blob: d561457b9e2b4cf696ad1102160a975fa912fede [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class A {
static late int sf1;
static late final int sf2;
static late final int sf3 = recursiveInitSf3();
static bool doRecursiveInitSf3 = true;
static int recursiveInitSf3() {
if (doRecursiveInitSf3) {
doRecursiveInitSf3 = false;
return sf3; // Trigger initialization recursively.
return 3;
late int f1;
late final int f2;
late final int f3 = recursiveInitF3();
bool doRecursiveInitF3 = true;
int recursiveInitF3() {
if (doRecursiveInitF3) {
doRecursiveInitF3 = false;
return f3; // Trigger initialization recursively.
return 3;
bool isValidError(error, String message) =>
(error is Error && 'LateInitializationError: $message' == error.toString());
main() {
// Static fields.
Expect.throws(() => A.sf1,
(e) => isValidError(e, "Field 'sf1' has not been initialized."));
Expect.throws(() => A.sf2,
(e) => isValidError(e, "Field 'sf2' has not been initialized."));
A.sf2 = 42;
Expect.throws(() {
A.sf2 = 2;
}, (e) => isValidError(e, "Field 'sf2' has already been initialized."));
() => A.sf3,
(e) => isValidError(
e, "Field 'sf3' has been assigned during initialization."));
// Instance fields.
A obj = A();
Expect.throws(() => obj.f1,
(e) => isValidError(e, "Field 'f1' has not been initialized."));
Expect.throws(() => obj.f2,
(e) => isValidError(e, "Field 'f2' has not been initialized."));
obj.f2 = 42;
Expect.throws(() {
obj.f2 = 2;
}, (e) => isValidError(e, "Field 'f2' has already been initialized."));
() => obj.f3,
(e) => isValidError(
e, "Field 'f3' has been assigned during initialization."));
// Local variables.
late int local1;
late final int local2;
late int Function() recursiveInitLocal3;
late final int local3 = recursiveInitLocal3();
bool doRecursiveInitLocal3 = true;
recursiveInitLocal3 = () {
if (doRecursiveInitLocal3) {
doRecursiveInitLocal3 = false;
return local3; // Trigger initialization recursively.
return 3;
// Avoid compile-time error "Late variable 'local1' without initializer is
// definitely unassigned."
if (int.parse('1') == 2) {
local1 = -1;
Expect.throws(() => local1,
(e) => isValidError(e, "Local 'local1' has not been initialized."));
Expect.throws(() => local2,
(e) => isValidError(e, "Local 'local2' has not been initialized."));
// Assignment is conditional to avoid compile-time error "Late final variable
// 'local2' definitely assigned."
if (int.parse('1') == 1) {
local2 = 42;
Expect.throws(() {
local2 = 2;
}, (e) => isValidError(e, "Local 'local2' has already been initialized."));
() => local3,
(e) => isValidError(
e, "Local 'local3' has been assigned during initialization."));