blob: 86a21bd10afd65ab064488a894d3c5613006af02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.common.resolution;
import '../compiler.dart' show
import '../dart_types.dart' show
import '../elements/elements.dart' show
import '../enqueue.dart' show
import '../tree/tree.dart' show
import 'registry.dart' show
import 'work.dart' show
/// [WorkItem] used exclusively by the [ResolutionEnqueuer].
class ResolutionWorkItem extends WorkItem {
bool _isAnalyzed = false;
ResolutionWorkItem(AstElement element,
ItemCompilationContext compilationContext)
: super(element, compilationContext);
WorldImpact run(Compiler compiler, ResolutionEnqueuer world) {
WorldImpact impact = compiler.analyze(this, world);
_isAnalyzed = true;
return impact;
bool get isAnalyzed => _isAnalyzed;
/// Backend callbacks function specific to the resolution phase.
class ResolutionCallbacks {
/// Register that an assert has been seen.
void onAssert(bool hasMessage, Registry registry) {}
/// Register that an 'await for' has been seen.
void onAsyncForIn(AsyncForIn node, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program uses string interpolation.
void onStringInterpolation(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a catch statement.
void onCatchStatement(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program explicitly throws an exception.
void onThrowExpression(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a global variable with a lazy initializer.
void onLazyField(Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program uses a type variable as an expression.
void onTypeVariableExpression(Registry registry,
TypeVariableElement variable) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program uses a type literal.
void onTypeLiteral(DartType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a catch statement with a stack trace.
void onStackTraceInCatch(Registry registry) {}
/// Register an is check to the backend.
void onIsCheck(DartType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Called during resolution to notify to the backend that the
/// program has a for-in loop.
void onSyncForIn(Registry registry) {}
/// Register an as check to the backend.
void onAsCheck(DartType type, Registry registry) {}
/// Registers that a type variable bounds check might occur at runtime.
void onTypeVariableBoundCheck(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw a [NoSuchMethodError].
void onThrowNoSuchMethod(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw a [RuntimeError].
void onThrowRuntimeError(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application has a compile time error.
void onCompileTimeError(Registry registry, ErroneousElement error) {}
/// Register that the application may throw an
/// [AbstractClassInstantiationError].
void onAbstractClassInstantiation(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application may throw a [FallThroughError].
void onFallThroughError(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that a super call will end up calling
/// [: super.noSuchMethod :].
void onSuperNoSuchMethod(Registry registry) {}
/// Register that the application creates a constant map.
void onMapLiteral(Registry registry, DartType type, bool isConstant) {}
/// Called when resolving the `Symbol` constructor.
void onSymbolConstructor(Registry registry) {}
/// Called when resolving a prefix or postfix expression.
void onIncDecOperation(Registry registry) {}