blob: afea3976dee6bb0de887eee47d1d8de6b271ba79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library cps_ir.optimization.insert_refinements;
import 'optimizers.dart' show Pass;
import 'shrinking_reductions.dart' show ParentVisitor;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import '../types/constants.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../common/names.dart';
import '../universe/universe.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import 'type_mask_system.dart';
/// Inserts [Refinement] nodes in the IR to allow for sparse path-sensitive
/// type analysis in the [TypePropagator] pass.
/// Refinement nodes are inserted at the arms of a [Branch] node with a
/// condition of form `x is T` or `x == null`.
/// Refinement nodes are inserted after a method invocation to refine the
/// receiver to the types that can respond to the given selector.
class InsertRefinements extends RecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Insert refinement nodes';
final TypeMaskSystem types;
/// Maps unrefined primitives to its refinement currently in scope (if any).
final Map<Primitive, Refinement> refinementFor = <Primitive, Refinement>{};
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
new ParentVisitor().visit(node);
/// Updates references to refer to the refinement currently in scope.
void processReference(Reference node) {
Refinement refined = refinementFor[node.definition];
if (refined != null) {
/// Sinks the binding of [cont] to immediately above [use].
/// This is used to ensure that everything in scope at [use] is also in scope
/// inside [cont], so refinements can be inserted inside [cont] without
/// accidentally referencing a primitive out of scope.
/// It is always safe to do this for single-use continuations, because
/// strictly more things are in scope at the use site, and there can't be any
/// other use of [cont] that might fall out of scope since there is only
/// that single use.
void sinkContinuationToUse(Continuation cont, Expression use) {
assert(cont.hasExactlyOneUse && cont.firstRef.parent == use);
LetCont let = cont.parent;
InteriorNode useParent = use.parent;
if (useParent == let) return;
if (let.continuations.length > 1) {
// Create a new LetCont binding only this continuation.
let = new LetCont(cont, null);
cont.parent = let;
} else {
let.remove(); // Reuse the existing LetCont.
Primitive unfoldInterceptor(Primitive prim) {
return prim is Interceptor ? prim.input.definition : prim;
/// Enqueues [cont] for processing in a context where [refined] is the
/// current refinement for its value.
void pushRefinement(Continuation cont, Refinement refined) {
Primitive value = refined.effectiveDefinition;
Primitive currentRefinement = refinementFor[value];
pushAction(() {
refinementFor[value] = currentRefinement;
if (refined.hasNoUses) {
// Clean up refinements that are not used.
} else {
LetPrim let = new LetPrim(refined);
refined.parent = let;
pushAction(() {
refinementFor[value] = refined;
void visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
Continuation cont = node.continuation.definition;
// Update references to their current refined values.
// If the call is intercepted, we want to refine the actual receiver,
// not the interceptor.
Primitive receiver = unfoldInterceptor(node.receiver.definition);
// Sink the continuation to the call to ensure everything in scope
// here is also in scope inside the continuations.
sinkContinuationToUse(cont, node);
if (node.selector.isClosureCall) {
// Do not try to refine the receiver of closure calls; the class world
// does not know about closure classes.
} else {
// Filter away receivers that throw on this selector.
TypeMask type = types.receiverTypeFor(node.selector, node.mask);
pushRefinement(cont, new Refinement(receiver, type));
CallExpression getCallWithResult(Primitive prim) {
if (prim is Parameter && prim.parent is Continuation) {
Continuation cont = prim.parent;
if (cont.hasExactlyOneUse && cont.firstRef.parent is CallExpression) {
return cont.firstRef.parent;
return null;
bool isTrue(Primitive prim) {
return prim is Constant && prim.value.isTrue;
void visitBranch(Branch node) {
Primitive condition = node.condition.definition;
CallExpression call = getCallWithResult(condition);
Continuation trueCont = node.trueContinuation.definition;
Continuation falseCont = node.falseContinuation.definition;
// Sink both continuations to the Branch to ensure everything in scope
// here is also in scope inside the continuations.
sinkContinuationToUse(trueCont, node);
sinkContinuationToUse(falseCont, node);
// If the condition is an 'is' check, promote the checked value.
if (condition is TypeTest) {
Primitive value = condition.value.definition;
TypeMask type = types.subtypesOf(condition.dartType);
Primitive refinedValue = new Refinement(value, type);
pushRefinement(trueCont, refinedValue);
// If the condition is comparison with a constant, promote the other value.
// This can happen either for calls to `==` or `identical` calls, such
// as the ones inserted by the unsugaring pass.
void refineEquality(Primitive first,
Primitive second,
Continuation trueCont,
Continuation falseCont) {
if (second is Constant && second.value.isNull) {
Refinement refinedTrue = new Refinement(first, types.nullType);
Refinement refinedFalse = new Refinement(first, types.nonNullType);
pushRefinement(trueCont, refinedTrue);
pushRefinement(falseCont, refinedFalse);
} else if (first is Constant && first.value.isNull) {
Refinement refinedTrue = new Refinement(second, types.nullType);
Refinement refinedFalse = new Refinement(second, types.nonNullType);
pushRefinement(trueCont, refinedTrue);
pushRefinement(falseCont, refinedFalse);
} else {
if (call is InvokeMethod && call.selector == Selectors.equals) {
if (condition is ApplyBuiltinOperator &&
condition.operator == BuiltinOperator.Identical) {
Expression traverseLetCont(LetCont node) {
for (Continuation cont in node.continuations) {
if (cont.hasExactlyOneUse &&
(cont.firstRef.parent is InvokeMethod ||
cont.firstRef.parent is Branch)) {
// Do not push the continuation here.
// visitInvokeMethod and visitBranch will do that.
} else {
return node.body;