blob: 5ae912e81d0baa0b4698bff409c298eb1ecb024b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.share_interceptors;
import 'optimizers.dart';
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'loop_hierarchy.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
/// Removes redundant `getInterceptor` calls.
/// The pass performs three optimizations for interceptors:
///- pull interceptors out of loops
///- replace interceptors with constants
///- share interceptors when one is in scope of the other
class ShareInterceptors extends RecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Share interceptors';
/// The innermost loop containing a given primitive.
final Map<Primitive, Continuation> loopHeaderFor =
<Primitive, Continuation>{};
/// An interceptor currently in scope for a given primitive.
final Map<Primitive, Primitive> interceptorFor =
<Primitive, Primitive>{};
/// A primitive currently in scope holding a given interceptor constant.
final Map<ConstantValue, Primitive> sharedConstantFor =
<ConstantValue, Primitive>{};
/// Interceptors to be hoisted out of the given loop.
final Map<Continuation, List<Primitive>> loopHoistedInterceptors =
<Continuation, List<Primitive>>{};
LoopHierarchy loopHierarchy;
Continuation currentLoopHeader;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
loopHierarchy = new LoopHierarchy(node);
Expression traverseContinuation(Continuation cont) {
Continuation oldLoopHeader = currentLoopHeader;
pushAction(() {
currentLoopHeader = oldLoopHeader;
currentLoopHeader = loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(cont);
for (Parameter param in cont.parameters) {
loopHeaderFor[param] = currentLoopHeader;
if (cont.isRecursive) {
pushAction(() {
// After the loop body has been processed, all interceptors hoisted
// to this loop fall out of scope and should be removed from the
// environment.
List<Primitive> hoisted = loopHoistedInterceptors[cont];
if (hoisted != null) {
for (Primitive interceptor in hoisted) {
if (interceptor is Interceptor) {
Primitive input = interceptor.input.definition;
assert(interceptorFor[input] == interceptor);
} else if (interceptor is Constant) {
assert(sharedConstantFor[interceptor.value] == interceptor);
} else {
throw "Unexpected interceptor: $interceptor";
return cont.body;
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
loopHeaderFor[node.primitive] = currentLoopHeader;
Expression next = node.body;
if (node.primitive is! Interceptor) {
return next;
Interceptor interceptor = node.primitive;
Primitive input = interceptor.input.definition;
// Try to reuse an existing interceptor for the same input.
Primitive existing = interceptorFor[input];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing is Interceptor) {
return next;
// There is no interceptor obtained from this particular input, but
// there might one obtained from another input that is known to
// have the same result, so try to reuse that.
InterceptorConstantValue constant = interceptor.constantValue;
if (constant != null) {
existing = sharedConstantFor[constant];
if (existing != null) {
return next;
// The interceptor could not be shared. Replace it with a constant.
Constant constantPrim = new Constant(constant);
node.primitive = constantPrim;
constantPrim.hint = interceptor.hint;
constantPrim.type = interceptor.type;
sharedConstantFor[constant] = constantPrim;
} else {
interceptorFor[input] = interceptor;
// Determine the outermost loop where the input to the interceptor call
// is available. Constant interceptors take no input and can thus be
// hoisted all way to the top-level.
Continuation referencedLoop = constant != null
? null
: lowestCommonAncestor(loopHeaderFor[input], currentLoopHeader);
if (referencedLoop != currentLoopHeader) {
// [referencedLoop] contains the binding for [input], so we cannot hoist
// the interceptor outside that loop. Find the loop nested one level
// inside referencedLoop, and hoist the interceptor just outside that one.
Continuation loop = currentLoopHeader;
Continuation enclosing = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(loop);
while (enclosing != referencedLoop) {
assert(loop != null);
loop = enclosing;
enclosing = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(loop);
assert(loop != null);
// Move the LetPrim above the loop binding.
LetCont loopBinding = loop.parent;
// A different loop now contains the interceptor.
loopHeaderFor[node.primitive] = enclosing;
// Register the interceptor as hoisted to that loop, so it will be
// removed from the environment when it falls out of scope.
.putIfAbsent(loop, () => <Primitive>[])
} else if (constant != null) {
// The LetPrim was not hoisted. Remove the bound interceptor from the
// environment when leaving the LetPrim body.
pushAction(() {
assert(sharedConstantFor[constant] == node.primitive);
} else {
pushAction(() {
assert(interceptorFor[input] == node.primitive);
return next;
/// Returns the the innermost loop that effectively encloses both
/// c1 and c2 (or `null` if there is no such loop).
Continuation lowestCommonAncestor(Continuation c1, Continuation c2) {
int d1 = getDepth(c1), d2 = getDepth(c2);
while (c1 != c2) {
if (d1 <= d2) {
c2 = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(c2);
d2 = getDepth(c2);
} else {
c1 = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(c1);
d1 = getDepth(c1);
return c1;
int getDepth(Continuation loop) {
if (loop == null) return -1;
return loopHierarchy.loopDepth[loop];