null, null, 0);
String toString() => 'null';
DartType _computePromotedType(TypePromoter promoter, TypePromotionScope scope,
Iterable<TypePromotionScope> mutationScopes) {
throw new StateError('Tried to create promoted type for no variable');
/// Instance of [TypePromotionScope] representing the entire method body.
class _TopLevelScope extends TypePromotionScope {
const _TopLevelScope() : super._topLevel();