blob: 28fa0dc837a696ba5d36f3ebc88a39d1e64c6f41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
void testCallsToGenericFn() {
T f<T>(T a, T b) => ((a as dynamic) + b) as T;
var x = (f as dynamic)<int>(40, 2);
Expect.equals(x, 42);
var y = (f as dynamic)<String>('hi', '!');
Expect.equals(y, 'hi!');
var dd2d = (x, y) => x;
dd2d = f; // implicit <dynamic>
x = (dd2d as dynamic)(40, 2);
Expect.equals(x, 42);
y = (dd2d as dynamic)('hi', '!');
Expect.equals(y, 'hi!');
void testGenericFnAsArg() {
h<T>(a) => a as T;
Object foo(f(Object a), Object a) => f(a);
Expect.throws(() => foo(h as dynamic, 42));
var int2int = (int x) => x;
T bar<T>(x) => x as T;
dynamic list = <Object>[1, 2, 3];
Expect.throws(() =>;
int2int = bar;
Expect.listEquals([1, 2, 3],;
typedef T2T = T Function<T>(T t);
void testGenericFnAsGenericFnArg() {
h<T>(a) => a as T;
S foo<S>(T2T f, S a) => f<S>(a);
Expect.equals(foo<int>(h, 42), 42);
Expect.equals(foo<dynamic>(h, 42), 42);
Expect.equals(foo<int>(h as dynamic, 42), 42);
Expect.equals(foo<dynamic>(h as dynamic, 42), 42);
void testGenericFnTypeToString() {
T f<T>(T a) => a;
f.runtimeType.toString().contains(RegExp(r'<(\w+)>\(\1\) => \1')));
main() {
testGenericFnTypeToString(); //# 01: ok