blob: 3ca5bc3882fb88a17623a993acb8d6cd2a5dd1f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=nonfunction-type-aliases
// Test that private names exported via public typedefs can be used as mixins.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "private_name_library.dart";
// Class that mixes in a private mixin via a public name.
class Derived0 with PublicMixin {}
void test0() {
// Test that the Derived0 class receives the PublicMixin methods.
PublicMixin p = Derived0();
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, p.mixinMethod());
// The private mixin method is accessible in the original library.
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, callPrivateMixinMethod(p));
// The private mixin method is not accessible in this library.
Expect.throwsNoSuchMethodError(() => (p as dynamic)._privateMixinMethod());
// Class that mixes in a private mixin via a public name and overrides the
// PublicMixin methods.
class Derived1 with PublicMixin {
int mixinMethod() => publicLibrarySentinel;
int _privateMixinMethod() => publicLibrarySentinel;
void test1() {
// Test that the mixed in methods have been overriden correctly, and that the
// private methods from the two libraries resolve correctly.
var p = Derived1();
Expect.equals(publicLibrarySentinel, p.mixinMethod());
// The overriding private mixin method is accessible in this library.
Expect.equals(publicLibrarySentinel, p._privateMixinMethod());
// The original private mixin method is accessible in the other library.
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, callPrivateMixinMethod(p));
class _Derived2 extends PublicClass {}
// This class mixes a private super-mixin onto a subclass of a private class,
// and also defines new library private members with the same textual name as
// private members defined in the other library.
class Derived2 extends _Derived2 with PublicSuperMixin {
int _privateMixinMethod() => publicLibrarySentinel;
int _privateInstanceMethod() => publicLibrarySentinel;
void test2() {
// Test that the super-mixin methods resolve correctly.
var p = Derived2();
PublicSuperMixin _ = p; // Check assignability
PublicClass __ = p; // Check assignability
// The mixin and instance methods are accessible.
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, p.mixinMethod());
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, p.instanceMethod());
// The original private mixin and instance methods are accessible in the
// original library.
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, callPrivateSuperMixinMethod(p));
Expect.equals(privateLibrarySentinel, callPrivateInstanceMethod(p));
// The new private mixin and instance methods are acessible in this library.
Expect.equals(publicLibrarySentinel, p._privateMixinMethod());
Expect.equals(publicLibrarySentinel, p._privateInstanceMethod());
void main() {