blob: 7fa7ddca0e9eecb3f85f0806a8875d5241c72eb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Checks for static errors related to parameters for methods.
library js_parameters_static_test;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class Foo {
external int singleNamedArg({int? a});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
external int mixedNamedArgs(int a, {int? b});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
class Bar {
external static int singleNamedArg({int? a});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
external static int mixedNamedArgs(int a, {int? b});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
external int singleNamedArg({int? a});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
external int mixedNamedArgs(int a, {int? b});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
class Baz {
external int singleNamedArg({int? a});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
external int mixedNamedArgs(int a, {int? b});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
abstract class Qux {
external int singleNamedArg({int? a});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
external int mixedNamedArgs(int a, {int? b});
// ^
// [web] Named parameters for JS interop functions are only allowed in a factory constructor of an @anonymous JS class.
main() {}