blob: c280da3019638ee9da142a30bed312aeb320aa20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Requirements=nnbd-weak
/// Test string representations of legacy types accessed from a null safe
/// library.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "runtime_type_function_helper.dart";
import "runtime_type_function_legacy_lib.dart";
main() {
// Types that do not use class names - these can be checked on dart2js in
// minified mode.
check(fn('dynamic', ''), legacyMain); // Top-level tear-off.
check(fn('void', ''),; // Class static member tear-off.
check(fn('void', 'Object'), new MyList().add); // Instance tear-off.
check(fn('int', ''), () => 1); // closure.
var s = new Xyzzy().runtimeType.toString();
if (s.length <= 3) return; // dart2js --minify has minified names.
Expect.equals('Xyzzy', s, 'runtime type of plain class prints as class name');
check(fn('void', 'String, dynamic'), check);
// Class static member tear-offs.
check(fn('String', 'String, [String, dynamic]'), Xyzzy.opt);
check(fn('String', 'String', {'a': 'String', 'b': 'dynamic'}), Xyzzy.nam);
// Instance method tear-offs.
check(fn('void', 'Object'), new MyList<String>().add);
check(fn('void', 'Object'), new MyList<int>().add);
check(fn('void', 'int'), new Xyzzy().intAdd);
check(fn('String', 'Object'), new G<String, int>().foo);
// Instance method with function parameter.
var string2int = fn('int', 'String');
check(fn('String', 'Object'), new G<String, int>().moo);
check(fn('String', '$string2int'), new G<String, int>().higherOrder);